? - , ? ----- 1SHED IN EASTERN NORTH CARC rarnlng Prsyermeetlng Wednesday errn ia* at 7:?0 o'clock. -< The . prsyermeetlng Wednesday will b? devoted to Mission Study. On Thursday and Friday after noons at 3 o'clock prayermee tings be .bold in the church under tbe auspices of the Ladles' Missionary Society. The doors of tbe church are, sl> Qfn wide to welcome strsn fters and visitors. rmsr mkthombt cqurth. Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor. , ^ Preaching by the pastor. Rev. R. H. Broom, at ll a. m. and 7:80 p. m. All are cordially invited. Stran gers welcome. Members are kindly urged to attend both services. Sunday school. E. R. Mlxon, su perintendent, at 8 p. m. Prayermeetlng Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. ? I Morning prayer with sermon at 11! o'clock. jj. Evening prayer and sermon at 7 p.m. Sunday 8c$ool meets at 8 o'clock, E. K. Willis. Jr., superintendent. All are cordiqly invited to be pres-j ?ent. Seats free and food music. i Robt id evening by drinks containing alcohol county, eaiu up for con today with a favorable report froa^he commit tee on .propositions add grievances idaent provfd I lag that the bill shall not Interfere | with the sale of eoda fountain drlnk?. A dose* or more senators joined in the diacusslon, which lasted nearly an hour, the different? speakers t pre* sins themselvfas la no unoertain! Bassett's motion to post-j pone action wa*1)Nt <^d Anally t bill passed Its readings aad waa aent ' to the honae tor concurrence In the] ? Bar ham's MM changing the law relative to the speed limit of au lobllee and penalty for violation so precipitated a lively discussion. It was referred to the committer i propositions aad grievances. Bills Introduced. Hawkins of Warren: Limiting lia bilities of fidelity and assuranco com panies. Judiciary. v The committee on the bin to con serve the cattle aupply of the state without prejudice, recommending that It" he referred to the committee on Judiciary, which was ddhe. The report of the committee on rales recommended that all bills re ported unfavorably by committees llo on the table unless there is a min- 1 ority report, provided they may be taken from the tgble and placed on the calendar at the request or any sendter, passed t^fcd reading On motion of Senator McDonald of Moore, 25 coplee of the report or the [committee on rules were ordered The bills requesting North Caron na,a representatives aad senators in congress to vote for New Orleans as the logical . place for holding the World's Fair, was reported favorably but 8enator Graham objected to tho word "logical" In the bill and oi fered k' substitute, which passed its three readings and was ordered en grossed and sent to the house. A lively discussion was precipitat ed by Senator Barham's bill amend LOOK OUT FOR No.l Never lose sight - of the fact that you have your own way to make In the world and that 'no one foela dis posed to help a man who does not help hlmseir. It is very pleasant to be a "good fellow" and Bpend money freely, but you will find many more people will ing to accfept your generosity than willing to help you when you need money. Don't forget yonr own Interests. Own your home. -I have four resl dences .for salo at very reasonable prices, which will yield a good rate of Interest on the. investment, also rapidly enhance in value. c- \i; k. r. noBixaox, t :<]> 14th flt. Washington. I). C. entatives Given Leave of ek-Eod-rNeW Orleans oimi Exposition r ? T ing the law relative to the speed lim it of automobiles and penalty (or vio lation, his bill providing a change In the law ao aa to leave the speed limit to be determined by boards of alder men In cities, and towns and grvln?c Justices of the peace Jurisdiction in trying violators several senators .par ticipated in the discussion, the bill I being flna^y referred to the coramit i tee on propositions and grievances The moat InUresting and wanneet 115.00 to $19.75 Suits *20.00 to $30.00 Suits 510.50 514.75 {5.00 and <$6.08 Panama Skirts - $3.48 I? Presented to R. D. W Connor For Literary , Work Aw THE MEMORIAL CUP Raleigh, J4??.'lt.~Th? North Car olina Literary and Historical Associa tion tonight elected Dr. E. K. Ora^ ham professor of English and dean of the academic faculty. University of North Carolina, as president to sUc ceed Justice Piatt D. Walker ot the Supreme Court, retired. . As vice president, Mm. Frances Tiernan (Christian Held) of Salis bury, Julius C. Martin of Ashevllls and Mtss Edith Royster of Raleigh were chosen. * Clarence H. Poe was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The Patterson msmorial cup, pre sented by Mrs. J. Lindsay PattersotTj of Winston-Salem for the best' liter ary wtrk for the year, went to Mr. R. 0. W. Connor, as author of the "Life of- Cornelius Harnett." Mr. Connor Is secr^sry of the North Carolina Historical Commis sion. The cup -was presented by Attor ney General T.. W. Btckett In a hap py ad tfs?Mi?stwsys