> lii ttata lust mem The lint ' fle services In n action with tin obatnure of t?e of prayer ?u held with the 'what with the attendance, yet a goodly company of jiereons at *un Christmas they would folks did not have manufacture for a frolic. ? up for ftll belated 2. ? Th.t A* are ftp I tact that they J . with being I \ WlMlIt*' who from the scene ol altar Mrer.l week. nth Brandon was captured by the rebel, and held -isoner for ao me daye. Id the.couree or a reaume ot hi. | expert encea ha today: "A t?o? which aeema to atrengtfc-l an the conclualon that _fhe Chlhua- 1 Ihua revolution la doe to local ./j.'.- ' Senator Basset, bald-daddy of the present legislative child Is on hand again .but Papa Blow U among the missing in the senate. ^Phe wet- 1 nurse ft-om Anson la also absent this time. Incidentally it xhlght be gmnarked that Paul Kltchln Is a senator and thdt he Is still the governor's, broth er. The Insurance trust Is slated for attention alao. \ One of the mpet merjtorios prop PJB1S1 plan. Our deep water brethren are go ing to measure arms with the advo cates of the school bonds for htghe* education. These doctors are going to do each other some real damage In their scrap if ^a strong and alert reference Is not placed on duty ? and kept constantly on the job. Re form In the method of taxation Is an" old friend whom I recognise al most every session here. It Is a great piece of Injustice tb'e way much property receives proper taxation while other property cent age that can be placed on it. Bat it Is no new thing In North Carolina. Let us hope that something along this promised reform will actually eventuate this session. (By the Rev. Christian P. Relsncr, D. D.. pastor Grace U. B. Church. West 104th Street, N. Y.) I will cultivate health-maMn. happiness scattering habits. I will atop growling, and grumbling and. grow a gentle and gleeful spirit. I will b* straight in speech, square In shsrlsg profits and sincere In social life I will think and talk alean things, tame my tongue .to avoid tattling and train my I will build s hopeful faith, bless with, a brisk and brim ming optimism and brighten with s bracing cheerfulness I will abstain from anger, avoid antagonizing others, as sail my sour tempers, appre ciate favors and applaud auc I will be a true man. a trust worthy friend, a tender sym pathiser, a timely helper, a topmost Idesllser sad s tena cious toller. Q.'K.' ' Judge Spencer B. Adams Tries to Kill Himself Or?en.?ro, N. C.. J Mi 2.? News from Jadge Spenoer B. Adams at noon n that he 1. doing fairly wall. Ha attempted suicide laat night at ? o'clock M Keely Instltuto. where ha baa boon a patient for nerrona proatratlon, slashing hla throat with a razor, aererlng half of tha wlnd pipaa. | Wu_, ' j'.'X Ha had bam daapondant for soma time but so one expected suicide He had recently returned from Florida Raleigh, N. C., Jan. I. ? It la ax-! pec ted that the message of Govern or Kltchln to the General Assembly | that conveney Wednesday will he completed by Tuesday, but It will hardly be transmitted to the senate and the house before Thursday." it will be quite a lengthy document! j dealing with the whole. scope of the ??alia iff the ttmte ana those who have had opportunity to ascertain probable features say that It will be- a very conservative put positive document. 8tate finances and especially the deficit In the treasury at this time ? 1349,000 ? will come In for treat ment and Insistence will be madfc that one way to Increase the revenue of the state without overburdening those whd are now paying taxes, will be to take steps that will Insure the more complete listing of the house hold and other personal property, a very iarge per cent of which now es capes taxation. In treating the North Carolina aptl-trust law and needed amend ment It Is expected that the govern or will insist on mare positive force being Injected In the measure rath er than any multiplication of tne machinery for Its enforcement. He Is said to have very positive views about what, ta-aeeded and thin lea. al so, thst the law as it now stands haa not beta afforded aay opportunity to demonstrate just what can be ac complished through it. There win be a meeting of Orr Lodge No. 104 A. F. and A. M. at their hall this evening at 8 o'clock. [All members and visiting p embers The Halcyon Club will give their annual New Tear German at the Elks Hall this evening. Quite a number of visitors are expected to be present at take part. Mr. James 811 vert horn who has been in the employ of the firm of Spencer Bros., haa purchased an Interest In the Jefferson Furnltrtre Company, where he will be pleased to see his many frienda. Waahtagtoa. Jan.*!. ? 1 sa of pell.gra In thle country clpally In the Southern Btata. ana the supposed conaectlou of loa dla >aae with the oonaumption of un kuud corn, haa furnished an Inter, ?atlng stuu, for chemical biologic implored by the government For the purpose of arreetlng tike dleeaat ind gradually driving It oat of the ?M>try. department of agriculture ' wtfcorta have urged u Inapectlon of *>rn offered for aale. Sound com la held to be a whole lome form of food, but whether corn J>at haa ten heated, fermented, or nolded la aafe la another queatlon. That It la unaafe and the cauae' of wllagra la eo Brmly believed In Ita y and Auatrlaa province of the T y ?ol that the govern men ta of theae lountrles have enacted atii'ngent a*' relating the quality of eon wd cort meal which may be aold or mtK,rta^ The POalblll Lj that apall * corn may poaieee potoonoua ,aal tl? aeema.' fbrrign experts m*, 0 have panned unnoticed In thin ountry. Moat In.estlgatora who hare d corn difficult. In Italy and Austria, suspected n examined by government ax ?ru. In thla country, where an ex amination la made In moat caaea on * upon th. Initiative of private 1?. Ilvunal. many the taM, tppUM 'broad would often be of little ser ' ??aaae they require a con.Id irable Jogre, of chemical or bacter ologlcal .ML What Mem. to be leedea In thi. oountry, the expert. ?V. la an adequate teat so etmple tbat It may be applied by the raanu f??rar. Ue health og>ner. or the consumer la d?ermlnlag whether ?rn producta are at for human An "acidity teeta," auch aa to uaed "broad, to believed to bo a reliable neana of distinguishing good from ?ad corn, since the (polling of corn ' * to germentauon. proceesea In ! ?hlch add. xre among the producta ex,eBt ?? which thla deteriora tion haa progressed can be meaaured by the amount of acid preeent. It becomes r-cr"*sary then to only fix 1 standard of acidity above which torn ahould be conaldered unlit for rood. ? Mr. Black, of the psychological ind fermentation Investigation board >f the department of agriculture, "to ha. made aa exhau.Uce study of thla .object says thor. are two con lltlon. that muat be oondAored in making examinations. They are the letectlon In otherwise aound corn of ' -??.??. Willi iu iniuiLUIinU fro THE GOVERRMEITT i factors which render It liable ^ ' at some future time, and ^ of actual deterioration. ? ? . detection of the former c__ iltlon," he says. "!i very simple, and consists of a determination at ?h. moisture contest.: moisture content is behaved to the chief factor In causing corn to tpoil. Shortage under conditions which do not protect It from the weather may of course Increase the nolstur*' content; Such com la par te ularly liable to heat and ferment." In discussing the question further dr. Black lays down a number of ules and regulations. He saye that* or hpth whole com and meal the trying test is the onljr reliable ?d of determining ? Oiliir hotfld always he applied In ul cases. For meal, a dlSereat ^lm t Is required than for whole coen, lnce gjren an equal moisture con en t. meals spoil more rsedMy than Mr. Black points out that moist orn which Is otherwise soand ought ot to be condemned. Curing prior o storage l^neceseary for ft will ben be In a gctod condition. It has been found according to tu TUDT PELLtAORA ? TWO. i estlgatlons that If growers and ban* lers of corn could be Induced to ry corn adequately. It "would result a s great addition! to the wealth of-* he country, irrespective of any dan :er to the public health from the con umptlon of spoiled corn. Much less orn would deteriorate In transit and torage. Millions of gallons of water In the orm of undesirable moisture. In orn, are transported annually frOm 1 he corn belt. The transportation oat of this water could be saved If he dirlng process would be epforc 4. In the study oLjcorn an lnterdst ng phenomena was discovered. Mr. (lack In describing the conditions ays: The germ In the com kernel s a living thing. As long as^ it is lot very dry it respires off carbonic eld .and water. Like all living hinngs it uses up footLAn the pro ess of respiration. The food it con umes is the material stored lm the inUosperm. It is clear that the more o^?d the embryo respires away the ess will be left for man. .. (Continued on page four.) Union Grocery Co. Stock Bold The stock of the tJnlon Grocery Company situate on Water and Mar let streets was sold lsst Saturday, dr. E. L Arch bell purchased the en tire stock of groceries and Mr. R. fl. ' Hudson bought the near-beer fix tures and stock. Mr. Arch bell Is now engaged In noving his part of the purchase to lis plac^ of business on Wett Main itreet. Mr. Hudson has not as yet 4eeld-' Ml what be will do with his part of the property. Another Shlpnat The Washington Horee exchange ins lust received a car load ot bug lies and a car load of wagoaa. This >oncern Is one of the largest of the Kind In this section of the state. Cotton Market Seed cotton, 6.60. Lint cotton, 14.60. Cotton seed, per ton, 10.00. Farm Hoase Rented at Sooth Creek On last Saturday night a farm louse belonging to Mr. R. p. Johu ?oo of South Creek, was burned. No >ne was living la It at the time. The lulldlng had a quantity of hay, fed* ler and farm Implements stored la t 1 . . V..;V . > ... INDEED