m?."at>fto . * a.btngton. N. C.. uter the ael of ???rvh t. lft?. HUB8CRIPTION HATER: Om Month I ?J| 1 Tnmr Months *?}? m* Months 1M 9m TMT fl a bee libera desiring tto paper dle ?wtinuid wlli pleAN notify this offlce m date eC expiration. otherwise. H will to continued at regular subecrlp. noa rates until notice to stop la re felted. ir you do not net The Dally New 0 *???npt"?y telephone or write the m? t??r. and the complaint will reeelre -nn?diai? attention. It la our desire ?o oteaae yon. kati ri>av, pantMwm ?. Partiee leaving to??i should not i?ll to lei tfce Newa follow rhetn dally ? ith the n?*e of Wsajlngton fresh AO crisp. It will prove a valuable mntpanlon, reading to yeu like a let ter from home. Thoee at the sea -'.ore or mountains wli? And The >j*ws a most welcome C...4 Interest ?i visitor. All articles sent to TU News for p-j^iicatlon must be signed by Uis *rs>pf. otherwise they will not be SI GAR TRCOT l!l COURT It has become almost universslly believed that the country would be better off without the suggar trust. This eminently predatory concern, aot content with the usual trust methods, has swindled the govern ment through the custom houses. Naturally the government Is resent fal. One point of particularly interest in a country of trusts Is msde by the fcvernaent when It charges that "by using their great power the defend ant have successfully decoded *hat brokers and other Intermedis rlee should handle their, products alone, and have forced them to treat rival producta unfairly and unlaw fully, an dfor a long time they wrongfully lndnced members of va fi?U* wboesalt grocer?' associations throughout the country to purchase and handle their sugar exsluslvely." This question of exclusive dealing touchee many another trust and all who handle or consume Its products. Y\*e hope that th* "conservative" Su preme flourt decisions which are de eired in the interest of business re vival will not be too "conservative" Juit here- A conservatism which lets undeniable wrong feeter un right ed Is no true conservatlam at altJ? Charlotte Obeerrer. NO IXVKXTION OF POWKR (Prom Woodrow vVilson's Addrees Lcfcru the Conference of Govern orb. i Corporations lia\e come lo rover CroLter nrca.* thfic states, have come to live under a greater variety of Ixwa :litn the citizen himself, have ctrsiied rtitea In their budgets and icoa;'.-i bijgcr than whole common vrta!'l:s j;? their influence over the ? . .j.I fortunes of entire commun ities of nun. Centralized business h.<i ; u,i vast structures of or 1. ? :v.i < and equipment which ov ?i*.c . ctutes aud suem to hate no mst--h ft." competitor exctpt the fed l . :uin?nt itself, which was rf??. \.*2d for such competitions. ? n. . confuted variety of states ? ?.? :: :? .1 standi] now the colossus t' :.i::inrn, uniform, concentrated, ; o'.iod i"'.a a single plan, governed j ct K> vifs but by commands, seek ing not service but proflts. No wonder wo began to turn to t^-.e National Got eminent to rnpe with it, to regulate, in the name of t^ic* sovereign nation Itself,, what had become a force as great as the na tion in Its scrpe and consequence. The Influence to be dealth with ex tended from one end of the country to the other. The great organiza tions of business seemed to play with the state*, to tike advantage of the ? *>r!ety cf the laws, to make terms of their own with one stato at a time, end by one device of control cr another to dominate wherever tKev chose hecauae too big to be dom Iaated by the small proceaaea of lo u*i legislation No machlenry aeemed to atretch to the size of the task or regulation except the machinery of national leg islation at Waahlngton, the long arm of the executive that could be atrstched forth from a national cap Hal to every remotest nook and cor aer of the land. wonder the Instinct and In clination were to resort to Waahlng too for relief and protection. The asad was great and the government need waa great and the goreraaeat Bet (Mi intimate task Of regnla ttoa waa mot <me for which its eon ?MtoUutf had famished It with nc i ' IHHEiSi&iujifU.. ?? /??? /&jr. ,m of busing > problem *u prseented to M. Wo still did not desire rigid uniformity of law. ?too 1b those mat .era of common concern. It was still leslrublo that tbo estates should ad >pt their i-cRu'.atlon and restraint of he new forces to tbelr own condi :icne Of life and circumstance. To >?i federal law baek ol <he great cor i>omtk>as would bare been to giro them the right to dominate and ov erride local conditions, to equip them with tbo majesty and supremacy of .he law which area ted and regulated .hem. and to level the variety of com munitles before them. Ho aheolote. uniform eet of raise are likely to fit Lhe infinitely various circumstances 3f the statee and their people. DR. OOOK*8 CONFESSION Beginning In Hsmpton's Magazine Lhe story of his Artctic wanderings, Or. Frederick A. Cook, "sfter mature thought/' confeeses that be "does jot know abeolutely whether h?> reached the Pole or not,. He adds: "I in willing to stsrtel the world <by jo doing 1 c-n get an opportun ity to present my cage. By my case I mean not my caae as a geographl :al discoverer but my case aa a man. If after reading my story yoU say. Cook Is sincere and honest; half trazed by months of isolation and hunger, he believed that he reached .ho Pole; he is not a faker,* then I i.: u tuned." r.r. Cook was amazed at the sensa tion his reported discovery created. He will probably be surprised once more by the world's refusal to bo "startled" by his confession. It comes too lste. The "psychologic moment" has passed. People talk now of other things. From the first, fair-minded meu haro been willing to admit for Dr. Cook's baseless claim the excuse of insanity. His Incompetence ss a idealist, revealed In bis cftrn narra tive, long ago destroyed every rem nant of faith ic Ms achievement, and proof has pressrd upon proof that he was an Impostor. Ills story wili net afreet the record. Yet, so obstinate Is human nature in clinging to sn error once accepted there will probably be for years to come thoee who insist that Dr. Cook did reach the Pole, even though he LJrosMf Abandons the claim. A HELPING llAND. 7* (iladl j* Extended bj a Washington Citizen. There are may enthusiastic citi zens In Washing prpeared to tell their experience for the public good Tes timony from such a source is the best of evidence, and will prore a "help ing hand" to scores of readers. Reed (he following statement: Jackson Baxter, 424 Bonner St, Washington, N. C.. says: "I suffered irom kidney and bladder trouble for a long time. The kidney secretion* *ere very scanty at times while at >th?*rs profuse, and the passages wer? attended with pain. I had severe backaches snd corsisnt, gnawing <alns th.-oujjt. my kidneys I was uehng miserftMe when I heard about v-ai.'s Kidney HP Is an'l I procured a ox at the Washington Drug Ce. Tltey ;ave n?e such gre.ii relief that 1 ob ained a further supply ar.d slm-s .* ng this the pains across my back ave almost entirely disappeared. 1 heartily recommend Doane's Kidney !?llls to anyone troubled Ly kidney ?omidaln;." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ;ents. Foster-Mil burn., Co., Buffalo. S'ew York, sole agent* for the Unit- j ?d States. Run ember the name?Ooan's ? 1 ind take no other. For the sake of brevity why not > all Covernor Iiaru:on'.* majority i and let it f,o a* ;hat, which s plenty? .Saves an Iowa Maa's Ufe. The very grave seemed te yawn' >*?ore Robert Madsen, of West Bur ? ngion, Iowa, when, after seven *oeU* In the hospital, tour of the *? * ? -lei*** siave Min ut?. Then vas shown the marvelous curative >ower of Electric Bitters. For, af cr eight months of frightful suffer ng from liver trouble and yellow aunrtire, getting no help from other ?emedles or doctors, five bottles of hi* matchless medicine completely him. Its positively guaran eed fcr Stomach. Liver or Kidney ronbloa a '1 never disappoints. Only Or a I al' Druggists. THE P17R8B-OPKXKR TOE PATH TO THK PURSE IS PUBLICITY KO MAN BUYS WHAT HK NEVER HEAHU or. nownu MAY BIAKH UNBKBW?TOV mm Aovnmn *n* MAI WHO DOESNT AIV vRimn acorn to omvm MOM1IT.?TUDOR ????????????*??? ? Rotert B. 1 tnan ana wife to MsU ed November 14. lt" orded In th?( office oC the Deed* of Beaufort county in 144. psge 74: the und*rs!gnod am Monday, vbe 6th dny of ber 1110 at 1J ra.. at the door in Washington. N. C., at public auction, o?er (or sale for eash the niorusfors undivided interest In th following described property: North Carolina, Beaufort Count/, ashlngton and Long Aero township: First tract being the land on wtlcb timeline Grist now resides and has resided for many years?containing 11 aciW more or leas?adjoining the lands of J, W. Smallwood, Shade Keys and Rnnyon Mill pond and 8nowd'a Creek. Thle tract Is In Waahlngton township. The second tra.it 1s owned by Rob ert B. Koye and la in lx>ng Acre township snd is woodland and which is not at thia time occupied*?con taining fire acres more or less?no Joining the lands of Nathan and Hen ry Hunter. Edmund C'jerry. John C Brown tract and others, and Is the same tract of land conveyed by Geo. R. Qrlat and wife to Robt. B. Keya by deed dated Dec. 16. 1107. and recorded In Book No. 141, pgge 511? Reglster's Offlce of Bsaufort fOTDtr which deed la herein referred to"*a<J made a part of tbia conreyanco. This KOT. 3rd, 1ft 10. MALACHIA KEYS. Mortgagee, py Norwood L. Simmons. Attorney. NOTICE! Xorth Carolina?Beaufort CotuAy. !n the matter of application for par don for Qeo. Capps, Col. Notice la hereby given v that the undersigned will apply to Hon. W. W. Kitchln, Governor of North Caro-4 llaa, on Friday, December 2nd, 1910 for a conditional pardon for Geo. Capps, colored, who waa convicted | of murder In the second degree, and | sentenced to Imprisonment In the J 3tate penitentiary for tr/entf J.^rs j at the December term of the Super I iPr wv.rt of Beaufott county in the" 'year 190S. All persons wishing to oppose the granting of said pardon will take notice and bd prepared to ofTer such opposition and evldcnc as they may hare. This 14th day of November. 1910. W. A. THOMP8ON. I ' Notice of Administration Having qualified as administrator of the estate of 8amuel 6. Sotch well. deceased, late of Beaufort coun ty, North Carolina, notice is hereby given tbat all clalmi against said estate must be pres -oted to %tbe ? n derslgned within tm Ire (12) months from this, October , 1st, 1910, or thii 1 notice will b pleaded in bar of their recovery. | All persons lnc< bted to said estats are required to make immediate pay ment. I This 2leL daj of Oct., 1910. JESSf- H. BATCH WELL Administrator f Samuel 8. Batch well. deceas i. Notice! The undersigned having qualified as executors of the estate of the late M. M. B. Rodman, all persons hav ing claims against said estate, will present them to the undersigned within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. All persona indobted \o said es tate must settle such Indebtedness with the undersigned at once. Oct. iTth 1910. W. n. RODMAN, E. T. RODMAN, Executors, 6vr Washington. N. C. NOTICE! By virtue of a power of sals con tained In a certain Mortgage deed, executed by Dean 8utton and wife, Llllle, to J. B. Bonner, on December 12th, 1804, and by J. B. Bonner duly transferred and assigned to me. I will offer for sale, for cash at the court house door in Beaufort coun ty, at 12 o'clock M-, on the 28th day of December, 191 Oy to satisfy the debt secured by the said mortgage, the following deecrlped land: Beginning in Broomfleld Swamp, at Henry Stephen's 8. E. corner, thence, with Stephen's line N. 2 E. 210 poles to Peed Town Road; thence, 8. 8 8 E. 7-58-100 poles; thence, 8. 2 W. 212 poles to Broom fleld Swamp; thence, up the run of said swamp to the beginning. Con taining ten acre* more or leas, for more complete description see mort gage deed, recorded In Che register's office of Beaufort county in Book 81, page 458. This November 21, l?lt. ELY MOORE. By W. A. Thompson, attorney. J bave beganthe direction of thsDem-| ... ? 9' rv^ ? *?7 and u i*#r y w oBmr for Mi., to K? U*V*t M-U. for Mb, at the rffbr :1">i - * ?U-.nr '.. Beaufort COUFl/ A ?ulb*4 real Mlat*: A ?rta!n trsc. inircM 01 land lying ana twins U' Beaufort County and Chocoalnlt. township. It M&g a pcriioa of U land conveyed to Nathan J. Oodl by IV feL Von Bberateln and wlf? y deed dated November gOth, 1901 which aald deed Is recorded In boo I 111 ft pace 283, and belnc tba. portion of said land which has no' beeea heretofore conveyed by th* said Nathan J. Godley and wife b> deeds recorded In the registers of fice of Beaufort county In books 146 pa?? 366. book 146, page S66. IM book US at pace 147,/the sam< tract of land herein conveyed beic* all that portion of aald tract de scribed In said book US at P*C* 282, which lies on ths weft aide of| Ithe Norfolk Southern raj'road. tht said tract of land *attmated to ecu ttt* !!?Tt3t7 Utc ;c:?f land. T ? Kovckti; i2th. 19.10. w. a. buTnt, ? Mortgagee. I I By Col 11b H. Hardi^c. Atiora;. J Administrator's Notice. Ha vine qualffled as adm!alstratoi| of the estate of Egbert Yea tea dc | ceased, late of Beaufort county, Nortlj Carolina, notice la hereby given that I all claims agalnat aald estate mun I be presented to the undersigned within twelve (12) months from this, Oct 13th, 1910, or this noti?| will be pleaded In bsr of their recovj |ery. \ I All persons Indebted to said estaU are required to make Immediate pay] ,n:ent. , \ J ^ , ARTHUR TBATE8, A4a|n*f'f*,or ?r Echfrt Yeates, <jJ eeasod. IW. A. Thompson, attfrnv/, Au**uTT j N. C. Tbto lath day of October, id 10. | Il8-18>l^?k 6w. J NOTICE North Carolina, Beaufort Count; Superior Court, Spring terr 1|?10. Peter Langley va Pleasant Jungle. To the defendant above nanod: You are hereby notified that th above entitled action has been Inst, tuted against jfeu in the Supcrlo Court of Beaufort County, North Car olina, for the purpose of obtalnlni an absolute divorce; thst the com plaint has been filed thereli alleging statutory grounds, whlcl entitles the plaintiff to ab solute divorce, and thft the sum mons in aald action lit returnable In to aald court, before the judge there ef at the courthouse In Washington N. C., on the 13th Monday after th let Monday In September, It bfln.^ the 5th day of Lisiomber, 1910, whei fend wbers you are commanded to ap pear nnd r.nawar too^Vatd complaint : within til3 t'.ms iequlrcd by la* or toe plaintiff will apply to .ttu court for tne relief therein demand ed. '-f x Given under my hand and ten! tbf 1st day of November. i91?k GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk of Superior Court Notice! By v!rtnc cf a power of arie cov talned In a mortgage oxecoted o February 12tb, 1909. by J. Wile Ball and wife to Howard Wlnfleld and recorded In Register's office oi( Beaufort county. In Book 162, pas? 337, I will on Monday, the Eth day of December, 1910, at 12 o'clock, m. at tbe court house door of BeauCori county, at Washington, K. C., offei for sale to the highest bidder, foi cash, at public auction, a certalr piece, parcel or lot of land lying ?n(* being In North Carolina. Beaufort county. Washington township, anC described and defined as follows, to i wit: In whst is known as vWaLsh tngton Heights" being lot No 8. Ir Block No. 6, according to HalTj^iaap of said property. 'See - deed from Washington Investment Compsn to J. Wiley Ball and wife, recorded In Book 145, page 59, records of b4?u fort county. Being same- lot <-f tend ?wheron said parties of the first part Nor. S, 1918. HOWARD WINFI?L,D. Klcholsoa 4 Daniel, attorneys. 15-4 A OALli FOR TAtm. Tour taxes hare been dye sine* September lf and I hats be?n waft ing patiently. Now it Is.Ume you " paid, aad about Une for me to tie with the sU<e. Come la asd sat tie at ence. *ee A. *?>_ ? ~1k& I. i^on Wood K KMBCRS N. >. COTTON E*C L BANKERS and BROKERS SI OCRa. BONDS. COT TOW, CP AJN awl PROVISIONS. n PLUMB STREET. CARPENTER OUILOING, NORFOLK. VA. i-nrat* Wlra to N. Y. S-ock Exchmam. N. T. Cotton Kxchuoo, Chicago ; Paard of Trmdc and otber ~ ? accounts given drefol Just Received! WEFtr.t* .? * New Prepared Buckwheat, Hon.iny Grits, Oat Men I and Evaporated Peaches. All kinds of Fruit arriving daily. imt~: * E. L. ARCHBELL FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN When ip need of that Barrel of Flour, ind we will save you money, A big shipment just re ceived. All brands. Any price. ? Call phone No. 327. UNION GRO. CO. WE CARRY IN STOCK MOORE'S MODERN ??IHPBPilHODS TWf wl poethfJy rvfcre you. -/icc cscpeoae. We cm l^f 4** aay oO* Lo-~ UJ CabiMto ?od lUcard fan* #?*??? "floors. M.--drrn Method*." A cmtMla* a?4 iKttruct.cn to WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS j*ur? l \Ara rw m iu utt 1am sr Washington, h c. 42 YEARS YOUNG WHAT IS IT LIKE? ll b a- high-da*, pure spirited magazine of ? contains one cuap!e!e c.->pyt ighted ntAt-l in rrtiy Inm, besides s half-daji-n capita) sltof ?torie>, pleasing poetry, readable articles, and the jolly-bet- uaioor teciiun >ou ever ?*. Every month you will fitd i group of terse sod UmcJy artides c< absorbing in teres* ?. ?. ?. % % ?. ?. SPECIAL FEATURES 12 GRF.AT COMPt JETE NOVELS. ? ARTICLES ON OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. T? FASCINATING SHORT STORKS. t ARIICLES ON "THOSE NERVES." >00 PAGES OP NEW MUMOR 2000 Pago* Yearly of Fiction, Pact, and Fan M> mm mm ? IUI OBTAINABLE |U> ? T? LIPPINCOTT'S E? W?hio,.o? V<" PHILADELPHIA. PA. "? ?n? OUR BPCCIAL MAQAZINK OfPCAB _SB^ ? " r 1 J a" Moored Modern Methods will impror# jaax AND SA VTlORNE Y-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. EDWARD L.SnrEW\RTl J Attorney-at-Law. Olllc? over Dally New?, I Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Dflle* Savbwi * Tnw oo.. Wi ?HiNcroN, n. r; ? STEPHEN C. BRAGAW J Attorney and Coanselor at-lswj Washington, N. C. _L__^ ICHOLSON & DANIEL Attorneys-a t-Law ( Practice in AU Cow*" Nicholson Hotel Bui'dlng II tr " . A. D. SMALL, MAC LfcAN* McMULLAN AITOHNKYS-AT-LAW Wwhljmton, North Ia W. D. GRIMES IATTORNEY-AT-LAW WwhlOKloo. North Carolina. Practice in all th? Cow RODMAN & RODMAN] Attorneya-at-Law Washington, N. C. w. M. BOND, UWH, n. c. - NORWOOD U SIMMOT I BOND & SIMMONS /.'? TORN t YS-AT-I. AW 1 * kiogtofl, Nortfc Carottoa Practlce to all CoaiU. W. L Vauijhan W- A. Thomp^> VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. C Practice If. njl the court* ^ Business Cards ^ G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE And Plate Glass INSURANCE. HM) VBMLL JR..O Civil Engineer and Surveyor . Washington, N. C. Just Arrived K?* c.Tmoada, tlbarta, Bridl nuta, raisins, curranta, citron, Mod Qsa, date*, cryitallaed Ctnser tad a /ull variety of Xrnaa Goods. Phono go. Walter Credit & Co lion so. If. UN World'. L.M. ppfr-? Em?

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