suit vu three voted favorably and four against. Those voting favorably wor? Aldermen 0. J. Studdert, W. M. Channcey and Jt O. Chaunosy. Against* Joshua fayloe. F. C. Mil llaon, B. B. Coueni and R. I?. Jones A bill wm a read to th* board whlrh la to bo Introduced Into the present general -4dkmbly for the purpose of giving the elty Authority to dlapoae of bonds not to exceed fifteen thous and dollars. Mr. Daniel Packard, the elty engi neer wm s Instructed to draw plans for a sewer for the government build' In* running from Us corner of Mar to Pamlico river. One of the principal topics before Vhe aldermen last night was the tel ephone question. The special meet ing was called principally to conald er this Important matter. Wfcen the Carolina Telephone Com pany, first, cam* to this city they yerc granted a franchise by the city' for a , i-> term of years and were to charge ? IS a year for residence phones and $30 for business.' In the year 1901 their franchise expired and the com pany' was merged into the praaent Carolina Telephone and Teiograph Company. . r y ?)'# On fnveatigatlng. the matter /'it was sosn that the present corporation did business here for a period of two years without a franchise. In . 1903 bold what we hare A.,n?, ana to | make further procraaa toward perfect conditions^ Th? need ot agitation. ri?ilanc?. moral In Wsshlngton la ?Id Is annum. t?w be .no compfp-J other reforms you arcoRiplfsb, namely: 1; An ordinance forblddl.iR boya to visit the pool rooms. rr M 2. The enforcement of the la* against selling cigarettes to minors. 3. And a curfew law repairing { children under IS years to be off the Btreets by I p. m. These mesfisures are wise. Just un reasonable .and their enactment and enforcement would be a blessing to the home, is help to the church an J Bchool, and a valuable means of Im proving the future morals and man hood, of our town. / Wishing you rich snd merited suc cess and prsylng the blepBlnga of a righteous God upon, your good Mtsa A lie# Tankard will leave Mon 'ay on the N.-8. for Florida' and ;ther points. There will be a meeting of the Halcyon Ctyb tonight In the offlce of Dr. A. C. Hoyt^tt eight o'clock. Lind ?ay G. Warren, Secretary. work. ? } Very respectfully yours. . ' ' H. Bi Searigtit. v J. A. Sullivan, ^ K"**- V. Hope. It. H. Broom. 1 Mr. Boaoer Rlnq mads a Hylnf trip to Athena Sunday Hope he had it Cood time. ? Quite a number ot our people am ended the C. B. H. Hall Sunday, 'here Mr. Howard Altfeood deliver d en able aermon - Any more buelneee. I RED WING. Maaars. Darld and Arthur Cutler ?ent with a party on a gas bofct ride Sunday. Think the wedding bell? will soon ringing.* One ot our ,? ttml fcftt Ui?pped school and bought a piece of land. Of ths throat from which he hid suf fered for several years. Th|, wu complicated by a chronic kidney trou ble, hut the Immediate ciote o i hi. deatji wu strangulation from ' the ? welling of bis throat. Representative Stuart was 6S yean old. married and has several chil dren. He waa the representative from Montgomery county and Hved at Starr. ? The body was removed to Brown's undertaking establishment And pre oared for bnrlal. It "?as sent back to hla home at Surr on an early train this morning. I "Curfew Shall Jfot Kin* Tnaishf kiB|P^ *?. . ? t* 't ? r Grant me space, please, to Inform , the denlsens of ye ancient hamlet, [that "Curfew Shall Not ding To j night," for thus decreed the city fa thers last night. Notwithstanding the risible embar rassment of Mrs. Carter at appearing before the boartl-ef aldermen, she eloquently plead for such restraint upon the youth of our city. * That It fell upon deaf, unrespon sive ears, speaks vrflume> for the young gentlemen, who Imirtorallze themselves by their antagonism to this measure. "Junius." At Low 80 me mighty gooe merchandise la, now being offered at J. K. Hoyt's. Now is the chance to avail yourself of some bargains. The Cambrian National OlM ?? (an ware the ^traction at the pnh fe achool aodttorlum laat nl?ht mad the Lyceum courae K*a'b*en mora prmtaad today by thoaa IB attendance. Brerr number on the program wu pleating and encored. The aladac by tha entire dab ?u euperb, rm TlolInUt, Mr. Willie ftlcliarde and Mr. Ait Tkoana Id hla humoroua aonfo and lmperaonatlonn aim ply bipaght down tha hoaaa. The bari tone aolo by Mr.- John WUllama haa never been' aurpaaaad la Waahlngton. The taner aolo by Mr. Richard Tbom aa and tha duet by Maaara J. B. Joooa and Maori oe Walah. wars faa tnraa of tha prvcram. Both nua bera ware excellently rendered The entire program waa hit b claaa from tha baclanlns to tha and. Tha Cambrian <Mm 8It|?t will alwaya tan 4 wan welcome In Waahlni They fcuiy measured up to thotri reputation ta <Hfc*r places. The on. tiro program *U 4 musical treat. I A KM Snatr The death of Senator Klklna of W?t Virginia lea vee- another sap In the front ranks of the United States senate. Within a year the {changes have been many and unex pected. I Senator Aldrlch of Ilhode Island has announced his Intention of re tiring on March 4. Senator Hale of | Maine followed hts example barely In time to escape being defeated for re-election. Senators' Burrows of] Michigan was benten at tjie prima ries. Senator Depew of New York. Senator Kean of New Jersey, Sena tor Scott of West Virginia, Senator Beveridge of Indiana. Senator Dick of Ohio are abont'.to make room fbr Democratic aeccessors.. In Massachusetts Senator Lodge la fighting for hla life. Within a few months Senator Daniel of Virginia, Senator McEnery or Louisiana and I Senator \?lay of Georgia, on the Democratic side, and Senator Dol I liver of Iowa, on the. Republican side have died. It will be a new senate that meets after March 4. It will probably alsol be a better senate in a represents- 1 Itlve sense, made up more largely of linen fresh from the people and In {Closer touch with popular Interests. I What the senate loses in experience through the disappearance of so many familiar figures It may gain in vigor, tnie character and actu&P ca-j pacity for service to the people. ? J New York World L Raleigh. Jan. ??? ' The Grand lodge of Masons will n*?t In Its annual ten sion In the Masonic Temple here Wed nosd ay, January llt$. The attend ance la expected to be ona ot tbe lar gest In this state, onr mt?b hun dred delegates -will In all probability be print V! The opening session will be h c. Tuesday night and tbe principal fea tures will b? the annual address by Grand Master R. H. Haehett. tbe re ports of Grand Secretary % ' Mr. John O. Drswry. and Grand Treasarst Mr. Loo. D. Hsartt After the address of Mr. TlaitUt and the reports, o^and Orator Hon. Francis D. Winston, of Windsor, will address the body. Then the reports of the standing commit tor will be read and the' regular routine business will be gono through with. Tbe annual erection of officers will take nlace Wednesday night at eight I o'clock. * The grand lodge will attend in a body the unrolling of the buat of Senator Ransom in the corridor of the Capitol Wednesdsy night. Grand Secretary. Mr. John C. Drewry's report shows progress along aH lines during the past year. Thp total number of lodges in the state now are 885, ten new ones being chartered *he past year. The mem bership now* numbers <21,000. rt net train of about 1,000 members over last year's enrollment ~ . \ A The receipts during the past year amount to $17,711.93. a gain of some thing like $1,250 oxer tho previous year's report. The temple committee will report .that the Masonic temple is in a very satisfactory condition. The rents of tho temple during the year amount to $12,159.22. the prof Its from the temple amounting to t7.5S2.26, while the operating ex penses hare amounted to $4,626.96. The total debt has been reduced j about $12,500 during the year. I All the reports will show the grand j lodge to be In a flourishing condl-j Itlon. . -'-Am Cotton. Market Seed cotton, 5.50. Lint Cotton, 14.25. Cotton seed. per. ton. 30.00. LOOK OUT FOR No. 1 A little daughter of llr. Mr*. Luther AUtRood ft very III witl* Pneu monia. r NOdOMlS January ir, - - ? 1 ^ . Never low^&Ight of the fact that yon hare your own way to make In the world and that no one feela dis posed to help a man who does not help himself. It la very pleasant to be , a "good follow" and spend money freely, but you will find many more people will ing to areept your generosity than willing to help you when you need money. Don't forget your own interests. Own your home. I have four reil denfes for sale at very reasonable prices, which will yield a good rato' of Interest on the investment, also rapidly enhance In valife. < . t .. 5. r. robin sow. > ?*22 l :th St. Waahlngton, D. C. Repreeentatlre John T. Latham, of Beaufort county hu been named as chairman of the committee on Juat Ica* of the peace tj Speaker Dowd of the North Carolina hoaae ..f rep resentatives. He U alao on the com mittee on agriculture and nsb. rteprewntatlve W. A. Thompson la a member of the Judiciary Commit tee No. t. On It a few of the imnmlttee^orere by the Speaker on yester are growing slightly ton ne, Ffctton It la open aeaaon time aad It Next forget The demand far weaker than far the period Of Jaat treat. It may be true that bora not made, |jnst the same! Thla year wUl have II la It. Laat year had only tb the number of Jealouay produces a nasty dlapo we regret to see It at thing as dWtb, science oult teaches ?ny are some of thbm looklag'for Mrs. Eddy to rlae fnom the dead? ^ ? Ta KM Thmbi. Th?r? *111 be a wmii of the Wo mans' Christian Temperance Union, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the Y. M. c. U room* All the mln ? litem of the city will meet with then, on this occasion. Million Feet of Lumber There waa a million feet of lum ber ahlpped from thla port ta north ern markets today. The ta* Colum bia towed two bargee containing the aboTe number feet of lumber out of herf this morning. No tpwn In North Carolina haa a [larger patronage so tar as lumber 1s r,t H. C. Bo wen. pastbr o f the Christian church it Belhatren an* also editor of the North Carolina Christian Evangel, Oiled the pulpit at the Christian church this elty Bun dsr morning and evening to the de light and education of that congre gation. In the morning the theme of the discourse was 'Xaodlcee the L,?ke waiW : At night the topic was "Taking Conrags." Both sermons were ma? terpiocee. Mr. Bowen standi high In his church as a speaker and- Is al ?ays welcomed with a large congre gation every time he Tlslu Washing ! liOOKlNG FOB AMUSKMEXT? The beit place to spend the odd hoar in tbe evening U^?t tlita tJMO-DATK MOVIG PICTL'KK HHOW^ ^ F I |A ?-TTPE ROMA2VCB-.A IEG1NS Saturday, Jan. 14. Ends IWstch Thursday's Ad. Giving Particulars a

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