VWvW JMUff Last ?n IURSDA.Y AFTERNOON. DECEMBER 22. 1*11. \ | NO. 122 :? - ? !R PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCT*. THB YM> UUIUDINGS or (X>MJ* A N V ARB SWEPT AT LM8T BOO OUT O* Thorn aar Ilia. Dec. Jl.?This after noon at 6:10 pr.\waa dlecoTered la lift machine room ot the Cramer Furniture Company. The alarm was qoliklr glren and ?rrcrjr possible effort waa used to ear* th<, plant but the wind waa blowing a gala and the flames eoon engulf ed the entire bnlldlng. destroying two dry Mini also filled with lumbor. nearly >00,000 feet ol lumber la rough and In ooaree of manufacture in the yard* tad In the plant. From the main building the flnlablng room ; nearly 3*0 feet long ? Wilding n caught fire. ball ding waa half brick and btff wood and a?ery part Waa filled with finished chain rAdy for ??!? meat; the wooden' part with coataata waa deetroyad bat the brlct pan waa eared. ' The flames spread to faat aad sur rounded aad baraed the hydrant bouaea thai cutting off completely the water mppty and ererythlag waa left at the mercy of the fiamea and; everything waa reduced to aahee In Nearly 1108,000 worth of proper ty la destroyed and 500 employee are thrown out of employment. The 4r HTn of the fire la unknown. The plant had only cloeed down for the day lees than an hour before fiamea were dlscoveraCH The property waa not hair cover-l ed by Inaurance. making a total loa(| of approximately (100.000. ? plaat la owned by Staart W. Crai Charlotte; J. T. Cramer, John R.I Hyera, Thomaanile and the Whltln Company, Wlaton, Maes It Waa 1" fc- Boat dlaaatroua lire in the history Thomaarllle and will take peers to ?atatheMe.;__ Hi The plaut's weekly pay roU about l*.000. The wks two atorlea, four hundred atatty feet Iff rise, aad waa By far 1 largeat plant here. 1 CTHRIHTMLAH nfifymaimura ' I V ?? ' Ui DBOO RATIONS HAKDY'H DRUG ^?r jrrOHM. thl Cottoa aeed. per ton, 10.00 LUt Cotton, ??.??: OHR1. Seed cotton, (.??. In ursh will be open tomorrow rnooB and night for the purpose of recoiving any sifts tor the benefit of tho poor of that congregation. Tho Present* and gifts will be di? Saturday. Thts Is and the net of ?oT Is to be cob | Already a large number 'if gifts hare been promised for attribution. ATT having something for this pur pose are requested to carry them to the Christian church either tomor row afternoon or tpOaortow night. . I CHRHtMAft CAWDY HABOm MCll STORK. o) 01 th* Firm I church will hare their t entertainment at Brown's opera-house 09 Friday even ing of this Wook. At! the students of tho sefcoof are looking forward to ths occasion with much pleasure. r ;; /'v-.,ry'I ' . ?? I CHRISTMAS CANDY Jg , ' ? ; ; 'MkMmrH DRVO STORK. To Attend Marriage Miss Ulllan Baker of WlnterriUe, N. 0., is in tfie city the guest of Mrs. Gooj-ge Elliott on Main street. 8be her# t6 attend the Baker-Stoke* mar riage on December S7. CHRISTMAS QOODS I Y~&r. HARDY'S URVfi STORK. M. R. RMertaiament. Tho Methodist Bondnr vhool *!U have their regular annual Cbrlntmaa entertainment some night next week. The exact time will be announced through theee columns later on dur ing the week. 11- "lVrv? CHRISTMAS GOODS RARDVH 1)11VG STORK. ."*> 1 -"vf Dance at Vi . ?' / : * .-f Several of our clUaetu lett today for Vanceboro to attend a dance glren there this eteniag. 1 KILLED El PuOt Toiu, Dec: jj.?Svr.-W at tho practical deetmcrton of tlie en tire Mexican regular fore, lighting the revolutionists In CMhuahu* who received -her* from the capital of that state today. . : The report ??l<i that General Na varro's enUr? command had b*en wfped oat at p?deraales and that \r 000 regnlara bad been killed. The last report received before thla ?a? that Navarro * force* vera coop ed up In the Mexican town of Pedrr nalea and the Oeneral hlmeelf Was a priaoaer. CHRISTMAS CANDY BULL GIVEN H HURQRH There to to be a coronation ball given In tho town of Airort'at Tbompeon Hall on December 27. Quite a number will attend (rqm thla city. .The following Invitation ha* been toned: "You are cordially Invited to at tend the Coronation Ball at Thornp son's Ball, December"27, ltlO, Auro ra. N. C. Hours: 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. Committee: H. \V. Hudnell. C. B. \7> itehurst. p T. Guilford, F. C. Hooker and T Utcbfleld. CHRISTMAS DKCO RATIONS HARPY'S DRUG STORK. Closed' on Vntnday. The ^urtrington Public *chools closed an yesterday for a two weeks holiday. Several In te rooting and "ni Que enlartaUuuenU were given In"the different grade*? That of the kinder garten was more than Interesting. Quite a number of visitor* were pres ent and enjoyed the occasion im mensely. The schools will open again for the spring session on Thursday Jan uary 6. Several of the teachers expect to leave for different parts Of the e^ate to spend their vacation. CHRISTMAS GOODS ? HARDY'S DRUG STORK. Washington's - Greatest - Department - Store j I 3: i COMPLETE YOUR CHRISTMAS mm ... .< v .*??? ??"? v,.\ B^WCIT HERE and let m help yw. we km jutly ?tt*ine4 .* JffeMgM** fcy ???nr?* ?***<* atf***** ifartcter; m w* WT i to aerre oar patron* fat Vi 7aftkm conUoed wH|i Qoifity *hoqld brteg yoo to oar store to complete Only 2 More Buying Days Then Chri$tm?3? MUD ESSE ? hi S lAN'DKK I r kTTiOKN \ ? TOW Dec 21. -With two of h#r?rew driven mad by hanger and thirst. her command Lflb mm baapitale. My from and told MjBfnl i The MhooiMr I cola for Ballse, weeks ago had R was feared tte* gale #0^ lasted until The cruiser Taeoma nfeamerd forth in the midst of fale to look for mlaatng vessels 0*4 came upon the schooner drifting bflj^M?lr and with | her craw unable to lftova hand >ot. When the Tacomd neared the | schooner It was seenViat the decks 1 were piled with wreckage of the I deck load which had bi>?*n of him er. No answer came' from the hall Iseht from the Tacoma, but officers on 1 the cruiser thought could dls Icorn the figures of so^ie men on 1 board. .? * At the rtafc of beta# swamped a I life boat waa launched from the crn iser manned by eight men and an | officer and after, battling with the i for half an hoar managed to set Whan they climbed on board they 'found ten of the ere# lying on the 1 decks too weak to stand on_their The wtTM that had broken over the ship had soaked all the stores and ruined the fresh water supply. Fer nearly three days' the men had been without food and drink and were in a pltable condition. The Ufe boat was pot back to the crui ser and auppllss put on board. The Tacoma's aurgeon also visited the schooner and gsre-tbe stricken men all the aid he could. When the st nn first broke. Cap tain Aievson. commander of the schooner, was struck by a big ware while be stood at the wheel. ? Tll^l water poured orer the vessel carry In* away ome of her masts and knock In* th? captain into the sea. One of the sailors tried to throw him a life line but ^e aaak eut of sight before the rope reached him. t. - '. Then f ollowed two days and a^hta of tort ore as the net, who were suf fering greatly from exposure, and ben Then followed two days and nignta of torturo aa the men, who were suf fering greatly from exposure, and be gan' to buffer from hunger and thirst. a Yestefday the ship bore In sight of this -port-tot the men were- too weak to trtm sail so no frogreoe could bo made. - Finally, twr of the ssdlors went not of their ssiada and leaped Into tbhr-ooa. Two others worn about to, commit |uielde in the same w?y -when the Tacornn feseuoi waye found to ,b? rtelentty . aid may > not ryottr their cn*itmtAB dbookahons ONLY TWO MORS DAYS 8HOP CTWfl BHFORK CHHRMTHA8 The time for yoar chrlatmss shop plac to abort. Better do It aow. ftat ardtr will be k mighty busy day with the merchants of Washington without haTiag to wait oa you Watot the Dally Newa advertising cd.Tain. for bargalna and then trade In the storea where yon know before hand what you are expected to see. The columns of this paper are Interesting these Christmas times, i Tit-?: v MANY HIRERS T> I ARE ENTOMBED THE HPRBAI) OF FLAMKH MAKES I WORK OP UKSCTK WWICIUH C'KOWIM THRONO ADOIT THE PIT BEGGIXQ TO BE ALLOWED TO %AKE PART IN >v6rK. Bolton. Eng.. Doc. 21.?Tho worat disaster In the history. of English mining in tho last decade occurred today when the Hulton colliery, near here, when a terrUlc explosion trap ped the entire force within the shaft, 700 loet below the surface. More than 250 of th? miners were killed and probably more than 300 are dead There were gS7 men In the colliery at the time of the explosion and 8 hours later only 16 survivors had boon takea out. At that time throe of the dead had alao been removed from the mine. Fire broke out In the. mine, fol lowing the explosion &a4 prevented resuce work, raat volumes of smoke mingling with the fatdl. fire damp. Great billows of Ore spirted from pit hundreds of feet in the air and pockets of gas exploded from time to time with tremendous detonations Within a few minutes sfter the first Mast occurred the mouth of the mine was surrounded with relatives and friends of th? miners. When these learned that the mine officials were considering sealing, the mouth or the pit rioting broke out. The mine officials were attacked by the Infuriated mobs and a oe tachment of soldiers was summonea to protect the rcpresentstlva* of the owners to prevent the men. In the crowds from rushing to their doom In the shaft In the futile hope of res cuing some of the Imprisoned min ers. The local authorities were power less to restore order. The municipal anthorltleH depu tised armed guards to patrol the m?he company's property. Members of the early rescue par tin' Which were able to penetrate a short distance Into th* shaft before the flre paaaed beyond control, de clared that more than 3G0 miners were undoubtedly desd, as they were working la a section of the mine completely cut off by falls of state and a seething furnace of flamos. Ev en If U)ey escaped death from the raging holocaust the rescuers de clared that the polaonous fumes and lack of fresh air would kill them. The machinery connecting the shaft with the fans was disconnected by the force of the explosion. CHRIHTMA8 CANDY HARDrs Dlil'ft STORK. Ii the City. Hon. J. C. Meeklns. 8r.. of Co lumbia, N. C., ltt In the city. Mr. Meeklna Is one of Tyrell county's larsest farmer* and moat Influential ritlaena. " He la the fatbQt of Hon. Im*c M. Moeklna, aaaiatut United Btatea District Attorney ofyltabeth City sad aleo the aon of ?r. Nat Meekins a rising young member of the bar of Colombia. He U here to ipeod Cbrl^mua with relative* aid fr*""*-- ? ;??:# Three days to^Xmas Dec. 22 Now Have You Forgotten Anybody? Washington's - Greatest ? Store Ail persons paying on accounts on Saturday, L/ecember 24th, will be entitled to Votes on the Automobile for who evrr they with. The last bit chance to win out. " '- ?! J. K. H OYT GUI EXTENDED ID MB. HOPE Hope, paster of tile Christian ^Ujr* hBa re~ ceivcJ a cal to ; :or of the North Birmingham hristlan church, Birmingham, Ala. He now has the call under consideration. He has been pastor of the Christ ian church here for the past tw? years and no minister has ever filled the pastorship enjdylng u wider ctiN ele of friends not only among his own parishioners but the entire city. As to whether or not he will accept is not known. He is required to give an answer within the next few weeks. The church extending the call is a growing church in that rising South ern city. If he decides to accept the call It will be received with univer sal regret here. He has done a fine work for the Christian church in Washington and his going to another field will b? deplored. It is to be hoped that he .wm see his way clear to remain in Washing ton. Mr..Hope is one of that denomina tion's rlBlng ministers. CHHIHTMAH l>BCO RATIONS H.IBDV8 DRUG STORK. Is Convalofurnt. The many friends of Mr.. C.Wles Fleming, collector of tho Bank of Washington, will be pleased to lern that he Is rapidly recovering from his recent attack of fever. Unless somethiug unforseen happens he will be able to resume his duties at the hank now very shortly. JCHRI stem's CIOODS ' HARDY'S DIlKi ST<>KK. Million Dollar Fire. ? Cincinnati ' Dec. 21.?Two men dead, 17 injured, and a loss estimat ed at from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 are the results of a Are that swept through a number of business struc tures in this city early today, raging for more than fire hours. The fire broke out in the great ahoe manufacturing plant of the Krlppendorf-O'Neill Company and be fore it could be checked had spread into the adjoining structures. A biting cold .wind which benumb ed the hands of the firemen helped its spread. A; swiftly as the water was dashed against the adjoining build ings It froseinto vastlcles. The firo was discovered about 2 o'clock. The glare lighted up the city and drove the panic-stricken guests from the Cincinnati hotel in 8ycamore street near-by The tongues of flame licked their way into the building Of the Union States Leather Company, adjoining the shoes plant and'before the fire men could fully concentrate their efforts upon It; it was'doomed. The fiermon worked, gallantly to stem the rush of the flames, which ate their way ffreedflj' towards the business district , a sh^rt distance away.. . .. J The entire ffre-flghtiofc fore? of the ctty was summoned. wht}e residents of the threatened district _ - in ttmrottmth. - ? MAYOR'S COURT 1 THIS MORNING Cbarlcs Eueon was Indicted before the mayor this morning for entering the near-beer saloon of Mr. William Dudley on Water iftreet night before last, an account of which was pub lished In the Dally News jresteraay. The evidence showed that * Charles was seen by one of the witnesses. While he did an entrance in the saloon hlmspUhe was aided In getting In gy a pOKcm the Inside. After hearing?*lr<??e evidence In the - case the ma>?r bound the defendmafc orer to the.pex^^rjn of the superior court and In dafault of giving ball he was committed to jail. Bessie Jones, a whit* woman, was charged with being a vagrant. She was convicted of the charge and up on paying the cost and leaving town at once she was discharged. 8he took the Norfolk Southern 10:40 train, presumably for Petersburg, Y* -? -- The other cases for trial were post poned until tomorrow morning. CHRISTMAS GOODS HARDY'S DRUG STORE. St'PKRIOR COURT ENDS; CASES DISPOSED OP YESTERDAY State vs. Wayner Floyd, disorder ly conduct; nol pros. State vb. Alonzo Bonner, house breaking, nol pros. State vh. Mart Manning, larceny, tried, guilty, four monthrs on county roads. State vs. Catherine Windley, larce ny. tried, not guilty. State vs. Jodie Williams, bigamy, judgment 8uspendcd upon payment Df costs. State vs. Wayner Floyd and W. H. Dunbar, affray, tried. Wayner Floyd guilty. Dunbar not guilty. Where upon it was adjudged by the court that the prayer for judgment in this* ;ase be continued until the last day >f the next term of this court, when the solicitor is in attendance, and It s recommended by the judge hold ng this court to the judge holding that court that if at that time the lefendant Wayner Floyd and all the nembers of hlr^iather'a fayilly. In cluding the father himself, have en tirely quit the business of dealing in my kind of intoxicants or any sub itance known as near beer or anoth er like substance, and shall be able to satisfy the court that no member if said family has any connection vlth or any Interest In any business jf the kind above described, secret ?r otherwise in the state of North Carolina, that judgment shall then tie suspended upon payment of the sosts. The defendant is required to enter Into bond in the aum of (300.00 for Ilia appearance at the next term of this court. ' ? ' This action waa first recommended ?y the solicitor and aftofwnrd con tented to by the defendant .The News thinks this action ras commendable on the part o 10th -the solicitor and the defendant, t wllj probably win, (km ?.tamlng X>lnt in. his csree; and should such k, the etbe. the end* of loetleothcvs Men fnH* met. isv^t. ftom a lllii uf Wuilg|M*#u sad (PObeMe flrtsse. ? ^ : . ffhsr ~ - / Just Three More Days to WE ARE OFFERING ; r our entire stock of Ladies' Tailored Salts, S3S.M to $35.00 nlMt, for the next three pg All Furs Greatly Reduced BOWERS-LEWIS CO., Watch Tomorrow'* A* Hlnfit, Ik- ' Uo^lM Mrrt. THE GBM THKATRB Our Thwitrp li sr ? . of delight*?our'change of bill ena bles you (o a*4 the latest and best la URB RNTKRTAIN ' W '-'-feij' '"r '>V A1M>THK? *"? l> jAWKfl

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