? i of tylmi in i UcUre Order o( Kiln. The Wuh ?Q|tOB M|? No. SIS. will lu*t Cxalr Maul cetotoratlo* ow their dead el their hell at S:?0 o'clock.! A" full program of the exercise* wee I published In yesterday^ Dally New*, the ore tor of the day will be Ret. Robert V. Hope, pea tor of the Chrie ftlan church aad the eulogies over the deed brother*. Meeerm. r. O. Paul aad William P. Baugham will ha de livered by Major Wiley C. Rodmag ead A. D. McLoaa. Esq.. respectlve The music promised is of high or der and merit. Some of Washington's beet sincere are to take part All over the United Statee tomor row afternoon the order of Elks will pay fitting tribute to the memory ?f thoee of their brothers that have peaked into the great beyond dur ing the past year. No town more flttingly observe^this occasion than Washington. Not only sre the mom* hern of the order urged to attend, hut the general public has a cordial fcuritation to Igp present. The order of Elks in Washington is.one of the most thriving secret organization*. It ha* done no little tor (he uplift of the city. Many h widow and orphan can bear testi mony to tbelr worth in thia city. Thoee who attend the memorial ex ercise* tomorrow afternoon "will be amply repaid. ttfUMB Invitation To M. E. Church The ladies of the Woman's For eign Missionary of the Methodist church will render the following pro gram at the M. E. Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock: Doxology. Duet: "l Gave My Life for Thee." Scripture reading:?Ninety.sixth Fsalm. Prayer in concert. Rolo; "Korean Campaign Song." Reading by Miss Thorne. Recitation by Miss Mettle Spen- j ecr. Duet: "hooking This Way." Reading by Mrs. Cordon Hymn: "All Hail the Power of Jcau* Name." Everybody i? .ordlally invited'to a; lend. AWFUL PAINS FULLY DESCRIBED 1 Lady of Pizarro Tells Story ot Awful Suffering That Cardul Finally Relieved. Pizarro. Va?"I suffered for several Tears writes Mrs. Dorma A. Smith. with thai awful backache and the bear ing down sensations, so fully described m your book. ' ? tried doctors and other medicines ana found little relief, until I was induced fo try Wine of Cardui, when I found in stant relief and today 1 can heartily recommend Cardui to all suffering women and th.'JCs,0o:?. Not S::rry For Illumlcr "If my friends hadn't blundered; n thinking I was a doomH victim; ( consumption, I might not alticj :OV.'," writes I). T- Sanders, of Har-; odsburg. Ky.. "but for yuais they; ay every attempt to cure .1 lung J -t f>u*h fall. At la*t r tried "?r. King'* New Discovery. The oi'-? 'e<-t was wonderful. It soon stop icd the cough and 1 am now In bet-i et health than I have had for' ? cats. This wonderful life-sa\er is in unrivaled remedy for coughs.' olds, lagrippe. nstbma. croup, hem-' ? rrhaecs, whooping cough or weak ''ing*. 50c. 41.00. Trial lmtfl<* tree. ? tiinrantecd by all Druggist* NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of The "Night Express" Schedule in effort Novraur 6th N. B?The following ach^Julo rtft virt-s published as information cnl? and are not guaranteed. NORTH BOUND Trains leave Washington 2:20 a ra. Daily for Norfolk. ?*on nerts for all points north and west. 10: "?0 a. m. Daily for Norfolk, ?-ennects for all points North and West. BAST BOUND 3:0& p. m. Daily except Sundar foi Belhaven. WEST BOUND 7:00 a m. Dally except Snnda? for Greenville, Wilson nod Raleigh Con neets North, South and Went with ?11 lines. 4:00 p. m Dally encopt Sunday for Oreenvllle. Wilson snd Rslelgh. 1:20 n. m. Dally for Greenville. Wilson and Rale4gV Connects North South and Want SOUTH BOUND 2:SO n. m Dnllr for New Bern, Klnston and Goldabero 10:07 a. m. Deity ecr*pt Sunday for New Born 1:50 9. m. Dally tor New Bern, Goldsboro, snd Bonntof* For further Information and ro Mrratfca pHr m r. WuhlRitm, W. ft. ? .i la mathematics Johnny la hardly any good, *? iv%?t be can kalt ? wbollen mitt Am waU aa grandma could; ? doeea't kaok one hero Or date in ^atorjr, But hipt hooray! Hie hoicks of clay Are beautiful to sea. Before he'd radiated An awful lot he'll kaoa. And be can turu The thing* he'll tear* To profit?maybe eo; But yet. loinebow or otbar. Before he 4nlt?. we bop*. He'll (earn endurh "Old-vathiooed stuff" To drown this modern "dop*." ?Paul Weal, In New Tork World. Foand Hob In Morgue. Philadelphia, Dec. 2.?"That l*? my box" a?lut before the body was positively recognized. Assistant Director of Public Safe ty O'Loary said tonight that photo graphs of the dead man In which the eyes had been painted on the negative to give a life like reaem blanre, had done more than anything Pise to lead to the final identification This was the flret time such a pho tograph had hern made for police work. .\muii(il V.VH) for Kls* Shrcvcport. La . Dec. 2.-?District court Judge A. J. Mnrf held that a Mrs of n young widow was worth $500. The -deeffeion was rendered in the rase of Mrs. Grace Hunter against J. L. Norman, former postmaster at Oil City, this paish. It was the postofhee that the alleged oQer.se committed. Mrs Httliter alleged tl'at XcnrfHn OFTIOJS ?4I. I ha?? option upon Doom i ?? But Hecond .tn?u No. tow 114. ? or > roomo. waftar. (u. elec tric UM. I. KOUH would coot two jU?j?rm to rebuild to1I and Toys in the City. SPENCER BROS., Inc., Wholesale and Retail. 1 If you don't believe that MOORE'S MODERN METHC~S f will save mcney in your office Let us send on approval for a free trial any Loose Leaf Binders, a Cabinet and Record Sliecls on any of these forms: gsrv W|? ? * .u'?n ? ? m%4 I (Mm i I ywa 1 Imnii ?*? ?- i n?*i^u t>? <-? I rs..u? ti Tim fm tV** (*!? SarwL. W"M? 1 If they prove our claims?pay us; if not they cost you nothing. WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS IAMFJ L VAYO. fU. PW?? 114 EAST MAIN ST. WASHINGTON. M C. f old roacn Tin tec of SA T ? 16*ACTICN newfevor MONEY BACK. 4s?rt? $3.50 43'lt, $4.40 nnci M-de of ficrtt qua'ity Vulcanite with 14K. Gold Nibs?Iridi um roints. Also Speci's'lv V-.ui.ud Gift Terr. T-he 14 different style points in great pleasure. You've ideas bow you want It?and when beat to earn out soar boose (dean la yoor puz zling question, isn't it. The question needn't be ponHog?the earring oat of yow borne Ideaa needn't bother you one siagle bit?if you'll bat cose to tbs Southern Furniture Co. store. Went here to carry out yonr home Ideas?we're her* to serve you well yon can came 2 rn with adaotnto confidence hi on-oor goods* Thrt'n the aort of store yon've In mind, isn't M And H M forth* MIL Are yon going t^ do it? our prices. ' WW* ? '\T ir * fjj Ttr~ Yp ^Sj|| B *U2 \ Sfe'l I JM lit pay* to read tb? ?dmtbem?nt?. THB8K < jrs' i . wo? l wt you ?hlTsrtnc? ka ttrrora (ar jm?tT im tm t (? ntlator la y?r rwa i??uhuUi1 vltk oar mIm ??? rour on >f ??? loot pliwo. Tan Ik* cock, atrlko ? MKk ao MONEY -?AT THE? OPPORTUNE TIME? Notice, within the clrele of yopr personal arqaaiatance and observation, the nigm t ions?-the wuggcstlon fraufcht fact that the people who ure In the habit of rtadlM' ads. ml ?ally have money lo buy ad vertised things! __ If it la not already true of ml Personally, BARGAIN Voa CM anuallj tako praapt ?Ihutxt of the attrr, It win hra>M