wfiSi mm h?crlh."? tl>? I??r ai? ?nutiKd wtj; BtwiK. ttib< Offlcx B? dot* <-? explratl'-" ntherwlM. It will V> comtlniiM M r?r?Ur ?w* It??i vwniTi>nlnn *n ?An Ml* ? lo? !?? fwim 1?ow? Thow ?t ?m ? 1911 be the very best In their hlr toiry and when it comos to a cto'i may they ono and all think of the pleasant and profitable days the yen has bestowed' npon them. Before another Issue of this p-* per goes to Us readers they tan all writ? 1911. The year about to cloao Is history; the opportunities presented for auccesR or failure can not now bo remedied or modified? the future ia the Konl to which ali Should look and in doing so a" ahould have only one Incentive, tr Improve the opportunity .and try as beat they can to return talent for talent and not bury It In the ground and then when the test Is ree.ulrdTert^|n(. i: "The comiu. paper," .old 3ett?. "will be even 1 which Is now being must have more pages to carry the advertisements wblcb it *Ul be foro ed to cdrrr. That is only one ii<*? of the paper problem.* We io*? money on the subscription side nf the paper, now that ve run twenty page papers, because the white pa per coats so much more than the subscriptions paid. I "Add to that cost th? numerous j expenses of labor and other depart ments and you can see the yawntn-, deficit the advertiser muat bridge. On the Other hand the advertising i* more Important to the advertlaer than to the paper, for the life of hie business depends on it. He must ad vertise to exist; we muat carry K advertising and to do It we tnys* odd more and more pages to the P'? per." Mr. Scltz declared that the adver tising la of more value to th0 adver tlser In a large paper than It'woutt be in a smaller one. because the pa per literally becomes a directory f" thc buyer whose dependency on it grows. "At any rate," he said, "there will bo no more papers in the futur~ than now. It Involves a much larr er amount of cash now to start a pa I>er than It did years ago. It taker a fortune of real money to get to gether your office, your organlra'Jo and your field. It costs so mucv that a man who has money enough to start a paper today ought to have sense enough not to do it."?Led ger-Dispatch. The 1911 water wagon is driving up. It is risky business to sw all your bad habits at once. The average pocket book looks as If it had been on a diet. Dr. Cook seems to believe that the hair of the dog 1b good for the blt^. It is invariably the late shoppers that does the post exchanging. Now Loeb has deserted Col. Rooso velt and left Jake Rlis alone thc faithful friend. Nat Goodwin's Christmas present was another suit for divorce brought by his actress-wife Edna Goodrich. This will be the fourth time the actor has had' a matrimonial call down. toll and the courage that 1 not. $Sar ? .Aside from the aspect of i ual achievement from the railroad i suggestive. The program along t model transportation conditions < mands the energies of men who ar<- I familiar with the practical aide o' | the work. The day seems at band when the railroads will turn away from flnan clrl manipulation to the steady im provement of their properties unde? ?ho direction of men who are practl-j leal builders.?I.edger-Dispatcb. PENSION REFORM. That the Congress must heed tl demand now arising from man: | Quarters for a pruning of the pen sion roll and more light upon wher.?| the millions pf dollfcrs of the pet pie's money go seem reasonably cor-1 tain. - Many influential and conservative j Journals have of late besn aroused i to .the enormities of the Pension l??$ partment And the cry for retrench-1 ment and reform is no^ loud and? I public vdry forcibly by the World* Work, and this Is that the Pension ! Office absolutely refuses to tell * j whom pensions are paid and whs' ? the pension paid apy tndlvidua: i amounts to. While there may be some proprle ty in suppressing this lnformatir* in certain cases where It is not deem cd proper that the poverty of lndi vlduats shall be laid bare, the lee' is that It is the money qf the people which 1b bolng given sway and th?y have a right to insist upon knowing to whom It Is bolng given and for what purpose. In view of the secrecy maintained there is ample room for the suspic!r that rich, dishonest and unworthv persona are being given money which tRey neither need nor deserve. The hour has come when light pho"V be thrown upon the pension list.? Ledger'Dispatch. AUK-NT VOIT COMING TO GET THEM??W. u; jour-. ar? her? be rause we know wtoi jroa Mi the splendidly complete stocks of erery thing that la newest and beet In conplMa home turnlahlngs whan too realise, upon examination ana) rorap.rUon. juit how Bach i is your*. TOO will seta* your bom* furnishings here. The goods m better goods. I tin prleee Uw ?o?.jr sarins hind One good resolution U gets broken. Xo -shame? ?W. J LAMPTO.W in Xcv World. Progress la the law of 11 la not taftn BB yet.?Brown1 For frue charity though ne'er i secret llnds its just reward. ??? - | A man's errors ere what make him cm!able.?Goethe. Trus| thrit man In nothing wtfo has noi a conscience In everything. ? Better trot be at all, J Than f?t be noble.?-Tennyson. 1 nber this,?that very little | la neefel to make a happy life. Auretlfr People will not look forward to who never look backward to thtfr ancestors.?Burke. ' Don't make the mistake by claim ing that yon never make ono. llobson probably now feels that It would be worth a war to be able to say I-told-you-so. LECAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtu*-of a mort gage from H. W. Dixon to* the un Igned, dated January 27th. 190# and recorded in the Register's office of Beaufort County In book 152, at page 315, the undersigned will, ou the SOth day of January. 1011, at 12 o'clock M., before the court house door in Beaufort county, soli for caah. to the blgbeat bidder, the following described tract of land: la the State of North Carolina, County of Bes.ufort. Chocowlnlty township, adjoining the lands of Dawson Downs, Riley Edvards and others, lying and being In and Horse Branch, and being the name land conveyed by tl-e will of Mar> Hill to her daughter, Betsy Brown, during her natural life, and then .to the two children of Betay Brown, Pally A.; and Amarina, said will la recorded fa the clerk's office of Beaufort county In book "F", pago 621; reference Js also made to deed from David Purser to James H Taylor, dated the 9th day of March 1S95 and recorded In the register's office of Beaufort county in book 84, page ill; also to a deed from W. H. Hill and wife to H. W. Dixon, dated November 6th, if05, and rec orded In jJ>ook \it, page 80, being the same tract of land described In the aforesaid mortgage. | Tbla the 28th day of Dec: 1910. I" QEORQB A. PHILLIPS, Mortgagee. P. T. PHILLIPS, owner of debt. By Small. MacLean ft McMullan, attorney*. l.jOc. XOTICE OF SALE | by yfrtue of the power of sal* tained fn a certain deed of mortgage from 8. 8 Hardlson dated the 26th day of July 1904 th? will on Monday the ZOtfc day of suction, for bidder, an that o?| of land in the county of North 1905, h? Nicholson, recrded in W oe DeW . . ??? Book it? at page 231. to which ref erence Is hereby made far further particular!-.. We will on Thur3doj.thc 12th day of January. 1911, at 11 o'clock nooh.^t the court house door to Beaufort couuiy, 6ffer for ?udo to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate* towlt: ",A certain piece or tract of land ly ing and being, iu Beaufort county, state aforesaid, in Washington towu jshlp, qnd described and definod ar> follov. b, to Wit: Beginning at aa "Iron stob" on tbo west side lino of Market strict extended ?3 teet from tho eastern beginning of the divid ing line between Ancle B. T^ieholson and B. B. Nicholson of what ' 1p known as the Eason Farm, and run ning northwardly with the said west fclde line of Market street extended (lfco feet) one. hundred and fifty f feet, thence west'wardly by parallel | lines to the dividing line between Annie E. Nicholson and B. B. Nich olson (300 feet) three hundred feet, thence southwardly by parallel line to west side line of Market street extended one hundred and fifty feet (ISO feet) to a point 25 feet from said dividing line between Annie E. Nicholson and B- B. Nicholson, thence eastwardly (300 feet) throe hundred feet to the beginning." This December 8. 1910. ANNIK E. NICHOLSON, MortsXM Q?o. A. Phillip*. owner otAho wot By Collin H. Harding, .ttornfv 1-Sc NOTICE OF XOSSTGAGE 8AU |l*nder and by virtue of the powei of sale. contained In a certain mort BftRe deed, given byJ. O. Griffin and wife, Caroline Griffin, on March 16, lftlQ. to Tillman Paul, which salt instrument la recorded In the office of the register of doeda of Craven cunty in book igl, page 304. ttao same being hereby referred to ( mortgagors having defaulted In the payment of the indebtedness therein ?ured) I will on Wednesday the 18th day of January, ltll, at 11 >'clock M., sell to the highest bid der for caa'rt at, the court house door In Beaufort county, the folli wing de scribed remI estate: A certain piece or tract ot land, lying and being 1l Craven county, state of North Caro lina, in Number One Township, and described and defined as follows: Be ginning in Stewart's line at old oanal and running with William Carawan's line to Olstra Branch 4 4 poles, with aald branch to John Smith's line and with John Smith's line back to the old canal thenoe with the nal to the beglnftlng, containing nine (Ity seres more or less. Terms of sale cash. The land is sold In Beaufort county in accordance wltn the expressed terms of the mortgage. Thu Dmmlm 1Mb, i?l?. TILLMAN 1-Afl,. Cy W?rd * Ortne*. . Dr. Wood row wltaon >? not ??.r? of ar? rut u no iiitw ti bim man for a or two no. nn* t Don't make Ih ? . ? .c' Effective Sunday. Dec. istb No. in v.Ul Wa.:xln?toi a Ne'.v Dern 3.40? m\ : rrive Kltnton 6:5* n. u. aad Clcldaboro S a. m. TAin No. 1C, leave Guldr Wo 8:46 P. m.. Klnston 9:401p. m . N?'?v Bern 11:05 i>. m., arrive Wash ini^cu 12.36 a. m. W. U. Ilunson, Gonl. 8upt Norfolk, Va. iW. W. Cfoxton, G. P. A., Nor folic, **> y-: , ^ .% ; NOTIQK! jjjwj?? ??4i * North Carolina, Beaufort County; lu the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. |B:'"M. Brown, Administrator of Jim rale Dunn,?deceased, VU. Emma Dunn McCoy, Ransom McCoy, Garfield Dunn and Will Leary The defendants. Ransom McCoy and Garfield Dunn, above named, will take notlc that a proceeding entitled as above lias been com menced in the Superior Court of Beaufort county for the purpose of selling the lands situated in Wash ington North Carolina, belonging ?" the estate of Jimmie Dunn, deceas ed, said lands being more fully de scribed In the petition flW in said proceeding, to make assets to pay the Indebtedness and coats of ad inlnistratlon of said docedenOs es tate; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are re? quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county, in his office in said county, on the 10th diyr of January, 1011, and answer or demur to the petition filed U? said proceedings, or the petitioner ?'ill apply for the relief demanded ?n the petition. ^ This lOthday of December 1910 \ Vv GEO- A. PAUL, 1-10c Clerk Superior Court ?. ??? .