the > TOrd Wort h.lMlM at not m " the traction o*n plant. *-? o'clock tfe v.. aid anally eacaped. on. ol t*e down bj a famnn ? - ? amercing Iran the building and hia b?dy badly brulaed. Joaeph Bhodaa had a narrow eacapo tram death He tli badly burned ?4 brnlaed and hla clothlag ?aa burned t&mtTa* body Power uaed by the telegraph rum pantea waa fumlahed by the Plaat and aa a raault of the are the only communication between file place and ontatde polnta today waa by tel ephone ^ . The electric company ami a la rice force or men to Taylor Pal la Mian., today to pat an ancillary plant there la coamlaalOB. . ? ol the company annoanc S eV that they would hare arrange p \ >tad before night for the lighting ol the city. ' '? ? - ,i. i.i, ?1 Mm. Marlah Orimea whoTSSRi In ChMowlalty loat all har clothing ln?t Thuraday night She had them on the olothaa line drying. They *?"? atoWii during the night by a party or partlaa unknown. Aa yet thora la no clue aa to the gul|ty par "u**" % d T. Tayoe has ranted one HrMiw tbla city ? ' y;:e\' | Sunbeams Monday afternoon at 4 J o'clock. j LuHies Aid SocletyTuesday sf j tornoon at 4 o'clock. | Tbia la tbq annual meeting, and : there will be the election of Offccer*s for the present year. | Prayermeetlng Wednesday even ing aot 7:30 o'clock. t I The Lord's Supper will be cele brated at tbe close of the morning service tomorrow Instead of at the evening bour as. yspaL .. UCWa is lor ; the benefit ot. those who cannot at tend the evening service. ? Tbe regular monthly church con Terence will be held Wednesday ev i ening at the close of ;h$ p meeting. ? I II* ? ? ? -l'-*5 1 M I Pr.ESr.VTKIUAN CHURCH ? lUr. I H. B. Soa right, pastor. ! Morning service at 11:00 a. m. Mr^ Cameron Johnson wll conduct this service and speak on "Noted Preaby | terlan Missionaries 1 Have Known." ' Sunday school at 3:00 P, m. at the 'close of the school Mr. Johnson will make a 15 minutes object talk' to ' tb? children. No night service, owing to a un- , ion' missionary meeting at Metho dist church, Led by Mr. Johnson. The subject of his address will b? "The Master Missionaries of the Worlj." The men are particularly urged: to attend this meeting. Mr. Johnaon has worked for the Laymen's Mis sionary movement and his remarks will be ?f special Interest t o men. BT. PETER'S CHURCH ? Rot. Na thaniel Harding Rector. . Morning prayer *ith wrmup at n O'clock. , froalng prayer ud Mrooo at 7 p. m. Sunday School moeta at I o'clock, K- K- Wllila, Jr.. uMMMnt All are cordlalr (nvited to to pres ent. Soata free and good Kualc. CHRISTIAN' CHi:nCH- ? Hev. Robt V'. Hope, pastor. Pitching iMiimi Wnuidt TJ Bar. H. W. Rowan, alitor of the North Carolina Kris sal of BotthTan. / Bible achool, X ?. at, A. r. Oor Eanui. superintendent. Special music Sunday moraine ?nd evening. All InTlted to any and all aarrlen. BaaU free i- __ Brldas coma to thalr sanaaa, la spite of thaaaalvei. Absolutely tli* boat mortn? pic ture. ihown every t?cUUj here lor four convenience and comfort to en joy ronrMlf. ... ".j . Noeto'