A ftlNlt&r OP NTKM.1NO SJI.VKR ?uu be mi at BallV tho Jew FOIt I1EST?Row* turnUhed mil unflnlaUad, >11 modern coanen Iroeee, board U wanted. Apply to Mr* Barak Mayo, Ul East Main *"*?? - ; ? ? A Dber do' your work and thereby ;/ aav<V both time and monoy. Phone Mlsa %rtlk. Uarab, Chamber oI Commerce. ;vji? ! ?. ? ft FOUND?llaui I to be. Owner can (?t eanie by paying for tila ad and deacriblng robe. Apply thla O.yM. . tf AN HXGKPnONAL FIKK IAXH OF Cfalaa Ware at the Variety store. > It-Mr HBFORK BIYINO SKK CUT OLAStt dtaplay at Bell'e, tbe Jeweler. tf.' ?K BKLL HAVK SUflt U>V prtee maUtac ana runs at tho Ya ?Vety Store. * 11-M. BKLL TUB JEWKIJIR FOR i tt . X. Boyt. M tf ? ; , , '?! IMAfl 18 VAST APPROACHING? Den't wait until the last moment to have jour pictures trained. It takes time to make good points and finish your frames up neat. Brine your pictures now. Aw ot tbe latest patterns In black and ?tber solars of mouldta?s. Russ 55S. Main or Second streets. Reward if ntarart to J. H. Bonner. 1S-S t in Dry Qoodt, for oer i Mim( mW Apply to Mows ?Aco 11-S ekf FOR 8AL?-4Mom. Qthbt^m, HdtoU lM omm, by H. B. Mayo A Co. 1144 ckg put Tnrs | IN YOUR ' AND SMO IT A Aon to knowYt 4y the corn pony ho koopo - ^keV.M by his Bueincv* Cord*. Circular# and Let >w print then and they will BE A CREDIT TO YOU. WSn@liCin]@ws? ^ Have vou ? iplroOid. ?um k oI > Ha?' ?'??> HI- ("mi new knr ol popuiai ?tDclea > Ar* vou ntaking a i|*c(al pner on lehovcr loli> Who Knows About It? Why not let ererpbody know by hanogoa print aoae CIR CULARS and POSTERS io< >oo> 1 the Bottoo, d j$PJHI By ESTHER VANDEVEER -Gobdby. Harold." f. Alice." parting word- between Harold Roth weU and Alice Swain, for their heart. | loo full to say more. They 1 to have been married within a fair months. but RothweU bad developed pulmonary trouble. und It was decided that b? wboold go weal and lira as outdoor life. The prospect before tbem w.i. gloomy. Even IX Harold recovered bla health tbe tfirlug up of prospects be was leaving might keep him to poverty and necessitate their continued separation.-lie turned away * eat otit for the railway slalion. AUcw watched him till be reached a bend tn the road, when be turned and **i?. ?>? stormed it> end out of sight. Ssd Ma they wet?, they, would have bee* far more so bad ibey known what woukl bai pen before they should mm* again. That aame day two years hence I found Roth well financial manager for Henry Palmer, a rancbev, though but Jnst appointed to tbe position. Roth well had long been a sheep herder for Palmer, and tbe out of door life had completely cured him of hia ailing. As soon sa it was considered safe for him to lead a more confined life Palm er, who had taken a great fancy tp him and who needed, a dark, put him in charge of the financial part of his ! fmncbiag. Then RothweU wrote to I Alice 8wain that within another year be hopsd to return for ber and bring {jtff feftifc wlfh aim, ? The ranch Wis noL a large one. and tbe owner and bla clerk were tbe only two persons engaged upon it except a few herders, who were always away in cat* of the flocks. The men bf-. came very warm friends and were al most constantly together. One day , Palmer said to to deck: 1 -Yon kaow. Harold. that 1 an V j bachelor aod hive no one in the world j to leave what belongs to me. I'm going to make % will bequeathing tbla ranch and tbe atock on St to you." ^ RothweU a mi led. "Considering that ' you are but tea years older than 1 and far stronger. X think 1 would better leave my possessions. If 1- bad an to you." ^ -Furthermore." Palmer continued without noticing the comment, "there are five $um bonds, which will also be youra. Three booda. together with some old family trinkets, I bare plac ed In biding, and I am going to show you where they are hidden. They, too, will go to you at my death." He led the way to the attic and from a receaa formed by a corner In the roof between two Joists took a tin box. opened It and showed RothweU the bonds and tbe trinkets referred to. The latter consisted of a gold watch bearing the Initiate H. P. and some srticles of jewelry. "Yon are very kind." said RothweU, -to make me your heir; but, as I hsve I said. I don't think there Is the slight- | eat chance of my ever receiving my In heritance." -There Is a better chance than you think." said tbe other. RothweU looked at him inquiringly, but received no further confidence. Palmer replaced tbe box, and tbe two men returned to the lower story. Then Palmer opened a safe kept on the premises, took out a will, showed RothweU that It was In his favor, put it back and closed the safe door. "Why." asked RothweU, -don't you top the bonds and tbe other thinga ' In die safe?" -I have a special reason for not keeping the bonds there. As to the watch and Jewela, It doean't much matter where they are kept. Some day you may learn the reason. So long aa 1 live I can trust you not to disturb tbe box in the garret and after my death what It contains may be of seme benefit other M>aa for their intrinsic valu?." tv? I ?That will appear or t*ae time." Thta wm not my -titlsfactory. bat Roth well wm obliged in be nattaM with It.' U hm bat a few \tmOw afi#r tbk that Roth well, tin r in* pot In *ome fund* for the wile of ?b*-ep. rode to the town, some do>^n mll?* to depoalt the money In book. Tie day proved en eventful one. On the wey tire m?"Wi*d men tpranc uiwn him fnm * wood be-Mr ibe i*?ad nod , Mm. Returning to the ranch, t.f Nrt?d Palmer tjipi? In the Urine room'of the hoaee with a tmtlH tn ft* ??rnli?. ? '?< J z /?' A:i *?*?? re h?* hnd Ht3H^ir!y r>* fne%r?rt from trto" *hi*-fc' t?. ihlitk ho 0?4fn?ilti**fl To f!ile to th?- uenreat rt'.ai-ii. yei n *i?M*enrer and aend for the proper authorise* to oome and fake legal action upon the matter. Within a few houre en officer of the law arrived and took charge of both the preml*e? and the body. When Rot b well bad told him the Whole atory of hta connection With Palmer. c-nclodln* with tl up Hot ranuiffii ' ' f? N.*>. -?I-? ?? st Mm wrWwIy Th? n be i*alIeC a ?#?W aud Heut Ulia off |*utttbufti' When the BJtuwiin-r retuiucd b* brought the -beriB with bUn. wfe without a word of explanation, ciappei ? pair ol tuuMKnffH oa Kotbwrtia Tbe prUourr wu? ukn to? ?deed In JelL charged wttb of Heury palmer and tbo I bo fuutia he claimed to pal la tbo bank. a? one of circumstantial rather. of mot I re?alone. It wo assumed t|*at Uotbwell bad got behind la bis acvonnlB. bad eaabesaled tbo amount of wbkb h?- claimed be bad been robbed and. fearing that If detected be would lo-e bb> Inheritance. ?HHhfrkn whose projterty bo _ strong cane against' and there was tery little to be aakl In his feror. No trace of any one baring attacked Palmer and do evidence of Rothwell'a atory that be bad boon robbed appeared. Tbo court retained charge of I'aimer's property, hot allowed tbo legatee sufficient funds to pay a lawyer to defend blm. His attorney did the be*t in Ilk power (or blm. but waa anable to establish bla innocence. The Jury bang for aome time between murder la tbo flrst and second degree. but Anally brought to a verdict of gailty of the former. He was sentenced to Buffer the. death penally. And so It waa that Roth well, baring escaped death from tuberculosis, bar ing reached a condition where be might jjrtng bis sweetheart to blm as Us wife, was doomed to suffer on tbe gallon* for a crime be bad not cola mitted. There are not the delay a In punishment for crime In new countries there are where the safagnarda against infringing on the right* of accuaed persona are more afrtefly enforced. Rothwell Was wuUik -i! m bo banged ft few weeks after Li? lourlcUon. No new trial waft grouted, no stay of pro ceedings. aud tbe dfty or doom was near when ?ouietbtog happened. A yoong woman stood lobklng in through i::o of a pawnshop In the tufrg * lu?:v Cut h well was coorlcfr ' ed. At the time uu officer of tbe lax* dressed In plain clothes waa In the j ?hop, liitmiewlatf the pawnbroker, about some aioteu g.wda that be bad loaned money o;). The woman entered tbe Rbop and prcdrtcO n fco which she caked for n loan. The Lro- 1 kftr Inspected the watch and at ones i caught fight of two letters. "H.fV' ; ea tl* ctMe. "Whose initials are throw?* aaked the j broker. ' The woman as id she did not know ! Tbo detective took a baud In question big her end, ber replica being contra* fllctory. took ber to police beadquar- j tere. There, after many surmises ?orne one noticed that H. p.- wen. tbe initials of Heury Palmer, for whoea taurder Hotbwell was to be hanged In ft few dftys. Tbe chief of police put tbe women through tbe "third degree" process, with tbe result of ? confession thftt she bad murdered Palmer. llany were Inclined to doubt that tbe confession was genuine. Had It aot been for tbe feet that the woman bad attempted to borrow money on a watch with Palmer1 a t?ittt?i^ on it ut tle attention would have been paid to ber statement. Sbe claimed 'to hare been a discarded wife of Palmer s, and It was for this casting off that she had killed him. Tbe watch was shown to Bothwell, sod be told tbe police where he had seen It. This Identified the woman with Pslmer, she wss charged with bis murder, and Rothwell was re lessed. He asked to see the person who stood to bis plsce and was tsken to ber celL What wan bb? amazement to recog nize Alice Swain. Before he had time to betray their relationship she gave him a look that put him on bla guard. She then spoke to'him as a stranger, telling him that tf be could get permission to see her alone she would throw additional light on tbe murder. Permlnxlon was grant ed. and the two were left alone. Not daring to embrace each other, they refrained. Alice talked about the murder, but. fearful of being over beard. said nothing to reveal tbe true situation. Meanwhile sbe scratched on a bit of paper: This Is a Alan to save you. Ltfcfclly you wroto mo owtho tin box. 1 ram. took tho watch and pawned u to- grt ?rrsotod. Go away and. 1 will coovtnr* IbaOT or atf fe lt was agreed .JMtweeti them through the same medium that Harold should have a weak lief ore All^r revealed tbe trick. When tbe period bad ex pired and he was safe In biding she called for the leWyer who bad de fended him and told him bow Roth well had written her of the interview he had had with Palmer and of the tin box. showing him the letter?bow she had gone to tbe hiding place, (aken the watch and pawned If. know ing tbe mau who was at tbe time with the pawnbroker U> be a detective. Tbe attorney soon obtained a dismissal of tbe charge against bar. and later she was set at liberty. Sbe at once went to tlie ranch bouse and In her future buabood's name claimed for him hie Inheritance. Mak ing a more thorough examination of the contents of tfce tin box. sbe fooad n bit of paper on Which were written the following words: ? If 1 am mordarM It *01 by my aid fart nor. Jacob tvitcox. Who* We sep orated I took lone txyed* ihst he claimed belonged to him. He told mo then that ha would ha -* the bonda tf ba had to klO mo to get thrta , ? r. . Jy la time "'^tbTrell mine into hie ln aurt married t^w clrl tyjh. D* i .twy.i ... W4 Notiea la hereby g\r*a that the ex atloX P?rt?w?Wp known M Bowers Lewie Company, oonalatln? of A. U Bo wore', B. *. Bower*. L B. Letla and J. -T. bewla ta hereby dlaaolrad. A. L. Bowera and B. Frank BoWare having purchased tha lntereBtfof f T. Lawia and U B. Lewla In aaf^ hua Ineea. JJeeara. A. L- Bower* and B Prank Bo vera will contlaoe tb? baa inaaa under the (lim nam* and atyle of Bowera-Lenrle Company J. T. Lewie and L B. Lewta withdrew from tha partnership, and tha naw partner ablp aaatiaMa all the obligation* of the preeent partnerahip. Thla the lat day of Deceolfier IMA L. B. LEWIS. I J. T. LBWUt A. t BOW8R9. B. PRANK BOWBB5. On behalf of the new fina of Bow ?*a-L?wie Company, wa tha retiring wlahee ADd tood WHl t Bow?r?-Lowl? Coniu from tin puhllo thai khwltjr support. Trunin* that th ?w arm will recalro the iu? coc .(deration of the people la the fu tar* that the old arm has la th part. Tho dissolution la purelr bulnem matter sod ? part wit] [frlrailihlp aud rtscret*. Vary respectfully. L. B. Lewis. J. T. LEWIS. ?hall Women Vota? 'f the* ?ili|, m'lMnn* wnnld vote T>r Kla* ? New Ufe PIII. the true ram for hamaWa* dull lleh T?eUn*i. backache or he.-td cold. tr-porilnx appetite and toning ui *SS*mi "wyra aaiiMM "" aure. 16c at all Drue ^lola is tub am. Health of Animals Best Because of HnnH n:. An Interesting Interview ?u re cently obtained with Dr. Barker whose theory and medicines bare rrea?*d a sensation daring the past year. Dr. Barter, In speaking of the re markable suorees or his medicine, had this to Mr on the subject: "My meilclue regulstea the stomach. That is why It Is successful Tbe human, body today has become degenerate, snd la the cause for moat 111 health. In Ike horse, the dog. and the wild animal* generally. you see no tttrrd exhaustion, no chronir debility. Tbey' are nut shut tip dsy alter day with practically ne exercise and they arr not able to stuff themselves with food when their bodies hare not had enough work to justify It. The hu man race has been doing this for yoara, and look at the result?holt tbe people are complaining of poor health, not real Illness?Just a half sick, tired, droopy feeling. They dpnt really know what la the matter with the:e. ( know that all the trouble Is ?caused by weak, over-worked stom achs. 1 have proved this with my medicine to m.tay thousands of peo ple in most of the leading cities of the country. This is the real 1 for Uw demand for my preparation.' Aaoof those who hare recently been converted to Dur. Barkor's thaa ry la C. J. Kent, of Danlelaoc, Conn., wbo mm: "The Bloodtne Corp., Boeton. Mass . Gentlemen:?It la with much pleaa um> that 1 Inform you how I vu in duced to try year Bloodtne by llr. W. W. Woodward, the leading druggist of ihla city, for Indignation and Im pure Hood, and I can truly aay that It helped me wonderfrilly. I wouJd rtocommend tt to all who are suffer tug frcia theae much-dreaded, dis ease*. Tours very truly. C. J. KB NT, Dantel%pn, Conn. eOnte:?I can vouch f(tf the truth uf the above testimonial^ Mr. C. J. Kent, m be had been ^gpe ring for a long time with bad bhfed and lndl gealton. and after using three bottles of Btoodlue ho la a w?U man. t8lrnod) W. W. WOODWARD. Druggist. Bloodlnc eosts but 50 cents for the uousl $1.00 site bottles. Mail orders fitted by Bloodlne Corporation, Bos ton, Maee. Ilardr's Drug Store. Large Sale Of ART SQUARES AND RUGS {??$ due During December we will re uce prices on Art Squares and Rugs. We haVe the largest stock of these ever inCWashington. and they must go at some price. Come early and make your selection. JEFFERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Come and see our line of Holiday Goods Our priccs on DoFs, Fancy China and Glassware are right. We have a few more Coat Suits at wholesale cost. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. * improvement ih >uur office methods you naturally expect to cost more money, but ? ACTUALLY SAVE MONEY. Lei us show you why. i'" We have ? few copttt of * Moore's Modern Medtods*. a 160 page book iButoUng 40 leooid foam end tfaey ue kept Cal <*pkooe ior one. Feisooi Mr. C H- SUrttfcff. Jr., has leturn d from a h?ntln* trip down lo t - ? ? ? v ? * ? Mr. Hach Barber who has bMD In the employ of the Dolly Nova fo the post several wooki loft for his botne In Aarora oo tho Washington tad Yandemere train ysttarday af Mr WUUaa Sprtnscr, Jr.. of South Crook, was a Waahincton vis itor yesterday afternoon. '. Mra 8. Dr Rlsrson of Wilson Is Lhe meat of Mr.s Herbert Bonner on Weet Second street e ? e Miss Msmle Toleson of Belhaven, m In the city today. e ? e Mrs. G. 8. Walstoa of Belhaven Is rlsltiug In the city today. ? ? ? Mr. A. X. Bell and son of Belhav en Is in the elty today on buelneaa. 6 or t doses of "ier* will cure any rase of chills and fever. Price 2 5c. GOOD WOMAN DEAD. New a reaches this city of the death ef Mrs. Phoebe A. Sawyer which took place at her home at South Creek on November 28th. The deceased paaeed away after a llnger iinjt illness. .For 71 yeara ahe had been permitted to behold the.beau ties of nature and (or the paat 26 yeara was a conalatent and devotea member of the Primitive Baptlat church. She waa a woman held In the high est esteem in her neighborhood ano her death baa caat a halo ol gloom over the community where she wat beat knownc Mrs. Sawyer leaves a devoted hus band. Mr. Henry H. Sawyer, two daughters and three aona to mourn their loae. The remains were taken to Bllve Hill, Pamlico couney, where tHe bui lal took place. The Dally Newa extends sysapath} to the bereaved. iluistmas Entertalnmeat The First OapUat Sunday sshoo) has appointed a committee I o ar range for their annual Christmas eel ebration. No doubt a aplendid pro gram will be rendered. fclra. B. B. Latham, who has been the gueat of Mra. A. M. Latham, has returned to her home Jn Edward. Mr. Frank A Wright returned to Belhawn yeaterday afternoon. Dr. Neeley's WONDERFUL Wintergreen positi^sly cures Rheumatism Permanent results assured ?cot only temporary relief. If troubled with this dread disease try one bottle. Price 60c. and $1.00 per bottle. For sael by. DR. HARDY, Sole Agent for Washington and vicinity. All Bmtlm. Vlien I think that already this year I hare turned out forty thous j -nd photographs of people from the cradle to old age. It is a consolation for me to think my years work so far la represented in thousands ot homes and will be there many yeara to come. BAKER'S STUDIO. FOR FRVKKUSHIftfSS as4 4 CHI NO Whether from Malarious ctndUloo* Golds or overheating, try Btjka' Cat udlne. It rvdooM the fare* and re I lavas the ?"hlng. It's IU?ald?10 If and 10 easts, at drac stcraa. If we have a primary law that is operative there will be no need of an extra aeealon. WUl Promote Beauty. - Women deal ring beauty get won derful help from Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It baniahea pimples, akin 1M til. t*?. warni WHIN IN :* New York ?Wy Slop A. TV Hotel St. Andrew PgP| *- *L>4~ ? ff'7 ?' fjr .Sjfj Broadway & Weal 72 St. ABSOLUTELY FIRE - PROOF A High Claaa Family 4Ut# Transient Hotel . BxpraM Subway utlon at doof ?Ml near theatre and chopping dMrtd, room* or ouiuic, eac^ ^avtac Uaauip* aw4 cuialoa. k* ?at^ tc.- ?v t- - uij ? KU.. +.A* 8. la. ROOT Mmmcot. RIGGS HOUSE WtSHUtGTOH, D. C. . The hotel "par excellence" of the Natkmfc Capital. First-class iu all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from die White House. An illustrated Guklfl to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon ceipt of two 2-cent stamp-* 0. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. EttobliflMK] 1840. i ALTLMOKE STEAM 1'ACKHT OO. OLD B \Y LINE STKAMKKS FLORIDA, VIRGINIA & r ALABAMA Finest United States Mall Steamers South of New York, equipped with United Wireless Telegraphy and enr erj modern convenience for the pleas ure and comfort of the traveling public. Leaves daily, including Sua ;lay as follows: Portsmouth, Susynd 00 pn? Portsmouth, week days ..0:3# pm Norfolk . 6:30 pns Old Point 7:30 pm Steamers arrive Norfolk ....7:00 am Tickets sold to all points North. East, West and Canada. For informa tion as to tickets, stateroom reserva tions, etc, apply by phone, wire or let ter to. GEO. O. HOBSON, Gen'l Agent. J. W. BROWN, JR.. Southern Paa senger Agent, 169 Main street. J NO. B. KIMBERLY, and HOTEL CHAMBERLIX, Old Point, Vs. CITY TAXES The tax books for the city of* Washington have been turned over to the undersigned, and this is to no tify all owners of property subject* to tax that I am ready to receive tast es for the ensuing year. They must be collected at once. W. B. WINDLBY, City Clerk. Sept. 28, 1910. CITY MARKET. Beeswax Ite. Eggs, per dozen 28c Tallow Chickens, grown, each ..80 to 4J)e Spring chickens ..15c-?dc Ducks tOftJte Qesse 40 060* S. Beans 1,60 Black Peas 1.J70 MPeaa . . .. 1~7? Speckled Peaa Wonderful Peas lt7* Black Peas i?|>0 Clay Peas ....... .... .. !.?? B. E Peas $2.19 Green salt hides ? Green hides ? s . .... ., .Mfrc Dry hldea, lb 10 01 Wooll, free from burrs ? Wool, burry i........ 10491*? Lamb skins 15?Me Shearlings .............. KQM* Corn, bushel TO^Its ? :-3 ' r;

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