r.smppi > *?d obey ? ,v#Mt ? I to tfc* > the-bsadits As they ?.JJ HS&pjip veatlbule cared laU 1 th? dutDM. A half an hour after the holdup I two daaahter* of James Waynes, of | Warren, nearby, were held up by te | men who ax* bus peeled of heins the I two robbers who heM up the .Orer- I laid limited The girl, wefe the tlcht was so dark Oman eoulS not tire a definite description of the me??_ Biwm.-, they ?Mlan? that OM waa abort and the other tall. Paaeewrers on the train declared that this description of the men ft* ly with those that held up the Orer "?? ??? aad loll that I wfll sell at price, that will bo J ible'ln ?UPW'-H valuable' In- 1 a standpoint hut ] the following at. today be elected to i positions for the slity days: ? of Haute, ui'i J For .ireeMeut pro tempore: H. N. Pharr. of Mecklenburg Principal Clerk- B O. Self. of. Clerk: Berk Squire., of Clerk: W. E. Hooka, B. M. ?taley of Wilkes - V ; ' - f< Assistant s3rgoant-at-Arm?: W. O Hall, of Cumberland. ' Nominees of ttle Hoese For Speaker: Wi C. Dowd of Keck leaburg. -f. ' r? r Principal Clerk: T. o. Cobb, of Burka. Per Reading dark: D. Scott Poole of Cumberland. For Sngroaelng Clerk: M D. Klna land of Haywood. . J Por Sergeant-at-arms : 0. u Kll pa trick of Lenoir. ? For aaatetaat eer*eant-et-arma: D H. Jamaa of Halffai. In Use caacua of the Democratic taembsrs of the house of repreeenta ilvee'of tbe Oenerai Aeeembly cau cus, there were present on the first nil call 9t membera 'of the 104 Democrat! elected of the house mem bership ef 110. ' j There waa reallT only one apirtt ed eonteet became of* the number, ?f candidate. Involved anil tfrat waa ;qr n MistaunwffgWgP at-arme the laat otBcer named there being v eight candidates damed. D. H Jamaa. an ex-confederate of Hall' fa? winning the first ballot. It had been expected that four names would be placed ?? nomination for Speaker Messrs w. C. Dowd. of Mecklenburg: B:yM. Kyi nee or One low: R. H. Battle of Wake ana R A Deqghton of Alleghany. but thre waa only one that of WIlDam Car; Dowd of MecU^bnT^, proprietor of tbe Charlotte News, who waa placed In nomination by Mr. B. M. Koonce. fad who waa uta the nominee of the democracy by a unanimous rote. For principal clerk there waa no op poaltlon to Mr, T. o. Cobb of Burke, who held the oBce laat year end hie nomination waa alao unanimous. " The Democratic caucus was celleo to order by Reprsentatlve Harry Stabbe, of Martin, at the requaat of the members, Mr. stubbe, though a young man, beta* the Father of the General Awembly In tlsoe of service baring been la tke Oenerai Assem bly either aa a aeaatsr of a member of the.houae tor twelve eonsccutlve eesalona, twenty-four yearn. there, will be no prayenaeetlng ser vices In the vqrloua choreic* of the olty this evening, v the PJrat Bap tist church the* wOl be a welcome aervice to the new. paktbr V the Mrtt ? are Invited to be pres ; ;55 \ The m?y friends of Mrc Char lea Fleming, collector tot the Bank of Washington, were gMd to see him. oet on yeeterday after eeveral due to an atuck of The regalaY New Year germ&n of | the Halcyon Club was given at the i Bike Home last night. The german waa led by Col. H. C. Bragaw,- danc ing with Mrs. Richard Bragaw? The following couples participat ed: Col. H. C. Bragaw with Mrt. Rich ard Bragaw. William Kntght with Mies Mary. Bell Small. i^'1. Mr. Harry McMuMan with Mlas Catherine Snail, Mr. Fraak Joaee with Miss Cad die Fowle. ! ?Mr. J. H. Bonner with Mlaa Bees Conoley. . Mr. E. H. Harding with Miss Til da Hsughton ^Mr. William Patrick with Mies Pannle Lamb Haughto*. Mr. 1. H. Williams with Mlaa J alia Mayo. Mr. Walter Godard with Ml is Man? Hill. . * Mr. Hoyt Moore with Mlaa Helen Kngler. Mr. Warren Watson. Fairfield, wtih Miss Mary Carter. Mr. Charles J. Moore with Miss losbelto Carter. . -r-r .. *1. Mr. Herbert Boaaer with Mlaa Ka tie Dr*??, JfSSfejl' ? Mr. William Ruraley with Mlaa Olff# Barkaak. ' T.'l ~Ht. Sun Ktherlde with Mlaa Ua?a Mr. We* Cox with Mlaa 'Child ?' Norfolk. Mr. Wllllsm Blount Jr., with Miss Nettle Pugb, Baltimore. ; ^lr. Robert Fowle with Miss Bes sie Payne, Norfolk. Mr. D. M. Carter, Jr., wKh Miss l.ucy Mann. Fairfield. . Mr. Jamee Ellison with Miss Ul ! lian Burch of Greenville. ' Mr. 8amusl Orist with Miss Alice | | McCsllers. t Mr. and Mrs. John Gorbj}m. r 1 Mr. and Mr?. W. C. Rodman. I Mr. and Mrs D. G. Fowle . Mr and Mrs. J. Q. Bragaw, Jr. p?* ~ wmmmm The following business wse trans acted for the past month : \/ '& J/ ; On motion the mayor sppolnted [j.-O. Chsuncey sad George 3- Stad dert aa a committee t>f Vw? to go be fore the Board of County Commls ners In regard to the proposed road tax of 10 Cents on the t TOO. On motion It was ordered that a mm It tee consisting of the mayor and city attorney be appointed to at tend the- municipal convention to ^e j held In the elty of Raleigh Jtnuary 18, 1911. M On motion the Hooh. and I.A elder Company was allowed the une of- the extra horse In case of fire,' city, to furnish a pair of shafts. On motion it waa ordered that the mayor appoint s committee to see y?e Telephone Company as to ratpe etcv and report at ? reeeas meeting to be held Mondsy night. January 9, 1911. The mayor appointed H, |c. Carter, Jr., F. C. MalllBon and G. | J. Stnddert. 1 A motion to donate one hundred fend fifty dollars to the military co: pany was carried. The meeting then adjourned to) | meet again on next Monday night. with th? dljralty *od re*po2bllttltonc tlon occurred. N ? That uynou wsa "bnilyi and economy." Oovornor Dlx s*td la *?*?!- ?' ?' 4 S& J V "Tke end of all government should b# tie preservation of truelHi?*ty that liberty which guayuitees to ev ery" man the fullest measure of Indi vidual right consistent wW?v a ? ?rop er malntpiS|K|i?' of the rights df all | others and at th* same tiipe preserve and maintains the collective rights pt all members of the -stated /\ succeeding to the governorship at a tlms when business training and un derstanding seem absolutely essen tia: to the proper administration of public afTairs. "I am a. firm JOellever In the gov ernment for the people and by the \ people, and I solemnly declare that I assume the responsible* or this great offlce without tlK) fetter of a i single promise except my oath to I obey the constitution of the. state and the nation and to serrsLfrnd p.ro-i Preceding Inauguration ceremo nial there was a parade of stsite mil itary organisations and Democratic clubs. Governor Dlx and his predecessor in offlce and their seretaries, riding In automobiles, headed the proces sion. The New Governor* i Washington Jan. 2. ? 8lx- now gov ernors* four of them representing different political parties than their predecessors, were inaugurated in the JUnited States yesterday., In three of the states the changes represent ing gains to the democratic ranks, the fourth Nevada, by Inaugurating Tanker L. Oddle now has it* first Republican chief executive for near ly a acors of years. , The following are the states In which _new chief executives took thsir offices: New York, John A." Dir. (Dem) ; Horace White. (Rep.) . Wisconsin, F. B. McGorernor. (Rep.); James Davidson (Rep); Michigan. Chase 8. Osborne (Rep); Fred M. Warner (Rep). , . :rF Wyoming. Joseph M. Carey (Dam) B. B. Brook*. (Rap.) Idaho. James H. Hawley (Dam); J. H. Brady (Rep.) Nevada^ Tasker J* Oddle . D- C> Dlckerson (Dem). In t?e states where the advent of the new governor wsa marked by a change in the political complexion, qie' tendency to make the Inaugura tion a celebration was marked. Re publicans from the mountains of Ne yai*. flocked from all',, portions of the state m witness '% Republican lake the refns In the highest offlce in kk.su.*. , IU ? ! L-L^r^ Stags: ?. H*nr? Moor*, Robert Small, J. Hodges, Jim Cordon. Dr. A. c. Hoyt. J: p. Taylo* and William Bragaw. Chaperon**: Mrs. A. M. Dnmay, Mr*. J. B. Moor*. Mr*. W. L- Laugh lrf?hon.e and Mr*. H. M. Bonner, Th* m^sle wa* furalshvd by the Washington Concert Band. Qolte a number of vMtor* wer* present. No dance ol the Mason waa mora en vMu He to Now Entitled to Its Permanent] New York, Jh'n. 3.? -Glenn 1s. Cur of the Vrard vn made here toddy. The cup wa* originally offered for an observed flight of one kilometer, but with the progress of aviation, the conditions for 1*10 wore chang The third number in our Lyceum couprte, the National. Glee Slngem of Walea.^rlU "appear at the Public School Auditorium Monday, January ?, at 8:Sfc P. tn. This organisation la compoaed of It auperb soloists, the beet alnging .organlaation In Wales One of the moat popular members of the party la Alf. Thomas known all over Europe as "the Welsh karry Lauder." He has been called' tils because of his ability to Imitate the famoua Scotch comedian In all his Bonn, which he does so well that it la difficult to say which la. In addition to Alf Thomas, the alnglng humorist, there are the par ty of three first tenors, two second tenors, two first bassos, three second bassos, and one accoi&c$)<8t. A few brier press notices of their work are given below; "Heralded with success from their nine weeks' tour >of America, the Cambrian Glee Singers from the South of Wales, came to Manchester last evening and gave one of the fin est musical concerts >erer given in the city." ? The Union, Manchester. The Board of Bducatlon for the County . * The board passed the following resolution: Resolved, by. the Board of Educa tion of Beaufort County, In regular session assembled, this the first Mon day In January 1911,. that we do hereby petition and request our rep- ' resentatiVAs from this county and our senators from this district to have enacted and passed at the present se&ion of the legislature; n special act to change the time of settlement of Beaufort County's tax es with the state, from the first Mon day In January of each year to the first Monday in April of each year. The above resolution was also passed by the Board of County Com missioners at their last session. This move was taken on account of the sheriff of the county having to settls with the state oh the first Monday In January. Ih consequence of this the county commissioners and the board of education have to borrow' money between June l and sb suits m.n. i Year N?u4jr so per cent of j the cotton belt," uyi W. D. Hun tor. In charge of Southern Sold and erop lnooct Investigations In a bul letin issued by tho department of agriculture. The boll weevil Inst fMr Infested , nearly 80 per cent of the ootton acreage of the United Btatea. It Vpo found la par cent of the cotton In Louisiana, SI por cent la Texas. 30 per cent In Arkansas, is per cent In Mississippi and S5 per cent In Ok lahoma. The progress of the lnooct pest to the east win be mors rapid than to the north, because .of tho climatic conditions, but the experience thus far acquired seems to Indicate, ac cording to the agriculture depart ment that the weevil will eventually overcome' any climatic barriers. The only exoeptlon to this Is in the htfh