"* ??????? :::::::::::: , 6.60 18.90 135.50 12.60 is.is . * 1.50 18.00 60.00 6.00. 25.00 20.00 12.22 10.00 10.67 27.06 22.51 11.00 a; 10.40 42.60 10.00 16.87 ? ';Mf 10.50 82.16 89.80 1.25 85.65 7.50 16.00 1.50 f 1.75 7.50 2.20 60.00 25.06 20.00 20.00 14.00 11.00 27.00 74.40 127.65 9.6ft 1.41 l.ftf ?#.?? 75.00 1.85 15.00 3.10 10.50 oo.oo 15.00 10.00 so.oo 20.00 0.00 11-50 4.00 87.18 ?4.75 l.fO 11.00 10.11 70.60 40.05 1.50 1.75 105.41 170.80 11.10 4.10 5.08 11.11 18.10 25.00 8100 *. Rumley, clerk to board Ike I R. Powle 4 Son. paint for Co. Hon* V. T. Hudnell mdse for L Judkins. smallpox Nr. T. Hudnell, mdse for Neal Punrl?, ? mall pox ...... :::::::::::::::::::: K H. Von Ebersteln, couitfy commissioner noa. Green, county commissioner V. W. Hooker, county commissioner C p. Harris, county comraifealoner ) . ........ V. H. Btancin,* county commissioner ........ I. C. Boyd, county commissioner . L. Miller, moving convicts to Belh&ven .? t. W. Oden ?&. Co.. lumber for roads No. 12 and 18, !?. A township . . . . 3. O. Bright, Supt. Co. home, clothing famished D. SprulU &c i Jeo. E. picks, sheriff, Jail fees .*. . . - .Vr. . Progress Publishing (%, printing notices, etc Thoe. Green, expense to commissioners Asso. at Charlotte Jeo. E. Ricks, sheriff; -sundries Jeo. E. Ricks.,, sherifT, making list of pol tax 3.*M. D. Whitley, registrar. Hunter's Bridge ? X B. Latham, poll holder. . V. S. Windley. pol holder 3c D. Harrison, registrar, Yeateavillo ....." 1. A. Newby. pollholder : ...... iV. I. Waters, poll holder ...... j j. C. Tripp, registrar, Bonnerton P. A. poss, poll holder . r. H. Rhem, poll holder .? r. F. Flynn, registrar, Washington, 4th ward . ; K C. Durand, poll holder i L. Cotton, poll holder . v 3L R- Butt, registrar. Belhaven . . . .. 0. W. Clark, poll holder I teo. C. Cooper, poll holder i . 9enJ. Bishop, registrar, Old Ford .. . iobt. A. Cooper, poll holder ...... ' rhad ,L. Jackson, poll holder - f. B. Peed, registrar, Washington, 1st ward ? Rum l#y, clerk to board and work for corporate Com. U>uis A. Taylor, lumber for road No. 7, Chocowinlty. . I no H Bonner, iervloes taking evidence, Chas. Lane's oaae Or. Jno. O. Blount, expert witness, Chaa. Lane case Of. P. A. Nicholson, expert witness, Chas. Lane case 8.35 160.55 14.76 32.60 161.56 60.02 16.87 2.00 2.00 16.12 ' 2.00 2.00 17.60 2.00 2.00 15.06 2.00 2.00 26* . 6.7)0 6.00 15.08 2.00 2.00 16.60 4.00 2.00 14.9# 2.00 -2.00* 10.81 2jOO 2.00 18.00 2.00 2.00 17.24 2.00 2.00 15.02 6.40 2.00 18.36 2.00 2.00 16.60 4.00 4.00 17.17 2.00 2.00 15.58 2.00 2.00 ~ 18.55 2.00 2.00 16.80 2.00 2.00 17.04 2.00 2.00 17.26 2. 00 17.36 17.07 4.00 4.00 12.57 2.00 2.00 16.57 2.00 2.00 14.84 8.00 2.00 16.96 2.60 3.00 kOO 16.50 16.50 2.00 5.00 15.10 2.00 2.50 f .1 Saturday Dec. 31, 1910 Was the Ending of |a Decad^ Ending of a Year, Ending of a Month, -and the Ending of -a Week. Start the New Year Resolutions Right by Sending or Bringing Your Sub scription to us today . th? - DAILY NEWS Has the Largest Paid Sub-! scription |k?st*of any Paper in Eastern North Carolina. I An Adver tisement Placed in This Paper Lddle Sherrod. witness fees. toe Williams. witness ffees, Sheriff Rick* )elsora W illiams, witness fee# 3eo. Pritchard, wltnesk- fees . i ohn L. Phllllpe, witness fees t. B. KlUlnf*?orth witness. fees L W. Woolwd 3. F. Hamilton .^witness Tees . ). T. Fsmr, vftnees fees . * . 1 1.^ ..... too. "Woo lard, witness fees * LI Brooks, witness fees W. O. Win field, witness fees 1. T. Hill, witness fees tary Plerson. witness fees \ . Vbo- A. Paul, sundries )aniel Blount, witness I, Gilbert Ramley, clerk to the Bocrd of County if Beaufort County, do hereby ceptify that the fore ind correct copy of the claims audited and allow. 3oard for the year ending December >1 s\, 19X0. Witness my hand this pec. 1st, l?10. O. BUM LET, Clerk a busin ess ? OPPORTUNITIES RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate six words to the line, and inclose payment with copy. Answen to ads. may be received at this office. To Insure prompt attention an adver tisements should be in buaineea otBc^ by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, tok? phone or mail given careful attention. FRESH MILK AND CREAM FOR aale. Mrs. J. H. Hodges, Market Street. lfeSfti e^tf/ WANTED man to work am tan* near Washington. Address A. C. Hathaway. Washington N. C. Sip FOR SALE QUICK ? 5 young Bones, little thin, cheap ? Washington Horse Exchange 21-c PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ? ns?? Myrtle Marah has changed her of fice from Chamber of Commerce to room over First National Bank. Writer Press Work s speciality. 12- JO tf. Hon. F. B. Hooker of Idalta Is la the city today. Mr. J. B. Gerrard of Blounts Creek Is a Washington visitor. ? ? ? . Mr. Tilghman Doughty ot Norfolk/ ft former resident Is hero spenaut^. the holidays. "* > ft1 Notice By virtue of the power of aale contained In a certain dQ?d of trust from M. W. Walker and wife, Lula, to R. LT"M^Bpnner, trustee, dated the 21st dayNtt Augpst. 1907, and duly recorded in the office of the reg ister of deeds for Beaufort county In hook 149 at page 612, to which reference Is hereby made. th? un dersigned will on Friday the 3rd day Of Februray, 1911, at 12 o'clock^ noon, at the court house door of Btaefort Oounty, North Carolina, offer for aale at public auction, for cash and to the highest hinder, the following described tract of land: . That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Beau Port county,. North Carolina. Richland township, and described M follows, towlt: In the town of Aurora, beginning at M. B. Wilkinson's northeast corner In the middle of Fourth street, then with said Wilkinson's line north %1