VPfOEWfi^SP! pi INI !? LI 11 ImN II :iV lf|li 1 *? ?> JTj ?iSBBBHMriMi tifrTTrTfTfirii . - ?? *???''???'"?:v-? ?; . -"t-.-.v ?;?:*' .-v "? ? NO. *5 LOLINA ?ucua M Hodge. A rod ?lo b7 Ml" Trarti Hookar of OrMnrtll* WW much onJO?W The tMim at -th. atternoon ?U I made by Or. Jenny Orotic: on the I "People of India". Hut night ? moat tataraattag atrtlaa j tmOoul cietcia *T MM. C. A. D. bovr auotbcr ?? llrrrccl by Dr. Crixler. Tbla morning tk ? nnp and pralae aervtce. dm of the. attraction. <4 e the convention waa ceudocled bj Ker Robert V. Hope, the Weal paa tor Tk. XIU.. of waloome -a. I made by Sa?. If. A. Darta and the raaponae < kr Rot J. R. Tingle of Ayd.n. vjA 1 J ? After thla ploaalng feature an en roibaaat of datacataa took place and rtT two hundred were placed on I . tbe roll ?? Toalgbt another eerrlce of lntar -/?' a* wlU take place Th. Km and mte aervice wfli be ooodorted br I Mr _ Hajraa Karlab of Wllaon follow IV'iMV tbe oonrentlen aermon to be fm- ?- deOr.red br Re? B. T. Bitting of T fl. 1 llle. There will be a pedal \?? mate br tbe aholr. Tbe atate lab ia Mldreae win be mad. br Mr. Jt. T- Smith of KJuaton. I^StaOM the prominent vtaitora ntlon are Bar. a. McLean ? of th. chareh bare., tow. &. P. Haaltb of Klaaton; Re?. V U. 0. Storey of Wlaatoa-Salam: Re? X 0. CaMwell D. D-. prealdent of tk* Atlantic Ckrlatlan Collage, wllaon; Rare. R. M. Hopklna ot Cincinnati, awratarr of tk^ Bible School of ES George vfr. 7, aecrotary ot board and hi glad body, of workers here and hopes heir stay > here will be jhmc nd profitable. The con rent Ion is x pec led to adjourn tomorrow night ADDRESS OF WELCOME latera of th? Christian Woman's Board of Ml sal cms and Friends: Aa I turn' my eyea lovingly over his assembly by aoul warms and endera of tome fine senaatlpn. th?t wHl name enthusiasm, end my ieart echoes humbly, a reaponae In oe glad rejoldn* psalm of thanks irlnj?for even weak nervs must j omeUmee grow highly tensloned nd poetry of life awake and treb le In tb< moat proaalc nature .tare. Fourteen year* this October put t wu my pleasure to welcome the Ml tee of our C. W. 8. M to this ur little dtjr. and fourteen yearn, erbaps, has brought to us alike rar ?rlenees of happiness and sorrow see many that ware with US then, ut alas, quite a (aw bid ur their ut adieu and ermij the border rom whence no traveller erer re urns. I fain would name those oved ontj we mlu so much but ometblnf tails me to refrain at \he umber gone. We all alike ha.e uffered the loss, but1 the great hap Inees f experience Is this the year ortunltlee. How rast and glorious ' ? chance of schleTemenU' | That each one present may In ' pine measure be a' sharer ana Con tibutor to tbeee I bid Ton In the| ?half of th? C. W. B. M. th our fashlnstoo an a taring and sincere '? LADIES COAT SUITS " '?'-yiL??^t~?.,,.. ? - * Each day we are adding new numbers to tbis department. Here is where you should buy your Suit?if workmanship, fit and PRICE interests you. Prices $12.50 to $25.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITIO^ OFTHC IFlrst National !&ank , ' ;oir v Wa^tmato*4tJlorCerolUte at thcTcuose CofIbusincss NOV. 10. 1*10 L_ RESOURCES ? 3 - - 4M.U U. S. Bond* - - 25,M*.M V Other Bond. .... I Fixtures - MM.M i CMh U.TNLM t ?' ? V t MAM a^"o?,c?*' information and 'enthurfaim " ~ rr.,rc"/ou ????..uE w.7come ? " ttrt? I your patient ""J? u* of 'Inc. Z. T. , ?C,rtr Uught in the ?,kool that al ow* no riolatlon of aatura't law To each and all Horn ev.rywbere you lB th. nsspoNie to address of WBLCOJU.; Tr>: ' ?">?? that each woman her. r.p?..nUiig a mMooary aoclety In the Old North But*, feel. . w.d renponie to to hearty a welcome ??4 If pcwlble for each to ?>? what l? ?? the heart, there would go up ? treat chorus of "i thank yon'" AM their representative. I expree, to you our hearty appreciation, and OP* th" <>?<? W?In? together may ??. ? mutual ble^ug ThM , ,recurn for your hoepluitty. ao taJ Zlu'""" "~l - '"<? ??. '-.3* m" '?*f with you .W*u memorle.. that we taay live (? J0ur Election., and may ali work toK^h_ er In awteter nnlty and fellow.hlb, ?ccompllrtlng more for the Maafcr "*'? *<*'<> Of Mlaaions. becaua. b"n together .?d know each other better. CORRB8PONDINO 8ECHK TART'fl RSPORT After the .lip rem. effort for the great centennial year It waa feared there would he a tenden^ ?o,h ha, ~^!?rt' W- *~ thf. ?ot been true, to a ay .item it. jzz:b: ??? zz* thao over before, j ^nTre",^;' irS;}}""? More churche. have had nan ma'n^"" "" Chrl?"" Wo "f n,* ??"J -e Mln *"? *l,? more aaalxtance ?d encouragement; and. the Dla d'"""1" "her* W" Z..ZI' ""m*U *"rk- Tb.re ZfJwH^ """* "'"wolntmenta. ?* dlaconragementa, but our Ood ,b~ '??? bl-alng.^' ,or >n .?..V'pl'a^Tr .,.hd?n IO" era hare beea add" "? ?? Th^??nor Roll condltlona ..re: D,y T? 0b""' C. V. B M Second. To ohier?0 the Week of PWf ?" J-aster offering report" Pr?m""y -*? all P-TTmh. A" '' centa i W?a. "peelai otter. Fifth. Somo part In the Moee? Afetsorlal Fund. -^oaes k.n?r ??'i.n? hare *?Pt tbeae conditions. They ar.. iV.S. xrs* ?on ' 1 Swa?P?. WIJ. ""rtr .,ul?.rlM and /hu^.^ ?"ed the day " ?"? --rzr'ru" ether, will do .a U?!a ysar -oCV;VVMr " ion rZr.,1 P"MBt Uo (Continued on P.? Threap' 4 Per Cent Compound Interest On .? c c o tin t s Savings & Trust Co. Capital $50,000 I Stirolu* ami X #o "Let them %o love that raea" and mj mt- * *? I?!how they love Mil oUMnf'tit. their Jove Shall ripen to * proverb. Known, whan their (tooa % % . in the laad? '?,> Oa&golden dream of love, which may death ^>1 Aw*ke them with heaven's ia * lite .. . V,' Wore living to soiqe happier Mr. John Durham Qorhaiiv ?l*d Miaa Itebn Helen DumaL \ frero married at the First k Preabj^w-inn church last night at 9 o'clofk :ia ti?e presence oC a brilliant company, To the Inspiring strains of Meiidels shona wedding march and the itaer ry peal of the marriage be}l obe of Washington's fairest women and one of Wilson's popular young men, wanjtod their way from the historic 1 ediWe carrying with than every j | wish for happiness, joy aiul lor.*: lis* !' las man and wife. No marring* ha* ' occurred in this city for years in which the contracting parties were more popular and whq begin the Journey of life udder more suspi cious circumstance* * '. ? No fairer or more popular: girl 4r*e plighted her trotlr:. aw eat' and attractive In girlhood; . urbane> and magnetic In womanhood, t>be enters the sphere of wlfchoftd.rig^ ?n to make the queen of t be home and' jto enrich thoae neareat and dearest. , The bride la the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Duraay of this city, and a honor graduate of the ;Salem Female College and -Academy j ?of Winaton*8alem. Since her real-1 ?dence In Washington for the past I eighteen years, ahe has ever been I 'hi the forefront not only In the | ?circle of her friends but the infill-1 ?cnco of her young life haa beer, an) ?inspiration and a benediction She ?la not only attractive In face but her manner and diapositlon has al-1 waya placed hes conspicuous among ? Washington's popular aociety worn-! en. She la a woman of culture and ?refinement and aa a wifo and com panion In her this city gives one lof its best. As a girl, sw^et nnd ?unassuming; as a woman, urbane land magnetic, as u wife, ahe has the ?best w'ishes of a host of friends and , ? the wish is catholic that both her j .afternoon and evening will be only 1 Hone grand sweet song. ? Mr. 'John Gorham, the groom, is I ? a native of Wilson. N. C. He Is at! ? present In the employ of the Wash ? ington Buggy Company aa book ? keeper. Before caating his' lot here ? he waa employed in the First Na Itlonal Bank of Wilson. He came to ? this city a comparative stranger. ? but not for long did he remain a ? stranger?he soon engrossed hlm .self In the hearta of all apd no young man has ever become a citizen of ? Washington who has wielded more ? iaQuence. Mr. Oorham haa a bright ? anil"promising future and this paper Joins his many friends In wishing | him every happfnes sal ready assur ? ed by winning the baad of such a ? noble weman as a helpmeet. I A more distinguished company never attended a wedding. The |church, where to many happy and iJoyous v eddings have been solemn ? '"M Wi * dream of loveliness. The uitar and chancel was ' a pel-feet bower of ferna. palms and yellow and white chrysanthemums. 8u coded in front of the altar was a huge marriage bell, the work of deft fingers and loving hearta and under this Miss Dumay promised to be a fslthful wife and Mr. Oor ham a duttfnl husband. Just before the bridal party was announoed Miss Bess Coeoley sang c our windows for display oI "oys and Holiday Goods. msmsm i CITY LAST NIGHT \' 7 ' J sweotly "All For You." Her rendi tion of this popular solo was much praleed and Justly so. An the dy ing strains of this familiar sir died away the massive organ glided Into Lobengrlns sad the bridal party en tered the church. The first to en ter were the polite-, and attentive ushers. Messrs George Hackney, Jr.. snd Dr. K. O. Moore of Wilson; down the right aisle snd Mr. P. & Worthy and. Mr. George- Staunton of Wilson <down the left aiele. Af ter the jostiters had assumed their places at the chancel the doors to the right gad left of the choir loft opened and the bridetOBUds were seen coming to the maftt on trance. Fleet to enter were Miss Julia Mayo and Miss Rena BrdW of Greenville, Tenn.; Miss Linda Moore snd Mies May Belle small; Miss Ceddle Fowle and Miss Wlnnlfred Nicholson. Ar riving Jt the main entrance they were Joined by the groomsmen snd re-entered the church as follows: Alios Rena Brown of Greenville, Tcnn., with Mr. Benjamin Smith of Wilson; Miss Julia Mnyo with Dr. Henry Best of Wilson; Miss Linda Moore with Mr. Samuel Etheredge; Miss May Belle 8mall with Mr. Harry McMullan; Mies Wlnnifrea Nicholson with Mr. Willis Hackney Df Wilson; Mlse Caddie Fowle with Mr. Alvls Patterson of Wilson. All the bridesmaids were exquis itely gowned in white satin carrying touqtiets of yellow chrysanthe mums. The bridesmaids and xroomnmen were followed by the maid of honor, lllss Francis LaGrand Dock^ry of Rockingham. N. C., donned in a l?wn of yellow chiffon over raes*a Ine, entrain, carrying white chrys kisie. At the.same time from the left aisle came the dame of honor, Mrs. James E. Simmons of Tarboro. 3he wore a magnificent creation of ehite crepe meteor, trimmed with jearls and real lace and held e large louquet of white chrysanthemums. Just before the bride, leaning on ^ie arm of her father, Mr. A. M. Dumay, the cashier of the First Na tional Bank, entered the church iweet little Mlaaes Mary Virginia MacLean. Louise Sprukn Lca*h. Au Kusta 8immons Clark and Majorle Hoyt, were the cynosure of all as I they walked slowly up the respr I tfve aisles strewing flowers In the [>ath of the brldo-elect. All eyes were now centered In her loon to plight her troth and give] her hesrt and hand to .one *he had \ promised to love and keep In sick ness and health "till deitb her do ] part. The brido always an attractive i and beautiful woman never looked ! lovler. Her gown was a beautiful i creation of white Duchess satin eu-< trains, with real lace and pearls and orange blossoms. She carried a! shower bouquet of Hllle* of tho val ley. Arriving at the altar sh* was met by the happy groom and his best man and brother, Mr. George Gornam of Wilson. Together they faced Rev. J. N. H. Summerell. D. D. of New Hern and Rov, H. B. Sea rfgbt, pastor of the First Presby terian church, thie city, cno in e few solomn but impressive words they were united for life?a life everyone wishes will be oniy sun shine and happiness. During the beautlfil ceremony the soft strains of Trahmert chaeed away the stillness As they were pronounced one by the officiating clerygymen the organ pealefl forth Mendelsehen's weddini march and Mr. and Mrs. Gorhan. left the ehurch carrying with them the best wishes of a host of friends. No more beeutlful wedding has ever been solemnised In this city. So ciety witnessed it en masse. Immediately after the wedding a public reception was redered the happy couple and the bridal party at the home Of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dumay on West Msia street, where a large number called to pay their recocts and offer (Continued on Page Four.) REVOLUTION IS 6MWING K1 Puo, Texaa Xor. 52.? With thrc- town#?Torren, Gomo*-Pula clo and Pueblo?in the heads of the Mexican revolution!*.# end Chihua hua beleaguered by Mandero'i men who surround it In the mountains waiting an opportunity to atom tie garrison. jthe Mexican government bas resorted to military oonscrlp lloo, according to reports received here today. Over 1,000 men and women have b?en killed and wounded in fighting shout the towns of Parrel. Torreon. domes-Pal ado. Durance And Puebla according to the same reports. This Is a conservative estimate, other re ports of leas definite character mske the loeses Ave times ss high. As a result of the Mexicsn gov ernment commanding "private tele graph wires snd placing the most rigid censorship and placing the most rigid censorship today upon all ilspatches being seat; from Mexico City, the details of the fighting last night and early today were 'low Id irrlvlng. Senor Coeio. minister of war to Any sent a large detachment to pre rent the Yrqul Indians from Join ing the rebels. The Yaftttls nre th#? most savage tribe of Indians oxtant and they kave always been a tfiorn In the side >f Mexican peace. The territory |tr which they lire is wild and ruggod and constantly ?atrolled by ruralos. Somewhere In the mountain fast leases, no one knows definitely shere, Francesco Msdero, head and ront of the prsaent revolution. Is fathering his army . It Is believed lere. Madero's arqiy Is believed to be ibout 2,000 btrong although ihere umitiim iti gmyioti og constant recruits There was no definite Information ecelved here today to substantiate he report that (?eneral Pernado teyes, a political exile from Mexico, nd an enemy of Prealdent Wax Is ?n his way from France to Mexico o lead an army against the Mexican ?gulars. However, no one doubts hat Reyes sympathies are with the ?bels. Many s man has lost a dollar'in rylng to save a nickel. (HHK IS PROMISED Raleigh. N. C-, No>. 23All red blooded North ?arolinlane ere en- ' 'T> gerly waiting for Then kegirlog day when two of Carolina'* strongest football tea ma will Invade the Old 1 Dominion atate with the hope and expectation of taking the ecalpe of her two beet teams. The Universi ty of North Carolina will go against her greeteet rival, the University ' of Virginia at Richmond, and the eupportere of each are confident that victory will perch on their banaei when the sun eets Thursday. The Carolina squad haa already gone to Virginia aoil, where tt will devote the time between now and the game to aecret practice In ??*? der to get Its new playa and signals working perfectly. It haa been charged that In certain gamee this season the slgnala were known to the opponents, and so far as has been heard thia report has not been denied. Of course this necessitates a com plete revision of the signals. Carolina haa' been -rather disap pointing to her frlenda this eeaaon, but many things have brought about theae defeats that the general pub lic haa not learned, but it will be itood news to the whole stale that these caueee have been eliminated and It will be an entirely different team that will meet Virginia than the one that haa been seen in the other games. Carolina'a strongest point Is her defense, though the coachea have done wonders during the past ten days in lncreaalng the efficiency of the offenalve plays. All believe that Thursdsy's game will be one of the hardest fought of the seaaon. and many are of the spinlon that the "down-homers" bav*. a sfce?? t*o better thane*. ? Georgetown defeated Caroline by the acore of 12 to 0 and Virginia by :he acore of 15 to 0. This wouln indicate that Carolina haa a small idvantage. This much Is almoat certain, the raane will be hard-fought from be* (Inning to end, and the thouaands >f people who go to Richmond to morrow will get their money'* north AOVKRT1BK IN THE NEWS. Specials For Next Few Days Exquisite^ Silver and Cut Glass On Display *. ? The pr<ces|ireJ?xcepiioDally low. We invite your inspection. Bowers-Lewis Co. niiucrM. H?" - llritoul !*!?? t*. Wmch Tomorrow'* A4 THK OKM THKATRK We want you to atop In today? c ome in and see te alteat In moving pictures! Entertainment for old and young. ? ? ? MY FRfEXI> THK IKXTOR (Comedy) IX M1HSIOX HHAIXrW* (Dramatic.) OX HUB IKJOROTKPH . . < Vltagrapb-Dramatlc.) New Lot Of EDISON NOV. RECORDS Just Received

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