"STOWS iN CAROLINA. SAT UUP AY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 19. 191*. NO. 92 ===== ?!??? I OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA &*? MUUll Of Mellon km been aaiaed by the government aad It to tailed that thongai | Mora an atln arreted ar alreajr In the baa da of ra rotation lata Tka iHate ara reported to .? wall aad large organize^ forre bat tka HU government la ooaMant that It kaa keen waraad In tlat* to prevent tka revolt oa Sandajr. Tka devetopaeata of th? paat (a* anu-Amen drew arkan tka leadere of the ap rlalait demanded that they P>edgd thaaaelaea to tat* part la tha mora ?MBt against Diaz. Tka eetiura of rlflea vara aiada la Mexico City at paaklo, ? Oro. Scorae of arraata bare baaa mad a. Troopa are kald In- readlneea for ?k '*??**< aolck morlnc and aecret police (krone tka country. It la evldeat that a great amount , of mn kaa been spent financing at movenant of the ravolu lt la aatd that Bora than a r~ ?peat for araa It la beHerad In moat quartan in Mexico that the atovement haa been Aaaaced In America by capltallata who-are dlagranUed at Dlas for hla refuaal to grant mtalag conceaalona. Another report had It that A mart caaa bad fnralahad the money upon morad worn knd chll draa a lit of tlM daacer MM lu Pooh ?n and El On, where tin (ttumtlon >? the rrmimt SSS1" elcht o'clook *1 ?l?? 9t (f ft" Mr ud M MIi nl Mr. WU iu* nw wwm mn*? u um tr > t room of tbelr homo *a U th.fr ?a ul ?aitom mci It ??? not dtaoorered u?t? til repaired to their raafoedni roou ror fee alght la aa tetanias ?Hh 'Mr.. Walla Ut? mora las ?ha Dallr Now. eacer tataed the CoUawlac farta: She ?tatea that ah* aad her hoabiuid ana Mr Day were in the tratt room read and that thay heard no noise in the roar room. IV Araey waa placed In a Inrge trtak. Aa entrance was made through one of the windows Into the bedroom. After an entarnoe had keen made the trunk waa broken open and .tn? money wmamalfciroafc. on the inalde of the large one. Tho thieves succeeded la taking one hun dred dollars In currency; one twen ty dollar cold place; one ten dollar gold piece; Are one dollar gold pieces ana*"one silver dollar. There la no clue aa to the guilty parties. Unitee Garments For Misses and Children E. Z. Waist and Vest Combined. This is an elegant combination Garment, one that will appeal to your good judgment. Price 39c. See show window. Jfamea ? THE H/Gh S. CftvtJc ? THE HIGH-ART ~ STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE TFlrst National tftank or , Wo*4taato*-|3tortt Carolina * AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS MOV. 10. 1*19 RESOURCES Lous and Discounts ? - SDMU.M Ovsrdrsfts 4SS.S.1 V. S. Bonds .... IS.tM.M Furniture sod Fixtures . NM.M Due from Bsnks and Cash . 5J,?7?.J4 F!?a Per Cant Fund ? i 1JM.M LIABILITIES Capital y . tlts.MI M Surplus IMN.N Undivided Profits . - - 1,?74.?S Notaa Outstanding - < 2MM.M Due to Banks .... M??.n Deposits - . . . V - 2M.4II.M Bills Redlsconnted - . . , * TIMK CERTIFICATES Four per cent. Certificate of De fljP: P ?. v. yr%> ? MEETING ENDS P?nuroll, PI*.. No*. IV With the rloalni eeeelon at the Miaalaalp pl to I he Atlantic Inland Waterway Convention tkl? ?* tba atoctlon of (h? nut taeetlnir place *?? left to the cucuit** conatt tee, ? dlatlnxulahrd party of men left Ike rtty Congreeeman J H Small ot North Carolina who delivered one of the notable addreaaaa. goee JlrwMIy to hta home a* doee Herbert Kara 8mlth. commlaalonar of corporation* Congresatnan 3 Hampton Moore of Philadelphia who la pnaMeM of the Atlantic Deeper Waterway. Aaaocla tl<?o. left for New Orleane, whan ha la to look Into tke matter ot to* proponi I'anatna canal anal e* poaltlaa In that city Church Services. Raptlat t-harrh?Rev. J. A. Sunday eehool. t it a. o . Mr S. F. Wlllla, Superintendent. Uornlnx worehlp. |i ,a. m.. rier mo? aakject: "Oar Oetkaeiaanp ' Bvealn* worahlp, 11 a. m. aer mon .abject "Not Aahanted ' Sunbeams Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Ladies Aid Society Tuesday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Prayermeetlng Wednesday even ing at 7:3? o'clock. Visitors and strangers are wel fomo to all service*. (ftriaUiui Cburch?Rer. Robert Y. Regular vertices Sunday morning and evening at the usual kours. The Junior Endeavor ?ocletj Bible school, ?. W. PhOllpe.Vf perintendent. meets promptly st 3 o'clock. i All invited to attend any and all services. Seats free. St. Peter's Church. Morning and evening prayer with Fertnon celebrated by the rector. Rev. Nathaniel Harding, Sunday norning and evening. Sunday8chool meets at 3 o'clock, G. K. Willis, Jr., superintendent, .'rood music. All cordially invited. Kree Will Baptist Rev. T. Butler of the Free Will Baptist church, after being absent for two months will' hold services to morrow morning at 11 o'clock and 7 p. m. at the court house. Public Invited. Ptrst l>rc*hyterlan Chorch. On account of the abnenco of the pastor Rev. H. B. Searlght In Tar t>oro, where !?*? <s to assist in the Installation of *"e Rev. J. E. Ballou as pastor of th"i church, there will be only one service in this church tomorrow morning. Sunday school meets at 3 o'clock, Mr. John B. Sparrow, superintend ent. Voting Men'* ChrlMian Vjragoo. There will be a meeting of the Young >fen*s Christian League to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tlie speaker for tomorrow will be Rev. j. A. Sullivan, pastor of the First Baptist church. Those who attend will have a rich treat In store as Rev. Mr. Sul livan Is one of the city's most at tractive platform speakers. An In teresting muslcsl program Is being arranged for the occasion. WILL NOT OOMK HERE Baltimore Md., Nov. Tbct the detuge of pro*?et$ of local btifi ness men and merchants against thol removal of the local lighthouse de partment. in the Custom house had Its effect was demonstrated today when Secretary Boggs of the Merch ant's snd Manufacturers' Associa tion received a letter .from Secretary Nagle ef the Department of Com merce of Labor, denying that tb* government had any intention of removing the local station at this -' \Y C V/tal The news came as a great sur prise to the officials of the associa tion, who thought that the govern oficlals were secretly pre par I to femora the Itehtbouea depart ment to Norfolk. Va. 1 ' * rj% MW LOCATE MISSING V Ashevill,, Ko?. 16?A fprntar AakerUI* duo who la bi tlM Cltr ?b nlSbt brinca ?n I|I|JW!? ,tory which may toad to ions clue u 10 the whereabout* of Mb* JoaaphUe aluco her mkrriwpa' tour to a man named Caaaad ?4 (o be u>rd Oauitaa It nla, I*. Mlaa Hood waa ?> kmiMi and her family hai Mrth ttoy believe, for tor. tb?t this A.herllte man bad f who la w>w of four !>' Alone, Idaho. aan thl. 1*4/ had ? phototraph of tVa iea Ueaau la bar poeaaaalon * Mra Hall waa Urta* a (aw weeka ??o la *> apartment beuae t? th. lltll* aaialec town. aM oaa day a lady paeela* hjr alopped I* hft room ana eeetaf the photecraph laae-'. d lately reeocalaed It aaM ?M Uiw ?an. Then aha explained that her nana waa Joaaphlae Hood. Thla lady not balm acjaanted with the myeterloue dtaapMarance of Mlaa Hood, later Is writing to hor Aahevllla Mead. mantlaaiad tha | acfdant aa an llluatratloa q? haw j ??all tha world really la liter all. ! Tha clue win be leaaatiaJUM. al- ; though the really beitere MM Mlaa Hood aet with foul play laasediaie- ' )y after her marriage. ?? 08 SHIP - %n NEXT TEST ' 5 5 Washington, Nov. 1 S.V^Pteether . aa alrahlp can land on ajtfar raeael | ?a easily aa Jt <^au leava^jfc la tha, 1 q ueatlon which la now aPHMlf Ttt.'' 1 minds of some of the officers of the ( r navy department. j c Eugene B. Ely proved to their aai-1 Jsfaction by hia aeroplane flight ! b from the cruiser Birmingham to the J ihores of Hampton Roads on Mon- j 11 day that an aviator need have no K [rouble In getting away from a war teasel. The next step will be to teat the practlcabllty of landing on a vessel. The navy department intends to continue Its study of the question >y making such a teat. Just when , -his will be made has not been de- h :er mined. . Capt. Washington I. Chambers, ?l iresldent of a special naval board detailed to make a atudy and report Jf airship flights in their relation ?O naval warfare, has returned from Hampton Roads, where ho was in <harge of Monday's experiment. He Is enthusiastic over Ely's flight. Help Yon Think For a Christmas Present. I think, I think, I think. If my mind doesn't change, that I think that you can't help from thinking that somebody would think that a nice photo of you would be an ac ceptable Christmas Gift. BAKER'S STUDIO. 11 Roosevelt is billed to come out of bis hangar for a few verbal flights today. RAILROAD CLERK I COMMITS SUICIDE ' Lumber-ton. N. C.. Not. 19.?Ar chie O. McKay, chief clerk for the Beebo*rd Air Line Railway he*? committed suicide shortly before 7 o'clock last night by ahootlnf bim ?elf through the heart with a 26 caltbre Colt's revolver. Mr. McKsy shot himself at the borne of j. M. Morris, another rail road employee, death resulting this afternoon. He was in a happy mood and his death csme as a distinct shock to the community. Mr. McKay was a young man well liked by everybody and came here l few months ago from Laurinburg, where his people live. He left a tender and pathetic note to his fa ther. telling him not to bo surprised it his deed, and asking him to klas His sisters for him, assigning ss his nose for ending his life his lasbll Ity to stop smoking cigarettes sad d linking. FATHER IN JAIL CHILDREN STARVE New York, Nor. 18.?For more ban a week Mrs. Minnie Anderson and her five little children have >een hungry and cold in their three ?ooms at No. 4 93 East One Hun Ired and fifty-sixth street. The hildren range from a baby three nonths old to a boy eight years of ige. Mrs. Anderson's husband, August ? In Jail, charged with grand larce J. ?<!???* 8he said last night that he had lever been In trouble before and jy UfoFfscnt dim- ' ultles were due to geTfoiVTEfB ompany. He Is charged with having stolen edclothes belonging to Judge Ai red T. Seaman. The bedding was in he Harlem freight yard of the New laven Railroad, having been shipp d from the judge's summer home l Maine. For three days after Anderson's rrest his wife had no Idea where e was and asked the police to look or him. He had never been away from ome before without letting her now where he was. When she learn tl the truth she said nothing to eighborK but set out to get work lut on ncrouni of the three-months Id baby no one would employ her. '' Piece by piece, every household ? 11 rtlcle that would bring money was | 8 awned or sold. At last there was ? v o little left that only the smallest ? uantlty of food could be bought. ; a 'ho family was close to starvation a .hen Its plight became known yes-' I erday through an anonymous letter j * ent to the Children's Society. Two collections were taken up yes brday. one among the neighbors nd one among the policemen of the ?reclnct. lAst night Mrs. Ander on and her children had their first eai meal in more than a week, and or the first time In the same period iad a little warmth In their flat. AUVERTIHK IX THK NKW8. 11/ HHVT WASHINGTON'S Rl nUII, GREATEST STORE ?22.50 Ladies Goat Suits Special $17.75 All sizes. r ?" - ? 1" ?- "?: I FOUR PER CENT o-o-o We will pay 4 per cent com pound interest on savings de posits SAVINGS & TRUST CO., Washington, N. C. Congressman Small Back Home From Florida. Congressman John H. Small has Juat returned from Penaacola, Flor ida where h? attended tha annual Convention of the Mlaslaalppl to At lantic Inland Waterway Association. In response to a request from the Daily News, Mr. Small made a brief statement as to the meeting of thia Association and some of his impres sions on the trip. "Tbis Waterway Aaaociatlon," said Mr. Small, "was organised sev eral years ago to promote congres sional legislation for the conatruc tlon of a waterway across the stste of Florid*, connecting the Atlantic with the Gulf of Mexico and thence an inside ronte from St. Oeorge's Bay on the Oolf Coast by a protect ed route to the Mississippi river and New Orleans, a survey with a favorable report waa made some years ago for a route acroaa the peninsula of Florlds which begun on the St. John's river on the East coaat and thence almost a direct line to the neareat point on the Oulf coaat near St. Oeorge's Bay. An other survey waa authorised by < congress in the river and harbor act 1 of March 1909, the report on which has not yet been submitted. This t project Is intended to be merely a t continuance of the Intrx-Coastal wa terway from Boston to Florida, sf- t fording a protected passage from t the Mississippi snd Guir ports to the t waterway snd ports and rivers alonK 11 ? he Atlantic; Seaboard. Congressman 1. Hampton Moore, or Philadelphia ^resident of tho Atlantic Deeper Wt? :erways Association. alBo attended, ind our purpose was to invite the Toroperatlon of the association In he Gulf states with the Association vhlch is promoting the construction >r tho Waterway from Boston lo ?"lorlda. Yr.\ Moore ami I were nost cordU'.lly repaired. "I believe that there will nereai er be greater activity on the part thfl Senators and representatives rom hese two great projects." 7^ When asked about PeQBacola. Mr. Imall said, "ThlB Is a city of 30,000 irople With diversified industries nd possesses a magnificlent harooi rlth a present dftpth of 3:"? feet. a urge navy yard Is maintained ut tl his port." Asked about Florida. Mr. Small b< aid. "There were among others twn hi istlnct impressions made on my tfc lind. One was the largo number of th ettlera from other states who have tt loved Into Florida, and the other in ;at> the enthusiasm of the ptople or Florida and the effort made to dvertise the state abroad. Man*.* eople from other states have mad* helr homes there and the movement tl till continues. Strangers arc up-' ni ?arently welcomed and no discrim- j nation Is either felt or practiced ai gainst them, and they are at once ' tl dopted as u part of the citizenship. I made many Inquiries and did not cl iear of thA slightest Jealousy upon ( ll he part of the native born resident ! n igalnst incomers, nor of any com ?lalnt by new settlers as to the man- [ If ler in which they had '?een recelv- [ t< 'd. They appear to extend a glad j h velcome to anyone who will Bettle' y> imong them and help build up the b ..and of Flowers." ii "It Is quite apparent that a large lumber of the people of that sta.c appreciate the valu* of publicity. Every city and town has Its active >oard of trade and one of their pri mary purposes appears to be the gathering of data and Information -egardlng their community ana sec ion, and publishing It with attrac tive illustrations, and distributing the same throughout the country This custom has undoubtedly help ed to attract settlers to the state. "The state of Plorida is engaged n reclaiming swamp lands by drain age on a large scale. Surveys and plans hare been made to contracts tiave been let for the drainage of thousands of acres of lan<f In the Everglades, the result of which wlli l>e to provide a large area of most fertile lands. No trouble la contem plated in the sale of theee lands, In tact much haa been sold in advance >f the completion of drainage." Bank Official* ia the Toils New York, Nov. 17.?"I only ranted the money for a few d^s" Charles A. Belling, third vic^pree dent of the Bronx National Bank, iras recently heard to say during he night as he paced up and down he Tombs prison cell. In which he vas lodged when srrested late yee erday charged with forging a cer lflcate of stock In the bank and ob alnlng a $3,000 loan from the Knickerbocker Trust Company on lis security. IRM STOCK IS SEIZED New York. Nov. 17.?The entire tock of Joseph Brooke & Company, od English woolen firm wli>h has laintalned a branch house here Tor f tire government touignt, in w on to recover $200,000 damages In consequence of fraud and ?th?r rongful acts." Alleged evaalou oi lstoms dues, disclosed by a former in ploy e of the firm, is the basl* for te action. With the seizure of the good* it ?came known that the government &d recently Instituted suit against i?? firm, but being unable to serve te summons in the action because te Brookes are at the present time i Huddersfleld. England, U. S. DIs lct Attorney "Wise today obtained writ of attachment. The writ was ?rved by U. B. Marshal Hankel up n Robert C. Herron, manager of te business, which is conducted at umber M0 Broadway. The stock |s valued at almost the mount of the damages claimed by >e government. Peter Redllnger until recently a lerk in the Arm's employ, gave the iformation on whictt the govern tent acted. Special agents were assigned to ivestigate his story and according 3 Mr. Wise, examination verified is charges that the company for ears had cheated the government y undervaluation of goods and false ivoices. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS. Specials For Next Few Days Exquisite Silver and Cut Glass On Display The prices are exceptionally low. We invite your nspection. Bowers-Lew is Co. tfiyjieMt, he" Itcvinat sin W-trh Tomorrow'- f A. , THE GKM TBKATRK We want you to atop In today? come In and see te alteat tn mo Ting picture*! entertainment for old and young. v ? l'\l?KR WEHTKRX 8HES | (Dramatic. > .5rHW 1JG EMM TIRX DOWN. (Dramatic) BKABVED BA.XDTT I Dramatic.)

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