1MB KM to crowd around tk* Ctrl to ooasratulat* her aad tor ? Uaa Jt looked aa thou#* Jad*r Deed would hare to !?? tk* TOM clear ed byatere* "l; - "? *' "I ku. they woaM do It" U c'ared Attorney Joknaon. tk* |Wi rottnael, who tdoubt Bo rallaatly to Mr Uf?. *Tk*t Mtbatr thin* they conld do." THT JUDGE'S CHAROE There TU a tow eileoce In to* room aa the venerable larlit Mid Ml concluding word* to the }?ry _ Jut before the Jury retired Battle UBhn area* ?M made tl Mat to tk* Jury: "I did not do It and I want to ^ to B7 home with my P? T i aaad cat of tk* there waa a buax of ex at. Battle I^aBlanc vaa taken to aa ante-room She waa tremhtU* with tba emotion that the crucial point la her ordeal oaaaad?tremb Msc aa aka walked, bar heart beating with hope and anxiety. The little Ctrl had baa nook de prea^ad 1aat alfkt baeauae aka ax poetad the oaaa to *o to the Jury aa aha anticipated aa early T*r> CHRISTT1AS OFFERINGS. ^ y- Ill Ml" 4 C V ! "f T* ' * ' v^"" ' -* ??? ? -1. ?" ?*?? -, rj We offer you this season the greatest collection of gift uticles ever shown in the city. Your chance to select a present w?s never better than now, af our stock it complete with the gjod thingsjfor Christmas. Let us insist that you do not wait for the last day to purchase your gifts, but come now while our stock ia full, and choosing it* good. Make our store your headquarters, we guarantee to ghr* you Preah, Crisp Merchandise, quality second to none. Look over our beat and app thp caaH tliinoro Only 9 More ' ' HAWEH HATH Too can par 15.00 for a hat and be no better uUited that with one of then, tor M.eo. HIAIDUD HATH. Ul(a' Tartetj" of MUM and colon, not battar hat .made at the nfeu. Oent'a coilapaable Handle Umbrella., to Qt the anlt eaae. 11.75 to $H0. FA WOT VB8T8 Whit* and Paul OreT. 11.50 up to H.00. ' Arrow Brand Collars. $1.50 par The xreataat Una we ban arar alum. J5c aad Ma. In bona, 7?c to AHooi um non TWHir inwr?v ad In Ua outcome *f tU? fltht ror freedom ma Mr aged :*th?r and her two alatcr*. front tiu) tilitt/j| *&L f aAU^Jm HTU MAB8 ??IB XOKMSr. htW, Qallasher of New Bern .Id low maaa thla mornlo? at elgh) o'clock at the residence ot tor. J>m? if.' a?Hn?her. so East Main atrnet quite a number were praaent. Thli wu Father Qallacber'a racalar rial tattoo to thla city. . r TUB SKXT LICHIII NUlilUill ??, IK BARIjV PART W JASI AHV Tie next number le the l.rceuao forth* aeaaoa will be 19 tin at January^ ? Tho attrec " ' ta 1V WHt RATAL f?AV brated Malatxth natal day yesterday. Qu its a number of Via playmates'and frienda vara praaent to aid Mm la celebrating. Ha proved to be a pop alar little boat and an- left wlsblnn him many happy and Joyous return* Buying Days Before Christmas I.UMNKMK HAND PAINTKD (HI.NA Beautiful deaiffns at oamatcbable prices, 89c. CHRISTMAS BOXHi Many different shape*. Holly pat terns, Be and 7 c ?aeh. Centemert Kid Otovea?No better OloV? made, black and color* 11.15. Centererl Capitol Gloves worth II.86. Holiday price $1.00. Mivunm biuc *imo*a?" MM* of beautiful floral 811k Km pit*. Price |5.?S to ?7 9K ' rfl-* NUS IMK. ;'r ' In tu*7 border. ud polk, dot .f feet. tec np <o <1.06. (Mi white illk handkerchief.. 41 Verest width kordere 60c to ?t.OO. MKiUnHb AND am sssc. Vwr ? I Oateaelblj thla giurd 1^ tor p** ? taction but the real object la to watch the actions of tko Amefl ?a*. Tha gorenmeat (?n ? revolu tion and ?uiipecta that MM Amerl aokUer of fortune nu; be maak Ifd behlad ev?ry Taokee pasaport U If reliably reprted that tbe bo ?1 guard la under Instruction* to Me Hot only I At America na are not permitted to jo4a la any flshMAg which may Hart, but that they "inn ao4 to be flowed to* Hat* the hol?* to start trouble on their own ac L cunt Tbc ordinary bualne?* of lhi? re public aoea oa undisturbed bat such enterprtaee aa Americans aod other, (oreignen are llke'y td be Interest ad m are badly hampered. One feature of the goYerurirnt> { military prepr.ratlonH la ominous. 1 namely, the mounting > of roaeblnc (una aad reliable report* that other tuaa of thlatype hare hern nurrhas The Honduran gunboat La TumbLt Ilea la* hafbor here with stenm up day and alght. She la equipped with Krupp sunn f of sma^L eg liber and la expected to ' bare one or two expert gunners i aboard 10 handle them. It Ig aot kaowft whether fortlAca , tlona are being erected at the other p ^mpwitaat ?OerrJbcjsit iwrta. Dfltftr and Truxfllo, as there la Mtio rom monlcatlou between them an 1 Puer to "Core** ? j*r Vl lTK A NVMBKR OF PIUM OXKItH IN (mm JAIL There are now 4nlt? a number of prlaoaera confined In the county Jail awaiting their trial at thla term of Beaufort County Superior Court. The criminal docket win be called next CAT SUIT*: Here is something very useful to five thd lady?we have some very ebolee numbers in serge*. Blue and tJllrftC. From $15.Oo to $22.50. CHILD'H KID OLOVE8 This It a Blre present for the lit tle folks. Price fl.OO. Ml'FKLKRH. Extra Heavy Brocaded Silk black, gray and white 91-0O up to |S.OO. AND PA/AMAH Nainsook or Outing. PrlMa $1.00 up to $3.50. !,? WATKR SitlCD OVBHXMTS frrmto Collars. Uckt rr.y'r Rod Mack, $15.00 to $35.06. am 8OX An Mat! fltt for bad. Prtm 50c and $1.M. HAMMKRKD BKAW JARDINIKRIE ? 1-J lnehw high; V* lochM ctom th. top. Thli im a distinct nUM? ?rt^ ?' ??? X ?? id Ffritocy Feathers > you who boar on. Of tk? BOM Illnatrtona of ???aa ? Mot Wllaon of th. Jm |UaM Bat you. Iiamertat fou (in no first too-? co< a m Walah rabbit r?'ll turn from dletta uub Who tan ua how toaMW; V?'H quit all (ta.tramoa^a prank. And pin our faith to y?u; r?r wit* your woodraaa a t? eartaa. Llkewlaa your tab la ItMn. KwT. fooad tb* way ?o l>u Dowa epicurean . 2 ?o faar of a aareophacud ~ At faatal board .hall K'a-D tlckla our irMTf- . With Wltooa'a draaafc* Mod Iiut oae dia& more! oh. t* not deaf. But haar our plaadtM m. lad ?lio ua awit. O wuhlpr ctaf. A WUaontaed rotoa^jlal f( *#?.** ?, -Richard I.lntlilruB!. la Xe-.v Turk World. PAYH ft.OOO.OOO TO MAX WHO OAVK MI.H A UOU AR TIP Chicago,. Dec. 18.?Twenty yeara igo. almost to the day/Col. Richard * Southgat* banded JfAg 1. Tkseh i tl bill as a tip for serving him a ;ood dinner. Carl C. Roesalcr. who van waiting on th? udJolnLng table congratulated hla chum ? on having neb a liberal patron. :Today Max L. Teleh and Carl L. ?toossler paid Col. South gate more i?an $1,060,000 for hla interest in ihe Congress Hotel and wane* in ipeaking of their rlae and acqutsl ion of riches Mr. Teich *aid: "Yes. Roeaaler and uayaslf ^ tar tod In Chicago fSrenfr-ooe retahr^ugo as waiters. "We owe our start to the liberal ly 'of American people in Riving ins. We saved this money far a few ?ears and about fifteenyears ago >ought a small hotel In Chicago. We hen bought several other small ho ds. and a few years ago acquired ihe Kaiserhof. Today we bought he Congress and Annex, or at least a controlling interest in U. 1 won't tay exactly what we paid but the two ire worth about $4,000,000. We >wn 7,000 of the $16,000 shares." Col. Soutbgate built the Audltor ii ra Hotel and opened it on March 17th. 1890. Tl\e front doors were hrown open Just as the St. Patricks' Day parade, was passing the hotel. In 1894 he built the Auditorium An nex just across Cougress street at i Michigan Boulevard, and afterward ] iddes- to it the Auditorium Annex I Apartments, two large twelve-story | buildings. These he fitted in mod- j L-rii manner, among the features be- ? Ing the half million dollar gold ban-1 quet room, the Pompeiian room and 1 rafe. peacock alley, marble corridor i extending almost a city block and 1600.000 gold trimmed bathroom In the chambers the property repre-/ Renting an investment of more than ] 14.000.000. 1 OH. W. P. SMALL 18 STILL IMPROVING It will be welcome news to the numerous friends of Dr. W. P. Small to Know that he continues to Im prove all the while. The doctor re cently underwent an operation at the Washington hospital for strang ulated hernia and since that time has been a patient at this Institution. Uplesa something unforeseen hap pens he will be out again ready to attend to his professional duties with in the next few days. HANfifeOMK AUTOMOBILE n MUCH ADMIRED Mr. Floyd J. Berry hu recetTed > handaome new automobile, it 1* b-> ?nc much admired by our clUsena, U being one br the moet aetnwtlre In U. eltj. . JV HI1VT WASHINGTON'S ft. nui I, CREATEST STORE : ?" if Men's Handkerchiefs and Neckwear f<* . t?? T-r-r New -Tfir.?y2}' '^ALv^ Wwz If CONOR BBS > A OONGRB88 PKR HATS FRIDAY tO COMHDBR A ornkral mcnmiON or ra TOOT AID OTHER MATHERS OF TH* PARTY. Washington. Dw. 14 ? Democrat ic member* of corner? have decided to told a caucus, probably Priday. to reach a tentative agreement wit* regard to a goaeral revision of tike tariC and the question of changing the rules of the next congrees so that *11 committees wilt be elected by the house and not appointed by While the leader* hare already that can he punned is to make a general revision of the tariff and to provide for comilttsss of tits house by election* the chief bus I new of the coming caucus will he to draft an In vitation to* th? newly-elected mem bers of the find congress, asking them to some to Washington In Jam nary to hold a caucus that will de cide on a plan of ntclon for the next It has been decided that the tar iff moat be decided by a sliding scale prbably 10 per cent, being taken off the schedule *t each sitting. The democrats are opposed to President Taft's schedule plan by re^ vision. They believe that downward revlaion can best be accomplished by taking 10 per cent off of the present scale of "duties. This procedure they believe, will not upset business conditions. At the next session, for instance, they might remove 10 per cent, of the du ties nil along the line. No growing Industry would feel such a cut. they assert. In the caae of the wool ?chedula| or the cotton schedule or the cotton I schedule or H?< paper pulp schedule, I greater ctlts might be madn. A schedule-by-schedule revision, they argue, will be a tedious opera tion and a strictly revenue basis would not be reached for many yean* The democrats are anxious to return to the original tariff principles of their party. A rHHIHTllAK DINNER AT AT THE COTXTV HOMK | Mr. Ellas Bright, the superintend- | ant of the county home Is making j elaborate preparationrtto give the in matea of that Institution s Christ mas dinner. The county commissioners at their recent meeting made appronriatlon for this and their act has been com mended by ail of our citizens. This Is as it should be. The poor and in firm should be remembered at sea aotis like this and the Doily News is glnd to know that provision has been made for them. Wo wish every Inmate a pleasant and happy Christmas. XKW HI* PR RIXTKN UK NT Op ORPHAN AHYLl'M Mr. R. L. Hrown has been elected superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum to succeed Colonel W. .1. Hicks who has retired. PUBLIC MCHOOLM TO ?IVK TWO WEKKK HOLIDAY The Washington Public Schools will give two weckB holiday this year on account of Christmas. The schools Will cloee on December 21st and open on Thursday January o. IMPROVEMENT* MADE f OK DR. FIELDS' RESIDENCE Improvements have been made to the residence on Weat Main street occupied by Dr. D. M. Fields and famtty. CsttM Market. Seed cotton. 6.C0. Unt Cotton, 1?.*0. b" plww* to oMtrol me Cowwcli C?t vtUo lotoM^wwU, tadaatrr It tkouud acn^a of th? Mat tobacco land la til* N.w Kulud atataa. la OllldlBf of ncrss In ?stent la Geor gia and Florida. A Colin Is president of the com pany end Julius Lichensteln secretary Tke New" York ofloes are at No. 144 Water street. Reprsoentatl ves of the company hare options on aboat eight hundred acrea of land In Southwlck, Man., and haVn been given prices but not options on tend la Bufftetd. In Bnfleld, Conn., growers owning approximately fM acres of the best land la tobacco land in the township bare beea approached. An offer of 9S00 per share Is said to hare been made for the stock of the Connecticut Tobacco Corporation, the principal grower of, tent tobacco In the Con necticut Valley. The move to acquire wealth by raising shade-grown tobacco hss be com* a. veritable erase. Within a ra dius of 26 miles of this city a dosen syndicates have been organised for thin express purpose. Among the newcomers of Importance are K. Tto senwald fc Bro., tobacco packers and importers of No. 145 Water street. New Tork. Thla firm has an option on one hundred acres of Innd between Suf fleld and Windsor Locks. Conn., and la reported to have bought the plant ation of the Krone Tobacco Com-! pany In North Bloomflcld. i?. B. Haas & Co. of Hartford", Con- j noctlcut are known to have options j on Ave pleccs of land In Suffleld and on two In Granby, Conn. The firm will grow one hundred , acres of tobacco under shade next j year. ^ > Conntwtkui ?had?vfl|:own tobacco Is said to be tJe equal of any cigar leaf wrapper atock In the' world, passing as tbo best Cuban to bacco. It la estimated that at least 150,000,000 pounds "clear Havana" { cigars a year are wrapped with Con-1, necticut leaf tobacco. THF. CHRIOTMAH AIR IN WASm.NGTOX The Washington stores art! fast putting on their decorations for Christmas and In every place or bus iness from the opening to thn clos ing hour customers csn be seen on sll sides purchasing gifts etc.. for friends snd relatives. Parties wishing to obtain hamainp In Washington should not fail to pe ruse the Dally News' column*. THK HAY Cl'RKKNT (ilVIXtt SATISFACTION The day current begun by ths City Rlectrlcal company last Monda>, so far has given general satisfaction. Doubtless a large number of the bus iness men will take advantage *>f this move and install motors in their respective places of business. This i Is a move In the right direction and i the Daily News is glad to know that It has been started. 1 SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS At Special Prices 75c. lutdic* Ture Silk Hoar, while they l?M 49c. IM Piece? Mexican Drawn Work, regular $1.3# and 92.M ilzes, special price He. Sf.Haal J7.M Lallzs and Cratt Cold Handle UmlrellAa, spccial price ? ?*. Special piicea oi Cut Glaea and SUrer. Bowers-Lewis Co. W?tt. IMP1 % ll'illiTiinF m LORE FIGHT LnlM, Dae. 14?tw tam mt tta pnmt faaaral alactlaa b*| told Un?b?t Onu Brltala wUl Ukatr kU to ?lactam rafona. TMa ilaatlaa wfeleb haa atasaatad >mlaaaa tad eaaaai IkHiuda af pouta Ina baa act aldad la tba allihtaat to aartfa aotrtnc tkt asmatltaUaaal t will I ?otkm moi at Make Mm the abolition of As the prantt atactica draws to t cIom and the etcetera cac that the tomplexlon of parliament will be the iame aa the old, trftereet la the re tuHa baa baca lost. Bacltesseat throughout IraUad Following tba promolgatloa of War Idolater Kaldaae'a speech tbat Ira iaad would baro to accept tba liber ie bona rule measure or taba tba Rioting was reported from Cork ?nd Belfast and more than a doaaa unlets ware made. There waa polling today in twenty eight constituencies. The weather eaa fair and pUd. During the day a number of yes terday'! results were announced.. DITORNS TO ATTEND OYNTRR OONVKJmO* Several of our citizens are con templating attending the oyster con trentlon to be held In the town of Elisabeth City on December 28. That town Is making great preparation to entertain the delegatea. A ban juot is being planned among other loclai functions. Every dtlxen of Washington wbo las the interest of the ludous bivalve it heart ehould attend thla Import ant meeting and see Lq it that prop rOTthcc^lg^cac?" assnrpbly. LARttKST ENROLLMKST flf IN HISTORY OF SCHOOLS llment In mtojml at!4n af The Washington Public Schools tow enjoys the largest enrollmentj ts hlwtory. The present 'ar has exceeded the expectati he most ssnguine. The pupils la all (radea are doing good work and the eachers are encouraged as never be tore. The present session of the schools Bids fair to surpass all others both in enrollment and work accomplish ed. The superintendent and his teach ers are to be congratulated and de servedly BO. Ol'NDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PARTIES IN WASHINGTON Several of the Sunday schools will have their annual Christmas enter tainments during the holidays. The pupils or the respective schools are looking forward to these occasions with pleasure. Each year these occasions prove to be among tho pleasantest of the Tuletide season. ADTHRTISB IN TBI NHW* Oar Thnt ' *\ at Might??ear ekuft of bill w? Mw jroa to Ms th? UtMt ud b?st to MOVING PICTURE BNTBRTA1K s

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