>1y. Miss Selby ai.i^Mlss Rena Hooker "of Aurora passed thrOo^h^tr^* city this morning on tbalr way back to Loulsburg Female College. after spending the holidays with their pu-* rents. " Miss Ruth Davis who has been the guest of her sisfrer. Miss EsteUe Dav is of the Washington Public schools, leaves tomorrow morning to resume her studies at the East Carolina Training School, Greenville. Ont' Again. Mr. Jesse L. Warren Is out again after a slight indisposition due to an ?ttak of LaOrippe. In Session Today Tbe board of county commission ers are meeting in regular monthly fi?fsla aat the courthouse today. They wll] not adjourn for the term ?until tomorrow. - flT"^ Solve* s Deep Mystery "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote" G'. ? Rader, of LeWiaburg. W. Va., "for tbe wonderful double benefit I gov from Electric Bitters, in curing me ' of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless etrfTerer for ten years. It suited my cade as Chough made Just for me." FW dyspepsia. Indigestion, jaundice wad to rid the system of "kidney pols oue that cause rheumatism. Electric fitters has ao equal. 'Try them. Every bottle la guaranteed to satis tf. Only 50c at Lr. Hardy's Drug * Store. 1-81 . Notice of Sale. ' \ I y Pursuant t 50c. 23?, COWAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM, M. C. A lairiattH. 1*4 mht nludrt If jmm >fht BUM Mill CHS WRNTED The Government Pays Railway Mall Clerks WOO to $1,200, and Other Employes Up to tZAOO Annnally. Unci* Sam -Tin o#ld spring eun loatlona tflrooffli u> fc? country tor Railway Mai * Ouatom H? Clerks, 8tenosrapner?. Bookkeepers. Clerks and other K Positions. Thousands ot ap made. Any man or w