oyster the < that hu> crip hu caused tt. Its present condition. Mr. Aydlett extended s cordlkl welcome to the visiting oystermen to the city on bebtlf of th? Cham ber of Commerce, the city officials', and the people at large. He appeal ed to the oystermen In convention I to devise some means of securing! last and equitably laws that will - unite all factions in this industry. Mr. Aydlett's address was follow ed by the formal organisation of! the convention. In which J. C. I IChringhaus i?? - ' -Mfc-J U in nomination Hon. T. I J. Markbam, (be present member ofl the general assembly from Pasquo-| tank county. The members of the press present| were nominated as secretaries. ^ committee composed" of ti?reo[ was appointed to select the various! committees of the convention. The! committee appointed was Chairman! "T. J. Markham, Dr. Joseph Hydel Pratt and Captain George N. Ivee. I The committee win make the selec tion and announce them in the af-1 - V Captain George N. Ives of New Bern th^n addressed the convention I upon the past, present and future [J of the oyster Industry In North Car olina. He reviewed the oyster bus- f] tee* in tbls state for the past forty years. going back to 1?74, when be came to North Carolina from Ver moot. H* apok* of tb* end* ipplUnc?a uaed whtn he tuu to the Hate and tin dwrelopaenta of the** I .?tru ll* told of hi* ?tro((lM to nUb-' M A bullae** 1* BaMlort a*d New Bern when there *mr* vrr er?d*| ?Man* of catch lag amd boating ten., ? k*' i Mr. iTeik anM that a few r*ar* ? U>e industry b*(aa to attract the I l*n 11** nf ttift. Northern oftterm aad jthey cue oonth. with the Drop- J .^appliance, far working It. ? ,,**tjMp con*etk>ai and Jaaloualaa I Thlch brought tabulation and the | * a flsh commission. He ? efforts of thp Bah | i of tbe ta ut as K is with . experience af ,)W the lndu*trjr, aubjeet or poll following wHIbe rendered: .rstSK ~ ?? "H*ll, Hall. Day of Day* " na. Story," Mis. Hutb White. for Christ." Uai tmaa Candlaa,' COXMU, Rath we, ylra Edwarda, XllaabtHh RoWti. Stochlnl." ll ;&$N "The Orphan," MiaMs Oladys Al ligood, Ethel Vhit?. Mabel Pipkin. Pattle Wilson, and Bessie Rehm Chorus, "Christmas Fa re wall.' the benefit of the Industry If be waa not prevented by politics in whlcu hie Inspector* were appointed by pol diina regardless of fttnens. Captain Ires stated that the out look at prertnt for the oyster busl waa not very eneo a racing and will not be. until It la removed from polities and pieced In the ben da of practical oystsrmen who know how to handle the situation Louis Feuentein, Sr.. of Norfolk, appeared In the auditorium of the court room and waa. requested by the convention to address It, giving his experience la the business and In his opinion aa to the need4 of the In dustry. length Jtttf UM'i present and on the needs of Iesli'.a tlon for the future. The oyster convention adjourned j at one o'clock for dinner, after Pren-} tdent Lamb of the Chamber of Com merce had announced the Merchants Association will serve a banquet at night In the Masonic hall In Water street to the visiting oystermen. During the afternoon session Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt will address the convention on the aeeda of legiala Uoa to protect the industry In North Carolina and the oyster commission er of Virglnls will spe?k op the ln dustry In that state. dttfltvg* g ' - He ?!? at condderabFe len upon the oyster situation at Will Await Completion of Knldr^ Tli? family of Bar. It H. Broom, the pastor of the Fliat Method lut church -will not mora to'thla city un til the new parsonage la ready for their occopaacr. They will remain li the district paraonake at lAltabeth 01 ty until that time. Hie new parsonage Hare will probably he flalahed within the next four or #re weeka If the weather la propltloua. . HBf J ? ?! I Messrs Tom and Bererly Blount sat* a delightful lanncli party yeeter day afternoon to Mlee Ruth Dana Of Atlanta, Miss Bess Usher of Nor folk. and itr. A. ~P. Farmer of B '? Mrs. Chaa. W. Thomaa chaperon ed the party, Bhad hare mad* their appearapce In thla market ??. ? Tlalgiii The Sunday aehool of the Bplaco pal church will hhre their annual Chrlstmaa party at the armory hall thla erenlng. A pleaaant evening If looked for by Wrery member'of the aehool. Clarkadale, Mlaa Dec. 19.?TW? n*gt6es are dead, three fatally wounded and man? other seriously hurt today as the result of a pitch ed battl# lata last nlaht in the Black Bayou district between bands of ne froes and posse offlcera and cltlseqe who ware hunting the black* who ambushed and killed W. W. Ktrk and L. D. Ksess and wounded a Mr. Two af.tte wounded Macks were mambera of the band which fired on the posse and tne third was "Nubs," s negro trusty who had chares of the bloodhounds uisd' by the posse. Several msmbers of the posss had their clothes cut by the bullets and narrowly escaped with their llres. Over s hundred ahota The asarchlng party J stibtlud+4 that the assailants of Kirk add Keese were headed southeast tn the direction of Black Bayou and they began searching the woods for them with bloodhounds. frT,. :j While ao engaged they ran upon a party of eleven negroes on the Perkins "A Jonea' plsntstion of Black Bsyou who Immediately opened fire on the searching psrty. In the volley which followed, sev lets -paw through their clothes and Nubs" a negro trusty, was serioua iy but not fatally wounded. Two more negroea In the band were in jured but they managed to make their eecape. At last reports Olabe and Msnly. Msrley snd Allen Yaster, the negroee who are charged with the hsd not been arrested. This Is the second outbreak the negroes In this section of 'the country here been guilty of and the citizens are determined that they will ..spare no efforts to bring the~ to Justice. < J til EXTRA SESSION . . The President May Call One the Talk TOfREVISE THE TIRIFF . .The Dmocntt 8?y It to For the Washington. Dec. It J?That id extra session of congress to nrlse the tariff will be called by the prssl deet seems to be the general opinion among democratic representatives now In Washington. They beUete that at olid-pat republican leadera arft quietly preparing to "Heal their, thunder" by a clever coup after The democrat* point to the fact tbat the appropriation bllla are iVc ord-breaklng speed and that the way* and means committee la win ing to grant hearing on any sched ule of the tartH. They believe there Ml be tour or aft weeks at the done of this ses sion In which congress will hero practically nothing to do, except prepare for a revision of the tariff in extra cession It la expected that th?ae acbfd ulea agalnat which public r.rltlctam been most violent will be taken decomrat* do not credit their (MM to (rat *111 IP The Following ja Assembly to ^nmiu arm laws la , not Affective One of the aatessfr: though then afe certain Are la*, in enough to prewnt rear by foreet Area. Effect of Ana on th? fon?tt Baatern Owuttaa?One ? wont effects of foreet Area In east ern North Carolina baa bem the pre vention of the long-** pta, too. reproducing Itself L?r?a nron once conred with tide ratea ble tree and which should mow b. reproducing another growth of the earn, kind an ln.taad covered wMk eand oak or black Jack, which an Practically ralueieea. ' The loaa to tha pcopla of this sec tkm from the burning! of Uieee pliie laada. ukan in the aareate^ la enor ?won. u, hot for the hurnlno. thousands of acre* which are tyiw denuded of all merejuinta*. tnea would either be covered with ma ture forests or with thick (roree of roan* (reea. They hare In ?as^ lnsfrnoee al so destroyed the "baya" or awamp in which the white oid.r er "J^ni t Per" tree (rows, burning not merely all seed-bearing and young traea bat the rery soli as well, aa It M usually peaty and contains a large, propor tion Of woody matter. 1* hard wood Umber la swamps has been laae damaged, aa tba awsftpa oaly become dry enough to burn In the i-umTBTrr end fair, -while the leaves are still green. Occaalonal Una. I however. In exceptionally dry sea I sons do great damage. In order to enable the state to. more effectively control forest fires, I the following leglalatlon 1s suggest I rd J The General Aaaembly of North Car olina do enact: Section 1. That Section S324 of the Revlsod Statutes be amended to | read aa followa: If any peraon shall aat Are to any I grass land, brush land or ??* woods except It be his own property, or. In I that caae without first giving notice la writing to all persona owning or , 'n charge of landa adjoining to tbe t wood land or other land Intended to be lend, at leaat two daya before the time of firing auch landa, and al ao taking can to watch auch Are ?hlle burning and taking effectual can'to exUnguiah auch An baton It I reach any laada sear to or ad joining tha lands so and. he shall for every aach offence bo guilty of letasanor aad be punishable by a Ana at not leaa than twenty-Are dollars nor more than ne thouaand dollars, one-halt to go to the parson who brlnga the anlt and oae-half lo the state treaaurer to be ueed tor foreat protection, or by Imprlaoir aieat tot a term of aot leaa than three montha nor more than Are yean, or by both auch Aae and im prisonment. Thto shall mat prevent actloa lor daaagee sustained by tha owner of any property. Sac. J. That Baetlon Mis of the Rattasd Statu tea be amahded to read taWfPowi Any wagoner, hunter, camper or other peraon who ahall leare a camp fee without fully extinguishing k, or who ahall permit any accidental Are from any torch, gun, match, or other origin to burn any gran or wood land without fully extinguish ing It, afiall be guilty ot a misde meanor and upM conviction, shall be pualahaW by a Ana of not leea than twenty-Are dollars, one-half to go to the peraon who brlnga the anlt (Continued on pace four.) ? J. K. HO Reducti mltted to the Next Gtnerml be Farmers From Fire = AHOTHKK MAJCUVACTITOKO iKDvxntr Tin niMou Rumor hu It that a knitting mill will be started in th? city now vary shortly. Soma of Washington's lead lng business man ara behind 1 H schema. This paper hopes the rn mor has foundation aa such an terprla* wUi not ohlfc five employ ment to the Working claaa hot i strength and force to the en! community. Where the plant la to he located Is not yet bean ascertained. The many friends of Captain Qeo. O. Howard, who met with the mla fortnne some weeks back to fall from hta Weeae). dislocating his hip and aow at the home of hta sont ex Chlsf of Policy George N. Howard, Is getting along ss well aa contd he expected for a man of hie age. He la now able to alt up and If noth ing' unforaeen happens will be able to resume his duties ss com&auder of his vessel rery soon. Captain f Howard la cne of the oldeat captains to ply these waters. Taking Vacation. Mr. Samuel Laughlnghouse the I engineer on the pasaenger train of the Waahlngton and yandemere is I taking several days vacation. Cotton seed, per ton, 30.00 Lint Cotton, 14.50. Seed cotton. 6.60. f Returned Last Xight. The party that left here yesterday ? afternoon on the Norfolk Southern 1 train to attend the germsn in Qreeq I vllle laat night returned home on I the early morning train. Accepts Position. Mr. Howard Bowen has accepted la position with Mr. A. W. Thomas Iaa' salesman. FIRST BLOW STRUCK Fighting Hai Begun in Hon duras the Report HOSTILE TO AMERICANS Three Republics May Become lavol ved?Attack Made cm Hi Capital Yesterday ? New Orleans, La., Dec. St.?The ttrst blow of a revolution that may Involve three Central American re pa hllca haa been struck In Hondu ras. according to private cablegrams An attaek Is reported to have been upon Tegulcalps. the capital, and many are reported to bare been hilled fa the fighting between Pre. ident Da villa's soldiers and the rev olutionists. ' *. The other two republics which may becom* Involved ate Nicaragua and Guatemala, the former beeanas the larger part of the revolutionary army was marshalled upon Its ter ritory and the tattler because the government '<* accused by Da villa off allowing o-reilwee for a port of S?3P Sandusky, O . Dec.. 18.?Cloth*. In r?o and living In wretched bor els destitute of food and fuel be tween 40 and 60 famines Including nearly two hundred young children are reported to be In danger ef ac tual -deatu rrom .starvation in the ?tone <2marry district near here. They are the wives and children of quarry men who have been out of work for months. 'V:/1 The Rev. Wm. Kerze And the Rev. y. K. Wagner, pastors of the Cath olic churches at Marblehead ana Kelly's Island arrived here this af ternoon with an appeal for aid. They declared that help was not lorthooming the families of the ? marry men most die. The clergymen told terrible storise of women and children tramping barefooted over ?now and loe is search of food. The Salvation Army la arranging to dispatch wagon loads of supplies tonlorrow. entryfor the filibuster Hornet which sailed from this dty some time ago. The recent revolutionary army which Is aald In the cable reports to be the best drilled and armed ever put. In Honduras. Let Christmas, the Amerlcsn sol dier of fortune snd ex-President Bonllla (of Honduras), are report ed to be iz the field at the head of the rebel forces. They are said to be well equipped with machine guns abd Christmas, . whose duty It,- has been to drill and equip the men, in reported to have spent the past six mOnQ?s" formtft?#:re#nncnts,'^Mttal-? lions and companies until the rebels new show a better semblance of dis cipline than Davllla'B regular forces. L.avllla is reported to have lBsued death warrants against both Christ mas and Bonllla charging them with treason and conspiracy against the government and the regular troops have been instructed to take them prisoners if possible. Hostility to Americans, principally on account of the activity of Christ mas, Is fast reaching the danger point, according to the cabled dis patches. Waiting! Waiting! Every few minutes this week our phone bell rings. When I answer, yon will hear something like this: My sister, brother, cousin or aunt or schoolmate Is here visiting me, and we will be up In a few minutes foi some pictures. t Don't you lmsglne such messagee sounds good to n photographer. Just as soon as you see this ad., If it la j tonight?I have a phone in my resi dence?cc!! me up and say you have a Customer for me tomorrow. You don't know how good It wm make me w. 12-SOp BAKER'S STUDIO. When a woman has an eye for the :b?a?tlful she hunts ,np a mir-1 And Thirteen Men Blown Up in Explosion. EIGHTEEN HE MEl mmd Injuring ?f? ? Great Dtintfe Wu Done to I PlttnlUld. Mm... Doc. 29?Four Injured bj tho explosion of a boiler In the More wood Lake lee Oom panys plant, one and one-half mile, outside of this city today. William Jehn Ray Martin Smith, employe. Eight unidentified 1 of explosion. One unidentified body In House of Mercy Hospital. Owing to the (act that the OMR pany had juat started to harvest ice this morning the names of Its em ployes had not been placed upon the booka and the work of Identifying the dead could not be completed un til friends or relatives had reached tho scene. Practically the entire left wing of the Immense Ice plant was demol ished. It was here that th$ boiler exploded. All of the Injured were rushed to the House of Mercy Hospital in this city tn wagons and automobiles. At j WHMWMrflwS slato4th.it prob ably ten of the Injured would die. The explosion occurred shortly be fore 10 o'clock. Two hundred men had gathered to work chopping and storing Ice for tho company. Engineer Dunn was getting up sterm in the big 40 horse-power I boiler and practically all of the men I were In the englneroom getting jwnrm, for the weather outside was |vory chilly. ' Many of them were close to the boiler. Dunn had just ceased stok ing the fires when, without warn ing, the boiler burst. The englnoroom?a big barn-like building, 30x40 feet in size, was lifted skyward and with It the boil ?r- ?* ^ r.i-ji The soared upward like a rocket and tie building fell asunder and | dropped with a deafening crash. Those who saw the disaster said the building spread out like a huge fan. Many of the dead were mangled almost beyond recognition ana ev ery one had arms or legs missing. Probably 30 wero injured, al though some of them were able to walk to their homes. The entire police and fire depart ments and every doctor In Pittafleld hastened to the scene of the dlsas ter. All the ambulances, were.driven at (Coptlaosd-cm Jfourth Page.) Specials From Now to Jan. 1st Ladies Spits at Actual Cost All Furs at Actual Cost - If you appreciate a bargain, now i? your time. Our Furs and Goat Suit* must go between now and the above date. ? BOWERS-LEWIS CO., A*. You'll and tftb vHk't Mil an ?x oeodlnilly ?ttrtctlre ud pln?U( ??? kMt mibjocu. Daat Scan o? ? ?ml ?renin* to night?drop In ud M* Om ?bow.

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