w 2 ? =p= rERNOON". DBqEMBER 23. 1910. ? I ? ^ PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA of (hat Mi;, i ? ? I* 1"W <*? wl? Mid good and uMful. And the lawmaker la the legists tire chamber as he vote* half the en tire reYenu0 or his state for the froi free education of the youths. or chair plots some law' to guard and protect them from evil, must have a p^o found deftire In hla heart that tfcat boy grow- Into a aelf-supporting, law abiding, patriotic cltlsen. All these wishes are one. Th? business m&a, the lawmaker, th< ?doctor, the teacher, tho pr9*e* f tb< father?above all the mother;?an wlahlng for the boy the solfsam< thing?that h* be strong and clear and suoceasful. It ti this wish In the hesrts of al the world who care for tho boyhoo< of today and the manhood of tomo^ r row, that is making them bitter enc mlea of the cigarette TV war on the cigarette habit h ?not the mere clamor of professions agitators?a sentimental outbreak c reform impulse; but s cool, dlsn&s slonate. Tiiai straggle for the rerj Ugjjij- - - ? ? - Of the boy f sionate. ritai straggle i( body and brain and soul i&lta 1?M lltsWai* B acted a law making It a hundred dol lar fins to ssll or give cigarettes 01 cigarette material to any boy unde eighteen. Ia it OS that law rxm strengthened by another making 1 a ten dollar fine for any boy to smoki cigarettes In any public place, 01 any road or street. In any bualnesi house or place of amusement. Ant Missouri legislat urea are "not glvei to reform legialatioh. In fact a ?aril must be rery apparent and th sentlmont g^ainat It very strong and permanent before the Missouri As sembly will undertake to curtallthe cltixen.s hereditary right to be as caused 4a he wants to b?. ;' Kunaas has a law prohibiting tbe sale of cigarettes in any form to any body. Almost every state in the Un ion Has some form of an tl-cigarette law designed to protect the bor from the ovlL What means sll this legislature? Merely that cigarette smoking is an expensive and offensive habit? Eat ing candy costs money; carrying fisfc wprms in the pocket Is a disagreea ble habit, but there Is no law pro hibiting the boy from thes. No, it Is not a mere matter of tasta e can pass over a dozen unpleasant traits and disagreeable fatbits In t*? boy?s? have to?. if only they do seriously Injure him. But the fight is on against tbe cigarette be cause It is a deadly enemy to that su preme wish for tbe boy?thn^he be strong and clean and successful. He cannot be strong and use it. No habitual cigarette smoker ever won any athletic contest. It Is absolutely Impossible for a cigarette smoiting school twy to grow Into healthy manhood. Dr. Morgan Clint In discussing the physiological effects of tobacco in general says: "In th? anemic, pasty complexion - ed. undersized weakling called a 'cig arette fiend* we see the affect of to bacco at lbs worst. Here Is-a yotth who fthould be Just growing Into man hood, the possessor of vigorous health and strength. Instead we have an old man In hla teens, prema turely aged and decrtplt, ^bo la In jured both physically and. mentally beyond a 1 ope of repair. Iu school he 1# a dullard, Incapably of concen tration. Socially he can q>aM||fw progress, for hla Bprsan Is offensive, la athletics be is a non-entity?he hasn't lungs enough to mage a g^oJ ?r ? f >--* rv .*&'* A fever that kills ten per cent of Its victims is s dreaded disease; one thst kills twenty Is a scourge; ami a glseas? that kills half of those It attacks Is s terrible plague. But cigarette amoklng begun early in boyhood and continued. wrecks the health of every one of Its victims. I do not know of a single Exception. I have never known a boy who began to smoke cigarettes under the age of fourteen an? continued the hallj iiywhor? confcBB thai HH_ '?du cat,, a boy. who uses tobecco--e*pe dally civaretten. It so diseases Ifc* brslna and nervous system that clear nets and tpoysncy of mind, applies tion and concentration, are Impossi ble. With scarcely a slngl? oxceptlon, from the commissioner of sduc l ion down, all superintendents. school boards and teachers who have to do wKh the education of boys, are-Im placable foes to the clgsrette^hablt. President David Starr; Jordan of Le land l anford University, eren for bids collate m^n from using cigar ettes abywhere on tbo University grounds. , I H. H. Seer ley, principal of Iowa State Normal, says: "After malting a study ot Several hundred boys running .through a period of ten years, I have not met a pupil that <a addicted to the "habit that will go through a single day's work and hare. /?Bo far semy observations ft art* extended not a single .|M* ed the examination requl red for ad mission to the high school after he has acquired the habit; and not one has graduated from the high school who began the habit after beginning bis course 1 rf the high school. \ "Pupils under the influence of the weed are constant subjects of dis cipline, are not truthful, practice de ception. and can not be depended upon." Even more appalling, if possible, than the wreck of health and mind,] Its the effect of the cigarette habit on a boy's morals. * Judge Lindsey of Denver?and the boy never had a better friend than Bon B. .Lindsey. speaks emphatically "I have been in the Juvenile court nearly ten years, and In that time I h?.e had to deal with thousands! oX boys'who have disgraced them selves and 'their parents, snd who have brought sorrow and misery in to their lives; and I do not kn?>w of any one habit that is more respon rible for tttJrvM aUlwXwi than the vile cigarette habit IWfth a pretty Wide experience as a student of boys, a worker among Mm* I ? *? . ? ? , (convinced that a clean moral life and the cigarette habit are practically impoeslbel in the same boy. I have never seen or heard a sin gle boy who began the use of cigar ettes under fifteen and continued the habit who had not before the age of twenty-five become either immor al, a drunkard, a gambler, or a drug Washington's - Greatest - Department - Store OUR LAST CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION ly. r ' s - - V : May be helpful to yoo. as you bare posaibly overlooked some friend, we hove here tabulated ; some of our Gift Articles, whicfc msy prove just what you are looking for. we tnve cotnpil ed some very suitable articles. Elaborately displayed, and well chosen, for your inspection, by looking over this list at home, then coming to oar store you will find ojr Christmas dts- ? piay the greatest we have ever shown. . \ Only 1 More Buying Day Then Christmas r'p Faafclon decroes SMIn and Vel vet Pomp* 'tor 'evening or street wear. These would make some one happy Price 94.<M) per pair. Circular Center-pieces, hem stltcbed<v22 to SO Inches across. Ask to see our.special Table Damask nt $1.00. This was $1.26 and a real value at that price. ? should command your atten 8PKCI4L DLANKKTS ' All wool. Price $44NI whUe and pink borders. ?> * v ? ? '? ;? " ? - Ladles' heavy fancy reave; Sweaters, cream w|ilte. V 5?pec-ol > _) ? ? ?; i-.' Sofa Pillow Cords, fitcjflr o: Plain colon 30c and SOr. ?>& INDIA* BJiAN'KI.T Can be used aq bath robe, d^yioh cover or'blanket. Price *0.00 forest Mill hand trlmmd uu derwear, union aults 91.00. Sep arate garments 50C each. These garments are fine ribbed and breachetf. Outing ,Nlght. Shirts. for ^he cold nights, 50c to $1.00 to I9JW. ^yiihe QqaUtj that-can be had 1* fl l.nt jnio )'!?: p.p.d it only coat ? c qu $:i.oo. X ; i j ? X '/ ?J>l MUX'S SILK fiOX Our sales pa this article has been the greatest in our history. There la u reason for It Why? Because we baTe the finest pUTe alHs h?ao at ffOci p? v ? MONARCH This trade mark signifies the beat 91.00 shirt on the market. Boy's Corduroy Reefers?warm and hard to wear ou*. Price Taffeta Silk Skirts, special $8.90 I M ImpoMl nor uec clgarette been well wmed ?'coffS'nalls." They ?re more; befor. the ccffu is reach ed they naU up every c.?Ul for holp la branded, "No cigarette smokers wanted." I hare never seen a single boy who began the cigarette habit In TMa teens and conttnued , it, secure and hold by bis own worth and abt:|ty !n any time in attar life a position that paid as much aa a hundred dol lars* a month. . ^ The ease and frequency and ap parent cheapaesa- by which this hab it may be practiced donbles its evils. And how to keep the bofr from the clgarJtte and the cigarette from the boy hag become a vital question to evafy lover of the human ize The motlvp that prompt* the for mation of (his habit?and many an other had one?is the hoy's ?deglr^ to he a man J oat aa qulcklyes possi ble. Ware it merely'a matter- of choice nine beys ojit of tea would wake up lnt he morttiag with hoards. They imitate men; andjafcltaturally words, acts, and habits thfikt atw em ph |Me',, anusual, or avaggjrtsh make a strong impression on tty youthful observer. Oaths (because usually spoken with emphasis), reoklesa driv lng, a peculiar gait, the ^at tipped hack; the rolling of a cigarette, puf fing the smoke, the dff-ha?A way. of aaklng each other ;ptor |tbe "man kin's" all appeal to< the boy aa some thing Interesting. Ah?l aa he does, not discriminate In rfpklng fcablts of for Imitation, he <ju!tft nattnal ly choose* t&e ones ihat have impress Ied him most. To counteract this the mother I should begin early and make every possible effort to enlist the assistance of the men of the family afod the friends, in emphasising bef#ro the boy worthy traits and habits. Noth ing is bettor for this purpoa? than elean' atletics. (live boy what he can excel in. give him a ehanoe to sAtract attention In a commendable way. Also by afcrx and .eremite -and straight teaching impress on him that the smoftfr Is a weakling, the dullard, the one left behind In every conteat both banly sports and the work of life. And of course teach him the evil of It?that It la wrohg; that whll* auccesaful men sometimes some times smoke cigarettes. It may ruin even them; and they would not have juacceeded had they begun the habit ln-'joyhood. Ttfuch too can be done by mothers Individually and in clubs to save the neighbor's boy as well as their own They can arouse public sentiment In the community against the evil? make it unpopular for the men to set tho^xample nnd the boyn who fol low. In & Missouri town of ten thous and, every bualness houso displays the algn, "No Olgaretic Smoking Al owled In Here."--<-put. there and en forced by public sentiment. A good plan for a woman'* club Is to Invite the husbands and msn friends some evening?on,the lure of Tefree'gnents, and get them to do ]\\ > talking. Have a doctor to dlscuas itbe Boy and the Cigarette from the standpoint of health; a business mat. from that of success; a professor from the point of education; and a Sundhy School superintendent or a minister, the moral eff< |? Then all discuss together "What can be done to sav6 th? box* of our town." I bcliove lfNten successful men of coniqpnnlty should invite in ten cig rirctie-arcoklng bdys and ha*e an hour's heart to hea I'. talk with them on habit, tfeVen out of the ten would quit In a month. . But the work should not stop thero ?\Ve*ste t'oWlng these days. Our, hearts are brcarfcnln.t as well as our 1 knowledge. Today It Is not enough for the mother to know fhat her i own brood Is tookfnl in safely. Her I sympathy and activ? Interest goetf oi.; to t" ? uother shd has never aeon *?io the uc.ther ' anywhere whose prayer that har boy may be strong ai d clean and successful Is being an s*.v-?red In disease and sin and fail ure. Her hate Joins all hate for the ene my that steals the boy's hop* and strength and leave* him a suffering derelict at /he port of manhood. T'?r hand. Her voice her lrifloence la quick join ell. the (fiends of humanity fort to spread knowledge and create a sentiment that will mske ?*d in force laws, ahd awaken a feel of self-manliness among the boys Ch will glve^them an open chance be | rong and c n and ?nccee leeland?Iceland, about half thf ?l.e of Missouri, hu ^?o Ml. no eoun u4 Not . drop of >d? on the l.y toss's s SEALS SOLD HUNDRED*) OF THOUSANDS ARK HELPING IN THE HALE AND PROSPECTS ARE TH^T LAST YEAR'S RECORD WOfi BE DOU BLED?FIGHTERS ARE JLBI law. ; '?j': . Washington, D. C.. Dec. 23.?-Re port* from headquarters of the Ame rican Red Cross given out today In dicate that at the beginning of the laat week of the aale of ChrUtmaa Seals, nearly 3^,000.000 have been aoid and that the prospects are bright for a sale of more than 60,000.000. The actual number of Seals told to date la nearly 15,000,000-ln excess of the entire nunfcer sol* in 1909 and la already nearly three umes the aale of 1908. If the sales this weak keeps up st the same rale as since December 1, the national authorities estimate that over $600,000 will be added to-tke tuberculosis funds Id all porta of the country. This will be doubled the amount realised last rear. Engaged In this campaign for * il ing Red Cross Seals Is an army of Over 100,000. including men women snd children of every rank and sta tion. Agents have been appointed in one or more places In every state, except Idaho and Montana. Among the groups and Institutions "which are a? sisting-ln the movement are the anti tuberculosis societies, Red Croas chapters, Women's Clubs, Labor Un ions, Lodges, Schools, ginks Thea ters. Department Stor*o, H~pitals, and Innumerable other agencies. Thousands of dollars worth of ad-| vertlsing is being donated to the cam| palgn, and many millions of circulars] are^being distributed to remln?l peo !ple to buy Rod Crojw Seals. CHRISTMAS GOODS HARDY'S DRUG STORE. AVNVAL HALCTOT DAN(*fc TUESDAY NIGHT. DEC. 27. The Halcyon Club will give their annual Christmas German next Tues day night, December 27. They wll\ also give the children of Washing ton a dance from 8 to 9:30 the same night. CINCO AND 44 CIGARS HARDY'S DRUG STORE. mit any liquor |to be imported. "There is not an Illiterate person on the island, not a chili ten yeaf& old unable to read the system of public schools being practically per fect. "There are special seminaries and colleges, several good newspapers and a printing establishment which every year publishes a number of books on various lines." 8uch is the repo |. brought by northern travelers of this Incompar able and ideal land. It speaks with a mighty voice for prohibition. Dr. H. A. Kelley. of Johns Hop kins Hospital. Baltimore. Md., at the Washington meeting of the American Society of .the Study of Alcohol and Other Drug Habits, speaking as a physician with 32 years experience, said: "I began my practice in private life by prescribing nlcohol in its va rious forms as an easily diffusible stjmulsnt in cases of periodic weak ness, in low fevers and exhaustion, In accordanco with a common cus tom of a generation ago. My expe rience has told me that the effect is temporary, evanescent; that the drug ({or such It la) does no real good; and that a dangerous habit is "thus easily .eadangered which .may be rcosf 'difficult tto eradicate, o habit that may utterly ruin the patient's body, soul and spirit." C1NCO AND 44 CIGARS HARDY'S DRUG STORE It must be that Balllnger simply ncdst he money. 100 * U? \H * Chicago, Dw. 22.?Fire 'Marshal Jamtm Uoran. Assistant ChUf Will iam liurrough. several captains aad lieutenants and more than a score >f firemen were killed. Fort/ others were more or less lerlously Injured. The property loss amounts to f if Kip ,000. The mayor of Chicago was .nearly killed by a bursting pipe. About noon?Central time?a sec Mid big explosion occurred, sending ? roof off a warehouse. Half a dos m companies of firemen narrowly es caped death at that time Fire threatened to destroy whole it Stock Yards district. It haa been ledged la. but the buildings already attacked cannot be saved. Buildings destroyed Include two warehouses, full of dressed meats, hemp, etc., s tallow bona* and oth w structures. The Are carrying its loss of Ufa which may reach forty started from an explosion. Immediately after the first alarm war given the fire spread with great rapidity and In a few mln- ' utes it was seen that the firsmea had a hard light on their hands. A general alarm brought Marshal Ho rann from his home on the west side of the city and as soon as be reached the scene took up the task of directing the men. Philadelphia. Dec. It.?Thirteen are known to have been killed. Olaaler held helpless by heavy tim bers for thirteen hour*, was rsscned still conscious. He caaaot live. Fifty others were badly injured* Twenty live are now In the hos pitals. Several of these may die. Two firemen held under maw ot twisted Iron and broken bricks for twelve hours, were taken oat ali^e. ACCIDENT m CHQCOWINITY A terrible accident happened In Chocowinlty last night .at the home of Mr. Robert Hill. His oldest son and one Mr. Frank Daniels were ? n gaged In loading and unloading a gun Standing year them were the tro sons of Mr. Hill, aged respectively, seven and three- By accident the I gun went off and the right shoulder of the younger boy was shot off and his arm nearly amputated, the old er boy'a hand 'was nearly severed Just above the wi^at. . Dr. Jack Nicholson of this city was hastily summoned and rendered what, medical aid he could. Both I the children, were_brought to ibis city laat night and are now In (be Fowlo i Memorial Hospital. It's the Intention I of tbe physicist to operate on them as soon as reaction takes place. The | condition of the younger boy la pre-' carious and the chances are that he will not recover. The thances of the older are more favorable. CHRISTMAS CANDY HARDY'S DRUG STORE. The late shoppers will be busy for the next two days but there Is a plenty left to buy. The Kaa boat Pungo running be tween this city and Swan Quarter, has been on the rail ways for repair* the past few days. Mr. J. F. Co well went to BsyborJ yesterday afternoon rla the Norfolk Southern. Miss Hudnell daughter of Mrs. Alex Hudnell returned #home laat night from Littleton Female Collide to Kpend the holidays. Mr. B. D. Rowe of 8mall, N. C. was a Washington visitor last night and today. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS HARDY'S DRUG STORE. Weather Forecast Rain on the coam. Rain or snow La the InMrler 4on%fe<. Warmer In the east Saturday. Saturday rain or ?now. Colder Saturday. CHRISTMAS OOOI>8 HARDY'S DRl'G STORE. Cotton Market. Cotton Meed, per ton, SO.00 Lint Cotton. 14.60. Seed cotton, 6.60. CHRISTMAS DE<X) RATIONS HARDY'S DRUG STORE. Just Three More Days to Christmas WE ARE OFFERING our entire stock of Ladies' Tailored Suita, ?25.00 to $35.00 values, for the next three Ol ^ nQ days at - V* U?VO All Furs Greatly Reduced BOWERS-LEWIS CO., I ' Watch Tomorrow"? /? Ulcscst, Iter UixxieAt Slo^e. THE GEM THKATllE HOLIDAY TIME: A Chrlstraaa bill that will please everybody?a down to-dat o i)?>rfortnanca that we know cannot be equalled anywhere. (Lubln.) RIDERS OF THR PLAIN'S (Edison) STRONGER SEX (Lubln) 'i J. K. HOVTJaS'lU SATURDY is the last day to make your voles count on the AUTOMOBILE. Help your favorite win out. ? ^-'SRlVtCT'

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