R?M>b. Dw. I.?Ai nearly " b. M |q the Moat* of th? North Caroll u ?M?*I MM-bly m to coctw <1 Democrat. l?4 ?nm Bw?hU?M ?14 the.fcoue of miKliittHw ?? Democrat. ead ?? rw??hlk??? *?d ai Independent. who was eapportad I* hla c*odlc*cy br tho Dara county Republican,. The iata board of Mtklns* to ?? ' ?othlns to do with the ton lor the MtfiUlur*. tbeee votes being Of ? ?? the commlaalooa lined ky the Tartoaa county cuvuriu : >-m now Die is v THIS TOWN fbom thk standpoint of your BUSINESS There are merchants In this town to whom tbe population counts tha #uil 100 per cent; others who secure vue benefit of * SO per cent popula tion. and soma who profit by only fS per cent, or even less. The siie of the town, from the standpoint of your business, depends cd the percentage of the population joo do bqsiness with. And tbe percentage of population who trade with yon, more than by anything else, can be determined by the Newspaper advertising you do. To conduct a business under ihe ex pense Incident to do ing business in a town of this sise and reaching but ?ne-quarter, or one-half of the pop ulation. is not altogether goou busl aess policy. By the judicious use of our adver tising columns you secure trade from the maximum percentage of the population to whom your goods would appeal. OPTION I have optlcn upon house and lot on Kast Second street, No. house Mft', S or y rooms, water, gas. elec fnc lights. House would cost two thousand dollars to rebuild today; practically new. large and deep lot, lot aloue >s worth seventeen hundred dollars. If sold in the next ten days goei for 12,730, you pay for the new pavement of sidewalks, now being built. If location of house is worth anything you ran take this In con sideration. For any information call st Baker's Studio. AHVFRTISK IN THK NEWS. FOB HEADACHE?Hide's Capndlne. Whether from Colds. Heat. Stom ach or Nervous Troubles, Capudlae will relieve you. It's liquid?pleas ant to take?acts Immediately. Try i* 10. 25 and 60c. at drug stores. Never judge a man's fondness for labbago by the cigars he gives you. TWO IXJCKKD IN STEEL VAULT They Yell Combination and Man Out side Finally Hears Trenton, N. J. Dec. 2.?Clarence. to ohtala papers o4 o?e unwitting ly close* Lb* door . . A. Unable to got out they pounded on the 4oor and yeUed Cor help. But sot until half ma hour after ward did B. F. Stratton. panici the oflee. hoar peculiarly muffled and fatat TQkM. H? veal !n mad realis ed the truth. One of tho imprisoned clerks yell ed the combination numbers, but 8tratton could not hear and celled for ssoftstancs. Sererai others tried vainly to open the door. Ylaally William L. Vandewster made oot what the yelta signified In numbers. Then the prisoners were roR nvutiaaxrfBs aao aching Whether from Malarious ? editions. Golds or ererheatlnff, try BUks* Gap udlae. It redoeeo the fever aad ve neres the ashlar It's liquid?It. Ik aad 10 eenta. at drag stereo. Greatly Reduced Rate* to National Rivers aad Harbors Congress WMhlnftoa, D. C., Via Norfolk Hon thorn Rail road. Tickets sold December Srd to 7th.J Final limit December 20th. Travel via the Norfolk Southern through Norfolk, Va. Ask auy ticket agent for complete | information or address W. .W CROXTO.V, General Paasenser Agt. 12-7. Not Sorry For Bluadcr "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not be alive now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Har rodoburg, Ky., "but for years they! say every attempt to ctire m Jung racking cough fall. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The ef- > feet was wonderful. It aoon stop-! ped the cough and I am now in bet-' ter health than I have had for; years. This wonderful life-saver la | an unrivaled remedy for coughs,' colds, lagrlppe, asthma, croup, hem-1 orrhages, whooping cough or weak | lungs. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all Druggist* AVIATOR AUGUSTUS I*OST HAS A FA LI, New Orleans, l.a., Dec. 2.?Augus tus Post, the aviator, fell abxnnt 60 . feet In his Curtlss biplane at the'city park race track this morning and was painfully bruised. Post was ta ken to the hotel scratched, some- j what dazed, and with one tooth! knocked out. In making a turn he swooped too near the tail of his machine catching in a tree and send-! ing the aeroplane headlong to tho earth. The machine was badly | wrecked. As the aeroplane fell hundreds of spectators rushed upon the Held amid much excitement, so mo lend ing assistance in extrlcatng the In jured man. Tonight Post Is largely recovered from his injuries and shock. Ward, near tho end of the beaut!-; ful flight narrowly escaped a bad ac-! cldent. With his machine at a height of 600 feet the cap of the oil can cime off and was thrown aganist the pro-j peller, damaging It somewhat. FOR FEVKRISHNESS and ACHING. Whether from malarious condi-1 tions, Cold* or overheating, try Hick's j Capudinc. It reduces the fever and \ relieves the aching. It is liquid- V i 25 and 50 cents at drug stores. ri.h*a Any nmm <* Mr. ? Mk, Who mur. I at H>mln?He la the h r of Mr., w. of WmMh Hocklnghnm, M. c.. Ok j-_i? tbo ai"JH.ruc*?t jam* a. Cromnru. from Hamlet <* Novombcr ?tb. Rich moad county ku one ot the most baffling mysteries with which the coaaty haa nor had to coatend.'but la solving which every effort to be ing made by hla devoted aone. oae or two or thorn remaining here con stantly and following oat ever* clue which preaeote ltaelt. One arroat haa already been made In connection wtth the caaa. but no evidence ot foal piny wea preeonted and the prisoner waa dtacharged. Yet there are features connected wtth the disappearance of the ntan which points strongly to murder, for were James A- Cronartle allre today he would .communlcau with his relatives, it ot sound mind; If ot unsound mind ha haa papers In hla poaaeaalon which would Identify him. James A. Cromartle left hla home at Boperton. on., and arrived In Ham let. where he waa to take a train for Clarkton. N. c., on the evening of November 9th. He stoppod at the Seaboard Hotel tn Hamlet, but weat for a walk leaving his baggage it' the hotel. v That erening h? was teen by * colored man IWlac on the Hamlet* Rocklnham road. This man talked with him and la positive of hla Iden tity. Later, another man said he had ?*?11 him going toward the swamp In that neighborhood and that two negro boys had told htm there was an old man dead In the swamp. Searching parties were Bent out from Hamlet and every inch of the Kround was rone over. Nobody was found and the negro who had told *o much was arrested on ejrapicion. but afterwards was released for lack of evidence. Right here every clue as to the man s whereabouta ends. The entire state has been searched and now the matter has been placed In tho hands ot tbe police of the ?rge cities, throughout the coontry, who are'mak ing a systematic search. In addition to this tb? ni visnapers has been ask, ed and thousands of photographs are being sent out In an effort to locate the man, who was 69 years of age and was 5 feet 7 inches tall. When he disappeared he had only <25 or 130 in his pockets and no insurance on hla life. From Information secured by.his sons It looks as if murder has been committed and the body hid ' made away with. Every effort la be ing made to locate him. A reward Is offered ior Information of his whereabouts, dead or alive. Hla sons still remain here to be on hand If any newa should come In from the many aourcea which are now work Ing on the case. Mr. Cromnrtlo Is the father ol Mrs. w. J. Pippin or this city, who has been In great suspense over the mysterious disappearance of her fn ?her. she hns tho sympathy of the entire community In her great aor row. Mr. Cromartle was to have vis ited his daughter here during the Cnristinas holidays. 1 It doesn't break into the scandal class until it bccaomes talked about. The Distinctive Winning Flavour of Post Toasties Is sure to be remembered. -? s It it one of those specially good things to eat that most everybody likes. > Served direct from the lockage with cream and sugar. Post Toasties are a con venience tb?t busy housekeepers' appre ciate. Don't be caught without a package in the pantry, ; 1 "The Memory Lingers" *-.eS?d|:s K B.?TH following achodula IU urea published ?> Information only and are sot (uiuteH NORTH BOUND Tralna Ion Waahlngton: 2: JO a. rv Dally for Norfolk, eon ??U for all point* north and vaat. 10:SO.a. a. Dally for Norrtk. all paiaila North and Weot. ?AST BOUND 1:06 p. m. Dally except Sunday for Bolharoa. BOUND 7:00 a. a. Dally except Snnday tot Oraonrllle. Wilson and lWJellh. Con nocta North. South and Weat with all Unea. 4.M Bt n. Dally axoept Sunday for Orwaarllla, Wllaoa and RaMCfc >11 a. m. Dally (or SrouTnA. Wllooa and Ralalgh. Coanoeta North iMth ?>d fiat. SOUTH BOUND tit* a. n?. Dally lar Barn. K!niton and ClaMrtara I#:t7f a. ?. Dally ?qreatft Sunday for Nev D?rn. The Addleto Book dir. Ik* ae< ford. we ' two cueeta, Mr*. Da p?r of Or boro ud Mr. RteraOD of Wilton. The aufcject tor the afternoon araa Macbeth and the paper br Hi*. Knight, "Macbeth, the memoriae of Htatorr/'waa Inetructlve and lnter Aa Viae Janle Mrere. the eecre tary, called the iyp. each member answered with n quotation from Mae beth. Wor eometlme we hare been dle cuaalnc the advlaablllty of joining the North CeraUu elate federation Of woman* rlube. we decided to Join at oaoe ea we deelre to keep In touch with ^ the other clnbe and their work, than to Wliaulate us to er en better work, thafrore hare done |a the peat. ' ?M| After the btteloeea of the club Waa over a delleloue anted course waa *>rred br the hoeteaa Beautiful ra Mp^.were clrea, candr boiee tied with CbrieUnee ribbon and a eprny of hollj. After then kin* lira pnlford tor a adjourned to meet on the l?th of December with Mra. J. D. Crimea. i'. -.f i *.. tar-v. A -a. LOWEST PRICES LARGEST ASSORTMENT Of Dolt and|Toys in the City. SPENCER BROS., Inc., Wholesale and Retail. SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA Chesapeake Line to Baltimore Direct Line to Baltimore and ail points North & West ELEGANTLY APPOINTED 8TBAMKRH. PERFECT DINING SERVICE. ALL OCTSIDK STATEROOMS Steamers leave Norfolk dally (exccpt Sunday/ 6.15 p. m. from foot of Jackson street, arrive Baltimore 7:00 a- m. Direct connection made with rail lines for all points. For mrtleulalrs call on or write F. R. McMILLIN, T. P. A. 95 Qranby Street, Norfolk, Va. Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." "Inventions needed." "Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley wis formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of the U. S. Patent Office. GREELEY&M9INTIHE Patent Attorneys WASHJNGtON. D. C. If you don't believe that - MOORE'S MODERN METHOD tvn Boney io your o?xM ( .Let u$ send on approval (of ? free trial any Looie Let! Bidden, a CaLinet and Record Sbecta on any ci these forms: ^ of t<x ?ad reads the advertiseme: & She hat learned by experienc. date in his methods and ha one which makes his indue If he did not do this he wou^ The back i Shopping at home, looking th saves time and annoyance i read the advertisea ' the most <J nee felt through his < not be aa up-to-date Iocs not advertise. wigh the ads before jod s ?d is we to result in both? f rmai com mornings. ?i you iblnrlfti?hin tj> tor tm-?K yon tin ? wm radiator la your ram a with oar u?1m uH your on hnuo food vttm. Tin U* oook. ttrtfeo ? Mtch *nd Ju? (M? your I grow ??- ? ?"V you'r* ? IK y?? eu ?hut at n*. ?a ntautau lor ? few l A i ? ?" kik ok tow -taw. ;ourt&co LOUISVILLE ,Kr.,U.S .A.* Washingtoa Daily News -MS AGr si s - - FOR- THIS r-XCLUfi^VR LTOF,. -?=m=rsi ?IK) YOU? Usually Have ?THE? V ' MO N E Y OPPORTUNE TIME ? Notice, within (he circle of jour personal acquaintance nnd observation, the saugsea float?the sajotMtJon fraught t?et that the people who are in the habit of reading ads. us ually hare moifjr to baj ad \ertlaed thing*! If it !? not already true of Personally, StK > Sil' BARGAIN M WOT I urn * tht Mt, H win >? ??r Worthwhile jfcv yy. : ' ? '?.'?? ?-4 >

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