?v - ? . ? ?, .... , . Last Hitis ?ER PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA wer. the people that " together, robbing suppllee, and tor a night piMM wllh caused great loss of rise of water ? wept ot Vutacw. thoueacda of penom being drowned. A. rail road engineer reported that one of the bridges near there had been ehok ed cp with bodies and that he had been imprisoned two dara In the *P ver part of a temple before being res cued Dr a boatman. "The situation daring the winter wW bs' terrible? (? r worse than dur ing the famine three reus ago. The starring can be reckoned by hund reds of Uoasands and relief com Ml I at nee." HARDY'S DWG 'AH the banks of the city will be Closed on next Monday as that day Will be observed as holiday la the H , Cotton eeed, per ton. *?.*? Lint Cotton, 14.60. Seed cotton, S.(0. r ??,T ? f jT\ t'i IT Dec. 24 A Merry Christmas . to all , ? Our Readers i t ? and End . 1, 1910. county commissioner! < l*.*7 ?r . 8.10 ?.? 7,71 M? . ............. 5.50 merchandise for Carotin* Hawkins *1.40 spmear Bro*., merchandise county home..;. U?S D. O- Latham, work on LoVentone Run bridge\ . J.40 Si kM<*' Aurora bridge 20.0? A. ToI?r. keepln* Blounta Cre*k bride* ??.#? ?" '? *MpIns P?B?? Cr**k bridie 16,(fo ?' 2' J?**' brld*. , it.tc 55! convict ?uard. tl days J. H*?ens. county male* Walker, ferui Cocwoll Co.. mordiandl** tor C. B C.. M. M. Jon**, work on dr*w A Bailey, keeplnfl Bath brodgce Ac J. A. IMtK, recorder, coat* for Not J. r. Tayloe, marc handle* tor oonrlota Br*rett-Waddey Co.. mere, .handle* tor Ret \v U F* BUIliMl 9M?# Co.. typewriter ribbon*. A. G. Bo&lth, work OB cart and making shackels W. W. Hooker, services In connection with bridges. . B. O. Bright work around county hone and premises. .. E. G. Bright. 14 1*6 cords wood ftor county home R. W. Lucas, building bridge houses Washington Drug Co.. antitoxin?, order Sunt, health. . N. L. Sawyer, moving convicts Belbaveu to Campbell Cr. C. H. Roberson. conveying Stanley Mooro to jail, feeding J. C. Duke, conveying Dallas Topping to chain gang..... J. C. Duke* conveying langc Credle to chain gang.... Walker. Evans A CogweU Co . envelopes tor C. 8. C.. . Walker. Evans * CogweU Co.?-,r ~ * H. O. D. Hill, keeping ^ E. G. Bright* Supt. Co. Washington bridge 3*1.11 .1 Mutual Machine Co., work on Washington' bridge draw 4.86 J..B. Turnage. merchandise for Mariah Taylor 2.56 H. L. Hodges, freight on convict camp to South Creek 4.40 H. L. Hodges, salary for November . . .*>L . 50.00 U P. Latham, convict guard 20.00 Dave Ho<|ges convict guard 20.00 J. D. Winfleld, convict guard 20.00 J. D. Aldrldge, convict guard. 16 days 16.00 C. V. Ross. Lumber for Edward bridge....,;. '> 19.24 J. H. Harris, P. 4fc 8. Co, mdse for oonvlct, polishing - stoves, and lanterns for bridge.. 24.66 J. F. Tayloe, Int. on $12,500 bonds .../*... a ...... SIS.25 Amos Moore, work on county bridge .. * JErTzt* ? 1.75 J. C. Latham, work on Tranter Cr. bridge 20.58 J. P. Tayloe int. on $2,500 not. Bank of Washington.. . . 37.5to J. F. Tayloe, |nt. on ?2,600 note renewed , ... S7.50 M. A. Paul, hauling logs to build Smith Cr. uridge. . . ? 24.04) Qee.'A. Paul, C. 8. C . .. ? .t.\ ., *1?.i . . .., J. * 106.*7 Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff 65.03 Ww W. Hooker? magistrate .78 C. H. Roberson, constable 5.50' Glenn Bonner, witness 2.55 J. W. Chapln, witness 3.90 C. H. Sterling, mayor 9.84 W. Ri Pedrlck, constable 18.90 Geo. N. Howard, constable 20.25 time's:-'i: ??; " I WE THANK YOU ^ , ?'A:> ,??' ?? . i:-m W. A. Tankard, magistrate. Haywood Grimes, wltneas, .. Pater Orist, witness Joe Dixon, witness Jno. Lanier wltneas - ... O. Rlddlck witness , Peter Burroagb, witness J. M. Davis, witness "W. B. Gurganus, wltneas ...; Moses Bowen, wltneas E. 0. Bright, extra compensation R. R. Warren, Chairman to commissioners W. H. 8tancll, commissioner F. H. Von Ebersteln, commissioner H. 0. Boyd, commissioner W. W. Hooker commissioner Thos. Green, commissioner State Hoe. care, clothing, and trans, for indigent poor O. Rumley, flerk to Board, etc Dr. A. K. Tayloe, attention to convict, etc J. P. Bishop, mdae. (or convict Suskln A Berry, mdse. for convicts A. Toler, keeping Blount's Cr. bridge . . . J. C. Dudley, keeping Aurora bridge A. Bailey, keeping Bath bridges C>. H. Roberson, conveying two convicts to chain gang ?G. I. Bonner, conveying two convicts to chain gang H. C. Mavo A Co.. mdse for convict* /y. w. mayo, mane, ror convicts .......; 15.85 Walker, Evans & Cogwell Co., record for Register 10.50 E. G. Bright, Supt. Co. home .,.. 167.10 J. B, Keech, keeping .P&nWgo Cr. bridge 26.00 R. F. Respess, keeping, Pungo Cr. bridge 16.00 U. O. Bright, Are, dogs etc for Co. home . 3.06 <5. H. Roberaon, arrest Otc of Hoses Bikes 2.75 G. Rumley, work' for Corporation Com 30.00 C. H. Roberaon, conveying Zeb Knott to Jail 3.60 C. H.' Woolard, repairs of Pungo Cr. Bridge 3.60 Dixon A Bonner, underwear for convicts 23.50 F. L. Vollra Hardware Co., mdae for oonvlcta. ....... 24.66 S. R. Fowls * Son, mdae for convicts for Co. Homa Ac. K.>4 Harrells Printing House, poor order book 4.60 Aurora Hardware Co., mdsa for convicts 16.4 3 T. A. Brooks, lumber for Bath bridges .............. 3.68 WM, Bragaw, Insurance on County home... 117,17 BeaJ. Potter, rent tor Oat'. U". ?.M J. B, Carrawon, sawing lumber tor Bmtth Cr. bridge.. 18.01 J. W. Mayo * Bro , Underwear for convicts 31.1# C. o. Mldyttte. mattresses Tor convteto ... 13.60 8. R: Fowl* a Bona, lumber tor county home. etc..... l?.46 J. W- Oden A Co.. Mmber for Pungo and Johee bridges 5.35 W. J. Harrtb. keeplnA'l^tehvllle bridge for 4 months, en ting -Jan lit. 1*10 N.M W. A. Tankard, ClkW Bd. Supervisors Bath township IH Washington' Dally "NeWS. pub. financial statsm't. etc.. 63.4# H O. V. Hill, keeping Waahlnftoa bridge.. 37.00 H. L. Hodges. Peas bon?M tor con lets 3.70 H. L. Hodgaa, Supt. coavlcta. aalary for Dec !?.?? U. r. Latham, guarding coavlcta. salary for Doe. 3?.#0 Dave Hodcee, guarding coavlcta. salary for Doc J. D. Aldrldge, guarding convicts, salary far Doe 3#.o? J. p. Wlnfleld. guarding convieta, salary tor Doe.. r. ?.. IMt Spencer Bros., sadse tor county hove ..... !.*? T. H. Moore, lumber tor bridge on road So. (4 Choco wlnlty township ll.?t L. F. J ones, ssdae for cenvlcta etc M. D. Lewis, ratting logs and carrying logs to mill, etc t.n B. O Spencer, 8kg Hyde Oe.. coat. con. from SMo Co ll.M Southern Furniture Co.. bUakota for Co. homa ?.*? Geo. A Paul -C. B. C. phone rent, ate . ..t. 1*.M W. B. Morton A Co., aiattlil I tor County Home., .. 3.36 Gee. B. Rlcka, sheriff. JaU toes ? 0? Geo K. Ricks, sheriff, suadrlea, court coat, etc l??.t? Jos. F. Tayloe. ? months Interest on bridge bonds 1,363.13 work on Bath bridge 1I6.M ,.je. Jury tleketa for December court...*.. MT.H I Broughton Ptg Co., reoord bk for Roc OB M.i0 , wttneaa 11.M _ Mrltneaa I.IK , repairs on Bath brldgj ?.? n Trass . Tn fan try. aeml-annual appropriation 115.00 11.17 T.M .. ...v..... 7.71 M? ?? I , *.!? k?... * ? *.;*?? RYjriVji i' ....... fi.io i cash paid In connection iIII n,:... mi ? force .. (.It - 6.26 1.1* to lK?r Am the Christmas season approach es I W2? remlded of Wordsworthe beautiful "Ode, Intimations of Im morality ," and especially the lines In H which ascribes the dignity of dl*in Ity to tiuaan life: ? "Not in entire forsstfulness, ? And not in utter nakedness. But trailing cldnds of glory do we com*. - ft Prom God, who is our home." Chr<sda*ji Pty, December the 26th. is regarded by the Christian world as the birthday of Christ. It comes j one a year, to remind ns of God's greatest gift to the wotld, the gift of His Bon. I am content to believe that be idea of giving is the one tbat should l??rss us moat at this holi day season. Not so much the pre senting of gifts and tjemambrances that will make glad the hfcarts of our friends, while that is good, but the giving of ourselves is service to our fellows. To me the Christmas season means rest c: body and 'teat' of mind. It means "peace on earth, good will to men." It is a time to forget the stress and strain of dally life to en joy the blessings of a good home, tfc ttate upob the blessings life has meditate upon blessing* life has brought, to think of one's frlendrf. both old and new, to be proud of our country, and to be glad of lite, whethc we are st Its dawn, Its noon, or Its evenlg tide. I have never been ablp to under stand how some men, bright Intelli gent men, can labor faithfully *11 the year and remain sober until Christ mas. then flst beastly drunk and sfftnd the day In revelry and ha' mas means to the fsmllies of men who forget themselves in this man ner. I repeat(. this Idoa of how Christmas should be spent bmiqs strsnge to me. This paper must be brief, but something must be said for the chil dren. *1 believc they should have as much innocent (un and pleasure^ their young lives call for and that In these pleasures, as In all other af fairs of life, they should be mildly patiently, yot firmly corrected when they have gone to unreasonable lim its. Let them enjoy the holiday sea son fully. In addition to giving them a clear field to enjoy the bright side, as we call it. I would have them taught some of the truth 1 have tried briefly to Indicate above, vis: The dignity of human life, the genu ine spirit of giving, peace and gocyfi will to men, the joyof life to remain sober, and to be unselfish always. N. C. NKWBOLD CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS HARDY'S DRUG STORE. I Two much cannot be Mid about the commendable object for which the Red Cross Christmas stamps are belag sold. As most parsons know, the proceeds from this sale will co a fighting the "Great White Plague." which ta working havoc through out our country. This campaign lbr the sale of stamps Is naUoa-wldp. We must fall into line. It Is a small thing for men to get s supply of t itamps and put one on every lei lent out. but when It is remembe* ?d that this will count Into millions hroughout the country, the sum will ?e very large. No one Is to understand these itamps are to take the place of the -egular postag, stamps but are used n addition to the regular postage. The .stamps are on sale at Dr. iardy's Drug 8tore. How can we lo more good than by this means at his season of the year? ?LOWERS FOR RAM??Hardy*. Drug Store. ltc PSR80NAL MENTION Misses Laura Berry. Adala Stok ?s berry, who hare been attending he Littleton Female College. pssMt brough the city yesterday en route a their respective homes In Hyde ounty. Mr. J. C. Selby of Mobucken. Is la fie city today. Misses Melissa and Martha Cradle, f Swan Quarter, are the guests of Irs. C. E. Wahab, on West 8eoond treet. Messrs Baxter Bell. Earl Jeafaette 'ho have bean attending Horner's chool. are spending, the _ Rn Bell, DeftsT<M*Oo*sn. who sve been sttendlng college at reensboro, paased through the city esterday en route to their homes In lyde county. Miss Etta Reeves and Miss Hooker 'ho have been attending the Train ing School at Greenville, are in the Ity enroute to their home In Au ora. Miss Ruth Wicks of Ashland, Vs.. i In the city the guest of Mr. and Irs. Clyde Harrison. 618" E. Main treet. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell of locky Mount arrived in the city laat vening to spend Christmas with heir parents. Mr. Samuel Dupree of Florence 8. X, arrived In the city lsst night oa lis way to Plymouth, N. C. Mr. Du ?iee la a former resident of Wish ngton. ;i.VCO AND 44 CIGARS HARDY'S DRUG STORE. The concessions of the wesk are he concessions of fear.?Burke. Just Three More Days to Christmas WE ARE OFFERING our entire stock of Ladies' Tailored Suits, ?25.04 to $35.00 tiIon, for the next three gg All Furs Greatly Reduced BOWERS- LEWIS CO., HOUDAY TIME: A Christmas Mil that will please everybody?a down to-date performance that we too* cannot be equalled anywhere. Fine Christmas program at thai Oem tonight The Christmas pres eat, given away Monday night, Dae. U. . 4 ? Do not (all to attend tonight as It will h* worth while.

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