. ? WWi NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31. W. OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA (CP m SUM or THB ... ' ? * a Ku. Tel., Dec. so -The fed eral troop* sent out to cru.h the w olutlonlsts in the state of Chihuahua arc penned OP in the Mexican ',wn ol Pedernelee end their eommander. 'General Nerarro. to a prlaonor in th, hand, of th* rabeb, according to n ?Mired hero fodaj. IwMl jpfl out and all ??!???* 'ft ? nr ol the rebel'. Three thovi.and rebel. are la the Ml la wealed and northern CWau ahua afalnat the regular forcee. An -othar regiment of federate la tnwtl north tMflf.'froBi the TnlHtifr tone of the City of Mexico with artier* to wke ae prtonew. >J' UttkM wrongs which the rebel* ' teeter* are Inflicted upon the people by the government of the state ol Chihuahua ar? rodressed, the revolu tionists have threatened to put Nav arro to death . Jf '-p; {? ijf The provisions of the death threat agilnst Navarro, which was sent to the war ministry Id Moxico City in dicated that the main animus of the uprising is now directed against the Chihuahua atato government rather than the Diaz regime. The dictators of the state govern ment of Chihuahua is constituted of OoTornor Terrasas and Enrlque both of whom are? accused of undo* fohdnees for American capita* and capitalists while the poor are ground Into poverty under exhorbltant tax rftos. V i- : Many of the poor class -small 'arte owners and laborers; whd are in the ranks of the rebel amy de clare that the government was starv Ing them to death RIHTXIAH DBOOBATIom HARDY'H naco STORE. <naar in Qu Honeymoon lant habpt's imro stork. 1! II# T. On account ot Christmas Day t lng on Bunday this year H I* to hoTw) that all the raeretonls ot f city will cl?e their reapoetlra placM oMju>1mu on Monday December 8 in orier" to give their employes an additional day of reet. Monda) should be obMrtrf In Washington ai a glnsral holiday aid the Dally Ne?. hopes erery mcrrhnt *111 obaorri the day. ? The clerks and employ? hare gn en their employera faithful sen let this HUM aw) tt la not):Inn mot) than right an* proper that thej should have consideration tor theU hot once a yeai and then are ao elaas ot people wh< glte more time to their wor* thai the clerks. Let Jlonday be u day o rest la Washington. 'j This paper undersUnda Monda wCI be generally observed all af| North Carolina and it la belt*** that Washington will be added to th "I-""- ~ *Tery store In the city should no open IU door* on thai day but ever clerk and employe" glveu a full da off to twit and enjoy the orc??loi with wife and ohftdroa. . "*?/ *1 chrihtmaa caxoy * "iJrH HAJttWd imr<i HTORC DUOLETS PLflCE BROKEN INK I-ast night between ten-end .elew o'clock someone' entered thl> ncs beer saloon of Mr. William Dudlft on Water street. The entrance wa made through the hack window b; breaking the glass Mr. Dudley has not as yet boci able to ascertain how much was tl ken from hta place. ICHltlSTMAK CANDY HARDY'S BSHJ HTORB The, man who Usee twice aa faal as he ought to Is apt to aee double. $M (or tbe oo<r. , CHRISTMAS CANDY ; UAIU?\-H l*IO ' i~ :3i~ ^i?| Mllfi. JOHN C. KoMlAri KXTKRTAWKD I.Uf SH;H1 Mm. John C. Rodman eatertalnet the Bridge Club at her bom- on W Vain atreet laaTevenlng from s tc ir. Iiefreehmenta w?r? served Mn Rodman always entertains la a waj to pleaae and attrac t and at laat ?v ?nine ?he proved no exception. N< aocial function of the tnanj glvea ii Washington thla aaaaon carried wi^| If mor? pleasure and merriment Your voice and your friends voices can be heard on an Edison Phono fraph. Tricea and terma to aalt everj poe**. , . BUM BROTHERS'. Tht Pi?nr? Frim?rf ashington's Greatest - Department - Store ATTENTION CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS I Yoo oa|y htve tee sow to do yoor Xnas ihoppinf ?3 why not cone t?oui re, whew tm caa get SERVED QUICKLY* where the variety of Gibs ar; LARGER where ttmlUa BETTER qOODS for SAKE MONEY. Kb ?* the rash w3? M' I?.a Laln Mtet* iM?i mmtm tn <lai> ??- ' ' "I , J* ici is nop job flcwci /Our presents io*uiy. ^ ife< Only 3 More Buying Days Then Christmas Xarbo4T who tu to ?U7 Christ- UTigtll BH tor a bab, you?c a% HH J ^ Jarfllnlere . <v. - ' < Cwdte Stl?W- to pr The kind we offer will sailfy him. A Fine Suit or Over- ? ?-*tua ?~w n All robbar, pvutMd W.tef s tioat I nro*t,..,.g K" ? Wb. hwIMh 1? ?nl mirubw 1 i GKVTH' TIUVIXIXII HKTH ' Cmt*h>lq( Comb, Drnah, Tooth { ?nd_N?il Bruab, back of black Ptlcas ??0.00 ?o MUM | ebony. In laathor caaa tIMW to -#?-?rfci p| ? i ?' i*T H CUFF LINKS It of h?*d! ?old plated Me T5e a r?? BPBCIAli PRICK ON FTR8 80Id hi jteU or separate, beauti ful black DDffe, barrel or pillow styles, f7.00 and $7*9 Now arrival of Centomerl Gloves, j * I the Jl.afc kind for ?t.oo *U|- 'fowela for pmbroidery purpose* m ?? m s Se -i The Dally Ntwi has received troc Mr. w. N. putt. Mte HortkuHnrlai lUlelgb. N. C., a copy of the pram Idas ?wok)M the North Carotin, ho tlcultnral products by the' Nation. bold l Council Bluffs, Iowa. November 10-1 1*10 which thla paper take* pleasur hi publlahlag below At thla (rut exhibition there wer fruits, nuta, and vegetable* froi to Moxlco and from the Jkt ?conn to Paclflo?there tx II atate In all competing. It atatea that against the kHM competition bring back trophy lor the boat Eener.1 collects of Irult In the Bulled Statee. T? rtlfeepatake* tor Uw tha heal tlon of MUa In ta. Da KM theao two champloaahlp III North Carollaa won for*r bhi twelve r*d, t?4 ate w(ilt tho htjkoal nmahci taken ^ an ?latelarthe uaioa, ! r!f AO PHfMtUHB. . > . _?J V,. , Wlvor Trophy, value HOIK?Sw-h stakes on' boat display of frails In U tinned mmif Silver Trophy, value 1160?Be. | plale display of apple* from Bastet and Qulf Statoa. Bilrer : Trophy?Sweepatakei c bast collection of nuts in rnltc States. :? '. Bllver Trophy?Bcr.l Collation < English walnuts. Sliver TVophy?Best display Of v? ?tables from Eastern and Ou States. " j Copper Trophy ? Best display1 $ ; peanuts in United States?Mr. Geo Orecn. Wilton, K. C. ? Gold Medal?Best display coot merclally canoed c?rn. 'T Ocld Medal?display merclally canned tomatoes. ^ Geld Medal?Beet display com merclally canned asparagua. dpfd Medal?Best, display com merclally canned vegetables. ' CJofd Medal?Best display com mercially canned pears. Gold Medal?Best display com merclally canned peaches. Gold Medal?Best display com mercially preserved fruits. Gold Medal?Best display com mercially canned fruits. Gold Medal?Best box oranges? Miss Emma J. Howland, Beaufort. N. a ( v u ? Gold Medal?Best general collec tion of cltruK and subtropical fruits. Gold Medal?Best plate mocker nnts?Jale 8harp, Greensboro, N. Gold Medal -?Beit Collection Fil bert*?Mr*. w. a. ?Hoiioweii. cttfrs boro, N. C Gold Medal?Best plate Butter Bats?Geerg? ?. Miller, 8ylva. R o. Gold Medal?Best Plate Walnuts. Mrs. flwieeQood, Mocksvllle. X. C. Gold Medal?Beet Plate Japanese Cfceatauta?3. Van Lindley, Pomona, N. C. \ Gold Medal?Best Collection of Sweet CHeatnute? Rx-Sberlff No land. Haywood Couaty. N. C. Gold Medal?Beat Colleetlo* of pe can*. GoW Medal?Best Plates of ante rwwn by exhibitor?J.s M. French, RIcMaods. N- C Cold Medal?Beat genera}, display fawin-e nerslmmons?Mr. Betts, of N. C. Gold Meia!?Best general display Ank'-'V-n ~-mimmon??Jim Hlggs, Rslelfh N C. Apple Special.?-Best ten plates of ?rnlpf '0?jt vv*as thaa flvd varieties, ib^-oi from sny stat* in the Union: fir?* ?^!ae awarded to Sparger Mt. Mry S. C. (This a power spraying >%flt cot-">1^p, including engine val -ed t>* was competed for by "*r thirty, states.) * P-st Display of Pear* in Commer Us! PacJralfes.?Third Prise: Award Orchard C?r., Mt. 'Airy. Biw? PUI, OMvUr of Ociw ? to Slit* T??t let Cou?tv. N. C.. on th rlrtlM- Tboma?, r Ufflom.-Iwuil prliw W. Holt. Bnrlti&gtoD. I IFF THE Best Display Pumpkin! Third prlM: Meryh?o<ll?o? Ei-Bh?rl<r No 1?4. Haywotd coo??j. N. C. D?t Packed Barrel of Apple*.? First Prise: Merchandise--Boiling Hall. WajroesriHe, N. C Marshall Bros.' Special.?Beat ten Plate* Wlnaap Apples.?Firat Priae: 1041 Brat olaaa cherry treea, value $?0 ?Won by Boiling Hall. Wayneavine, fcjC f Stark tew. Best Plata I Stay man Wineaap Apples.?Firat I prise: Sft# frat ?laaa Stay man Wine sap apple trees, ralue $50?won by ,J. C. Bushnell. Saluda. N. C. j Priaes ob piste exhibits of spplea: Buckingham ? First Pris* ft? ( Sparger Orchard Co.. Mt. Airy. N. Delicious?-Second prlt?. 2?J. C. Bushnell. S**ds. N. C. ^ I^O^w-Tfclrd prise, 50c.?Clar >nc^ Call. North Wllkesb^o, N. C. Qrarrensteln?Second priae. fl? j. Van Ltndley, Pomona. N. C. Albemarle Pippin?Third Prise,$1 >Ming Hall. WsyneavUIe. N. C. Rtxbury Russet?Mrst prise, $ I?I J. Van Ltadley. Pomona. N- C. Bhockley ? Second prise^ $1 ?I J. Van Llndley. Pomona. N. C. J American Llmbertwlg,?Second prise, $1?8parger Orchard Co., Mt. Airy. ft. C. Bonutn ? First prise, $3 '? Sparger Orchard Co., Mt. Airy. N. b Kinnard ? First prise, $2 ? Sparger Orchard <*d:? Mt. Airy, NT. C. ' " * - i . Monarch ?Firat prise. |2 ? Sparger Orchard Co., Mt. Airy# N. Itt *'?. ? uoyai UmMHwi|(- -J4 prize, $1? ?Sparger Orchard do:, Mt Airy, N. V' 1 r Red "LlmbcrtwIg^Tgt prize $J? sparger Orchard Co.. Mt. Airy, X. 'C. Virginia Beauty?First prize. $2? Chaa. A. Webb. Ashevllle, N. C. Virginia Beauty?2d prize. * 1 ? Sparger Orchard Co., Mt. Airy, N. C. Nickajack?First Prl*e, $2 ? i Sparger Orchard Co.. Mt. Vlry, X. r ' j Mi A fee ? Third price. 50c ? Sparger Orchard Co.. Mt. Airy. X. C. Beach?Third priap, 50c?J. C. Bushnell. Saluda, N. C. Awards on Unclsssifled Fruits: Beet plat? Mltler Pears?lat prise: J. Van Lindley. Pomona', N. C. Beet plate Magnolia peers?First priae: J. Van Lindley, bomona. X. C> ^ Best pi A# Kieffer Pear*?Third prise: Mies Hmraa J. Howland, Bean fort X. C. Best "plate Jap. Russet Pean*? 1st Spergpr Orchard Ce., Mt. Airy, K. C. 1, '"T ? 1 Boat put. Swmt Runaat PnW~'j First prise: BolTlsg Waynee ville, N. C. \t .. . - MARDPa MKCO HTOHR. Four days to Xmas J . ? ?*. JS 1 T.yi ???. ?; I.1I.V.TJ Dec. 21 Be Kind to the Weaty Shopgirls OHHtJHMi ON MRH. U0BD05 WAS SI in->-n I. Mr?. N". ?. Cordon of Ikla city, wai operated oa br Dr. Howard A- Kelly a: n;? private sanitarium jraatordar In >-? * HEAD ur COURT PIHST TIME IK HISTORY AN AS SOCIATE JUSTICE HAH BRKN MADK THE CHIRP JUSTICE -i t'KRKMONY WITNKHHEI) BY 1>IH nXOCMBEI) COMPANY. Washington. Dec. SO.?In the pre* ence of ft distinguished gathering "* the little courtroom. Kdv?r4 Doug lftM White vu today elevated from associate justice In the Supreme Court of the United States to tM chief justiceship. The cllmftx of the coremonlee oc curred when Associate Justice Har lan aa senior member of th? court, added to the new chief justice the judlclsl oath. It was subecrlben to on the bench ltoelf. Instead of at the clerk's desk as Is ordinarily the case. Chief Justice White white taking the oath held in his hand e Bthle which has been used by nearly srerj^felef Justice end as th? Justice on elmilat occasions during the last century, but unlike most of them, he kissed the book at the conclusion of the oath. For the first time In history sn as sociate Justice "had been derated to the chief Justiceship and for thg first time a president and senate of one political party had honored a member of a rival party by placing him at the head of the highest court in tho land. Because of the overwhelming mod esty of Chief Justie White, official of the court were unctttaln us lo the exact detalla of the ceremony of the day until they had actually occurrcd. In a general way, the Urvad customs attending the induction Into office of the head of the court were tonow |ed. j y ? - uniiue the inaugmatlon of a president as the head or th? coordi nate branch of the government, the induction into office of a chief jua tlce of the United States haa alway* beet) a comparatively unostentatious occasion. Instead of an eacort from the cap ital to the White House composed of gaily attired civic organization^ and Masoned military commands, a new chief juatlce haa only his black robed brethren on the bench In pro cesslon from the robing room to the courtroom; Instead of his approaen being heralded by the loud huzzas of cheering thousanda, the udvance to power of a new chief justice la an nounced by nothing more than the solitary tones of the court crier; In stead of an inaugftral address out lining his policies, the only utter ance of a new chief Juatice la t'ue sol emn words of hi* oath of office. s The dignity resting In the customs founded on the swearing Into c*Sco of Joss Jay. John Rutledge. Oliver Ells worth and John Marshall, and per fected in the days of Roger B. Taney Salmon P. Chaae; Morrison R. Watte and Melville W. Puller waa net ma terially disturbed today by radical in novations. The oeretaonles of elevatlag an mu-' sociate justice of the oourt Into the chief justiceship of the nation began la the secret cenflaee of 'th* court's robing room. It is hare that tfct oath of aile BtaBW la a4mlnlater*d. Jut*before '?? court Ukm lu plu. o? Oh fcneh BOTH MEN P ARE CAPABLE Mr. L4>ula Kermsn has been ap pointed one of the an|iaMra at the city electric light plant on Jicfippat of the day current betas atarted. Mr. William J one* goes on duty at 12 o'clock m., and cornea off duty at IS ?. m. Mr. Karmaa goee on duty at IS p. m and atopa at is m. Mr. Jooea haa been the engineer at the electric light plant for a year ?r more and haa proved a moat ef ficient and capable oMetal. Mr. Ker man while a aew mm la folly com petent. The oath prepared for todalpe^oeea? alon followed thre form preaarlhaA by law. It read: "I. Edward Douglaaa White, da solemnly awear that I will rapport aad dafead th? constitution at the United States against all enemies, foreign aad domestic; that I will bear true faith and allaglanae to tha aame; that I tah? thia obllsaUon freely, without any mental reserva tion or purpoee of evaalon and that I will well and faithfully discharge the tfutlee Of the oSce on which 1 an about to enter. Bo help ma Ood." rOVQUT FOR CONFEDERACY ft waa a similar oath of allegiance that created auch a tempest In the court back (n reconstruction days. Hffncc, unuaual interest was center* ed In It* administration today to tho first chief Justice whd uad borne arms in the cause of the Confederacy by the senior associate Justice of the court, Justice Harlan, who ha<) bonm arms at th? same time In tha cause of the hatton. Doubt had existed before the cere monies aa to whether the new chief Juatice would halt at lhe eierk a desk in the court room to take the bath there, as most of the men who hav?? occupied positions on the bench have lone, or whether he would aasume his usual place on the bench and take the oath there as Chief Justice Chaae lid. There waa doubt, alao, aa to wheth 5r he would hold in his hand the his toric Bible that practically air the :h!ef Juatloea and aaaociate Juatioes lave used In thla ceremony, or wheth ?r he would follow the custom of 3hlef Justic? Chaae in taklns the >ath on a Bible provided for the oe THE JUDICIAL. OATH. The oath which the new chief Jut tic* subscribed to tn the open court Is known ss ths judicial oath, ss dis tinguished (torn the eath of allegl snce. It read: "I, Bdwsrd Douglass White, do sol ftmaly swear that I will administer lustice without respect to persons sad do equal right to the poor aad to th? rich, aad that I win faithtni ly aad impartially discharge aad per form all the dutlee incumbent on me ' sa chief Justice of the Called States according to the beet of my abilities sad understanding agreeably to the oonstltutlon aad laws of the Catted Biates. Bo help me Ood." "* Some mea make falUag thaa others by beftag I Pal. BED ROOM SUPPERS ( a<W i0 >11 colon 98c to 9140 CWWww la all colors 98c Men* In Taa and Blacks 91.59 to 92.00 These are very Useful and appreciative gifts Call in and see tbe large variety of useful Xrnas in our ?bowing Bowers- Lewis Co. - iiuiNt, Ami ? 1 111 " Tin CKM TIIRATHF. 1 - - i>9| o.ir ->? > . of 4elt?ito?onr cb?oso o: wr btu roo to M*

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