.'"0 V - b. r. ? T. P.rr,, wttaaaa I? Ok Woolard, ultHM (Ms T. Brook*, wttnaaa faaa W. O. TUMI. wltnaaa tea I ii T. N. ?law iw .. Marjr Ptaraon. attnaaa faaa On A. fHl, raadrUa M . Muantol Blount. ?lt*?aa r.\ ::::::::: ?'??4 Ml ? i? 6.M Ml t.M 1I.U l.*( p- >< I. QHbart Rumley, clerk to tb. Baud of County I . wt of the clalnja audited and allowad b? tha laid ,, Board tin t*ayaa|- aadlns December let. Ilia. |' Wltxaaa my hand thl. Deo lat. ... . a RDML1I, CM to Boart. I Church Services. CHURCH rr ?. B. Searight, pester. Tfce usual service? In the morning *t 11:00 ahtl at 7:00 p. m., preach . in* br tb? pastor. <;|(tornlng. subject: "The Grace and Truth of the -Incarnate or 1110 G4ory of Christ." Ht: Joh^Tl4. r Evening subject: "The Tempta tlm. ot theMesilah:** There wR| be special Christ mas music, both hymns and anthems. Worship with us If you have no other chprch connection, and thus spend the day In the true Christian Spirit. A. cordial welcome ' awaits you. HAPT18T CHURCH ? Rev. . J:' A. ?Sullivan, pastor. Sunday school, 9>4R a. m., Mr. S. P. Willis, Superintendent. Morning subject: "When Jesus #? Came to Earth." Evening Subject: "A Great Con Prayermeetlng Wednesdsy even *- Ing at 7.: SO o'clock. *The annual Christmas celebration r^of the First Baptist Sunday Bchool, i all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the Wt)ite House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re 1 ceipt of two 2-cent stamp's O. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. ClfRIHTMAH CANDY HARDY'S DRUG HTOKK. ISEASIMRLE SUGCESHQN rffiWXgT? ''' '? '? '? >' ? Thin I* (k? Urn of year when n trm ptMUUou should be taken by all nnaltli people to guard ag last disease. Especially ta tkl> true of families where there are children at the public schoola. ' Tt able Just as* than at nr other ssa ?on of the year, while poets sine nlnuiilaily of the "sear sad yel Ifs V> ml In the botllag hot ? sat be At the tin. when "the f?*t to on the pumpkin aad the fodder's In the shook." hut the same It has . ??* thing; It s mighty hart to be properly dressed at all Mm. when yoo leave home In the nam ing the thermometer may stand at ?? ?aad la two hours he down to ??. That meaae that you sr. lolsc to U throughasd through before Coaghs. colds, (tip. a?a aches are a?t prevalent at tkla una of year tto*> any othbr. Ton of weather, ant wake ay i M? with a splitting I #, m ache la rrsry bons. and a dos m achaa la arsry ? To rallsre ?? SMI 2So dOHB ^.: :: :vv:.;.v.... *5 so to tii 8prl*g chickens .l&c-JOc ??' MOUt ???*<* atVif' ??" ?? - lto 1.M l.t* X.t? VT? JLW .. AT* B. ?. Petti. ?J.l? Ore?i nit hldw ? TH( On* bid* ? m< Ory kM?. lb f?? troa barn ? i?? Wool, burer 10 014c ?Ik Corn, butb?l ...T?9Ttc 1- WHEN|INfl New York City| Stop At The dSS1. Hotel St Andrew Broadway & West 72 St. ABSOLUTELY FIRE - PROOF A High Class Family and Transient Hotel. Express Subway Station at door anc i??ur rlieatre and chapping district ixamj cr u'uic?, oaci' liavinc Hatha. Lou*, aistano^ >_ ?m K upar linen ?> 1 Unavrp-rawi u^toiuu. 6^d?.. ior ?u -c >u?j and Aua- j BU.^.-KAV cu; . 8. Ik ROOT Xiupr. UALTIMORK HTKAM PACKET OO | ? OLD B\Y UNEi FLORIDA, VIRGINIA & gpISi Lt-XL/'. ' ALABAMA fouth Of Now Tot*, equipped wit* CW?? Vinlew T^vraphr M ?,? Of OoUt cue button* wltt.WojKWTOWj, X,. M finder return to tftta offlw aad recelv, re ward lf IUHMTIM Wllin. _! -Vf SfflTT. rJ. ? ~5af ? T " "UTOYX MK,a ?fORB. ' B y nre "mm irnun to lond. Baal Mate aoourlty. "At torney" tare Dally New.. ?2-p mi* '.???;.. ImJa If you bare a friend 1 mm i. jw i FOR Albemarle pippin Apploi, florlda Orange*. Cocoannta. Raialaa. ranU, Citron and Malaga Orapaa. W alnnta. Brail Nluti. All kinds ? Candy from 10c to (0c lb. IB fact everything food to eat that la found at a firat-claaa Grocery. All (pods dellrored promptly. Phone ,7 > , " . r. . ?93?OE3F E. L. ARCHBELL. r .JCBIC8E COLl? MORNINGS. won't Bet yon shivering?hare terrors for yott?If you have a (&a radiator In four room con with our mains and your own feed pipes. Torn the cock, sti match and Just fesl your i frow romfortablo In a you're dressed you can ahnt i gas, so getting beat for a few J Ask us how -few. . WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER fii ? _ WHITLEY & CHERR ? WASHINGTON, N. C. "ousehold Supplies .*? of Every Description of Furniture, Mattings, Carpets, 1 Stove*, Clock*, Crockery, Brie Inej and Supplies. Caah or Eas. _ 7; **** Main Sfc, N**t to Brown* Drug Store. Goods Se.jjur line of FANCY 01^88 i -V4' > c ' (JOOO#. 7~