? ?? wmht, nhihi WteUauM wuL ,? T T*?. ** ' ?? ' ? ?IIIMIIlllw on M p. m. Blcka, Jail f*e* ?M? '? c. Crawford, itaris Martin. Co.. ?.U.tJTiTS.SSr. J** H. BSU. tnd ill ahotlif count? niag * .?. Fowl. * Sod mStttTtoutr wT r b *52! * 8o,,? tor *?*? Mrt conveying H. WTH CO Jtll ?? , , A ? KA C. H. Kokmoa.-Mrrtas ?* road order* ,!"JJ rin? rv? h?. * * ? K. O. Bright. Supt. Co. home I .".WI! * t ana* W. D. 8aundersoil. Mnrlag 42 road orders 18 to W. A~ Cratch, lumber for Chocowlalty roods JJ'TI Slmoo Taj lor, repairing carts !'JJ Mdwtrds and Broughton. records for register una H- L. Hodges. Supt Co. roads 3!.?' k ? u. nwuflei, oupi. uo. roads g4 || J. D. Aldridge, as 1st ant Supt Co. roads, 6 days. !!.!]*" a 06 J_ K.Williams, assistant Supt. Co. roads. 1 month tl.'d# Hugh Candy, guard to convicts, l month SO 06 J. A. Harding, guard to convicts. 20 day* II II D- Still, guard to convicts, 16 days ,t#j 19 00 W. A. Hills, guard to convicts. l| days I0 ?7 M. Q. D. Hill, keeping Waah. bridge and oil 'ft 00 O. Rumlsy, clerk to board etc. till Kowle Memorial Hoepltal. attention 4c to Alonsa Bonner 11.00 A. H. Waters, aerving 38 road orders io 40 R. L. Barr. serving 41 road orders U*|0 A. Toler. keeping BlOuat's Creek Bridge 10.00 It. R. Warden, chairman to commissioners 41.1? W. H. Stancill, county comlssioner 6.69 r. H. Von Bberste<n, county commissioaer |"a W. W. Hooker, county cotnmlsslonsr . 1.70 H. C. Boyd, couaty commissioner ?.4# Thos. Green, county commlseloner 7.75 h. P. Harris, county commissioner 4.60 W H. Stancill, extra work on bridges f.o# Spencer Bros., mdse for Co. home 6.65 J. W. Oden A Co., repairing Hunters brldgs 89.01 ?C. H. Roberson, conveying Joe Long to Jail, Ac 1.18 A. C. Hathaway, w'k on r'd between Snoads and Jack Cr. 8.20 Rdwarda A Bronghton. record for register 14.00 B. W. Miller, J. P. cost In Joe Long case 1.50 J. C. Duke, conveying prisoner to chain gang 10.50 O. Rumley, clerk to board Ac ... <1 88.18 Harris Plumbing A 8upply Co., mdse for convicts 89.80 Writ. B. Harding, stationary for clerk and register .. 1.25 J. K. Hoyt. mdse for convicts 36.65 "Win. E. T. Pstrick, work on river road 7.50 Alfred Bailey, keeping Bath bridges 18.00 Ed Paul, peas for convicts 1.60 8uskin A Berry, overalls, for convlcta 1.75 ??. U. Duke, serving 25 road orders 7.60 R. L. Tripp, mdse for convicts 2.30 H. L. Hodges, oupt. public roads 60.00 J. E. Williams, guarding convicts 25.00 Hugh Candy, guarding convlcta 20.00 W. D. Still, guarding convicts 20.00 L. F. Latham, guarding convicts 14.00 Dave Hodges, guarding convlcta 11.00 H. O. D. Hill, keeping Waahlngton bridge. 37.00 J. Havens, feed for Co. mules 74.40 Geo. E. Ricks. Jail fees 127.65 S. R. Fowle A Son. paint and brushes. Wash, bridge. ... 9.65 8. R. Fowle A Son. mdse for Co. home 1.41 8. R. Fowle A Son wood for convicts 1.50 Washington Da ly News, publishing Finan^ai Commit tee report ' 45.00 W. A. Cratch, arreat and conveying Chaa Tmery to jail 6.55 T. A. Ross, material and work?Bonnerton bridge. . . . 5.62 Geo. E. Rlcka. aundrles 112.39 H. O. Bright. Supt. Co. home 140.76 Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. C.. examination of Insane and sundries 12.00 B. Q. Bright, care Ac, of Sam'l 8atchwell 14.05 J. E. Turnage. mdse for convicts 1.54 J. E. Turnage, mdse. for Marlah Taylor 1.77 B. 8. Waters, lumber for Cuckels Creek bridge 8.31 J. F. Tayloe, mdse. for convicts 171.18 A. Toler, keeping Blounts Creek bridge 10.00 F. A. Barber, keeping. Aurora bridge Ac 88.50 J. B. Keech, keeping Belhaven bridge 25.00 A. F. Respess. keeping Pungo Creek bridge 20.00 M. M. Jones, work on Washington bridge fendera. . . . 150.00 M. M. Jonea. wgrk on Washington bridge fenders 90.00 J. A. Leigh, cost in recorders court 17.80 Hoyt Drug Co., vaccine polnta Ac 21.86 D. D. Bonner, taxes refunded on telephone line 8.20 R. R. Warren, chairman to commlasloners 16.86 W. W. Hooker, commlaaloner j? J? Thos. Green, commlaaloner H. C. Boyd, commissioner ??jj? W. H. Stancill, oommlaaioner J-?? F. H. Von Bbersteln, commissioner 3.no Walker. Evana A Cogswell Co.. mdse for Clk A Regr . 12.2# Dr. H. M. Alexander A Co.. medicine by Co. Supt 16.60 Edwards A Broughton. marriage llcenae for Regr 1.7 & Fowle Memorial Hospital, tapping aewers A B. Jones, work on James City bridge ? ? M. Mc Jones, conveying 3 prisoners to roads . . . . . . io.JJ J C. Crawford. Shff. Martin Co.. arrest Ac Henry Martin 8.70 W. A. Tankard, clerk to board aupervlaors. Bath .... i.us C. O. Cayton, repairing Roes bridge ? A. J. Cox A Co.. mdse for Co. home ? ?? ? J. F. Tayloe. pd. R. J. Manning on Aurora bridge 86 0 j f Tayloe, pd note to Good Road Machine Co..... j! F. Tayloe. pd. Int. 2 notes to Bank of Waahlngton. . JJ-JJ J. F. Tayloe. pd. 51 Jury tickets ? 20 60 R. F. Respess. keeping Pantego.bridge snd oil ?0.?0 F. A. Barber, keeping Aurora bridge *5 00 J. B. Keech. keeping Belhaven bridge . K Toler keeping Blounts Creek bridge. ...... ? ? ? ? ? H. O D Hill. keeping Washington bridgework N. A. Cotter, lumber lor l.ong AcTo brM* . ... goo, Dr P A. Nicholson, attention to amallpox ?c *<*1.....??? n1cS0.o? ::: ?? Hon Droit Co.. medicine by P. 15.09 TJ.J0 U D. and H. L Smith Co.. tent for conrtcte ... ?0.3? H. l>. Hodgee. Supt Co. roede . ? ? ? ? ? | ? 15.00 J. B. William., aaalatant 8npt. Co. roa ]o 0* Hv?h Candr. guard to ' ... 20 0? I, F. Latham, guard to 10.?? W D. Still, guard to convlcta ^ Dare Hod (tea. ?"?'? ,0 \ ' ,or c ' g. c.'. 11S? Bdwarda and Broughton, Manka tc lor c. j f, Belhaven Drag Co. medlclnefor convlcta ???;?;* ? lt J. Harena. feed for coantr team 44.7S IB A Daniel, Jr., wood for Co. Home....... W C Miller. Bilng court houae atepa ? n'?? J. c. Duke, conveying I " rh*"1 Jg.tl :::::: ItSt <3. h. Roberson, conveying BUphen Gsskla to jat ^ J|M| B. O. Bright. Supt. Co. home I!!!.-... 1T1W J. r. Tayloe, mdse for convicts ... O. Rumley. clerk to board Ac. .. - 11# i*T zsjtdz,Tuj?.dkc,:.H.?;w: }.?; W. r. SS"!!. mS. f.r Nea. P.m.. ??llP?? }J *J J.me. Harrla, 1I M Ocean Fire Co., Wpreprlatlon.^. ? jj? IJioa. Ohm. *.? Jf w Hooker, oeenty U P' Htrrt* J. B PMd, registrar. WMWnfton, 1st i 1. O. Chauacey, poll b J bolder. WMblmu*. let ward .... 4.00 Caleb Cutler. poll bolder. Waehington. let ward .... t.00 SyWester Rnmley. registrar. Sad ward .. " A. O. 8 pan cor. poll holder. Washingtoa, tad ward .... *00 A. F. Aahburn, regiatrar. Waehlngtoa tad ward *00 A. T. Alllgood. registrar. Beaver Dam 10.01 Jamaa O. Mlxoa, poll boldor. Beaver Da* B.00 8artoHoa Woo lard, poU boldor. Beaatr Dam .; *00 W. A. Cratob. registrar. Blouat'a Crook . #. - 8*00 W. L. Moreeleader. pall balder. Blooafa Croak MJ R. R. joaee. poll boldor. Bloaat'e Crook JM C. W. SesRh, registrar, Paatego 1J.W W. L. Jndklns. poll botdor. Pentego . ?.. J.0J I. Blabop. poll boldor. Pantago J JJ Luther H. Harrla. reglatrar. Plnetowa .............. SMS Cbarlaa Taylor Watora. poll boldor aad returning, Plnet n S.40 K. K. Gurgaaua, poU bolder .# t.00 O. F. Davla. registrar, Pnago |WB Jesse B. Harrla. poll bolder. Paago v JJJ P. J. Harrla. poU boldor. Puago J.Of Harmon Corey, registrar. PlnevlUe. John W. Mitchell, poll bolder. Plaoellle 4.00 Jeaae B. Mlxoa. poll bolder. Plnevflle 4.00 M. H. Cutler, regletrar. Woodarda - 17.11 J. MeAUlgood. poll bolder. Wtodatde Mt J. B. Raapeaa. poM boldor. Woodardo J. W. Let bam. reglatrer. Surry ? Sf Jf George W. Brow*. poll bolder. Barry ???? Klijab Bbeppexd. poll bolder. Burry W. J. Harrla. registrar. LeechvUle lM? Warren Glbhe. poll bolder. LeecbvtHo KM 8. C. Blabop. poll bolder, LeeehTllle 1.00 T. N. Tyer. rogietrar. Bath till J. T Elliott. poU bolder. Bath 800 C. M. Woolard. poll holder. Bath ?.0f W. 1. Auatla. registrar, South Creek 17.44 C. C Kayo, poll holdOr. 800th Crook t.00 J. M. Wilton, poll holder. South Crook S.00 W. C. Klnlon. registrar, Raneomvtlle 17.14 Geo. M. Jordan, poll bolder, Kaaeonvllle * S.00 P. A. Burhago, poll bolder. Ransomrllle 17.14 J. Alfred Hodgaa. registrar. Tranter1'a-mCrook 17.07 Chat. T. Hardlaon. poll holder. Traator'a Creek 4.00 Jas. P. Williams, poll holder. Traator'a Croak 4^0 - Howard Wlnfleld, registrar, Washington Jrd ward.... 18.67 Nathan L. Sawyer, poll holder, Waahlagtoa. 3rd ward. . t.00 E. B. Cozzens, poll holder, Washington, 3rd ward 2.00 W. H. Oaskln, registrar, Aurora 16.67 Q. I. Bonner, poll holder. Aurora S.uO 8. W. Lupton, poll holder, Aurora 2.00 J. E. Taylor, registrar, Chocowlnlty 14.84 Johnson Downs, poll holder. Chooowialty 2.00 Milton Hill, poll holder, Chocowlalt? 2.00 H. H. Roes, registrar, Edwards 16/96 Geo. M. Hardy, poll bolder, Edwarda 8.00 A. E. Edwards, poll holder, Edwarda 2,00 L. M. Padgett. Bailiff. Edwards .? 1.00 W. J. Smlthwlck. registrar. Core Point 16.60 E. M. White poll holder. Core Point.... 1,6.60 Alex Jones, poll holder. Core Point 2.00 L. H. Padgett, conveying Neal Klnsey to Jail 6.00 ' E. R. Callaway, registrar. Idalla 16.i0 J. E. Hudnell, Poll holder. Idalla 2.00 Mrs. R. J. Reed, use of store for polling place 2.60 Thos. Green, extra service in connection with bridges.. 7.00 Geo. A. Paul, making 2 copies of persons who paid their poll taxes prior to May 10. 1910 60.00 Jos. F- Tayloe, Int. on county bonds 818.60 G. Rumley, balance due making tax book 887.60 G. Rumley, clerk to board and work for corporate Com. 46.00 Louis A. Taylor, lumber for road No. 7. Chocowlnlty. . 2.40 Jno H Bonner, services taking evidence, Chaa. Lane's case 10.00 Dr. Jno. G. Blount, expert wltnees, Chaa. Laae case .. . 10.00 Dr. P. A. Nicholson, expert wltaeaa. Chaa. Lahe caae... . 10.00 Dr. J. L. Nicholson, expert wltnesa. Cbaa. Lane caae .. 10.00 Geo. A. Paul. C. 8. C fees 67.44 Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff's feea 27.18 , C. H. Sterling, mayor's feea 11.84 M. J. Fowler, constable fees 2.40 J. T. Lewis, witness fees 1.66 8. B. Williams, witneas 1.6ft A. Mayo, J. P. Feea 10.60 O. E. Moore, witness feea 1.30 G. L. Bright, witneas fees 1.80 Ernest Hardison, witness fees 1.30 Fenner Norrls, witness fees 1.60 J. B. Bright, witness fees 1.30 Jos. F. Moore, witness fees 1.80 Laura Latham, witness feea 1.60 Mary HIM, witness fees 1.30 W. W. Moore, witness fees 1.30 Mrs. Annie Hardison, witness fees '..... 1.30 J. N. Hill, witness fees 1.30 J. J. Jones, witness fees 1.40 E. N. Richardson wltnees fees 1.86 J. C. Crawford, sheriff's fees .96 J. E. Brewer, witness fees 1.7ft W. R. White, witness fees 1.6ft B. F. Cooper, witness fees 2.66 Geo. Ann. Clark, witneas fees 8.8ft Ell. Clark, witness fees 2.26 Clifton Wlndley. witness fees 1.26 R. H. Allen, witness fees 2.66 W. E. Allen, witness feea 2.66 J. A. Arthur, witness fees 4.6ft B. W. Miller witness fees l.OW C. H. Roberson, witness fees 1.66 J. O. Harding, witneas fees 8.16 Geo. J. Studdert, witness feea ,8ft Geo. W. Morgan, wltnees fees 3.70 Geo. Gorham. witneas feM . 1.06 J. A. Dudley, wltneM feM SIS Ow. H. HIH, wltneM feM , 1.08 8*m C. PegTara, wttDM. fM. 1.05 W. A. Tankard, wltneM foe. l.fg W. T. Wallace, yltnM. >.|f Alfred Bailer. WltneM fee. 11.00 Plum Warner, wltneM fee. l.M Frank Staton, wltneM fM*. Sheriff Rick. l.tl Robt Holland wltneM toe., Sheriff Kick. 1.IC Floyd Co*. wltnM. feM Li* W. & Rice. wltneM Cm. . 1.4. J. R. Rice, wltnM. fM* (.4* Loul. K.rm.n, wltneM fee. fM Carl Bhelton. wltnM. fM. I 99 W. B. Wlndley. wltnM. fM. a& Daniel Blonnt. wKmm fM, Sheriff Rick. X,.* Geo. Jorner, wltnM. feM. Sheriff Rick. ^.14 W. Whitley, WltneM feM. Sheriff Rick. l.H Sam Jennett. wltnM. feM, Sheriff feM sua. Latham. wltneM feM, Sheriff Rick. Add I. Sherrod. wltneM fee.. Jo. WUIUu.., wltnM. fM.. Sharlff Rick. 1,71 Deltora Wllllama, wltnM. fM. |f? Om. Prltchard, wKneM fMa ? I.si John U Phillip., fMa . ]3 J. B. Kllllamrorth wltneM fee. j u. w. WoOtaM "... 1M 1 B. F. Haanten, wit.M. feM 1... O. T. r*rrr. wltMM feM , i n OM. WOOUtd; Wll.lK W \ "T- -.. > M m T'PtoLT'ST '"*???? r Mary PMm. wltMM fM. tot sa ^ fyyy. ?w ? MMV|i ;??:??. 5>? , ' ' -?c- ? ' . Ready to mtw irom I SJ -T-r ?X Peiscnal Mentions Mr. "J. F. Latham, Jr.. of Surry. N. 6.. was a Washington vleltor on yos terdiay. Hob. Frank B. Hooker of Aurora, and Editor Jamea L. Mayo of the Washington Dally News left night for Oreeenaboro to attend the State meeting of the Fnrtnere' Ua Ion. They go aa representatives &f tho Beaufort county branch. Mr. 8. H. 8anderaoi< of Bath, wae In tha city today shaking hands with hla numerous frlenda. w. Walter Stllley of Qoldaboro la on our atreeta yesterday. y Mr. H. Mi Cox of Blount* Creek la a Washington visitor. The Mlaeee Davenport of Pactolus were the gueata of frlenda In the city yesterday. Father Gallagher of New Bern la the guest of Dr. end Mrs. J. M. 0 lagher on Eaat Main air set. Mr. Fodle Herding s proaaisset laher of the Greenville her. la In the city attending court, iMKllit in e large lend suit. I or I deals of "Mf will ears ssy caee of chills end fever. Price"tic. , OR RKAI>Annn??Vftcfc*s Whether trees OMs. Rest. seh or Nervosa Troubles. Oapndlee /ill relieve yos. It'e liquid plans si to rake?wets Immediately. Try 10. 3ft and KOe. st drag stores. X0RF0LK-80CTHKRN R. R. CO. CHANGS OF HCUHDULK. Effective Sunday, Dec. 18th. train No. IS will leave Washington 4:1s a. m , New Bern S.40 a. m.. arrive Kinston 6:68 a. m. end Goldsboro 8 s. m Train No. It. leave CfcrtdO; boro 8:45'p. m., Kinston 9:40 p. m., New Dern 11:05 p. m.. srrlve Weah lngton 12.15 a. m. W. R. Honaon. Genl. 8opt. Norfolk, Vs. ? W. W. Croxton. Q. p. A . Norfolk. Va. The Ladles Bettermest Aaaocie tlon win have s pis party st BVerett school bonss Friday night 18th. The public la cordially ianted HOW IS The prettiest street la W?s*l?? tin la oM to ke SoenU (treat, tad tk. prettiest black on 8ecoa4 street Uaa hatwaea Bousr aad that** blocks, there U > kfiM u< lot for ?ele ebeap. It Interested caH No. atl. imp luiMet are betas placed at tka corner at Mita M4 Market; lam and TWM.U1 Market ?TO T*? For the ftrst Uat this a t/ ?( Im WU seen in 1 this moraine. B<?M M low* Hm1" *H* The very era to seethed to ye wa before Robert Madeea. of Wsst Bur lington. Iowa, when, after seven week* tn the hdspltal. four of the beat physicians care bin up. Then vaa shown the Mrrtkwa suritive power of Electric Bitters. For, af ter eight month* of frightful suffer ing fro? liver trouble and roll jsundlcp, getting no help, from otl wsmIIw or doctor*, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cased him. It* positively guaran teed -for- Stomach. Urer or Kidney troubles a i never disappoints. Only 50c at aK Druggists. 1 NICK HUM WAH REALIZED BY THK 11AZAAR Mrs. J. D- Moore desires the Dally News to state that $109.17 was real lsed by the Baxaar held in the Blount building in November for the bene fit of the Episcopal church. In ad dition to this amount $10 was real tsed for the Junior Auxiliary. The ladles ef that church a#* to be con grstalated on their sucesss. Dr. A. K. Tayloe ot Bclh?vpn, was in the etty yeeterdsy. "If my frlenda hadn't blundered In thinking' I wee a doomed TtoUm of consumption, I might not be allre now," writes D. T. tenders, of Har rodsburg. Ky., "but for year* they say every attempt to cure .? lung racking cough fall. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The ef fect was wonderful- It soon stop ped the cough and I am now in bet ter health than I hare had for years. Thla siwlwf | Ufa wfit _ an unriraled remedy for oougha, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, hem orrhage?. whooping cough or weak lungs. BOc, 9100. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all Druggists. There will be prsyd^neeting ser vices In all the differoqt, cburchee of the city this evening, at the usual hour to which the general public Is cord laity (hrited to attend. How Holiday Rates To BALTIMORE. MD.. VU MKIK STGW9UP CO., rout to lunmn akd icenmff?. ?UttM aoM MNtMrlnt, 1Mb. ?U, Met. IM. Itri, I4th. JIK*. ilet. PCoal limit JmWT ?P>. 1?1 for numilM u4 IKMi apply. P. ft. M<M 1LUN T. r. a... if*. M Oruhr w Norfolk. Va Taxes. The t?? reffilra* me to wUl* In ?0 wHk the eUte the Bret 1 jumr.UHK ?cleat. fnade to meet lu obliaa AB? t? order to di. fifl* to enforce NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route Of The "Night Express" Schedule in effect November Ctb M. B.?The following tchadale fig- / aree published as Information only and are not gnaraateed. KORTH BOUNJJ Trmlu Ian Waahlnctoa: Ml a. m. Dally lor Norfolk, aoa nocta for alt potnta north and waat. lt:M a. m. Dalljr (or Nortalk. eonaacta for all polau Nortk aad BXffT BOUND l:H P. m. Dally vxoapt Baaday tar VHT BOUND T:M a. a. Dally mm Oaaday lar araaarlUa, Wllaaar aad l?U?i> Oat aacta North, Boatk ul Wat with all 1 ?:?# p. m. Bally mm*. Ouadw >:!? a. m. Dally for Oraaarllla. Wllkon and RaM(k. OjuMcU North Booth tad Vaat. ?OUTH BOOH* >:*? a. a Dally far flaw Bara. Klaatoa aad Hold atari. a. Sa. Dally aicapt Sunday for Naa Bara. * p. id. Dally for Naar Bern. Qoldaboro, aad Baa a fort . Por furthar Inforaiatloa aad ra aarratloo of Pull Baa Sleeping Car apaea. apply to T. H. Kyara, acant, Waahlncton. N. ,C. ,W. R. HUDSON.' W. W. OROXTON. 0?a. 8upt. Oaa. Pmt Aft Norfolk. Va. CHOICE FRENCH III f; To 11 pa, Fi??I?, Tutor ia4 OHIi sux nmoauu on L fttn, tM ill iMt Mw J. L O'QUINN 4 CO. IT..- ?

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