LGE PARSLYZEt ? : Mr. X. F. Aahburn one of Wwi lngton'a highly esteemed cltl*en? a? prominent merchants last 9aturda night waa stricken with a atroke o Chri Christmas being primar complete our stocks with time We have not overloc store.to see how well onr here to do your shopping We guarantee every artic ?U you pay for it. Only 5 A Beautiful glass powder* Jar* ao hair receivers, guaranteed silver topi Ste and 60c. Military brashes. floral decoration Ungraded free 94 BO and 9S.lt. Heavy cotton ribbed Our 91.00 a suit number. 7ic. ? Bradley neckwear Mufflers, arrival*, large range of colon, tlful weavee. 60c. Umbrellae?Miaelon or fancy 1 dlee. Guaranteed water proof, 98c t| 91.25. Exclusive line of outings, for kf monaa. They make acceptable glfta Prlcee 10. 12 1-1 and 16c. : 1 Heavy fleeced lined underwear, 98 -suit White heavy ribbed wool awe New arrival, 92.60. Purs make a mighty nice present always acceptable, sold In seta or eepl arat? pieces Black aeta from 912.60 ST PAID SUBS< r^| pi ace tmsiuBS ai the Washington bridge. | Mr. Ashburn was taken while hi I was waiting on a customer botweeu I 11 and 12 o'clock. His en'Ire lefl 'tide la ettec^d. H? ?u taken to the home of his daughter. Mrs. Mln ton Hodges where he Is now conlned, His- physician states the attack jrai the result of an acute attack of indi gestion. Since the 4ttack.be has been un able to apeak or more r.ny of hli mmm?mmtqmmmmmrnanmirm iy ? children* festival ure b ots of thihs suitable fjr'tha Iced the older people, they i stock has been selected witl let us show you through i e purchased from here to b [ore Buying Days Until Sweaters?New weaves Inn gray, black re and white high or V neck 11.75 to $4.00. "~Txtra heavy Turkish bath mats - 91.25 each. \ Ladles bed room slippers. julW In red, black or gray 91.00 Everetta In felt, colors, gray, red pnrple, pink or light blue, soft rush Ion solea. Pried $1.60. Gauntlet? for driving purposes heavy cape, pique stitch $1.50 palr| ? Fancy neckwear, Du?che<** lact J abbot*, 26c and 60c. Baby Irish collars* 25c up to rta Perslan Bilk Dutch Collars, 50c I! Hand embroidered collsrs, Dutclij or standing 16c to 60c. I! Children's school1 handkerchiefs < 1 medium weight, cambric, 3c each oij 20c dosen. L AMI m i WASHINGTON, NORTh ;ription of i ^VStnlbC " f" Mr. Ashburn has many frtonds l? Washington and hia illness will b< received with universal sorrow.' Tbt Daily News hopes he will soon b< ablf) to resume his accutfomed du ties. Cotton seed, per ton, 80.00 Mat Cotton. 14.50. Seed cotton, 6.60. ive made i strong effort to tittle folks, but at the same re equally Invited to our i suitable* for all. Come ur different departments, s a good value well worth Christmas Kid boudoirs, light pretty i the pair $1.06. Child's sheer linen handkerchiefs, an ideal article for school 6e each, 65c dozen. Cbird's wool sweaters, red or white with colored borders, price $1.50. borders, 50c. Kid and cape gloves $1.00 pair. Child's bed room slippers. In Jullet| red'only U 1-2 to 2 95c. Child's ; mittens, white silk and woojj Price 25c. ?-? hUr> and brown. Price 25c. j Child's Togues, beautiful colors, 25c, 39c and 50c. White and red wool leggtns, 25c the pair. Child's aolid gold pins, In pretty boxes. 75c to $1.25 pair. C.fint Quit II pHiirtinn We wiu 8e" y?u ,ny of our Choice Standard v>Ual k3UIl lxcUULUUIl sulU at a price you cannot afford to miss. The Bfight Xmas Store Look for the Lights HOYT Washington's Greatest Store ... w HAND PAINTED tateM Novdttet 19c to 90.00 Infant'* Rattler*. Hand Painted Trinkets, Infants' Bilk Arm Bands, Sachet Boat Hangers, Painted Soap Boxes, Infants' Pin Holders JEWELRY NOVTI/FIES "Gold and Silver, 70c to $0.00 Coin Purses?Oold, Silver and Gun Metal, Brooches, Buckles, Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Chains, Manicure Novelties 811rer and Oold Purses. Leather Bags and Traveling Bets 811 yer Comb snd Brush 8ets, 06c to $7.M. Old and Young Hearts Seem Cheer Gftiqd Old Santa is About to Appear. $1 00 LADIES SILK HOSE Black Only 69c How grateful we should feelfthat Christmas time is again An ,<ieal (,l<t' 'here in our midst. Now to show our appreciations ia to make our neighbors feel joyful by remembering them with some gift. Our store is brim-full of suggestive gifts for baby to grandma. Prices Reasonable too. Read Carefully. MKX'8 GLOVES AM) NTCKWEAR ' - _ _ _ . _ __ _ ___ a . . ? c uiA'tr.n /inw nivm DOLLS AND TOYS, 2nd Floor . Faiicy Neckwear MAKK PRBTrv ,,,m The largest and best Values everoffered ** Make A U.t wcMc m.? thoae buying Poll* at 10c to <14.75 each. and (flfflrgSB Useful Haras Sc to 35 cent* each. A pusile that worries msny?what to rite him. Gloves for Dressy occasions, for men Gifts. and Boys; Gloves for ordinary wear Best Kid IEJTT fcjft ^esuti- and working purposes, 2.V to B8JV0 Toy Ten Pins 25 cents a Set. v5^/>tfcjJv *?l Silk Hu.bend., sweetheart.. Brother* .nd mm i . ... i, ? , ? Body mnf / (I Neck Friends always appreciate pretty Doll Trunks, Wash Sets, Stoves, Shoes, /AM <J, Fixings ISc to $1.48 each. Nertwear, hundred, or hand??c Furniture and Couches at 10 cent, to SUS. Do? ZTZ^T 'T?m " "C" 5?C X Gmcery *** a?d s,eam En<sine9 * 98 cents Xmas Gift. Handkerchiefs 25 cents to >3.98 each. ______ ?y Aulas vjiii . iiaiiuaciuiins 10c to W B8 nrh _ ... nn.,, t j ? _ each . ! ?. " Our line ?<i?are an<i rtoudmi notiie. toe, Everything in Toy-Land 4|V_>V||tt|f H has been 12 ?-*?<* '?>< that the child will want, we have it, at mod 1 >|i? WBI ? ? > acknowledt*- Embroidery scart. 49c SpS^Tom??l 7JKic?as-.?.?i???mm as a-jm ; SHOPPING AT OUR STORE servant, who has toiled a long year This r f city.?3c to ? i, Prira fewer make an ideal rift. $ / $3.98 each. Umbrellas and Suit Caass. 4?c to helping your lav *? X ^ J Special Automobile Given Away Xmas f*"'T Holly noie. aid Jewelry Bon Make your Votes count now while the rush. ' I ei Sc to 80c oath Ladle* Kid OloTei. beat In Waahlns- Children'. Initial Handkerchief!, 3 - :.Vlft?i& ta I Si-- - I HE HILL OF HEALTH Kl'II-COMMITTEK MAKES MPOBT ON CHARGEH OF BRUJKKY IN CONNECTION WITH HIH h)lAC TION.?\VOlfJ? HAVE HEF.X CLEARED ANY VfAY. Washington, Dec. 17.?Senator Lotimer of Illinois was gi*en a clean btH of health today by the *ub-com m It tee of the senate comlttee on priv ileges and election, which investigat ed charge* of bribery mad^ In conne? tlon with his election to succeed Sen ator Hopkins. The report of the lnvestl&tlon was made to tbe full committee on priv ileges and elections, which then so journed until Tuesday to give the members opportunity to study tne evidence and the sab-committees re port. Evedlvence that there was mon?y paaeed between certain members of tho Illinois Legislator* wee-not Ig nored by the sub-committee, but It; was declared tin %' th? rotes of m?.n! hers charged either With receiving or paying money had been eliminated Mr. Lorlmer would have had a ma jority of three votea. Tb^ sub-committee was a unit In assertion that the evidence did not show that Mr. Lorlmer had been con nected with the Alleged distribution of "tf "jackpot" tft* atty money to In fluence the legislature In the prefer ment of himself for the eenatorshlp. The sub-committee wit' composed of Senators Burrows. Bulkeley, Gam ble. Hey burn, Frailer, Paynter nod Johnston. Of these senators J Messrs. Bulkaley Frailer and oJbnston did not meet with the full committer ytgriay, but the 1 renames wet? aflacfeedto th'e re port. "? It is expected that the report will be made to the senate next Tues day. COMING WEDDING. The Dally News acknowledges the receipt of the following Invitation: Mr. and Mrs. George H. Elliott request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister Rosalie 8tokes to Mr. Charlie Deems Bsker Tuesday morning, December twenty seventh, nineteen hundred snd ten at seven o'clock 526 East Main Street. Washington. N. C. At home after January second. Fair mount. N. Cr r First Ei!!!:oa kJUAY \FTER.NOON, DECEMBER 19. NO. 119 PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NggfS? CAROLINA INTESESTING MR FLIGHT HE ALMOST EQUALLED JOHN STONS AND DKEXEL FLICHITS. CLOSING DAY AT ATLANTA? THE FKAT WAS WITNESSED BY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE Memphis, Tonn.. Dec. 18.?John B. Molsant reached his highest altitude yesterday. 9.364 feet if buragrai>*i read true. In the United States Armstrong Drexel and Ralph Johnstone alone eclipsed this distance and It Is with in 1.1S6 of the world's record estab lished by M. LeOageneaux it Pau several weeks ago. "It was an Impulse that occurred in midair" Molsant explained. "Air conditions looked favorable and I t*4ed. Ascending at what a p pes rod to be utmost a direct angle the Chic ago an drove his monoplane sky wan) >intll it waa only a faint blur. Then he was loet sight of. 81mon was sent aloft but returned without tidings, after ft 7 minute wait a tiny speck appeared in the clouds, gradually taking, forni as the manblrd came Special In Handkerchiefs! 100 DOZ. LAOIESlThENEMBROIOEREDHAND KERCHIEFS- WE ARE SELLING THEM AT I9G. HEADQUARTERS FOR XMAS OF EVERY 10. - SEE MOW DISPLAY. Bowers-Lewis Co. nimMrt. ItuviesC Watch Tomorrow'* THE GE31 THEATRE Our TheAtre is a res*'-" " '????' of delights?our change of bill eua bles you to see the latest and best iu MOVING PICTURE ENTERTAIN MENT. ALL ON ACCOUNT OF A LIE < Essanay) SPOTTED SNAKES' SCHOOLING. (Kalem.) A SIMPLE MISTAKE (Pathc I j nearer. He tailed to a perfect landing with I motor bumming. Molsant waa stiff ' and numbed from the cold but en [ thuslastlc. Ho brought back with him a coating of Ice. His car being covered with frost and particles of Ice had formed about tho motor. "Had It not been for the darkness I could have gone higher." he *ald. In all he waa In the air 4 2 minutes and 57 aeconda. Atlanta. Qa.. Dec. 18.?A race be tween J. A. McCurdy in his 60 home power biplane and Jimmy Ward In a 24 horae power "baby" Custlss marked the close of the aviation meet here yeaterday. Ward won on every point remain ing In the air 36 minutes and 11 sec onds and attaining a height of 1,000 feet. McCurdy w&s aloft 20 minutes. LARGR FIRE AT NRV HERN LAST NIGHT News has been received in this city of a large flre at New Bern last night. One handaome residence waa consum ed and aeveral other buildings burn ed. The extent of the damage la not known. That waa really not the first secret report that congress ever received. AN INCIDENT OF PATHOS 'AMILV HA1) ItETlRNKD HOME NOT KNOWING WHAT OOI ISSE TO I'lRJifK ? THEV KOt'XIl NEW FRIEMM. Charlotte, D,o ls.-Suppoaedly t>ut of pure Ignorance Mr. and Mra. Frank Blvlna went to the Seaboard lepot yesterday morning leaving In the care of the undertaking establish ment of J. M. Harry & Co., the body t>f the 10-months-oid babe that had lied the night before In the arma of Its mother as she searched In desper ation for a doctor on the square The husband, wife and little daughtar. Wattle Lee, were comfortably quart sreJ for the night at the Charlotte hotel. It having been a matter of ex ceeding difficulty to persuade them to leave the body of the dead child In the custody of the undertakers for the night. ?When they arose Saturday morn tut, they made no inquiry at the under taking establishment about the child >r what arrangement* had boon made to convey the body to Cheeryvllle, the destination of the stricken faml y. They went to the depot and were ready to board the train when Mr. J. 3. Walker of the undertaking estab Ishment. arrived with the body of :he child In a casket and prepared for l burial. He made all necessary ar ?an(tements to ship the corpse to ^herryvllle, the parents being In to tal Ignorance as to what course to ?ursue In carrying the body away. The nivlns family fell among Sa narltans during their memorable ind eventful stay in the city. The ounty authorities agreed to bear the expenses of the casket and the un lertakng establishment' bore nil the ither casta connected with the work >f preparing the body for burial. In nate* of the Charlotte hotel, having >een Informed of the sore distress In "?bich the family was found, made IP a purse and stood for their ex- ? ?ensos of their lodging during th? light and at the depot the news of heir poverty and their affliction ipread quickly and a crowd of drum ners and others contributed ft to hem. making their stay In Char otte without an element of pecun ?ry coat to them The Incident, aside from Its unua Jal feature, was one of extreme pa thos. The family appeared to be In lire circumstances and hardly pos ?eaalng the ordinary comforta of life rh'ey seemed to be clothed well snough, but In nothing but tho heav ier. coarser aort of goods. And they ?ere llterarly Ignorant as to how to Jeport themselves or how to face the iltuatlon which confronted them But for the kindly offices of thoae ?ho ministered unto them and took *" ?' ,h* H'llo family they wew n the midst of the affliction of the noment. they would have been tert n circumstances of extreme need The relatives of the mother of the lead baby live at Chcrryvllle or near hat town. The huaband haa been rorklng ln a sawmill at Wades bo ro or several montha and the family '?a enroute to Cherryvln, to apend he Pleasant days of Christmas with heir people when death overtook Jem on their Journey and bore away le youngest and the brightest of ?em all. IAKI.VO PREPARATION ENTERTAINMENTS All the different Sunday schools of c"7 *t* making preparations to ve their annual Chrlstmaa enter ?Inments The datea for the dUfer It Sunday schools will appear ln the le Dally Newa later on In the eek. Make thla Christmas an all-yaar wnd Chrlstmaa and a doubly event il Christmas, by making it the day | whk* the Bdlaon Phonogrs >M Into your home Com, to ?

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