nerwr ios? mgni or me ra? tnat you have your own way to make In the world and that no one feel* dis posed to help a miD who does not help himself. It Is T?ry pleasant to be a "good fellow" and spend money freely, but you will find many more people will las to accept your generosity than willing to help you when you aeed Don't forget your own Interests. Own your home. I ha*e four resi dences for sale at very, reasonable prices,. -which will yield a good rate -of Interest on the investment, aiso -rapidly enhance In Valiie. ?; N. It. ROBINSON. I4?l 14th 8t. Washington. D.iC. declared that they would be" able tc ?hatter the evidence given by 4be wo man but Prosecutor Hand lan say* that he la aura of his caae and that be ?ail put Dr. J. W. My em on the stand to show that Mrs. Schenck had pnrchaaed arsenic which ahe subs? quently gave tb her husband. No eoofter had Miss Kline t*ken the witness stand and resumed h Of st Cfy than counsel for Mi*. Schenck engaged in a bitter, wrangle with Prosecutor Handlan. Attorney 8. O.. U*r?? claim** fk.t Waq going over the same ground cov ered Saturday. Q' r * j Finally the court stenographer wag compelled to read a large portion of Saturday's evidence and the prosecu tor was allowed to continue bis line of questioning. , The witness told of a quarrel which ahe and Alma Brans had with John O. Schenck In < the hospital on No-? vembsr 4. 8he said that Mr. Schenk had ordered " them both out of the room bat II lis Brans later returned to sooth the patient as It was feared that the excitement might prove fa tal to Mr; Schenck. I Asked as to various conversations with Mrs. 8oenck Mrs. Kline teatl fled: . "Mrs. Schenck told me that the doc tor had told her that Mr. Schenck was liable to drop Beadf any minute. She said that she waa going to stick 100 ? Un |?M<4acth? : ~:t~. i ' ? * * * .r,r: rUM m to tk* fZSMlUim Tke Mention of the oMMli Witt be done by the u< lUte | ?m?. of tki F.r? DMBOMt ration .Work of the Department of AfrleuP ?ore. We kope to "bring together ex tlblta from 100 ur?? whose total out ?ut was 11,000 buBhslt^ . 1-;' 1 "The boy's coAt clubs through out the South fcad wonderful success last I rear, and Dr. 8. A.' Knapp, of the De partment of Agriculture who i? direct |ly in charge of Firm Demonstration [ wort, anticipates even better results ^SfcUeving In the tremendous and wonderful resource of the South, the ISoutheru Commercial Congress is ac npeceilm?- m*V ww tfnKad* Hp! - -Jpartmeat of Agriculture in llsseminating correct information, ind is watching very carefully loftH publication of bulletins which may >e of value to 'the Southern farther,! *> that they may be brought to his attention immediately upon publica-; ? tlon . The Department . has recently) I issued two valuable bulletins. >jo. 416 "Corn and Corn Raising," and No. 416, "Seed Cora4*, whidh may be had upon application to our Washing ton office." /"Dr. Owens is now making a trip through the Southern States, visit (It-out to the eiyl and have Jturt a* ( V"*1 Urn* ?? the coqM until her hus band died. 'I am cerfln* ready for the performance when Schenek diet (and I believe I can go through with It' said she 'but "wait until afler he ! <>??.? " J It J. doubtful If there are more than Bve hundred Federal troops In that eectlon of the atate. OKmaco In talking recently with a prominent railroad man who net him In the mountaina^atatad that all ?ng each governor, regarding a atate committee of afteen hualneaa man to represent the state at the great meet ing at the Southern Commercial Con grmp to he held In Atlanta, March 8, 9 and 10. I . Governor Mann of ?tn?aL. Oor ern?r QUaacock of Weat Virginia and Governor Wilson of Kentucky are each heading auch committee*. ML OF I HOME Oxford, Jao wclil [train with Nathan Montague arrived h? Oxford %bo?t 1?:M. A large crowd l*? awaiting at th. depot. whk* ?mal?Ud moatly of, Mkn. Thm Oxford Mlltt.rj Company Wa? I'nad up and tie n?ro waa taken '*"?? ???? .urrouaded b, the I ? ? ? . ?o' Ml ji ! ; w*d to .Mar aa o?<., '? **?M.nt at tka c*ert. ,t la of tM Pda*. at riclmty that It waa w ?n Mch th.7 tar th? wm would ' ?*? W*?>* wm nr 7 'Indignant over the crime At h o'clock the grand Jurr filed tato th. court room and |... . trw hill of Indictment. Judge Goorge Ward lmxidl?-'~ ... _ ??,m mitt, mayor of Oxford ' to rwproaont the defendant when the charge was road by the aolldtor he plead nut guilty. *The selection of the Jury wad then told .Ince the revolution started the Inaurrec^o. had loot ISO men In kill ed and thoae who died rrom their wounds. lAl ?! fcT ~* *' ^ 1 ? m HWfi Seed cotton. E.tO. Lint Cotton. 14. 15?1 Cotton a^d. per ton. 12.00. J K H O Y X Washington's 1V* ^ 1 A? GreatestStore Sale Lasts all this Week Buy Your Need 5^ Wants Now Great Values all Over the Store lVn 1^1 WIN$ THE SUIT ^ ? -?- %> J. Have You Got it? to Fir* Real _____ Ab? rinnuii tfce Senate? The Act Shali be in Full Force a feet From and j\fter31at Day of May, 1911. , ? - ? . : b. .Mowed to *> m. bat th. oo?t thereof >h*n be paid br racb oOeera and In no case to be mnj ? rra>u to the county. Action 8. That all feel, commis sions. profits and emolamenta of any kind, except those hereinafter nrnrnpt ed. which la now Or may hereafter bo allowed by the general Uwi ot thin state to altftilar offlcers, shall be (Ton tinned on Third Page.)" and can be used In the house or on tho porch ? Tuesday or any other day or every day ? for any kind of household ironing or pressing work. Always ready. Heaf quickly and stay hot even on heavy wet ironing. The heat can be regulated to suit the work ? Irom laces to table cloths. The air ja'cket heat Insulation of the cover proventB-tbe beating of the hand, and the handle is always cool. (" The Electric Iron saves time, fuel, energy ? the mast economical Iron to use ? the leading labor-saving device for home workers. Is"" perfectly clean ? "floats'* dver^the work and gives the smooth or glossy finish that pleases. And It lasts a lifetime. We are offering this iron on a free trial basis. Tell the manager of the Electric Eight plant today that you wish to try the Electric Flatlron. (Hundreds of thousands have been bought this way) and . recteve our handsome, nickel-plate ed six-pound electrl^ flatlron with a "pull off'attacblng plug, 8 feet cf approved asbestos conductor cord and socket attaching plug. A ndn-heating three-deck stand Is sent free with each iron.., y gj Washington Electric Plant. uOING-ON NOW LEWIS CO M P A N Y eo-Htad brxMr. A. C, Weklon ?* <M* (Mf. ? It's CnlQUc. We were shown br *#. A. 0. vWl a "*?? ?Mt unique and tr?p1il, ?rt of the Bible ?r M. own com Said numbers being made teatatlvei thereto. . % - | The .whole present* .a complete PM*amo of the achene of u^lri^i^k In an astonishing condeaaity. ,, : ? i f-r ? ? V? b. C. BuatwM Meeting. ? ?y the Car'r*7~i!3$, Pamlico Chapter, are requested to meet at the residence of Mlau Lena Windley Thursday afternoon at fpur o'clock Boelneu of lmpoi*tyK?. All thoee who .have not paid their does are urged to ?end them, at this time that (he work of the chapter may not be hindered by lack of funds Remember January l ft. General Lee's Birthday. ADVKKTISK IN THK SKWS . : SKXOjB I>ItLO STORK Hr. .NJaholm Bogart who hu bee* In -the drug bualneaa In the Busman block, on Marl4ptttreet tor the put "'"?I run Qajeatcrdar Mid hb business to Mr. July Dudley who will condilct limt at the preeeat stand. Mr. Dud Vff aa r?t haa made no plana a^..?o the .Tuture or the bnalneoa. arromat of Thurada? being a Itgal hoHdar. General Rot I. Loe'a birthday, the different banka of the will be cloned on th*t day. The for Coaoratolatioa. Mr. W. J. Hardlaon of this city la celebrating hi* 48th birthday and been married' tor 28 jear. Re baa three daughter* married and he i? the proud* grandfather o( night bright and Interesting little ?1rl? and one boy. Thla la a record to b? proud of and Mr Harditon la receiving the. con gratulations of bla many friends In : the city and throughout the county Ft*0? Brother Better. ' Mr. C. Jones of Robersonrllle la In the city to *ee hla brother Mr. W. A. Jones, who la at present confined In the Wtiahlncrton Hospital. The Dally News is glad to know he flnda hU brother much better. i ,

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