71 ? 7 ATTRACTION TONKIHT The taWu ?iM clab Appears' j luacli b*r a(| of laadtu clt 'at th r luncheon. ?II *atlr?ly Informal. Th* parly had originally Intended to Unva here at J: 14 thU afternoon for Washington, bat apes arrival here announced that they would re main hare until moraine aad icq through to Norfolk rife the Dismal Swamp canal. ThU afternoon at' 3 : 80 on board the yacht idlaan, th* party waa glvetJ a Tl*w of th* harbor and i visit to the big' lumber plant of the Dare I. umber Company waa Made TfcW Plant la one of twa only In the Ualt ed State* which are operated in the l; at ted gut** which are operate! by ?nd bnlil ,.?Hrely ..f la ta.be treated to night to on* of the b**t performances y*t given. The Cambrtan Olee Club the attraction at the Public *ehool tonight for the benellt IIJ C t V *?r. attractive nu.her t ? ?nted dating the Ly H Already a large num ber of seats have been, sold tor tbls | number. The prlca* 6f adm|aalon to those not holding th* season tick 15; gene children1 35c. failed Meeting Tonight There will be a special meeting of] the Board of City Aldermen at th*| <?lty Hall tkla evening. One of t Important matter* to h* consldared will be ,tke telephone rate. AH per sons having phone* In th* city would | do wall to b* Hr***nt. , mm I DILLS MIL IH I nUilUbLU ??;* ; . '' . nir Commttteee for I be Honw Will lie M^ned Tod., bjr the mirakgr. Am EBort Beta* Mail,- to prohibit U? bale of Cl*arctv-a ip North ?'arollne. Kaleigh, N. C., J**- 7->?A half ?our in the house ot WmwlUIIw ?nd l?mlj minuteein the senate Dare the deration ot th* legislature Beealons todar. the Mnate adJoorn Ml to noon and bouae to 11 o'clock Monday. Tho bouae received from Stroupe, ot Oeaton a hill to regulate rate of intereat ao that by special contract M high aa I par cent May be chart ed instead of 6 as the maximum. A biU by McFhall of. Robeson would pruhltflt the sale of cigarette* cigarette paper or substitutes thsre Ibrf Pace of -Wake would require fac tories to keep Ant-eld medical sup plies Also make It a misdemeanor for employer* to exact ot employee that they do not Join labor ornnlu tk?s. M Ewsrt of Henderaon .would pro hibit paying poll tar to Influence votera and, another bill by Ewart would encourage the sheep Industry, ?specially in Hendera^ncounty la 'he aenate. MeLaurin of Cum berland offered the expected bill for Hoke county out of portions of Oam berland and Kobaaon with P.aerord v the county seat. "i he senate received from the Cor poration cqmmlselon ita report of it. invest Igation of freight rates from Carolina porta tnlemLjwmpU tower man appij m - Carolina. 1* , I United State. flag un the state house during the legislature >> wall as the state *1*. > / stroup of Oa.ton : Kegulste the rate of Interest In N'orth Carolina by allowing aa ti Igh a* eight per cent charged by special contract with the borrower. McPhali of Robeson. Prohibit tlie sale of Cigarettes, cigarette paper or any substitutes therefor. Kitf} | Pace of Wake: Requiring factories I to keep at band for employes first aid nfedlcal supplies and surgical ?jr V i:. ' ~',m Markham of Pasqnotaak: Prohib it non-members weiring Elks badges j Swart of Henderson. Prohibit pay lag of poll tazea to Influence rot?| mmm mrvtmiia I Pl?nh( of Tardkln: Resisting on I furling the CaltM States ?s| orer Ui? dosse or the capital daring th session ' of tin ^n^Ajju^gj Haywore of Surry: Relative uf advance Juror coeta la justices' conrt*. McLaughlin <jt Cumberland: E? tabllshing county of Hoke out of portions of Cumberland and Robe fuuc\v . tx - ' Johnson bf Tfeptta: Amendment j making the landlord and tenant art 1 more effective. A report was read from the atate treasurer showing the foil owing ?al >rlea paid : State freaanrer B. H. Laey. 11.600: Chief Clerk W. P. Moody. $2,000; Teller A. H. Har rington. % 1,400; Inatltutlon Clerk W. W. Newman. $1,S00; Stenograph er. Mlaa Bra Watera, ,$800. >4 A report was received from the corporation commission in obedtenM _ TTT^T Continues thro1 ? . . ? ? - Saturday, Jan. 21, Lasts 8 days Our Annual January Sales have always been the greatest money saving propositions ever offered to the public, and this year we will make the greatest efforts in our history, having decided to remodel the Interior of our store, WE ARE FORCED TO SAC RIFICE OUR EN TIRE STOCK, which is our loss and decidedly your gain. Wait for our sale^ Watch our ad. on next Fri look over the list, find your wants and let us order. lember the date of beginning. Begins Sat ly, January 14, ends Saturday, January 21. 8 only. ' ' 111- % ' ?rt-ART CLOTH/ERS ted Champion Tells Otdfie'd Story U ''MwUl or nervous collapse. Jef M uplkhifi, would not bars af cted him physically for weeks a f r the fight. The poison which was r?n him affected his stomach prin pfclly and for a month he could arcely retain food. His favorite did not possess any charm of his whole body seemed as Stricken with rheumstism. When * be?an tq get over the effects of e "dope" be^Ielt like a convales nt after a spell o{ typhoid fevei. "He was positive It was no tempor T menial or nervons trouble. I >gged him to let me give the world I the information he possessed, but ( refused saying that be would rath It corns from another source* 0 Is firm In the. belief that the de lls will A&taaw out'wlthln a year Two Were Baptised. There were two baptisms at the First Baptist church last evening. The congregations at both services on . yesterday were unusually large. The nujpber at the celebration of the Lord's Supper yesterday morning was the largest during the present pastorate. Good Idea. Mr. Cafnegie's peace fund mlghr be divided between New Orleans and San Francisco. ? Ledge Dlspatrfc. to a resolution of the general as sembly of 1909 directing it to inves tigate freight rates-fend put in force the same rates from" North Carolina ports to inland cities and towns aa apply In Virginia of pracable. The railroads were notified and at a hear lng September 16. 1909 ttalflc man agers of the Southern, ^aboard and A. C. L. railways Examined as witnesses, the state andJrariocs mer chants? associations being represent ed by counsel. The corporation commission's opln Ion is that the freight rates from North Carolina ports to inlsnd points Is as low aa or lower than apply in Virginia or South Carolina. LOOK OUT FOR No. 1 of the fact tyiac yon have your own way to make In the world and that no one feels dls- ^ posed to help %> man who does no?j help himself. It Is .very pleasant to be a "good fellow" and spend money freely, but you will find many more people wlll Ihg to accept your generosity than willing to help yt?u when you need money. Don't forget your own Interests. Own your home, fhave four resi dences for sale at very reasonable prices. whi& will yield a good rate of Interest on the Investment, also rapidly enhance in valtfe. N. R. ROBINSON. 2422 14th 8t. Washington, D. C. r? the Editor: The following ar^vV^^fe^jer ru received by me todaj^B>||jj|^ January 6. Prof. N. C. Newbold. Deer 8lr: This la a plea for a warmer, more comfortable auditor ium for the fourth number of the L>yoleum Course on Monday night. For throe in succession la .fact the tiall has been so cold and uncomfort able at all of the previous entertain ments this year that the women and' In many Instances the men hare had to keep themaelves wrapped up. At th^Scotch Singers one could see ma'a breath. Half of the success of any even ing audience Is the attractive . gowns of a fashionable lot of ladies. but there Is nothing pretty In ugly dark coats and wraps. ' It Is a poor advertisement to. have a cold uncomfortable hall and wheth or you know It or not. has cost yo? mom tickets and will certainly ef fect future subscriptions. I am yours very truly. Mr. J. R. Calloway Ik'ud News wns received in this city to day announcing the death of one 01 Beaufort county's most influential citizens in the person of Mr. Jess* R. Calloway who passed away at his home at Royall this morning between 3 and4 4 o'clock of heart failure. At the time of his death the deceased was in Lis 68th year. He enjoyed the friendship of a large number At one time he represented the cpunty of Beaufort In the general assembly and proved to be a repre sentative of ability. He was the fa ther of Mr. J. H. Calloway, Mrs. W. W, Sattferthwaite and Mrs. Sallie Mayo of thla tills, city. The funeral frill take place sometime tomorrow. The entire community mourns his loss and th- sympathy of the entire county goes out to the bereaved. I think a word to this effect would not hurt In the paper. "\ knew the auditorium was most uncomfortably cold on the evening of Deoember 12 when George Kier nan waa her4. This was partly due to an error on my own part In fall ing to give the Janitor sufficient no tice, but I do not remember to' have heard complaint about the heat at any of the regular Lycetup numuer*. If any one has sufferotr discomfort I do not remember that th^y iiave come to me and suggested that im provements be made. Po'r Monday night I desire to prom Ise that if the heating apparatus is sufficient the auditorium SHALL be comfortably heated. 1 am frank to thank my Informer fpr the Informa tion which she -has given and to say that I did not^now any person . had declined fb purchase tickets for the reason stated. I hope no one will stay away hereafter for that rea son. I regret that my friend did not in form' me earlier in person or%by phone Instead of addressing me an annonymous letter. I -wish to say further that the Jani tor was given Instructions yesterday, Friday, to see that the auditorium is comfortable Monday night, and I am sure he will look after It prop erly. Yours very truly, N. C. NEWBOLD. January 7, 1911^ Of His Jaunt to the North A? the Corns Pleaty of Ttoem. Those Central American revolu tionist! furnish a good way to get fid of the unused stock of Christmas fireworks. ? Ledger Dispatch; HOR8R HAD TO BE 8 HOT Animal (Jot Caught In tlie Railroad Track One of the valuable work horses belonging ^the Kugler Lumbar Co., In some way this moring'got caught In the Norfolk ? Southern railroad track. . The entire hoof of orw of the legs Of the horse was pulled off and the animal had to be shot. This |a quite a loss to Mr. Kugler. The accident happened near the mill plant. .Washington, Jan. 7. ? Capt. Robt. T. Peary told the story ot t he trip to the frosen north ?t a hearing to day before the house commit tee on nasal affairs, the purpose being to fnrnlsh proof of his attainment of the North Pole on April ?, 1909. la connection with pending legislation for natlonsl recognition of big ac hievements. He produced all of his original memorandum and answered numerous questions. Cross-examination by Representa tive Macon of Arkansas, who baa an nounced his unalterable opposition to recognition of % the explorer, was deferred on account of the time ta ken la reading data. Tim commit tee adjourned until neat Tuesday. Mr. Maoon asked eapsdal light on "the SO hours Peary was 'at ad pole." and Mr. Peary read from his log book detailing his four hours' sleep. hit journey beyond and hack to the camp. Peary said he made . no entries on this book on his re turn march April1 8, and not until the afternoon of the 9th. Representative. Roberta, of Massa chusetts. suggested to the explorer -that Henry Gannett, president of the National Geographic society, and he thought O. H. Tltman. of the oOast geodlc survey, both of whom were i members of the geograpic society committee tpat it Is pod?lbte/for a person with sufficient knowledge and^. with data at hand to make any ob-. f serrations, to place jUmscftf ? plare on eartn and the figures them i sfefves would not carry any proof . on their face." "That," replied Peary. "Is the j. opinion of an expert." Just at the close of the heating Mr. Roberts bunded the ^xplorair a copy of a pamphlet on how Peary . discovered the pole, printed in Wash ington. and headed "By Robert B. I Peary," and asked Peary If he had ever aeen it before. Peary if he had , written It. The significance of this was that when the naval committee j wanted Peary to appear last spring he declined bocause of publishers' rights nnd that this pamphlet th* date of whose publication he could not recall. Is claimed to have appear ed latthatttme^^^^^^^^ IXNIKING FOR AMUSEMENT? Tlte best place to spend the odd hoar la the evening is at this ir-TO-I>ATF. MOYKi PICTURE SHOW - I l |* n?-m*K wwa.vi k. w wild

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