? Jren A General Assembly representing ? people whose prognsslrs spirit Is axmsed. whose prosperity Is bound in* upward, whose hopes sn.t atten tion are centered here, baring splen did opportunity to render public ssr surate with the honor and responsibility upon It, will be gUd to aire such ?l.t sad patristic consMsratlon to thaes subjects as t?e possible welfare demands. The people hs'rs approrsd ths prls elplsa and policies of the m>r;y which nment Is charged Jf\Xh the treat reeponglbtllty of leff^adng In t^a Interest of the people #hd pro moting their welfare so far aa local government can do ?<?. In the la two years there has been much prog ress In ths state. The reports of the Tsrious officials, and from ths ra riou public Institutions. which are', transmitted to. you and which I will not recount, but which wilt- receire TOor consideration. show de velopment. and serrice without a parallel lit our hhtorj. The basic occupation, agriculture, has been prosperous beyond say point heretofore reached by our peo "pla. Soma of our maaufaeturlng in- | dnstriee hays not had their ? tomed prosperity since ths psnic W 1907. but ws hare rsasoa to hope .that they will soon again have their As detailed . In "the- Treasurer's re port we refunded the htate bonds which fsil due oa .TWy 1. ltl?. A perusal of that report will show that too much credit cannot be glTsn to our bankers and other buslaess men la coming to.o ths failure to diapoae of the authv-1 bed issus of bouts In In .im tto legislature of I island in accordance with Governor Pothler's wishes, dlrectsd the return to the donors er 1500,00" of the spe ctsl tax bonds which ths committee holding Isrgs sums et such heeds had (Iran to thiCt stats for the per pose of Milng this suts, under s law reeulring ths Governor to sees at all Rtfta Similar bonda were offered the Governor or Nevada under a similar statuats. but Ooyerndr Dlck erson. as did ths Governors of Mlch m&lm [special tax fo har ?tlll retained iH^h the oth- j Prohibition hu now boon In form throughout the state for two year* This la a short period with which to a^urs the effect* ai a reform move ment. We hire done little mc thai planted the ssed whoee tall fruitage will he gathered by e? Ing generations. And ret already the results full; Justify lu adoptlo?. attorney general's report, based up on supsrtor court statics, a marked diminution la crime, eren la the crime of rlolatlng the prohibition law. Buelneai has experienced in craaasd rather than diminished pms perlty. Morality, lnduatry aad fru gality hare Increased, and politics and gorornment hare been to a great extent relieved of oh Of their most hcorrupting Influences. ., The grsatsat hindrance to Its en foroement. except the Interstato -com meres clause of the Federal Consti tution. Is probably ths licensing of .ifgb | ;pc.'ed "per il cenae as a cloak to aid them In violating the prohibition law; and ther Quite frequently ob tain a federal licence to sell Intox icating liquors. I rscommend that ths near beer saloons be prohibited. In case you permit the continuance of nssr beer licenses then yos e-.culd provide that ths hpldlng or Federal license to ssll Intoxicants shall for fslt the near beer Hosnse. ?*] A?T Ths leglslstufe two years ago ap propriated orer * JOO, 000.00 more than our rsrenues. ' 1 moot urgently request that yon practice e^aomy in appropriations aad that you do not spproprlate more money than the reasonably certain amount of n nne which ypn may provide, without also pro riding for securing the nec lunds. I also urgently rec that the stats trsasurer be authorised upon approval of the gor ernor and his council to g whatever moasr Is sufficient to cover ths difference between U? amount appropriated and the revenue re ceived by the trsasarsr for any gscai ysar. A failure to bars sneh suthor I lty hats sometimes embarrassed the on of .the i la) mil i r 1 1" tn prevent tv meat * p* stsWs cri*t. it for worthy |g(oaa Increasing, w|th oar ulatlon and Its The health depsrtment, the good ads and drainage movement, ths old sotdlsra, the schools >hd the charitable Institutions, all require mere funds to render proper service to keep pace with pressing. isgltl mats public demand, upon them The fundamental cau.e of the cramped i Continued on Second Page.) SUITS former Rev. J. T. olbbs. D. D , Ira, return Card of Ttiinsks. I. the paatffr of the Pint Methfr ?* chorch, mo,, hesrUly .ppr?M.t. the royal reception liven me last ev ening at the rtrst Baptist church u?. ?er the anaplces of the Ministerial Awflatlon. >1 an sure &at Its In spiring effect will be felt by mo in all my work here. -R. H. EROOM '>"'? ,-'T At the term of court for , thll ounty. wblcb ended December 2.1st. Ion H*Uet a. Ward proeoonted his i as solicitor for the Firft ^ rlct. , ' ? ' Fj bus served ? and during' lifelong friend throughout Che ie appeared as pn following resolutions the Washington Bhr A?*4 BWWBWI Whereas tbs offidst term of Hon orable Ha! let 8. Word, U solicitor of the ThltdJttdtelal District of North Carolina. will expii> en De cember 31a*. 1910: '-And. whereas during the ft years he has represented the statu of TCfcrth <*xrrrttna la-i?irc?pKfty.Tf has served not only with unfaltering seal and unswerving integrity, hut with such conspicuous ability^* to fully warrant the assertion that be has had no superiors and few equalb lathe state in similar position. And, whereas, he hasever mani fested, in the exercise of the" duties of his office, every courtesy and consideration consistent- with those duties, toward opposing counsel of this bar. Be It resolved, Thtt we, the mem bers of the bar of Beaufort county) <lp hereby express our high apprecia tion sn<J since commendation of .his course and conduct ia office, ourr re gret for the loss Which hi* ratire mS&lrSZ office Will mean district spd county; and .WAir respect, esteem and confidence in him citisens and lawyers Resolved further. That a copy of Ithese resolutions be spread upon the I minutes of this court, and s copy be delivered to Hob. Hallett S.J Ward. _ 10 UNVEIL THE | RANSOM BUS! ? ; The unvelUnc of ^be bust of tile late Senator Matt. W. Ransom will take place at the Capitol on the nlcbt of Wednesday January 11. at f o'clock, and the ceremonies Incident to It will be held l? the hajl of the botlse of representatives. | The original date for the un Tall in# was tor Friday, January It. sad the chance to January. 11 baa been made In order to hare the Orand Lfodge of Maaons preeent. That body will be In eeaalon here on January 11, and with Orand Master B. N. Hactott presiding. will attend thai ceremonies. Ttfe maaone df the | state are themselves preparing toi bare the itrira' bust '.placed In the rotunda, this t o-be that of Govern or Sainuel Johnson, /.#fco iui^a Orand Master of Maafcw. - . . nj . The bust of 8enatOr Ransom has been plaeod in* the rotunda by the Noyth Carolina Historical Commis sion, and at the cerempnlfts on ^ed oesdsy night, January 11, there will be a number of eloquent addresses. he allowed K (old *?.) Ordered that Uef ? ; Ordered that V. W,. Datl townehlp be rnlleyed or po the -yea re 1*11 and 1*11. dieabuitr). Ordered, ttyu J. 8. Kaecl he 1b, hereby appointed keei haven bridge at a eatery o month *od that he glv* bo discharge eald Keech at th? end of any month It hi. oiuuwr of keeping said bridge Is not satisfactory.; Ordered that V. W. havls be end ? 20 per month and that ho-filr* bond charge the eald Davie at the end of any . month tf the manner of keeping said bridge le not satisfactory. Ordered that Alfred Bailey, be and he is hereby appointed keeper of Bath bridge and Back Creek bridg es at a salary of f 35 per month and that he give bofcd. The board re serves the right to discharge the said Bailey at tiho end of any morith should his manner of keeping the bridge prove not satisfactory. Ordered that H. Q. t>. Hill be^nd he is hereby appointed keeper of the | Washington bridge at a salary of $35 per mdnth and that he give bon<? The board reserved the right to die charge the said Hill at the end of any month should bis manner of keeping the said bridge prove to be It Is ordered that he be relieved of the school tax on samei valuation $1,161 ? amount of relief $1,48. i Jt appearing to the board that J. , H. Austin poll and pn?prtj is ll.ted in the South Creek eehpol district and il farther appearing thst It shoulA^o. listed in the township ai ,ar,e' 1^L#reb7 ordered that he he relieved Wr the school tax. Amount of relief $3.91. ^ jS ? T- ? Ordered that James Gardner, col ored, of Richland township be al lowed to list real and personal prop erty valued at $386. Amount of tax 1 Ordered that the convicts be al lowed to work in Pantego and Bath townships until after tho March ses sion of this board ^ : to list tf 76 sol MLAi Ordered thnt Eatha Staton ot Washington township be allowed to. list a piece ot land valued at J76. Amount >if tax <> centa. It appearing to the board that O. M. Harry property and poll ' la Us? ?d la the North Creek echool district and It further appearing thnt U should be In the township nt large, it In ordered thnt he be relieved of tha echool tm. Amount of relief II.K. It appeertag to the board tint J. tawnrtip. Mr. O. s. O Nenl van ap to ail the vacancy cnuaed hy Mr. Gurganus, who wga dnly elected, falling to qualify. O. S. O'Neal up on taking the prescribed oath was In dicted into o&ce (Concluded tomorrow) L Rev. Cameron Johnson who for twelve yearn was a missionary teach Ur In Japan and Korea and who has *ttd?-n- voiM tMr of missions in order to collect Illustrative material for. special work of mission study among the Christian people of Ame rica, will lscture at the First Pres byterian church this evening and to morrow evening. This is a rare op portunity for our people to hear and see what la being dona in the for eign fields for the spread of the gos pel. Everybody ha. a cordial invitation to be present. It la to be hoped that * .'ar?e congregation will hear Mr. The Washington Public Schools opened for the spring session this morning. Quite a number of new students matriculated aad every thing started off la ant class shape which la more than greUfjing to the teachers and trustees. There Is no better echool In North praline snd Washington Is to be congratulated on having sueh an institution in its The "son of Mr. nnd Mrs. 'C. M. Klapp. who rsslde on Gladden street Is now confined to his bed with an attaek of typhoid fever. HU many friends and playmates with for him a speedy feeOrery. ?. / rUj ? ? ? ? The many friends of Mr. William franks a former Washington boy, sre glsd to'see him Is the olty. He If now traveling for a firm In Nor Quite a crowd of our young peo ple attended the Cbirstmas tree At Hawkins School Houae Tuesday alCht Mr. David Cutler apent several days with Mr. Henry Harvey - last week. Mrs. Mode Cutler gkve a card par ty laat Wednesday evening from 8 to 11 in honor of /the visiting young lad lee at Zion. Mr. and Mra. c. C. *i. Cutler cave a most delightful dance on Friday evening to the young people. All VelioM ?' vorv nUo.axt M!aa Olive Cutler entertained * number of her little frienda on' Sat urday afternoon. Games were play ed and refreshments served. Mr. J. B. Wallace was the gueet of hla daughter, Mrs. M. H. Cutler one night last week. , Mr. Willie Eborxr has been with ua aeveral times this week. We are always glad to have hla. * Mies Margaret Harvey and Miss Olive Cutler have been viaiting at Jeaaama this week. The fire department was called out ?fter dosena of rollers had been seat Into the building. The firemen were told to train leada of hoae at the Sen to try to drown the anarchists out. It had no effect. After this It was decided to aet Are to the place." This failed, but satmequently the anarchists themselves fired the building. Miss Ruth Braddy of Norfolk, Vs., Is visiting the young girls of Jess?< Mr. Major Whitley haa been riait Ing friends at Zlon this week.. Mr. Arthur Cutler haa been with us quite frequent this week pn busi ness, best known to himself. ? Two-Minute Toast? Any Tine I? j, JfV ashington Electric Plant THE GEM THEATR.F . twUlNo for AMi aiauiyr-r

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