Never lono sight of the fact that you Jimb jour own way to nta In In teres u. ??? b??- 1 rS we* Mr ml* .t rm rmmtU ,wl 1* t?T. rewontwfr Which will yield ?.|m4 r*U ?r??t on tho lnTestmenr also ^ tnUrmt rapMly Mhuc? in rmlu?. ? - - ? ?? Htfc St. W?*ta?ton. D. C. ' ' J"? ?*? B?""" k" not 7et am red hero. He |? .cheduled at Geneva tomorrow. ' What nextT WASHINGTON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE | Begins Tomorrow, Saturday Morning, Jan. 14th and we trust you will be on -hand to share many of the real ? : Bargains we have to offer, among which are a great many house- :: N ^hpld articles, which we enumerated in yesterday's paper On Page 4. Read it ctf?efully, and come here to purchase your needs, we : : can save you money on any merchandise you may want, ~ and guar- : arnee to give you only the best money wtH-buy. Again we call your- r attentjjpuoto our paper Ad. and ask you to look it over. Saturday, January is the Date of Opening. I; 8 DAYS - Last Day, Januaiy2Jsf~4&^&A'YS : 150 Hand Painted Imported China Bowls free to die First ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CUSTOMERS Purchas ing $10.00 ?r?rth of Merchandise gfflvTTTrr, 77777777 l#fc. Jan ll? The committee itltutional amendment* report >rablr Mr, Stubb. bill l'rortd [ a constitutional eonventloi. sal lad after aa election to W 1?1?. Atoo to Validate probate of oortaia Ma Alao to provide (or rectatretloi) of plota of . ,JS Kfrkland of Ogllford (br request) T? Prrwnt depredation of domeetlo fowls. * Carr of DufkaM: To Ax aalartaa of 1? Partem county K provldffe for the mynnt of *11 appropriations u| the redemption ol bondf falling due January 1. 1?13 Senator Qnifll'l Mil authorise, the mate treasure c, upon the appro* >1 of the council of state, to Derroo whatever money Is auOcleit to car fr the dlCerence between tbe'amouhi appropriated and the revenue recetr ?1. or l( loans .annot bo made he li authorised to IMue It-nor 4 pel wit bonds, not to ?xce?4 91,4M,f 90 - The senate ordered '110 copies ol he bill printed. '? , - Jhikator Graham* bill satabllshlnt tandard tine In the state passed tlx senate and wan ordered seat tb thi House. ,? /: ; ( . v, / ; l> < Intredurtiua of Bills. id Orsrhsm of Otuie: To preside to tin pay is sat of all appropriation! during the seaalen and for The re < demptlpn of bonds falling dne Janu it i. mi. Letnsaond of Oaloo: To amend thi taw relative to escapes. Revlssl. Retatardt of Lincoln: To coaseitf) the cattle supply of the state. PrcV Parham of Wayne: ReUtlts toJtt* speed of aut???oMlqs and penalty ft) violation. I*roposltlons and grlev > anna .v^Ty- ? ? ' wZ ? Cobb of Itobeeee: Ckssglsg th< name of the Indians known as Croa tans to Cherokees and protldtag to ?operate apartraenta for the Icaam In the asylum at Raleigh. Judldarj committee. 1 A report was received ftom thi commiaalotmr of labor and prlntini (Contlnyd on Foorth Page.) The cxploalon oo llfck Ud the Ore ' broke oat *oop lalac building*, tmeot found that located upon North Bl? peryone. h*d<7 mjured were carried from the bulldta, befo? the Ore made It lupoaatble to uter the blaxlnc etructure. . . The walla whlph wore weakened by th? exploelon, J|e!l upon, the debrla and making It doubtful whether any of thoee MMed beneath could 'be reeenod. allre. Electric wire* and telephone wire. At the anno ry last night there was a mibsciiptlcra dance given by Mtaa | Elizabeth HUT* dancing school. Tbe music w^s furnished by the Forbes I Orchestra. The ocaslon was milch j enjoyed. Those dancing word- '? yj [ Miss Elizabeth Hill wtth Mr John Smith. * :/;< L Miss Mat tie Child* of Norfolk, with Mr. Dick Cox. * * Miss Mary Clyde Hasaell with Mr. D.D M. Carter. Jr. Miss May Belle 8ma1l with Mr. Wll He Knight. # Mr. Lindsay Warren with Miss Isa bella Carter Miss Bess Conoley with Mr. John Bonner. Miss Nettie Pugh, Baltimore, with Mr. W. R. Rear. Jr. Miss Caddie Fowl, with Mr. Wal th^ Godard. ' Miss Annie Plummer* Nicholson with Mr. W. F. Rhyne Miss Mary Caftllywlth Mr. Henry Moore. Stags: Messrs. Robert Fowle and Edmund Harding. Chape rones. Mes daues HtlJ and Mclllhenny. were carried down by the crash of the building, forming a dangerous network jln the streets which hinder ed tbe women. The wires also prevented the work of resc u?a m many of tbe police and i firemen had narrow escapes trom elec trocutlon.- ; v' ? ? The flames ate their .way towards tbe Cftlsens National Bank and this structure began to blase near the roof. Frensled calls were being made in the meantime to nearby towns for Are. apparatus. Arrangements were made to re move the money from the vaults of the bank. Despite the efforts of the firemen'; tl-e conflagration continued to spread within short time adjoining build ing occupied by Graham's Drug st^s and three residences were In flames. At this time it wcs believed that It would be necessary to use dyna mite to stop the path of the flames. many- firemen as possible were. Bpafed1 to pltfjr water upon the ruins] so that the rescue parties could be-j gin search for the buried bodieB. The entire police force was called to the scene to help the (Iremen but so great was the crowd that collected the police had to drop the Are flghtinfe apparatus and drive back to the mob. The families of the missing ones I pressed forward with cries of grief and fought with the 'authorities fo I get near the roaring, seething site of | the store. The flames were meanwhile eating their war In all directions from the original site and a wind carried em bers to other parts of the city. The^ rhe weather was very cold, : MEETS WITH ACCIDENT Master Edward Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Suffolk Miles and the mes lenger for the Postal Telegraph Com pany while engaged la play on East Main street last night accidentally fell, breaking his collar bone. While he is suffering some pain we are glad to know that the Injury is not se rious. His many playmates and friends hope for him a speedy recovery to health. * Here L4st Night. Rev. G'. J. Do well, pastor of the WUllamston Baptist* 'church spent last evening In Washington. Mr. Dowel 1 came here to assist In the organisation of tbe ^Baptist church' at ChocoWlnity last night. While in .the ?ity-.ha waa.the guest of Rev. R. E. Hoffman and Mr. C. C. Capped ge of West Second street. Cotton Market Seed cotton. 5.60. Unt Cotton, 14. t&. Cotton eeed. per ton. 80;0Q. Two Tb*u?and Five Hun d red Plesfd Admission Whnlii*. y/. V?., January tl.? Whiit the crowd that yesterday be sieged the Ohio county courthouse after tn? luncheon recess of the Schenk trial almost staggered the court oSclala and attaches, this morning there was but little falling off In attendance of the sensation seeker and the morbidly carious. The scenes yesterday morning and again in the afternoon when the wo men had to be tfea ten back by the po lice, /the stampede In which ope wo man was so badly hurt that sae had to De taken t# a hospital, and the noisy demonstrations in the court room when certain bits of testimony were heard astounded and shocked Judge L. 8. Jordan, who insists that ordfir be k*!^ j His admonition to- the, spectators ye*U,i:2?r that it would be more be coming in them to stay at home add appease their curiosity by reading the reports in the newspapers, was rfbt t#keu seriously apparently, for the crowd that assembled about the courthouse doors this morning out numbered that o( yesterday. As early as 5 o'clock, rour hours* before the doors were thrown open, there was a knot of the Curious as-; sembled and with each passing min ute it grew until there was fully 2,-j BOO persons with whom the police, struggled pleaded and pulled and. hauled. Many of them, disappoint-, ed in gsinlng admission to the court- j house, brought lunches in baskets, boxes and in paper packages. As thej crowd grew the police guard was In creased and today there are double' the patrolmen on duty at the court- 1 house. % jj i Dr. Prank Le Moyne Hupp, on the , stand when' court closed yesterday, ? was again called by Prosecutor Hand- . Ian when the trial was resumed. ; . Prosecutor Handlan elicited llttlft ! from Dr. Hupp on direct examination j but Mr. O'Brien, for the defense, j kept the doctor busy answering ques ! tiona. The doctor admitted that the symptoms which he had declared wer tbdse of lead poisoning Might have been from soma other eane, aad at first he helled that Schenk was suffering from the bite of a mos quito Schenk was Confined to hip j bed for three days. He also said lira Schenk was the ft ret to call a name. The morning sees Ion closed with Dr. Hupp sty on the stand. There was a pathetlo Incident la connection with the case todfcy whan the Schenk children. Vlrglna, aged 1 1 and Rob. 7, discovered the win dow' !? their mother's cell In the Wheeling Jail.. They were at the courthouse with their "father and while he was in one of the offices they climbed out of the automobile and hastened to the tower. "Throw klBses, Bob, It's mammal's window." said the little girt, as the window in the tower was raised a little, and waving their hands and shouting in glee the little onee fairly bombared the jail with tokens of af fection. ' ' ?r * Chicago, January ll. ? A dynamite bomb waa found early In the veetl jbule of the home of County Judge John E. Owens. reeeatly elected on the democratic tloiMt. It was about Mtoen Inches long* and an inch in dl Hpeter, lead covered, and its fuse ap peared to have been fired, but to hare, burned out. Judge Owens himself discovered the bomb as he waa about to leave the house for his office. It Waa be side the wall of his library. where he was accustomed to spend part Of his evenings. . "I thought first It was ?om.jBrtcrf a joke, ' said the judge today, '"then 1 when I saw that the fuse evidently had been lighted, I thought that 1 had better turn it over to the police, which I did. I can't imagine what would prompt snyoae to blqw np my houiie, and I am thinking later 'it will be found to have 5K. ?? Joke." ' When the lead casing of the bomb had been cut into by the poHee it waa seen to contain a coarse, reddish powder which hsd become wet. It waa believed by the poltte to be high power blasting powder aad the bomb was sent to the bureau of i ADVKKTISE IN THE NKW8 SHADOWS AXI> Sl NHHIKK lleWh) imrcES BKIJ IVM (Patiuu) THE WORKIXU MAN WUV THE F*KMM?? -? * ironing or pressing ... ..v mwub