?ambled do raapecttuiiy submit ma petltloa: That the Democrats of Beaufort county, in coaranUon regularly ?? sent bled. adopted the following rea olatloa: "Be they (oar rabresentatlveai al ao Inatnicted t& empower the bodrd ?f couaty eommjaalonere to employ ma auditor. preecrUta his duties and fix the com penaatlon (or hla aarrl caa." That we are informed that aa af tort La being made to create the per manent oBce of auditor lor tha coun ty, by the lesialatare. with the du t lee' and compgnaatlon prescribed by lb. legislature. . That II was not tha aaoae of the -gatHmmanlHia l>" i.iM?iWta nent omen ?Ktmld be created In Beau fort County, but that the books or the* county should be audited at regu lar Intervals, and that for thfjs pur pose the county commissioners should hare authority to employ an auditor, to prescribe his duties, and to acres upon and fix the compen sation for bis serriee. That it wss not contemplated, by such resolution that a new ofllcer should be appointed by .the legisla ture, and to transfer to him certain duties new req?lred> of .the register or deeds In sddltlon to the work of auditing the books; and that' such action Is not warranted by the ac LOCK OUT FOR No. 1 Nerar loaa eight of the fact that yon hare your own way to make in the world and that no one f^eta dla poaed to halp a man who does not help htmaelf. It la Tary pleaaant to be a "good fellow" and spend money freely, hut you will and many mora people Willi In* to accept your generosity than willing to help yon when yoa need moaay. Don't forget your own lutereets. Own your home. I hare tour r*al dencea for *le at Terr reaaanabla prices, which will yield a good rate of Interest on th^ Inreatment. alao rapidly enhance In ralua. ; 1411 Mtt St" ^IwSSjion. d. C. -a J proton agalnat the creation of til. additional offlce to be pa|d for out of th. tin of th. people wltb out ant submitting th. mattM- to * ?ot. of the people. And wo do turber nquat that the bill lor Us rreatlSb of the offloe of aodttor for 8an Francisco Chronicle. , "M.morle. of Cr?W?* * waa tn this city about four years igd tsrvzxsxi all-round verdict being that -he is ?tester -and more in tar sating than betore." -S-.v-i ? Oregon Dally Journal. Portland "Oreatore conducted In a manner that was unique, unconventional. Seattle Dally Times: "It was. one* of the finest examples of ensemble melody that Seattle has eTer heard and the audiencc almost dreamed as the churchly rythm and magnificent solemnity were so unsur passlngly brought out .by Creatore." Daily News Advertiser, Vancou ver : "He is Oreatore, and ire never hare and- probably never shall, hear hi* like again in Vancouoer." Oreatore will perform at the Public school auditorium on Tuesday night, January 24. Mr. N. L. Simmons Is to be the Orator Tonight at School 'Anditorium On account <ot important business detaining him at Elisabeth City Hon H.^6. Ward will not be able to deliv er the address this evening at the school , auditorium on General Robt. B. Lea. A telegram was received from Mr. Ward this nufrnlng to thia effect. Mr. Norwood L. Slmmona has kindly con sented to take Mr. Ward's place. While regret is catholic Mr. Ward cannot be -here stlir the eiitlre city itjolces that Mr. Bimmona is to be thajpeakar ofjhe evening. SALE r and Summer Suitings Shown by the Coring Co., at our Store. r?n Safe the defense when she hurried Into the fcrartroom. She engaged In & ten minutss conference with her attor neys and area cheerfukover the day's outlook, i Dr. J. Edward Bums, an expert diagnostician, who answered a l.GOO *ard hypothetical question yesterday by declaring under oath that Scbenck had been poisoned, was the first wit ness called to the aUnd. gHls cross-examination was Itnme alttely commenced by counsel for s^henrk and the testimony ad Attorney J. J. P. O'^Hon of coun sel "tor the defense, conducted the cross-exam inatlonJand his knowledge, of medical terms gWrmedlcifte' its'eU amaxed those In the court room. He propounded the most* technical ques tions, following these up with' de tailed explanations. Mrs. Schenck, a1 little pale, listen ed alertly and looked approvingly toward her lawyer, as he went deep er Into the medical .questioning. Mr. Handlan again took the wit ness, asking: "Did 'John O. Schenck ever have an Incurable disease?" 1 "Not that I could see," replied the' witness. The witness said that the amount, oT arsenic taken by Schenck In med icines was not aufflcient to produce the effect marked upon him. Dr. Gregory Ackerman was .then recalled to the stand. "In your opinion was the blue line on 8chenck*a giims caused by lead poison in the system?" Dr. Ackerman was asked. "Yes." '""Ttfhy did you Instruct Mr. Schenck to takq^prflB only at the hospital and/none at his home?" "I reasoned that lead poison could only coine from his home." Dr. Ackerman declared he was in favor of 8chenek*s removal to a hos pital because bis instructions as to his treaynent were not being carried out at home. , The witness then told upon cross examination, as to forming the coa "F^je undoubtedly htyk decreed,* * he ?aide "that Mr. Bryan shall not be nominated a fourth tUp m s^d that he shall nevfe be elected President of Me .United States." ' pr " f Mr. RW *nlrned hii hearers, how erer. that If they were seeking har momw which might brtnjr about future democratic success they mutt not con tlnue a policy which oaltted Mr'. Bryan from consideration aa a lead er in the party connells. Mr. Bell declared that the affeetiofe of mil lions of the America# p*b Die B(ili were centered on Bryan, and* that hip ?Jews must be given thft*n** aeriour consideration. Previous to his to Ml Bryan Mr. Bf 11 had ^Ica^ior and the far west has implicit confi dence. He did not go m far as to name Mr. Clark for ths*prealdency, but by inference his mining was clear and there are m aSy political watchers in Washington/Who regard the incident of last.niRttf aa the lin ing up of the Bryan element against Governor Harmon/ Wooflrow Wilson or adjr- of the others who have been mentioned for the Democratic leader ship. clusion that Schenrk waa suffering frcm poison and informed Dr. F. L. Hupp of hia suspicions He 'denied that there was any indication of Seh^nck being an arsenic eater. dfcttOD Market 8eed cotton, 5.60. Unt Cotton. 14.15. Cottdf seed, per ton, 32 HOLTOX 18 AGAIN ? DISTRICT ATTORNEY. 'Washington, Jan. 18. ? President Taft today nominated Alfrsd B. Hol ton. United Statea attorney for the western district of North Carolina; John Duncan to be Unttfd 8tates marshal 1 district of South Carolina ind Edwin P. Morrow United 8tates attorney for eastern district of Ken tucky. Still Very Ilk Rev. J. B. Biistoe a retired min ister of the M. B. Chureh still lies critically ill at fcls ho*t on West; Iiwvwt. II1IU uuivum Many Local Bills Have| <in Both Houses mm, kmhsI yf- ? Vwl Mature of ed Back to Make Bomb for Other BUIa ? To Kalas the Acs Umlt for Worktas the PBbtk RN*-JMl KrlUiy of Wv^et Prom U. D. C. of Mount OHre, for are-proof uuild Tnc and hone for OoarederMe w1? lowe y McNeill of Mixfre: From. ex-Con federatea of Howe county In re?*rd. t*.?eulon, MePfcaul of Robeeon: From U. D. C. 1 Bobtooo county for flre-proor building tor state records. * lienor ta at The following bIHs were reported farorabl y, except ,tm noted: ? To make owners of dqoi liable ten damage* ? ( with amendments. ) To regulate salaries of judges of superior coert. (Minority report offer ed by Mr. Wooten. Concerning notaries wbo are o Ai rs of banks. To protect members of labor org-n (aatlons. ~ To amend drainage laws. Bills Reported by flpeskrr. To establish tax districta in Beau fort county. New Bills and Resolutions Horne of Jobnipn: To appoint a state building commission and pro vide for new building. Woodson of 8helby; To fix salar*; of commissioners of labor an^l print ing. Weatherspoon of Scotland: To per mit. executors to resign their truat. Carr qf Durhaaap To allow spe business of fire Insurance in anti trust law. Slkes Of Union: To allow ball for fugitives also relating to advertise ? ment of sales under mortgage. Dougfrton of Alleghany: State fisheries bill providing for erection of state fish commission (accompany led by report of committee appoint ed at last session.) The Senate. There was an Interesting debate over the bill relating to private sales of property by executors. It being finally recommitted to the commit tee on Judiciary. The bill relative, to escapes was also recommitted to the judicial^ committee'. ?v A petition was received from mem bers of Rock Springs Baptist church and Bynum Methodist church, Cbat* ham county, against sale of near beer and intoxicating liquors by clubs. Bills introduced. Hobgood of Guilford: Relative to the salary of the adjutant general. " Bills Ball fled. Establishing division line of school districts in Richland townahlp, Beau fort county. Bills were received as follows from the house and referred tq commit tee?!: Preventing disorderly conduct on public roads. Authorising the commissioners of the town of Washington to pay In debtedness. Joint resolution thanking Govern or Pothler of Rhode Island, for his < HOYT WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE Saturday's Special~250 Pr. Ladies Kid Glrives Pf8wU,^oSl00' !l 50' Values ? ? SATyRDAY I.AST SALE DAT J.K.HO Y T, Washington's Greatest. Store . . - .Tlx* Nell Litchfield Trto was the ittraction at itte fuwic ""School au lltorlum last night, be lag one of the number* in the Lyceum Couree. The entertainment was fair, espe cially the latter part, In which Mr. Litchfield wasj the center of attrac tion. He kept: the audience lh laugh ter the whole time he was on the Stage In the rural playlet "Down at Brook Jfarm." He not only played the old. farmer to life hut the inno cent country boy as well. He is an Impersonator of merit and those present appreciated hia efforts. Mrs. Litchfield In imitating the church or gan on the violin was one of the fea ture. The show was much enjoyed. dr. ccaonxomN DKAI?T The Presiding EMer ot t tee District ? flearwrt Is Beawfort County UniXsrssl regret Is expressed erer the n^ws of the death of Km W. L. Cunningham* presiding sld*r of the Raleigh district that occurred at the district parsonage in the city or Ralelgk yesterday. He had Mill bean 111 for a week with, pitaaamla.. Hot only did the news of his ueath come as a shock to the people of Bhletgh but his death will be deplored ! throughourheaufort county where he was res red. f At ^ie last session of the M. E. conference at Eltabeth City Dr. Cun-1 nlngham was made presiding elder of the Raleigh district. For yearsj he has been secretary of the confer ence. He was >the son at , the late | Mr. Hefiry Cunningham an^l a native of Green county. When quite aj small boy his father mored 'tf> Aurora where Efc. Cunningham wis reared. | The dewsed' whs 55 years of age ,ind was a graduate of the State Unl- 1 verslty. taking his ministerial course at VatrderbUt University. . , ***** Ihls afternoon conducted hy Bleho; J. C. Kllgo assisted by Rev. Dr.' H. M. North and Rkv. J. N. Cole. . In the "death of Dr. Cunningham j the Methodist church loses one of its j strongest and moat popular preach- j action In the North Carolina bond mstter. Requiring butchers to . keep reci ords. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS The celebration of Q?n*r?l^ H. Lee's birthday, January to be celebfetad la a moat flttl under the auspices of the Dat of the Confederacy ' at the School auditorium tits evening evercises are to he promptly a o'clock to which everyone In i has a cordial invitation. Tlw feela confident that all who will apt regret it. The orator ?renins la to VlmmonR. ^As ? i ynnw among the first In tie state and near er fails to attract and interest hfea hearers. A rich treat awaits all who Ittr him tonight on tfc* i Chieftain. The followla* 1 T haa bees arranged: Prayer, 'Iter. It H. Broom. Hys Choir. ^ Quartette , . , ? Solo. 'Hock of Am*." Uim Orno ly. Duet. "Lead Kindly Light" Ml? a Thomas and 8 haw. Introduction of Spaaker by Mr. John H. Bonner. Address ? Mr. N. U Simmons. Quartette^ "Beautiful Isle of Boeae wher>k" Shaw, Potts, L. and E. Stew ?rt . Hymn "Nearer My Ood to Thee" j Choir. . Solo ? Mlaa Wright. ; y Carolina ? Choir and * chlldretf^of Confederacy. Benediction ? Rev. Nathaniel Hard , - The exercisea will be announced by Rev. \V. H. Call. WW Remember the oyster supper glvar. in the Blount building this evening for the benefit of the Volunteer Hose Company. The boys are endeavoring Jo pay for their horse recently pur chased and thia paper hopes that tie supper will be generooaly patronis ed tonight and alao tOtnorrow night. The company never faila to respond to the call of duty and our people should rally to thair aid and help in aecurlng a first class apparatus? they so much deserve. The Electric Iron Lasts a Life Time and can be used in the house or on the porch ? Tuesday or any other day or every day ? for any kind of household ironing or pressing work. Always ready. Heat quickly and stay hot even on heavy wet ironing. The heat can be regulated to suit the work ? from lace* to table cloths. The alt jacket heat Insulation of the corer"prevenu the heating of the hand* and the handle is always cooL The Electric Iron saves time, fuel, energy ? the moat economical Iron to use ? the leading labor-earing device for home worker*. Is perfectly clean ? * floats" over the work and gives the smooth or glossy finish that pleases. And It lasts a lifetime. We are offering this iron on a free trial basis. Tell the manager of the- B^ctrlc Light plant today that you wish to try the Electric Flatlron. (Hundreds of thousands have been bought this way) an* recicve our handsome, nlckel-plateed six-pound electric flatlron with a "pull off"attachlng plug, 8 feet of approved a6bestoe conductor cord and socket atta^Mng plug. A-fton-heating three-deck stand la sent free with each iron. L: Washington Electric Plant. LOOKIKQ FOR AM18KMENT? The b?flt place to npeid the odd hour In the mniag U UP-TO-DATE MOVIG PICTURE SHOW films, you'll fliMi eyery moment spent here one of pleasure and enjoyment JTHE IllNAWAY MOTOR CAR? < Comedy. ) THK TOIJCE KotlCK OK NEW YORK CITV? <I>e*-rtp<lve) . MAX GOKS SKI.(\<; (IXuwrfj.) TUB RBKTE OF *W,LV KIVXEV (Dramatic.) Th<- Bm Bill of the Vnr llon-t M|_ MORE DAYS OF

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