Candidates Box Loclu firt TO Tonight Result Tomorrow! ? Kepreeentlng the St* Judgee at the cloae of the European tour cob tot Ult night wore Mr. J. K. Hojrt, Re*- J. A. Sullivan end Mr. B T. Bow ere. Theeo gentlemen took the ballot box In ouetodr promptly at 10 o'clock. The box wae eeejidaeourelr br Mr. Hojrt, Re*. Mr. Sullivan waa made custodian of the kera, and Mr. Bowera, accompanied by the other two geatlemmi, took It to a plaoe of ^ akoolute eafety (ram where It wIU Ht bo removed until I o'eloek thle ovealag when the Owl mat will be begun U the directors' room of the First National Hank. Tha fa tea of thoec asrers) young aim who for tha paat eight ?Oil hare been battling steadily aad earaeetly for membership la the Dally News' party of Baropsan tour ists, aaw vast with the committee of Mpa. Tha aaaaea af tha fortaaats tbree who hate bean rtctorloua ta this short, Interesting coateat, will ha haawi . now wtthla a few abort abara. la the meantime the waiua* caatsstants and (heir anxious friends tha public, are eagerly awnltlag the ae*e of the final reaulta. a - At promptly ten o'clock taat even tag. according to the rules announc ed. tbe ballot box. containing the haal bepea of all conteatanta waa ???111 and turned over to the Judges. TMa evening at S o'clock the com mlttae will reconvene to make the tnal aount and verify ai^apeolsl bal ~~CU T*a reeulta of thla- cbdht wm not 4m giran oat until tomorrow al tera oon'a iaaue of (he Dally Newa la off the prees containing the fall de tails ot the cloalng houra' work la the big exciting con teat. T%nt many wonderful aurprlaaa are la atore there la no question There la every evidence that there waa a wonderful maaa of aubacrlptlona and j reserve baQota turned in, yet It la Impeaaible even to make a rough aatlante of what the higbeat vote aay reach. Bat toaorrow?tomor row wo shall know an. That ballot box now in the custo dy of tbe Judges oontalas success, victory sad reward for a few?fail ure and perhape pretty bitter dtsap peiatmeat for many. To those who are successful, the Daily News aad the sea test manager take this oppor tunity of extending heartiest con j grst slat tons in advance,?coagratu latieos on determination, energy and popularity. To thoae who hare tried bwt failed, ws can but offer this con sols tips: Every victory lost prepar es thst much better for suoesss In future atrugglea, whether they bo In Bait yean contests, or ths contests of every day life. It hss taught gen ' erafshlp to a wonderful extent* it has proves that your friends number fsr onUininc Fin*1 "OI*V2f din Secret Safe By O-im Determine Winner3 Will \nnounced in Daily News sore than you had rw? ight ?.*. t?g?h? '?> tw? Ur, friendly atruggle Have " ?njoyable. And' nil *?* * ??oa >ld world wlrt mnay thlnge graat ,r !U> contort* V) win. ma:.y more rr > ThOM WllO h*T* low ?* we" ** bo* Who ha?e woo. will recuse th. ?,gr.tulatlo.? ? tfcrtr ?w [rieada on th. good campaign thay nade lor Tletory. and on th. ener [7 they Usplejei. Xad ra-wnhar?"Oalaat atwefui , Kti la better than th. tonrela of rMtorr/ whll. Tie ???" th* rietw oetahlaa iha crown of gold, gf. might inot. a tot mora of tbrte ,ut wa'-re nil reed 'em b.fore ?o here'. n? ma That tha coabeet has b*n fair aad tonorabl. throughout, there can h. M duaatloo. Bach candidate haa >.?> earneet in 1-r mi~W. *** jot one Mat of unfair competition las beon reported to ?Ba oootaat naaagar. That the Daily Newa sad he coataat mnhager hare acted W? , and honeetrr In thia matte- with mrtMttr to none and aqua1 farora 0 all. may be hotter left to Ua com nltta. of indaee .to aay. thh wari.Ts. Although it "111 probably bo ?v .ral daya jret before the w ctrrtail. *Of ??-ftact SwnSr"W labacrlptlona procured th' mg!i the ifTorta of tha eontaMsnt". *? may lay at this time that th. number by fcr exceeds oar early and suateat upectatlons. Tha contest lias b-vn 1 wonderful success, both Snanclally ind from tha standpoint of anbecrlp-. Ions and tha PUBLIC PHOBW , ? The public profits as well is does. .he News. Tha adTertiaere proflt. jecausa they kare a larger circuia ione of their ada.Ttlewn.nt.; tha readers profit, becavm. Increased lubacrlptlona and loereaaed adrertle- ( ng enable. ?? to glT? them more or their money than aver before. thank oontsotawts For aU of thla th. JJaiiy Newa eels deeply grateful to the coateet lota who hare made this succeaa possible, and to tha public for Ita sarnest aupport of thla rte News appreciate, the 'act that .he prises ottered are well worth the rfforts made by the winner., and we ire moat certain that those young women who are winner, will en or of th. moat delightful trip. Im "xh.'countrto. to be TUitod are of the greateet world powere. CStHK dally some it?m to added toj Men's Spring Needle and Fleeced Lined Underwear 48c. the Garment " j..j n. Tk? ant time?patronlu the up-; to*d?te Moving Picture Show?th? Disc. where you can spend the time most oroBUbly,'?njor yourself tbtflS 0U?klT. ?? nXTOSY FTOKKKlt ? (Dreaatle.) ? ? ? RBKVNCIATION (Vltecnpt). Dni iMm muiiuui u\ omL CAUSE EXCITEMENT: Asbury Park, N. J.. Nov. 14. This city and neighborhood were In a ferment of excitement today over the unearthing of one of the moat brutal arlmm In the history of Monmouth eounty, revealed when the mutilated body of nine-year-old Mary Smith, who had been mining from her borne for four days, was discov ered in the wood* near her home. Thomas Williams, a negro, la held on suspicion. . , , v Marie Smith was a pupil at the Bradley school which she left for her homo in mid-forenoon Wednesday last. She waa not again seen alive. Searching parties hunted valnl/ fcr days In the wodtfs nearby. Yester day the body of the child was found half hidden by drifting autumn leas - es not far from her home. Evidenc es of a struggle w?r? all around. Ttore waa a deep gash In the little girl's bead, which had evidently Loen Inflicted with aa axe or similar besvy instrument. Her body was other wise disfigured and It was evidently that she had been mlatreated The girl's mother collapsed when ?he saw the body and la In a critical condition. The police were told that Williams had been chopping wdod In ?he vicin ity that morning. When they went to question him he had disappeared. Last night, however, he was located and arrested In bla home /sbury Par*. A bloody towel found on the prom-1 ises was seized for evidence s was an axe, which WUlisms had used in his wood chopping Williams denied any knowledge fct the crime arii gave a detailed txf count of his movements on tho day of Its occurrence which' the police Jare Investigating. I Can Return in Timei ADVANTAGE SHOULD BK TAK EN OP THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY EVER OFFERED THE CITIZENS OF BKAFORT COUNTY AND EAST ERN CAROLINA TO WITNESS AN | EXHIBITION OF A FLYING MA CHINE. 'IfcfW THIS DEMONSTRATION WILL BE IN RALEIGH NOVEMBER IflTH and J7TH. Persons so desir ing CAN OO TO RALEIGH. WIT NESS THE FI.lf.HT8 AND RETURN TO RE AT THE CORN SHOW IN WASHINGTON ON THE I7TH. YOU MAY NEVER RAVE SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY AGAIN. lKiN'T LET THIS ONE PASS. Corn .Yu Washington Market Seed ??' tton. 5.50 " 'nt dge No. !?? A F. and JU tk -will take pteee at their tell this evaglng at 8 ?'clock, a fall attendance of all ambers is desired, .ill tMtkg ?r- oorduilr ImTUatf to b? pr*?- j Atlanta. Qa., Nov. 14.?Unlteo SiAioa Senator Alexander Stephens CUpr of Georgia J ted at the Robert 109 sanitarium here thla afternoon at' S o'clock after an extended ?ll odM. I His death waa aa peaceful aa It fraa audden. He hid been talking with hla aon Herbert a few mlnutea a hen he aaddenly ceased speaking and fell back with a alight gssp. During the morning and afternoon the Senator appeared In better aplr Its tham usual, the attending ptiyel cians stating that he waa apparently recovering from a slight re Is pee of Saturday. 4 \ Mrs. Clay came to Atlanta from their home at Marietta In the morn ing. but when she found the senator BO much Improved, returned to Ma rietta about noon. The only member of the family present st the death bed waa the senator's son, Herbert, whot la mayor of Marietta. According to the physicians Ben ator Clay's death resulted from dila tion Of the heart, superlntendnced by srterlsl sclerosis. The 8enstor has tMen III for ne*rjy a year snd came to the sanitarium here on November 1, to take a rest cure. He appeared to be Improving until Saturday When he suffered a relapse which he, |j^ hla weakened condition was una fhilo stand. body was removed to ihe Clay tatBflt ft Marietta late in the after Moa Where the funeral services will ie held Tuesdsy. Senator Clay was 57 years old and W9M serving bis third term In the United States senate. He is survivea. his wife.JJve sqqs sodfl 4?ug*\UtJ besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Clay of Cobb county. Ralph Smith, Senator Clay's secre ary, wired 8ergesnt-at-Arms Rans tell of the United States senate the ihnouncement of the senator's death tnd a committee will be appointed 'rom the senate to attend the funer j. 1 Mr. Mayo Goo* to Ohio. Mr. Jesse R. Mayo, who was for-, tnerly connected with the Dally! Vews, left this morning over the At lantic Coast Line for Sandusky. Ohio, nrhere he has accepted a position In :he printing business While his raany friends regret to lose him from Washington, they all which him much success in his new home. .Jesse wsb liked by all who knew him. l?onn?ome In Heaven Durno, the entertaining magician, who delighted his audience at the school auditorium last evening, brought many hearty laughs' with a number of clever jokes. One of these had particularly flattering local application. During a rentriio^uia. conversation with a dummy figure, the magician asked if "Willie" would like to go to heaven when he died Willie, who was the dummy, replied first in the sfflrmative. but later changed his mind and said no. that he did not care to go to heaven for | he would be lonesome. Of course this brought forth a burst of mirth. | but the climax came when Willie ex plained his fear of loneliness In the Celestial City by saying thst "there"d be ffebody there but George Wash ington and John Arthur." (Vocifer ous applause!) GOV ERNMKNT Pl'RXIHHKS RKVKXVK GT1TKR FOR MKKT Washington. Nov. 12.?In order to make the North Carotins drain age meeting which meets at Wilm ington November Si to 21 a com plete success, the revenue cuttor Sem lnole has been ordered to Wilming ton to carry delegates downr the Cape Fear river and elsewhere as they may wish to go. | DAHCR. Tkere will be aa after dance night ?:*? to 1 ' > ? Bristol, Vs.. Nov. 14.?As a mult of a family feud growing out of mon ey maters, three members of the Jett family, a wealthy family of | Scott county, Ya., are all seriously shot and Scott Jett. a son, Is fatally I shot. I William Jett. the father, first en gaged In a quarrel with his son, Clar ence Jett. snd ahootlng began. Scott Jett, another eon, heard the shooting and ran to the scene, op ening'fire. His father fired on his second son, Inflicting what 4s regard ed as a fatal wound. No arrests hare been made. The Jett family la one of the wealthiest In Scottt county, the fath er being a brother of the late John W. Jett of this city, a well known Confederate captain and a wealthy cftfsen. who died a few weeks ago. There la great excitement over the ahootlng. TTiaakagHlng I to??Orphan*' Itay 1 The work of the orphanages ot North Carolina appeals most strongly to reason snd to sympathy. These Institutions are worthy of the heart iest support of our people and they have a large place In their intereat and gifts and efforts. At the Thanksgiving season minds snd hearts turn especially toward our orphanage-, and msny are the practical expressions of gratitude made to this cauae by a people rich ly blessed. These lore-prompted gifts to car ry on this blessed work with these lit tie onea surely must be acceptable to God. tbe Father ot Ifc* father less It seems that, here In North Caro lina, Thanksgiving day has been Rpe clally aet apart us "Orphans' Day" and we rejoice that this Is true. The contributions made at thla season help very much Indeed In the sup-,1 port of our various orphanages. We trust that even larger offer ings will be made at this Thanksgiv ing season than ever before to the end that these Institutions may be the better able to perform their ser vice. They need funds for mainten ance for Improvement and for the extension of the work. Has Returned. nev. M. T. Plyler yesterday from New Bern where he addressed the Epworth league of Centenary Metho dlst church |n thst town Sunday ev ening. Ashevllle, Not. 14.?Newi has reached here to a disastrous fire which broke out In Webster, county seat of Jackson county, about 8:11 last Bight, which destroyed much of the town. The flamee, originating In the Webster hotel, rapidly consumed the hotel of tw*?ty rooms, spread to an adjoining drttg store, destroyed the Bank of Tuckggeegie. the dwelUag of Mr. Allison amd was still ragtag at 9 So last night, although It was be lieved at Ust time that he ravages The hotel was valued at about 110,000 and t*S b^nk 9 J.500. The total loss will reach more than 20, 000, with partial Insurance Nathan do^aa's house was also destroyed. A alight wtad blase beyond control of the bucket fanned ( the bucl Sylva and Olllsboro ? ed to for sld. The fire orlglsatlag from a spark alighting In dry Lsavee upon ths roof of Bonnie Castle, a large frame dwelling outside ths Ashevtoe limit*. In the Woolsey section, about firs o'clock, caused the destruction of the building and furniture. The owner, J. C. Moore, was slone at the honse when the Are waa discovered, but the names hsd too grest headway to be checked. There was no water connections and being outslds the city limits the fire department was lielpleas. The house hsd formerly been used as a boarding house snd with tho furn ture was Insured for $0,500. Practi cally nothing waa aaved. KTI1IKK IK OVKR. UNION BUTTONS AKK MflPhATBD New York. Nov. 14.?Four thous and striking expressmen went back to work today wearing their union buttons conspicuously. For the first time in two weeks the 1,100 teama Df the Adama, Wells-Fargo, United States, and American Express Com panies were traveling unhampered In all directions about Manhattan, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken. Slowly the great congestion of freight express pscksges waa being relieved. Much Improved. The condition of Mr. Charles Fleming who has been 111 at the Fowle Memorial Hospital for the past two weeks is considerably better to day. T uesday's Special BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. Tomorrow we will make special prices on all wool Blankets, Eider Down Quilts and Cotton Comforts. Don't fail to see tbem. I 1- - S Bowers-Lewis Co. Uliw*!. ? Ratieat Watch Toworrow'? | ?Hi II iCr B= ??7! | FOUR PER CENT o-o?o ?> We will pay 4 per cent, com pound interest on savings de posits SAVINGS & TRUST CO., [. C . mm mrnrnm