sHmwr H BttbterliuT^ during ?h? pap*r dU tMttnued wlli please netlfv thi? office ?v date of expiration. otherwise. H 'irt? b* Continued at ragy ?lar wjhcor'p . Hon rates until notlea to Atop U r* ?alved. * Tt you <fo not got The Pally Newj promptly telephone or^rrlte the mnu ? 'ia^r. and th.? <ompl4lr?t wJM >??o*iv |Moi?dtat? attent*oe. It Is- our d*s>r" to tou MONDAY. JANUARY O, 1011. ; '?iir Parties leaving ro?n should mv I lal! to let the News follow them d?Hv ?with the n?fs of Washington fr?-*? i and crisp. It will "prove a valuable ' companion. read<nr to you Ilk* a W- 1 ter from home. Those nt the | shore or mountalna wjll? fln<i The News a most welcome L'.d lntHr???? ! In* visitor. L ?! All articles sent to T\.* Ne?* fo- | publication must be signed by U> ' writer. otherwise ?hav ?<ll not *<\ ?n Ml?. K ?w1 V-""M 1 NO CURFEW LAW The vote of a majority of the Board of Aldermen at laat, night's session sounded the de&th knell to the hope? o'f many a mother. * A curfew la* has been agitated for Washington and , last night It was brought to the at- 1 tentlon of the Board by Mrs. H. W. Carter, representing the WooanB'* Christian Temperance Union. The Board have said by their action that they hafe no regard for the future welfare of the boys and girls of Waal ington. How long Is such a condition of af fairs to ?Xl8t? The citizens of the town should rise up ifi righteous indignation and demand the regulating of the evils of the town if the present officials are not inclined to dq^Jt, there are oth-j era who will and there are men who will have some regard for the morals Of the community and respect the wishes of its citizens. FULTON'S FIRST PARK. 7 s 3 r c aer klndnesv He described hlihseif in "the earthworm In iovo with a 'the pirreoii here rcfewrd to? B. A. Uautray of Clermoat-Farrand tdU ta* that Ilosa Boo bear once asked him why bo was not rtinrrtad. and kia vMifd by asking Hor the same ques I T i-rr> v. ns I: .".- answer: "Wall. :?ir. it Is' not because I nui /in enemy jjf lunrrlayo, but 1 assure you that I | hare uetcr had time to >coas!dor the j wtiect.** ? "RiuiUiiscences of Boas BoDheur." Paternalism In Groceries. Paternalism with a veuw^nee la prac ticed In certain New York groceries. it Is benevolent pntctnalbia. though. "Ma "wants two pounds of sugar." said 11 child to a patriarch iu the trade. He consulted a calendar 6n the wall. L? 111 guess you'd better take only a i pound today.'* he said, ""and go kind of slow on that. Thy week is oply halt ?one. but jou hare already eaten up three-fourths of your allowance. Tell your mother so." The child promised to deliver the re port on financial depression. "That la the only way on earth to keep those people from conning ioto debt." said the grocer. "The system Is common Irthl* neighborhood. I do it at the customer^! request. Every pay cfay women with sjK-ndthrift hus bands and ua extravagant disposition jf their own deposit enough money with' the grocer and butcher to see the family through the week. They ln r*fruct us to let no one overdraw the i amount, and cscept in ensen where'ex j tra food is actually needed we stick to 3UC -eud of the bargaln/V? New York rimes. Horrors of Bokhara. The terrible deeds that once made Bokhara a 'byword n re, now prohibited by the RussIHu government. Prisoners are not permitted, for Instance, to be dragged through the street* by gal loping horses. Nor are they thrown from the top of the high tower called I the Mlnar Ivatan. This was the usu all punishment meted out to evildoers in the old days. Watched by thou sands of spectators, the i?or -wretches were flung from that giddy height on to the flagstones beneath. Bokhara has many chambers of hor rors, unwholesome for western eyes to see and the description of which would certainly be unlit for publica tion. Perhaps the most horrible of these Is a pit where prisoners were tor tured by vermin, which were so nu merous and ravenous that In the ab sence of human prey they were fed on chauks of raw meat? Wide World Magazine. Disraeli and Goldwin Smith. It may have been partly by suspicion of my possession of an unpleasant se cret that Disraeli was moved to follow me across the Atlautlc and try. as he did In "Lotbalr." to brand me as "a social sycophant." His knowledge of my social character was not great, for I had only once met him lu society. Ells allusion to the "Oxford professor" who was "going to the United States was as trausparent as If he bad used my name. Had 1 been In England, where my character was known. I should have let the attack pass, but I' was In a strange country, where, made by a man of note, the attuck was likely to tell. I therefore gave Disraeli the lie. and neither he nor any of his organs ever ventured to re peat the calumny.? GoHlwin Smith. In McClure's. * Th* Thimble. About 200 years ngj n London gold smith called Trotting made uud pre sented to the lady of his heart on her birthday nnnhcrsary a thimble of gold, beautifully ornamented and chosedr accompanied by a note which Introduced the little contraption as a "token of my Ihimble esteem which shall protect those delicate, fair and Industrious fingers from prick and scar of needle _>ead." That was the orlglu of the thimble. Fats of a Duehccs. TTe have had excellent moralsdrawu from the substantial waist of the Ve nus of MUo for the admonition of the fashionable woman. But what can we say abont the Dncbesse de Maza rln. who (G. Duval tells us In "Shad ows 01 "?Jd Pails" ) -died in 1775 from tight lacing, althnngb she bad posed for a statue of Venus?" A Matter of Looks. First Boarding House Keeper?I al ways keep my bonnier* I6n?*r Tlnra you do. Second Boarding Hons# Keep er? Oil. I d??n't know* You keep them so thin that tbey look longer than tbey really are.? Boston Uecord. Me Get His. f Gcraldine? Von haven't been to me since hand. time man Tt* _ knoVn as .ugton. at Dr. I >? We desire eVsry parent to who is not noting the usual U meat by the third ^ok. Always state age. Mterat^re mailed tree, and I stamp to pay postage! Dr. Ira M. I lift rd jr. Special Agent. i ? L? ? -iL? WHAT CURES HCZKM? hare so many inquiries lately regarding Eczema and other! (akin , diseases, .that wo are glad to intake onr answer' public. After care Iful Investigation wo have found thai la simple wash of OH of Wtntorgreen, las compounded in"D. D. D.', can be relied upon. We would ?ot make (this statement to our. patrons, friends I and neighbor* unless we were sure lot It ? and although there afe so- j called Eczema remedies sold, wej Hour-selves unhtsltatinglyl recommend] I D. IX D. Prescription \ I Because ? Wo know thst it gives | instant relief to that torturing htcli. ' 1 || Because ? D. D. D. starts the cure |at the foundation of tho trouble. I Because ? It cleases, soothes and I heals tho skin. Because ? It enables Nature to re-l pair Hie ravages of disease. Because ? The records of ten years I of complete cures of thousands of [cases show -that D. IJ. D. Is today I recognized aa th? absolutely reliable Eczema Cure! Drop into our store today. Just to talk over your cBse with ub Hardy! | Drug Company. LECAL NOTICES NOTICE OP 8AJLK J 1 v '?** North Carolina, Beaufort County.. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. E. M. Brown, administrator of Jlm mle Dunn, deceased vs. Emma Dunn McCoy. Ransom McCoy, Qar fleld Dunn and Will Leary. By rirtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Beaufort county In' the above entitled proceeding, I will as commissioner, on Monday, Feb. 13th, 1911, ofTer for sal^ for cash to the highest bidder at the courthouse door in Beaufort county o'clock noon, the following described real estate lying and being In the state of North Carolina. In the county of Beaufort and in the city of Washing ton, beginning on Fifth street, seven ty- three feet from the line between lots numbers eight-nine and ninety three. Van Norden Town, in Bald cjty and runs with Davie Brown's line ninety (92) two feet; thence with James Cherry's line forty-three (43 feet; thence with John Glemmon'i line ninety-three (93) feet to Fifth street, and with Fifth street to the beginning. I This 10th day of January, 1911; E. M. BROWN. 2-1 Oc Administrator and Com. ""OR HKADACHP ? Hlrk'? Capadtne. Whether from Colds. Heat. 8tom V>b or Nervoos T^oublea. Capndlne will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleas ant to take ? art* Immediately. Try * 10. JR aad ROe. at drug store* NOTICE. North Carolina, BewtTfort County ? Justice's Court. Before A Mayo, Justice of the Peace. Bragam Fertilizer Co., a corporation vs.. J. O. Warren. Service by publi cation. v To J. O. Warren: Greetings; Take notice, and notice is hereby given you, -that Bragaw Fertiliser Co., the plaintiff herein, has Institut ed before me a civil action against you, entitled, as above to recover }udginenT "against you fOT the sUra of fll.63 with interest at six per cent on said amount for January 6, 1911 until paid, due by account for merchandise sold and delivered to you; and you are further notified to appear before me, A Mayo, a Jus tice of the peace of Beaufort . coun ty, at my offlce in the town of Wash ington, on Friday the /4.0th day of February 1911 at 11 o'clock a. mfl and -answer or demur to' the complaint of the plaintiff herein or the relief asked for will he granted. This 9th day of Januafy 1911. A. MAYO. Justice of the Peace. Mc. ton and Aurora to Bayboro, togetfc. er with all of the pole*. wire*. In suUtors, telephones ami all braa.-h lliros a&d connections. and all switch boarda, and the same Is hereby to'be sold whether the aame he real es tate or personal- property. Teraia of sale cash. . - This the Sth dliy ol January 1911 ? ' W. C. RODMAN. l"tr - Trustee Xotlce of 8r!p. ' v" ' V-: " ? ? ? Sjgry By virtue of a power of sal^cOn-l talned. in a certain deed pf mortgage, dated lCth day^of September. 1909, cnd_ dujy recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Beaufort county In "book 1V57_ at page C81. said mortg&ge "given by M. B. Rca tass and wife, the undersigned will on Friday *the 3rd day of February. ltU 12 o'clock,, noon offer .fbr sale at public auction, at the court ! house door of Beaurort county, air that certain tract or parcel of land. j situate, lying and being in the coun ty of Beaufort, and state of North Carolina, which la described as Pol- i Iowa: All that tract of land convey- 1 ed by the said W. A. Neal and wtfei to -Mary Reepaas, which aald deed described aald land as follows: The j other half of my couain'e pr Arch belPa land Including < the eaatwsrd land of the elgttt r acres conveyed by I Wharton to Archbell, being the aame , land described In the aald deed from1 W- A. Neal to lftary W. Reepaaa, and being also the aame land devised by the will of GeorgQ c. Res pass to j Georgia Ann Neal, wife of W. A. Neal. S \ / 1 Terms of sale, caafc. Thla the 2nd day of Jannary, 1S11 W. A. NEAL. Mortgagee By W. G. Rodman, attorney " 2- 2c ?-? " fv- VTT>-"' NOTICE OF SALE ? j Under and by virtu? of a mort gage from H. W. Dixon to the un dersigned, dated January 27th. 1909 and recorded in the Register's office of Beaflfort County in book 152, at page 315, the undersigned will, ou the 30th day of January, 1911, at 12 o'clock M., before the court house door In Beaufort county, sell for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described tract of land: the 8tate of North Carolina, County, of Beaufort, Ctifccowlnity township, adjoining the lailds of Dnwso* Downs, Riley Edwards and others, lying and being In and on Horse branch, and being the same land coilTeyed by the will of Mary Hill to Aer daughter, Bets^ Brown, during her natural. life, and then to the two children of Betsy Brown, Polly A. and Amarina, said will la recorded' in the clerk's office of Beaufort county in book "F", page 521; reference Is also made to a deed from Davitf Purser to James H. j-Taylor, dated the 9th day of March, 1896 and recorded in the register's office of Beaufort county |n book 84. page 111; also to a deed from W. H. HtU and wife to H. W. Dixon, dated November 6th, 1905, an^ rec orded in book 115, page 80, being I the same tract of land described In the afdresaid mortgage. ' -V; ?'? This the 28th day _of Dec. 1H0. "SBOBOfcX PHILLIPS, 1 " Mortgage^. T. PHILLIPS, owner of- debt. By 8mall, Mac Lean Jk McMollan, | attorneys. l-*0c. ? r _ ? , ? Administratrix Notice L> as ad- 1 minlstratrix of the estate of W. Miller, deceased, late of ftwt rnu,(,. North Crolioa. tht> 1.1 to notlfr mi perKm. h.riD< rlfc <U5?in?t uid estate to exhibit them tc the Uttderelfned or to W. A Thi 1 E2QX tr?ct of land conT?yt<d 'to William II Hill by Robert HljC'by JcM record ed in book 68. fas, 00. rojfrtcr'u office u f Beaufort njonlj; beta* tbe same tract ofland aeacrlbe'd If tht aforescld Ihortgago. : ' SjSsB Abo one r?rm cart and ottVroan tarn called "OaorKe." Thla tho 28th day of Dec. Utb. Q BO RGB A. PHILLIPS, i Aflr-Stnall, MacLoan & McMu'llan, attorneya. ' l-30c. 1\'y. Jiotie? of Sal*. '? By virtue 0 1 a, power of aale con tained In a certain mortgage aeeo, .executed on the ISth day of May 1905. .by Jno, R. Perry to Ann!* E. Nicholson, which said deed Is duly recrded in the offlce of Ihe rogls^. ter or Deeds for Beaufort county in Book 1*9 at page 231, to *hlch ref erence is hereby made for further particulars. We^will on Thursday, "the 12th day of. January* 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door In Beaufort county, offer for. sale* to the high eat bidder for ca?h the fol lowing described real estate; towlt: "A certain piece or tract of land ly ing and being In Beaufort county, atate aforesaid, in Washington iown-v ship, and described and defined as follows, towlt: Beginning at an "iron stob" on the west side line of Market street extended 25 feet from the eastern beginning of the divid ing line between Annie B. Nicholson and B. B. Njchotoon bf what Is known as the Bason Farm, and run ning north wa/dly with the said west aide line of Market street extended (150 feet) one httndred and fifty feat,, thence westward !y by parallel lines to the dividing line between Annie E. Nicholson and B. B. Nich olson (100 feet) three hundred feet, 1 thence southwardly by parallel llaOj to west side Une of Market street extended one hundred and fifty feet (150 feet) to a point 25 feet from said dividing line between Annie B. Nicholson and B. B. Nicholson, thence eastwardly (800 feet) three hundred feet to the beginning." This December 8, 1910. ANNIE E. NICHOLSON, \ Mortgagee. , Geo. A. Phillips, owner of the debt. By cbllin n. Harding,' attorney. l-8c | NOTUH or NAM'. ^ i. I rnder an J by virtue of the .power [of sale contained In a certain deed | of trust, executed the l?tb day otf 'December, -1909, by and betweeu Charles (Jrist and wife Hannah Grist as parties of the first psrt to C. Hi Harding, trustee, which said Instru ment la recorded In the offlce of the register of deeds of Beaufort coun-j tyr in. boolc 161 page 586, (the par-| ties of the first part baring default ed in the payment pt the note se cured by said Instrument) the un dersigned, aa trustee/will, on the 10th day of February, 1911, at 12 o', at the courthouse door in Beaufort county, sell to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate: In Beaufort county, state of North Carolina, In and defined as follows, to-wlt: ln* * D**4 of the land conveyed to Adam Cherry, by deed dated October 80th, 1874 from Margaret L. Taylor, recorded in Book 41 page SC6. eto^ register a offlcj of Beaufort coun and thai part thereof, beginning EUaabeth Mitchell', south ea.t a ner of the lot coa?ejred to her | Adam Cherry and running then with Fleralnt'a line eaat fortj-i, (47) feet; thence north parallel i RllMbeth Mitchell'. line (42) foot; thenoe west with a Po?d new street forty-seven ( fm to Ellubeth Mitchell-. - : ?? ? ? fef * - "7 ZtOTIOK QVJIAU ? By Tlrtue cl the power at >e!e con fined tk ? certain deed ot mortice *ro? 8. 8. Hardtaon dated the ttth of Jnl7 1?04 the tinderaicned ?111 on Mondir the loth day of Jan uary, till, offer for ufe at public auction, for caak, and to the htrficst blddcfr, all tkat certain tract or par cel ol land eltuata, lytic and beln* In the county of ~ of North Um townatlp, known land., and better kno virtue o power Of ?lo contained In t Uln mortgage from- J. E. to Carolina Distributing C-. ? bearing date of May Jlth, 1908 and duly recorded in the office or the n%- ] later or deeds of Beaufort county. In bouk 189, at page 499. The un- . [designed will offer for sale to the] '"Highest bidder for cash at the court ,house door In Beaufort county, at 12, noon, January Slat, 1911. the following articles of poraonal prop erty towit: | One horse, one buggy, one single harness, one cart, also the entire stock of merchandise, such as gro ceries, drjgoods, shoes, and such other articles qt merchandise con tained In the store of J. E. Turnage, also one aOda fountain and such oth er store fixtures that are now in the storehouse of J. E. Turnage, Choco wlnity, Beaufort count jr. North Can- j ollna. Thir Dee. 31, 1910. . CAROLINA DISRJBUT1NG CO. 11-81 E. H- Moore, Tress. | By rlxtM of t h* power of tele contained In a certain deed of trust from M. W. Walker |pd wife, Lola, to K. L M. Bonner, trustee, dated the 21st day of August, 1907, and duly recorded In the office of the reg ister of deeds for Beaufort county InJmok 149 at pace 613, to which reference Is hereby made, lb* un dersigned wlty on Friday the 3rd day of Februray, 1911, at 18, o'clock/ noon, at the court houae door of Beaufort County, North Carolina, offer ror aale at public auction, for cash and to the highest bidder, the followlns described tract of land: That certain tract or parcel of lana lying and betoc in Beaufort county, North Carolina, Rlchjand township, and described as follows, towl^: In the town of Aurora,' beginning at M. B. Wilkinson'*" northeast corner in the middle of Fout*th street, then wltli said Wilkinson's line north 87 west 35 ysrd^jto.^ald- Wilkins9n's cortter; then with Wilkinson's, sad Sallie V. Maya's line south 3 west 70 yards to SalUe V. Mayo's south east corner in the middle of Pearl street; then with the middle of said Pearl streot south 87 eaat 35 yards to I the middkk of Fourth street; then with said street to the beginning. Containing one-half acre more or |eas. It being known as the Dallas Langs ton lot. Terms of aale CASH. Thli 2nd day of January. 191?. . 7 ? A ly /VJIIONNBB, t .TruMtee. r. H. Rollln,, owner of debt. J. H- Bonner, attorney. - STEPHEN d, BRAGAW Attorney and Counsdor at-law? Washington, N. C NICHOLSON & DANIEL Attorneys- at-Law Practice in All Courts Nicholson Hotej^Buildlag A. D. llacLaaai 8MAS^SSU"' ATTO*NBVS-AT-LAW North - W. D. GRIMES l ATTORNEY -AT- LAW WrtlH'M. North CamUn*. S^PncticMlianilHCon*. B. Rodmu. " ? ?* RODMAN & RODMAN I i Attomeya-at-Law|i B [Washington, N. C. W. M BOND, EdeMOO. N. C. ?JORWOOD L_ SIMMOf S IK*ND & SIMMONS tORNM S-AT-UW . Mi hlngton. North paroitna. Practice It] all Com ta. ? ? ? JOHN H. BOXXKR ? ? A ttara?T t.r-o i? WASHINGTON, H. C. ? E ? <*tt -i. ' < ? : ; Business Cards ? ?> ? G. A. PHILLIPS 5c BRO.. - - FIRE And Plate IGlass INS IJRANCi.

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