PUBLISHED FN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ? ? A. MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 331 911. LOOfl l act to Court In the City, of Waahlngton, Mil la Washington Township, Ian* Acre Township and Chbcowlnlty TownAlp in Boaufort County, and to proscribe the Jurisdiction thereof." Tho"l.^"r?*c7mbl7 " NOtth C"* Section 1. A special court lor the /trial ol petty misdemeanors commit ted In the city of1 Washington, Wasli ing ton Township. Loot Acre.Town : ship and Chocowtnly- Township. In Beaufort Connty: and to he desls nated as the "Recorders' Court ; l? hereby created and established. Section 8. Said -court shall be a court of record, aad 1% shall be pre sided orer by a recorder, who shall be a . Qualified roter of the territory above described and a regular prao tlclag attorney therein, and in his abeence or sickness, by a eubetltute recorder who ehall possess the quall fl cations of a recorder. Section ?. Bald recorder and sub stitute recorder shall be each elected by the qualified rotors of the terri tory above- described at the first gen eral election followfa* the ratification of this act In the use manner aad at the same time as the members of the General Assembly. The term of office of the recorder snd snbatltuU, recerA - v, lyielo provld^ST eSali be two years. Ontu said election la held, the board of commissioners of Beaufort county st their first meeting alter the ratification of thle act ehall elect to serve, until ?sld general elec tion. a recorder and substitute record er and a clerk for said court. Said recorder and substitute recorder, here In provided for, shall, before entering upon the dlschargs of his duties, take snd subscribe the oath required of Judges of the superior oourta before the clerk ol the superior court of Beaufort county or some other per son qualified to administer oath?. which said oath shall be recorded by the clerk. Section 4. The court shall hold dally sessions, (Sundays excepted), at the Court house In Beaufort coun ty, except when the superior court of ?aid county shall be la session, dur lag which time the sessions of said recorders court shall be held st such nlsse as shall be directed by the board of commissioners of Beaufort <*>unty. The first session of said Recorders' Court shall be held on the tlrsuUonday morning after the rati ficatlon of this act atid the election of -the recorders by the board of county -commissioners of Beaufort county. The secretary of the state la directed, upon the ratification of thla set, to transmit a oertlfied copy thereof to the board ot commission ers of Beaufort county. Section 5. Ssld court shall hav? a ssal with the Impression "Recorders' Cqnrt, Beaufort County," which seal LOOK OUT FpR No. 1 Never ioM light of thK^l tact that you hare your own way' VMItke in tbe world and that no on? feels dis posed to help a man who does not ' help hlmeelt. ? It la very pleasant to be a "food low" and ?pend money freely,?bnt ? will find? many mora people- will ing to acoept yoar generosity than witling ft) help you when you aeed money. "" ? Don't forget )W'own Interests Own your home. I hire four real dances for aale at rery raaaonable prices, which will yield a good rata i to Place Recorder > Employ Prosecut Chocowinhy and i Included. %, ? .wv; ?hall b? und Inffctteatatlcn cf writ*, warrants or other procoedlnfi, acta or judgments of said ^oort, ^whenev er required, and In the tame manner and to the same effect as tho set! of other courts of record in the stats of North Carolina. , Section 6, The said -clerk her^ta provided for shall before entering upon the discharge of his duties take a?d subscribe the oaths required of clerks of superibr court, before the clerk of the superior court of Beau fort county, mx some other person qualified to administer oaths "wWah "clerk of the superior^court of Bean fort county. He nhall also give s bond hi the sum of three hundred dollars with good and sufficient aure tyS^be approved by the board 16 of coudty commissioners of Bsflifurt county, conditioned for the trae and faithful performance of the duties of said office. Me shiH receive for bis In section eight of this act Section 7, The Jurisdiction of said court shall be as follows: (a) Said court shall have final, exclusive, orig inal Jurisdiction of *}1 criminal of fencee*?mmitted wlUiln the limit, of the territory descrlb^fl^in this act< which are now wlthlj the , Jurisdir Uon of the justieee 0? the peace, or which may hereafter be within the Jurisdiction of the Justices or' the (b) Said court, in addition to the Jurisdiction conferred. In subeection (a) of this section, shall have final, exclusive, original Jurisdiction of the following criminal offences, to-wlt: Carrying concealed weapons, gaming; gambling; keeping gambling tables and houses; keeping bawdy houses and dlsoityrly houses; the larceny of J and the receiving of stolen iV?ods, knowing them to be stole nowhere the property stolen does not exceed $50 in value; for failure to list taxes; as sault and battery with a deadly weap on, or when serious -damage Is .done; fornication and adultery; abandorf ment; failure to provide adequate sap port;* cruelty to animals; malicious Injury to real or personal property, trespassing on land after forbidden; forcible trespass \ enticing servants to elave matters indecent exposure of person; retailing spirituous liq uors without licenser selling or giv Irvg away spirituous liquors to. a min or; obtaining advances by a false pretense; disposing of mortgaged property; maintaining. nuisances; all h??uh as con tained In the revlsa!T*C 1905, from section 3440 to 3468 lgft^sive; all misdemeanors ad, contal cEsp ter 81 of the revlsalof 1905 or any act amendatory thereof, where the punishment does not exceed a fine of two hundred dollars and imprison ment for one year and all crimes which at common law are misdemean ors wherein the punishment Is in the discretion of the court; add all such crimes hereinbefore enumerated are hereby declared- by this act* to be pet ty misdemeanors and the pnlshment thereof shall be as now prescribed by law. ' i (c) In any other criminal matter, wherein -said court has not-finsl Jur isdiction, it shall have power and it Ik heitby fully authorised to hear and bind over to the proper court any person charged with any crime com mitted within the territory aedrrlb-, e.i in this act whereof -the preHmln-i ary investigation Is now conferred on! WILL APPEAR IN SCMOL His Bafld is Composed PRIIIM JAN. 24 fifl>-Two Pieces SPEAKS WELL DF THECONVEIIIIOII Mayor C. H. 8tertlng and City At torney H. C. Carter, Jr.. are back! from Raleigh where they attended the state municipal convention laatl week. The mayor speaks In the high eat terms of fhls visit and is moat en thusiastic over the? work accomplish-, ed by the convention. The conven tion was held In tho chamber of commerce roams of the capital city and between fifty and sixty mayors and other representative* of the lead ing towns of North Carolina were) present. The mayor of the town of High Point Is the president of the| organization. He and all the old of ficersh were honored with a re-elec Ition. A legislative committee watsj appointed to draft a bjll to be sub mitted to the present general assem bly in regard to municipal affairs and' extending the jurisdiction of the may ors an A dther Sltv officials In municl pai matters. " Another bill was also authorized giving the c'.lles power to tax corpor-| (rations doing business within their respective corporate limits. Under |the machinery act of 1*03 the cities could not tax these corporations. The proposed bill does away with thl* law. Mayor Sterling In talking to a News m?n this morning statod that he was heartily In favor of a com mission form of government. He says wherever, this has been*(trled it has worked most satisfactorily. Thisj scheme appoints a# mayor and four aldermen for a town. ^Idermen are not selected from the i<espectlve wards, but are nsmed from the en tire city. A bill is 10 be Introduced in the presenf legislature looking ?h wards-.this end. * ':jk ? ? . NO FOUIfDIlTlON FOB STATEMENT ** ' Corrects^ He port. Mr. Kdltor: Kindly permit Ae to ?rr?,. through ' Jdur poluthns,' the report belni circulated that I hayfl prepared and sent to the legislature a bill to establish a reorder'. court i far Washington. SECURE YOUR BEATS NOWi Creator? is the attraotlon ai the' public school auditorium tomorrow | night. Hi* band of 52 places bids fair to be the ltfadlng attraction c)i the boards here this Beason. This great band director stands uniqae ? alone. Those in search of a new sensation may well' be recommended, not only to hear Creatore's b^nd. but to see how he conducts it. He is most de cidedly a nhw,. experience and one well worth -Undergoing, He does not simply flay or^Jirect or conduct com position^ ? be feels, he lives them. He Is known throughout America and Europe. HI* tour of the Southern cities is being met with the greatest demonstration and wherever he has gone the people have simple gone wild. In Richmond last week he sim ply .took the city by stdj*m judging by .the press notices reproduced In the nallv N?wb from the leading Richmond papere. Washington is foi4 tunate in securing this great artist for tomorrow evening. * Seats aer now going fast and all those desiring to hear this attraction had better secure fielr seats at once. Reserced scats are%f. Oener il aamts slon T&c. Parties residing out of the city acn have their sea^a checked off by phone r "THP71 dy's drug at^f#. The /Dally News learfcs that quite a number will hear Creators from Greenville, Aurora, Vandemere. Belhaven and other plac es. Tt win be tbe opportunity of one's lifetime. Go your neat* at once. mltted to the people. Copies of my fetters' are at my of fice where any Interested person may see them, r had hoped my position on mat ters of this nature was tew well known to require expression. I am unalter ably opposed to leaving the creation of office* and selectlbn at officers1 for iBeaufcrt county to any few men or set of men. On the contrary I hold that the greatest publicity should be vlven ,in advance of legislation .JM* ,"osed' for the county and eitjr., aod | that these questions r'muld be left to t^?? vote rt Who mns* r the expen njp ? - DEFENSEJEHTIIiG 1 he lawyers Are at Out? Again in Scbenck Case TRIAL DRAWS CROWDS Am Effort to Kttubllah I nni> Agaln?t Arruwd M th? TrlifiS^p] > Rid Family of Accused itleffrd to Hare Jlcou Plan of Hchenrk Fam ily. Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. ' 81. ? Tblt was a; day of Importance In the trial of I^aurn, Fame worth Schenck. charg ed with poisoning, her "husband, John O. Schenck. The* defense completed Its case at 3:30 this afternoon, >and Mr*. Schenck is attorneys played their strangest card In ^he effort- {o estab llsh the allegation that a conspiracy] had been formed by .member* of the Scheaclr family to set rid of John O. henck's wife. This came whan Mrs. Jano Hedges one of* the ielrs of the forge ?Klchoils estate, whlcb Albert Schenck headed a syndicate to buyr testified that John's brother had said to her: "John has bought his wife a $6. 0?0 automobile. Be very time she goes but In ft I have hopes that she will break her neck. 1 will leave no stone unturned to rid us of that woman." Thto most gruelling cro*r-exam (na tion to which Mr. Handlan has "* yet subjectd any witness, failed to chang* the testimony of Mrs. Hedges. The nlfcht session which adjourned at ^:06, was marked . by ' sharp argU ***** ^(?^"t*"yroteryTo> Handlan and O'Brien and Boyce. on the other.' i During the late afternoon and ev ening Preeocutor Handland put on 29 witnesses to prove the standing In the 'community of Dr. J. W. Myers, who said that he had -sold Mrs. dchenck sugar of lead and that ihe had triad to boy arsenic from him. Dr. S. L. Jepson editor of the West Virginia Medical Journal, who exam ined the millionaire packer for the! defense, was called. At that time be; found nothing to indicate poisoning, but when cross-examined admitted that't|)e symptoms described by phy slcans for the state and embodied In the hypothetical question, wduld in-' dlcate both lead and arsenic poison ing. Mr. Holden l>cml. ? Mr. H. L. Holden dfed at the resi dence of Mr. James Hodges at Old Ford Saturday night. H? *"as a young man about SO year* of age and held tn the highest esteem by all who knew him. The remains were shipped to H'.Usboro his ol&\ home yesterday afternoon. They j?4re ac companied by Mr. William/' Stanclll of the Odd Fellows and Mr. Heber Wlnfleld of the Red Men, both of whtrh organizations the defeased was a member. Card of Thanks. We desire sincerely to thank our good friends and neighbors for sym pathies and kindnesses in time of Revi J. E. Brlstowe's last illness, and ln| our grest bereavement. May our Father's ricb**t blessing ever be up oft them ail? )*#Sfs$A't>IE O. BRI8T0#E. m LBONA B. HUDNELL. Another Shipment of Jan. 'Edison and Victor - RECORDS , Just Received. Machines Sold. jin Easy Payments. RUSS broso; ^W*?h*PSt9n'?L Greatest Stofe n IS flUBY TO FIGHT Hayti-San Domingo Dis pute Causes Unrest HtfllPUETO FI6HT Feared li the 1 ood Office* of Are now IkinK j Port au Prince. Haiti, Jan."?!., ? ] Order^fcr the mobilisation pf tbej troops^n the Department of the Ncrtfc'fcave been luaued. Meantime j ^olrfieTs 'pure hurrying to the Domini can frontier. The feallng i? much wrought up. /eellng tbat^Hatti will be compelled to, ftght out Its boundary dispute with Santo Domingo. It is reported here that the Domlr.- i icans are much vexed at the attitude I of the Haltien government .and that the Dominican geberals on the retir- 1 ed . list have rWelyed notice to' pre* ?ent themselves fdr military duty. The French' and German minister^ sre still working energetically with the possibility of bringing about a peaceful solution of the difficulty . ' The Haltien government. It is said, is disposed to submit the dispute to, arbitration. Washington. Jan. 1 1 .? Tba good offlcfe ef, the United States govern ment are being sought bj President Simon, of Ha|U^ to .prgfeai xsr be tween that Republic and flanto Do mingo. according to a telegram from ( Henry W. Furnlss. America* minister to Haiti. ? ? % Haiti has offered to submit the ter ritorial question to arbitration im-j mediately, add Mr. Furnlss, prov Id-' ed both governments will withdraw their troops from the frontier and thst Santo Domingo suspend all con struction work on the highway which is being built over the territory In dispute and which Is the lmmedlat. cause of the controversy. The situation is very grave says Mr. Furniss in the telegram to the state department. Mr*. Woo lard I>ead. News reaches this city of the death pf Mrs. Ottls Woolard at her home In Bunyan last Saturday night. She{ was 23 years or age and k woman' held in the highest esteem in her crnimunity. The cause of her demise was typhoid fever. 8he leaves a hus band and tsjo bright and Interesting children. The funeral wil take plare today. ? / 1 ? Cotton Market Seed cotton, 5.60. 1**1 nt Cotton, 14.25. Cotton seed, per ton, 32. 00.1 Homes ami Males. TheJWashlngton Horse Exchange Is expected to receive a carload of horses and mules tomorrow form the western markets. Chestnuts. "How do you tell bad eggs?" ffaQ led the young housewife. "I never told any." replied th?? fresh grocery cfferk, "but If I ahd any thing to tell a bad egg I'd break It \ gently." ? Royal Magazine. ? MIm Mitchell III. The many friends of Mlas Jennie ft .Mitchell will regret to learn of 1 illr.esF. She Is one of the pop 'Herns :k A! r. J. k. H6JTS. ? Why do the newspapers |n Mormoay Vtah never print Jokes about moth ers-in-law? _ 3 'Tbomaa st?nl?jr, colored, died at .! Hie Washington Hcnpltml 8un4(?' mouiin* at thro* o'clock >? the re xuit of an accident, at the Eureka Mill Saturday afternoon. Stanley was in charge of one qf the saw* and in s6me way his right arm became en tangled in same causing him to re reive a cut from~whlch be did not recover. He was carried at once to the hosWel where prompt medi cal attention was rendered. He was about 33 years old and unmarried? Stanley was an employe of the mill and was looked upon as a good man. His untimely .end is to be regretted. The cause of bis death was due no doubt to Lemmorrhage and fright. W il llama-Gardner . Willlamston, Tan. 20. ? A ver V pretty marriage was celebrated yes terday afternoon at four o'clock, ? when Mist. Birtle Gardner became the bride of Dr. Williams, of Everett. The Rev. J. W. Belk. Presbyterian minister from Wilson, read the ser vice. Miss Delia Lanier played the wed ding music, and Mr. Harry Biggs sang^ "O! Promises Me" Just before the bridal party entered the church. The bride cami In with her maid Of honor. Miss Lettie Critcher. and the bridegroom with his brother, Mr. Williams, of Washington. Dr. J. H. I Saunders and Mfr. Albert 8. Coffleld acted as ushers. After the ceremoo^ Dr. and Mrs. \\';l lama boarded the Ave o'clock J| tf>Ih for Everett, <rhere they will re- 9 Bile Mr*. Williams lias lived In WUtlam stnn only a short time during which time she has won many friends by ; her sincerity, and personal charms* Dr. Will^Bbi8 Is a native of Wash ington, and is a physician of much tskill and has a splendid practice at Everett, where be has been located for about two years. ? News and Ob- , server. Dr. Williams is a Washington boy, being a son of the late Mr. 8. H, Wll Hams. He graduated from the Unl- 1 vershy of Maryland since his gradu ation has practiced his profession with RuccesB in Hyde county. Vance boro and Everett* where he Is at present located. His many friends in his old home wish him and brldfe every happiness. ? 1 ?' The Electric Iron Lasts a Life Time and can be used in the house or on the porch ? Tuesday or any other day or every day ? for any kind of household ironing or pressing work. Always ready. Heat quickly and stay hot even on heavy wet ironing. The heat can'! be regulated to suit the work ? from laces to table clothai The air Jacket heat tnsiHatlon of the cover prevents the heating of the hand, and the handle la always oool. The Electric Iron saves time, fuel, energy ? the 1 most economical iron to use ? the leading labor-saving device for home workers. Is T>erfect*ly clean ? "floata" over the work and glvos the smooth or glossy finish thfct pleases. And It lasts a lifetime. ? ''' We are offering this Iron on a free trial basis. Tell the manager of the Electric Light plant today that *ou wish to try ^he Electric Flatiron. (-Hundreds .of thousands have been bought this way) aftd recleve our handsome, ?fekel-p!ateed sir-pound electric flatiron with a "poll ofT'attachlhg plug. 8 fe?t approved asbestos conductor cord snd socket attaching plsg. A* non-heating threo-decfc stand is "sent free with each Iran. Washington Electric Plant

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