:DAY AFTERNOON. JANUARY 20. 1911, PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH C Nationa; W. C. T, Makes Reply StOJlUpoiBt Imw i? the Best ? * : -AIo#,t Efficient haw i:% for efal Ion, tattf ony mce the fflc. ftltader do, spending j defeat and complete prohibits. PBsH ^^?^?anaKLK . ? gecticn cf or ladles' Homo Journal, tho Case In MX**, I bet it doss aot . T^K'rttly rep '? tha to men's by jHoIraan Da> aa reported' Ixwtb Is ur [ticJe concerning the situation are toi in keeping with the fa^ct* It Is u\ true today nor has it been trjie in 50 years that "every hotel' in Meo !jle know thai Maine ia one of ttto 1/eBtr and mott prosperous atatcB In all /the Union. _ ^ ( Signed) i'.-fy' V: 'ULMAtf M- I*. OTEVEttS. ? '.??'.'KvV "VM- '? ? J Jap. Anarchist* 8e*teocc the Last Day fc TA? Al^ A?K* Q^" ^ Iwo ' SALB? WE OA* ftl* YOU TUB MOST ATTRACT WE PfUCBB ON ALL ORADFS OP MBRCHAN DIHK BVBR OFPERKI) YOU CANNOT AFFORD Tb LBT THIS OPPORTUNITY PAfcM. TO BUY GOOIW4 AT PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN PRICKH. HRIIK WB MKNTION A FEW OP OUR MANY BPBCtAlfl: ??U and SpefcAT 0a ITNbRRWI fttt Ribbed Saturday Underwear, worth S60. ?i?l Ladles' fine Rtbbed Underwear, medium or heavy weight. sold tor BOc the garment. Special *taturday . ..;3 ? Rmtnrdar . . ... ....... asc liADIKH' UNION surra . Ton cannot boy this number for leee than 15c elsewhere. Spe cial for Baturday . 17c Ladlea Extra site VeeU and Pant*. worth SSe eaeh. Spe cial (or Saturday Sic Mualln Coraet Co verm, aold for 10c each. Special Saturday SSc TABLE UN EN ? Mercerised Table Linen Beauti ful Satin Stripe Patterns Sold for 6?c yard. -Special Saturday 47 1-lc All Linen Satin Damaek, Carna tion Pattern. Sold for gge. Special Saturday ?c Brown Coftons. Bold for 7c ahd ?c. Speelal Saturday. .8 3-tc Light Calicoes. all good pat tern*. Sold for 7c. 8seclal Saturday ...... .8 |.?c One Lot of Val Lace, worth up to ISe per yard. Special Sat "rd*y salary .o! $3,250,' Ibcr. on December SI -^he state audi^> la to fsmtp war rants for t^D remainder. On the ctfcpr hand If extra^tlme is made by any. Judge" tie %can 'earn additional condensation to th* amount if#*1 000 forthls annual compensation. It was declared that ^here Is general complaint that Judges In some In stance* hurry through their work and cause congested dockets ? an evil It is said of North Carolina's routing! system. A point msde against the bill was thst it would be considered disrespectful to the judges and this brought from Representative Johnson of Bertie the retort that there is no reason why this safeguard for exped iting the business of courts should not be provided; that judges are hu-| man beings like other men and t^e representatives of {he people have the right to take precautions deemed necessary. The members of the co n-| ut of * dozen or more present voted against the bill. JudielarV committee No. 2 of the ban*ft trtfffjWrfrtnfkfortDTy'bn (ha Quickel bill for allowing divorce on account of ten years insanity. Alo the bill by Qreen of HaUfsx to alio"? notaries public and mayors of towns to perform msrrlage ceremonies. It seems that Rev. R. N. Stainback. of Halifaxf who was elected to the liouse Ad died, performed a great jsinany marriages and lie leaves a son1 who is a notary public and the bill was to enable him to succeed to the business of his father. An appeal that the bill pass with application to' Halifax county only wjls denied by the legislators. ' Card of Thanks. The Daughters of the Confederacy desire to return thanks to all who aided them in the celebration of Gen eral Robert E. Lee's blrthdv last evening at the school autltorium. Es pecially do they desire to thank Mr. ' Edward L. 8tewart for his fine, ad dress; Miss Lillian Bohtoer for get ting up the music; Prof. Newbold for the use of the school auditorium, to the singers/Rev. w. H. Call, and all who took - pert Daughters of (he Confederacy. Bishop Faroe Die*. Baltimore, January 18. ? Rt. Rev. William Paret, sixth bishop of the Postestant Episcopal dlsocese of Maryland,- died today at his residence In this city of pneumonia, by which he was attacked January 8th. He was a native of New York City where he was born September 18, 1826. Mrs. Schcnck is Seriously III. Collapse Feared - CASE Of IHE DEFENSE l!y Orilor *>r Her Iftfstfltan* Mm. Kcliem-k Was Not Allowed to Have 0 Conference With Lawyer ? Look ed Pale Anrt'Wkim When Slie Came 1 at o -Court. s, WhoclliiR. W, Va., Jan. 19. . ? When Mr#. Laura Karnrwo. ?.!? Betook 'entered the court room thla morning she had recovered from the iud! iATK MOVIG IICTt'RE SHOW Enjoy VonrMlr ? 0*1] toalgh *111 and the bm bill ever off, n^nlng at thl> l-KTCRa: TUB MAKINO A MAN OF HIM (i T h,'kkewa'" and can be used in the houae or on the-porch ? Tuesday or any other day or every day ? for any kind of household ironing or ^pressing work. Always ready. ? Heat quickly and stay hot even on heavy wet ironing. The heat can be regulated to suit the work ? from laree to table cloths. The air Jacket heat insulation of the cover prevents the heating of'the hand, and the handle is always cool. ' /'-? The Electric Iron saves time, fuel, energy ? the jnoet economical iron to use ? the leading labor-saving device for home workers. 'It1 perfectly clean ? "floats" over the work and gives the smttojgi or it DieaiML And It lout? ? li#?.n ? - glossy finish thai pieases. And it lasts a lifetime. We are offering this'tron on a free, trial basis. Tell -the a of the Electric Light plant today that you wish to try the tiwvmw , Flat iron. (Hundreds of thousands have been bought this way) and recleve our handsome, njckel-plateed six-pound electric flatiron with ; a "pull offattachlng' plug, 8 feet of approved asbestos conductor cord and socket attaching plug. A non-heating fhree-deck stand Is ; sent free with each Iron. " - ? rrr? ? LAST DAV