ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA '?"rssr-i" The will of th? format (ottmr wu >M for prohtta l? <*? Albany vounty BirmiWi oonrt yeaterday hi John A. BU?h?n., h?? f?r?a?f tow tMtrr. aetlnt u attorney! far the rnwntora. Jod?e Alto? B. Parker mnd Mr. Manwlllrr. Judge Parker V? a life long friend of ?x-Ootmh ir Hill. Th? will >u executed by Mr. Hill om. January J4, and la la ?k 'jV c .. ^ >? { L Th. Iloper Lumber company fln~ ally agreed Hut It would withdraw tta appeal upon conditio* that the pleas, tur^eya aad should be submitted to ud approval by an Thl? atop* progreaa In th* tlon of the plena for tVe drnTnn?* of Aa lake until altar iho report of auch ekpert. It had been earnestly hoped that the whole matter could be cioaed today ma fteewmber' 'fcrat waa the time find for that purpose. It would hare been oloeed but for the appeal taken by the Roper Lum ber company. Mr. J. O Wright the ripert of (be Drainage Bureau of the rutted Btatea A gru cultural Department, waa present And uaya^thnt the plana adopted ore entirely practical and feealhie. according to the eeUmatee bat approved by the aetloh of the atate board In aubmltttng the plans sod aatlmatea to an expert as the speadteat and aafeat method'of aet e- agreement to the kale hoard made In qrder ' to ' prevent the long dlay Incident to a trial in court. Ilaad of Qyyj?. A band- of gypalea In the city oc caaloned no little excitement tn the West End yeaterday. Years ago It' waa nothing uncommon to notice them In our mldat bat of late years, their preaence occaalona no little cause for wonder. medical department in the homo of fice of the Home Equitable I.lfe Aa ?urlty company. Manufacturers Fur Sale ? OR. Slia TALKS I J?-'.- ? ? i. ? ??. -Y'-y lielllacbim, WMi. Dk. 1.?Br, * tl.'iam H. .uneti. of Uf.ltacham, an Inuant Mead of or. Cask, who if been In frequent commehlcaUoti with Mm lino* hl? dlaappeeranoe from New York, received a letter from the explorer jeeterder. Sr. AxteM refcerd to_4irulge tke where a bouts at Dr. "ok. but, mid* pub lic Mienl HUicta from tke letters ?? fS>lew? ' "My CAM will ?TMttttll7 Ml IH> on its on merits, without reference to prirste intereate. "1 prefer to beltem that the can. pels* efUfew which bee beea w ed a gal met ma. thai the aud throw tie. brtkerr aid eoaapiricv ha? come from tke ?c4 *n iu ?r- _ Diaz Assures All Peace Mexico Cit? Ut >?d; gratifying to me to x; tlm rnv beat* ?> rcffoJ r?li* In ;t.j Vosr^a ?? People. *rfco. like Ik* Uexfcatp; lies knnwn how to eon?ncs jay. h own c(Torts a place among, the It", ere of Ml after til ins proved lr? valor In war in pafctatic defsnac ot l? country ud that nsver u'lMn? could i declare that Mexico l*io.-.? definitely to the (troop of natives ot -"tired alnWIItr, heemv aartlnat the llrm guarantee of peaoe irtiirn *e poseeaa, no Influence tending rfo varda its dlaaolutlon can now or ev er aha] 1 be able to prevail. "Aa to the relation, Detween Mex ico ar^d the United States and other friendly nations sever Have they been more cordial aa was Indicated In a convincing manner during the celebration of the Centennial of Mex ico's Independence." The above la the authorized mes sage of President Dlaa to all nations on the eve ot hla inaguration for the eighth time as chief executive of the Mexican nation. Peaceably and Hee^hirly Rs a hap ** termination of the tnmoil through which the nation haa juat paused, the ceremoniea attending the taking of iho oaths of fealty bj< General Diar und Ramon Corral, recently ra-elcct <>d to the presidency and vice pre*i dencv, reapectltely veie condactea today. There waa no diacordant note and '.he occasion waa ahorn of gome of Its brilliant f~t?|Te features of for mer years by reason of the recent disturbance*. there was no lack dicniflea r ???iEonl*ii. > o.heithn-.uctai it realization 01 h? r rt e- <.i~rvoae tha* tho pos -i'.ll'ty if an," attar^t by roes of the GU* Administration to interfere with today* Inauguration was remote, ?.here was a feeling of relief appar ent when the event waa happily con cluded. There will be no change In th? "'"""""I of ''_''bi?t. In accord". ,>?re with eutou, each of the mlnia "'thmlrtea Ma resignation. Bach Jioweier, to retain h!s ? or; folio. I *^be Inanqunttlen ceremonies toolc place In the temporary quarters of ?he chamber of depgtlaa la the pal aca. la the presence ot the senators and deputise, a few specially Invited Russets, and dlplmattc representa tives. At 10: to a. m. President Blur ... tered the hall. h> nrtw-/< i>y the vice president ??* members of his cablnst. Aa sach took the out IS and was proclaimed In oBce the room rsoc with haadclapolnjj and vices. ? he presidential pnrty and dlplo -nals went Immediately to the Ha lorti Palace The atrsets ware lln ?d with spectato-- who saluted with handctOMrfog. *j~aga and ountln? gave the city a holiday appeirance. At the palaoe Prast^vnt DIM rs cslved the congratulations of depu tations of govav^-pset DttsWa and IN TO PIKE Wi Jow of Glover Admits FabiXicatiom. INTIMATE WITH GIRL OX THM DAT OF TUK WllOMI Ml? UFKHAND WKST ' WITH HKR Ajn> man I.E TO JWfrm.t <>akv ? admit* ?n MOWS ABOIT Fill* ASMS Camt>rld?e. ??, On.. A ?o? loquj between Mra. UUlu Clov er. widow of ctemcw K. olovoi ? X Mria M. Jofa**oa. . ludlat eouuel tor Hutu. La BUWt who U OB Mil Mr Um murdir at Clow, held tkl Html of the roar* durlm jewtcrdajr'* ttrntlcnt of tb? eourt ud wu contliMW whin tkot Vo.1t ?d journid. Tlw crorl-ol'Blaltina': lW,th*t Mri, Gloter had the motive. ti^e capacity and the opportunity for tiw> aiurder or her husband, much OJ O.'o- r; *s lifo sinc*;gj?e c*aw td Bovtcn from Cape Rretow, and-d?'?!M minutely with her actions and feel ings on the day and night or tbcj murder and a few days that follow-' ed. j* | dh.e admitted certain* falsification* ? pj vJ'tflnif her blrt!i place and ber r.i.r.v^",' and certain !?e-| tvefn hor testimony it04 chat given i u her wer?\1k0lntJii oat. I She s^\<\ ilrr.f oho ??ih for Hsttie i? Hlsuf, wbo| lived- uear her own birthplace, clotbcd her.'fed her and finally founu her husbtyd with her. She sent the girl a why for a week but took her back, an< on the fau? jful November 20. >90^. Glover took both women tp n football game. One of the liveliest Incidents - the day waa over some letters said to have beon written by Hattle's rel atives, which Mrs. O^over admitted) holding. These lettectjhad apparent ly disappeared, but Mr. Johnson waa very anxious to get /them and be came so ln^fee**our husband?" Mrs. Glover replied that she did not. ?i]?e admitted that she f*mil-l lar with flrearmB and had used a re volver at a target. When the fencing between the widow and the lawqer closed for the day, Mr. Johnson was still uncon vinced that Mrs. Glover did not know the whereabouts of Miss i-e Blanc's letters and she was urged io go home and and them. She promised to look for them, but said thit nearly everything of value had been taken from herj [house. T wenty-two davs to Xmas Dec. 3 Your Best Girl Wonders What You're Going to Get Her. good sad you wfll tut happy, but you may not b* trlaourf. FIRST STEAMER ? IN GKNAL New York, Dec. Z.Tbe Arei vcwl to navi?**u r auction of tfce Panama canal la ibe .\ht erica n thre?*-maeted atMBer yacht Visitor 11, owned by Commodore W. Harry Brown. of Plttaburg. v , Wort! was brought hare today by the United Fruit Company'a uteamer Zacapa. that, on November 28, .he Visitor II, with Colonel Ooethala, chief engineer of the Panama* canal. Commodore Biwu, Captain Scott, of the United Btatee Steel corporation. William Dlehl. formerly mayor of Pittsburg, and othera of the party on board, entered from the Atlantic ?Ida. vast op aa tar as the Gutun look and returned. The yacht draw* about 17 feet. Church Services. First l burch?Re*. J. A. HoiMrau l'*?Cui Sunday ? .md'ciotis una of our adrer tlalng column* you *ecun? trade from the maximum peu-entare of the population to whom your goods would appeal. MR. JHON A. AftTHlTt AT TKMIINt; rOKKKHK'NTK Mr. John A. Arthur, local editor I of the Helly News, le^'t thla uiorntnxj for Glirubeth CI-t to attend fhc Methodist Confer* urc, which Ih In' icasion in thnl city. Mr. Arwlir li i ir lied u led to aim: a uol? fn f?? l-lrtt j Methodlat church then- tomorrow i 11 o'clock. A treat I* In ainro for tho peoplo of that conKresarlon for j \lr. Author hat a iplonJid voice mid I aerer fail* to satisfy his bonrera. Thla Is Mr. Arthur's first trip kway from the city in several years ?nd tho T.'bole fore* bone that he will thoroughly enjoy his "day off" which he much deserves. He will , ?cturn to the city Sunday nicbt. To Hold Hair. P. Orleans will conduct a sale be ginning next Wednesday and laatlng j our^een daya In the Blount building ^patn atree; for the American A liiclimond Hui?-lrt? f J Richmond, Va., Dec. 3.?The body ?f Mr?. Jeanette Brown, the wife of 11 tobnrco merchant, who disappear ed from her home under utrann" ?'ir -umptam-es early Monday, was found nt the bottom of the rljy reservoir by a nearchliiK party' till* afternoon I Mrs. Brown wan *J| y?'ars old. The polite end relatives of t!:o| woman beMeve *I?e ?oramltted s\:i- 1 ride. Cotton Market. Speed cotton ,*..50 Lint cotton. 14.25. i.'oitcut seed per ton. 29.00 The football frame and appropria tion* at leai'. remind us that wc have an army and nary. Shop early?and late. Mr. Taft ?cemi to favor cutting | everyihlnK except traveling expense* BOGUS TELEGRAM - ENSATION TO MKCUBB Of?*TIXCA?CB 1 TKB IB Ala^rMCO TO IUTI HIOSEU UACaUTflR'B NiMH HAYING H1H WIFE WAS HICK? THE COURT WAH WDKWAST. Raleigh. Dec. t.?A sensation w? stirred In the Federal court how yesterday when Judge Connor, froaa the bench. directed the clerk of the court to write Ed. 8. Abell. a weU known attorney of Johnaton county calling on him In the name of the court to appear and ahow cause why he la not In contempt of couit through ha ring procured yaeterdcy the continuance of a case through exhibiting to the court a telegram that he said he had received from his daughter In Hmlthfleld to the ef fect that Mrs. Abell was' rery 111 a*d that he must come home at cn uu Investigation on the part of the government officials having develop ed the fact that no such telegram a*aa received here for Mr. Abell and that there waa no sucb telegram flt pd for him In the telegraph office la Bmlthfield. Mr. Abell had gone to his home recterdsy just hs soon ps tho order a-as made continuing the esse. The caae , the continuanco of which haa developed this aeasH*'?* s against Rufus Langdon a well mown white man of Johnston couu y. charged with blockading, *fuo (overnment had inaisted on & trial it this time because one of the most mportant witnesses for the proaeca lon, W. C. Wood, has already h-.h., nltted under a similar charge, and vlli be in atlanta serving a senrea-e trhea the Langhorn caae would be ailed under the continuance. A onttnuance had been rofusod until he alleged "bogus" telcgrsm was ?resented. Court officers say that there were hlnga about the telegram shown yea erday that aroused suspicions, henc? he luaeatlgatlon and resulting a MjpSfam the telegraph office, (tb-a Vestern Volon) that it had trans aitted no such message District Attorney Seawell, in ?ringing the matter to the official ittenHon of the court yesterday morn ng, expressed regret at having to lo so. but declared that there wa.i 10 other honorable courco open t.> ilm when there seemed to be co iearly an imposition and trifling vlth the court. ?M to Judge Con Court. Card of Thank*. Mr. Fenner B. Sattcrthv/aitc de sires to expres shin appreciation to his many friend? for their Hndncn ?nd thoughfulnosB in aiding bin: to ward repairing his residence at the corner of East Second and Fenner utreets. Their aid will erer be re membered. "Kind hearts are more than tcr nnets," and almsot as scarce. Andrew Carnegie may die poor, but be will not die young. Special Values In Clothing. We are showing in Mens and Boys Glothing the largest line of patterns we have ever shown. Values unex celled. Call and get your Xmas Suit. Bowers-Lew is Co, ?Niopvt, bt"' *. Wmhi T?nw>rr