Its fotur? ' iti. nf >ti?i llftlti rfipabllc. Tbfi naval odors la Honduras water* war* jlTan considerable latitude ot d Iteration In carnrtni oat thalr tn LOOKOUTFOftNo.! The death of Mr. Latham ha. um a pall of aadaeaa'orer the entire com Ha loved hla friend* and tlirouffh aunahtue and ahadow alWaye pro red SSSSX?ftf7:-& gadoclo and waa always amoaf the 8nt to condemn the traitor. He be lieved In the right's sake, fit the right's sake under any ahd all clr cumstahces. V -Mr. Latham was a man of force Mid as a business man held a high place In the estimation of the com munity. He snswered the summons on Tes ter day afternoon with" the conscious ness of duty well performed. The funeral will take place tomor. rom jpornlng from the Episcopal church at 11 o'clock. The interment will be in Oakdale cemetery. The sympathy of the entire ro im munity goes out to the grief stricken family. Peace to his ashes. The following^ pallbearers hare been selected: Active: A. D. Mac Lean, D. M. Car ter, H. H. Oarrow. P. H. Rollins. J as. R. Grist. Dr. Joshua Tayloe. Honorary: Dr. D. T. Tayloei Mr. Ottway Rum ley, Mr J on o than Havens jlfcr. William Bragaw, Dr. P. A. Nich olson and Mr. W. B. WhlUey. Mr. 8. D. Mann, clerk of the Su perior Court for the connty of Hyde aad Miss Marietta Credle were quiet ly married at the PresbytOrlan Mans?. yeaterday afternoon by the Rev. H B. 8e aright at 4 o'clock. Only r. Tew flrends were present to wltneas the ceremony- Mr. and Mrs. Mann left for their futsre>ome in 8wan Quar ter this morning parrying with them the beat wishes of their many friends. Both the brfda and fro*?.kate * koet of frlenda In North Caroline. The Dally News extends oopgratulation* Seoond street Is now being pareijJ The dotay in ftnlshtac the work has b?en caused by the Aon- arrival off the Thto May be yo*r last opportunity, his Famous Band will be at the Public torium Tonight S?cure your seats cat the rush tonight it ore and] Audi avoid I HEIR til . TTTfiJ IflUlnD the attraction of the season at the public school auditorium this evening Is Creatore and his band of 52 pieces, now taklnjg the southern cities by storm- The prices are reserved seats |1; .general admission 75c. It is sim ply useless to attempt to reproduce anything like the efoct upon the pub lic of thfa.mualc as recorded In the pres sot the country. Audiences mutt we and judge for themselves. It Is not only a great privilege but one of the most valuable experiences, musi cally. that co (?ld happen to anybody ? critic, musician or laymen. Creatore's Inspiration oas. indeed, a use. It is one of the greatest, most powerful educative influences that hss evgr come .to this country. * - He is a reinarkable leader of re markable music. Hear him end his band tonight at the school auditor ium. Wherever he has been in North; Carolina he has stt Jbe town wild. A rich treat Is In store tonight for all who are fortunate In being prosent. A DECIDED IMPROVEMENT TO DR. l^ARDVH RESIDENCE Decided Improvements ar;t being made to the residence of Dr. Ira M. Hardy at the corner pf Water and Bonner streets. When completed It] will be one of the*, most attractive homes In Washington. x MAKING CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS TO STORE Mr. J. K. Hoyt is now engaged In Washington. Jan. 21.? The Cessna cott#n report of ginning up to Jan uary T 2, t> 11.224.115' tolas counting round aa ha? bales, ginned trott the growth of m?. to JwWry M eom pared with 2.7&*fcfe from thelrowth of lift; 12.5C4.202 ftom that of 1252 * The par cent of the last two crops ginned to January 16 to ?,?? Sen Francisco. Jan. 23. ? Herns as Schmidt, ?& years old, satd to be the heaviest man in the Want, wmm found dead at his borne here^yesterday. His weight wm over 450 pounds. He ?U active fa spite of his avoirdupois. Quite ?ur*Jmpri>Yenieat. ^ The improvements now golqg on at the Gem Theatre have been much complimented by the patrons of this Well known playhouse. The lobby has been made especially attractive. Maay Cases of Ufirippp. There are quite a number of cases of La Grippe reported in this city. There was only one case before the mayor this morning at the city hall for adjuration. Mr. J. Cj Stout of Rocky Mount, an architect, vu Indicted for falling to pay the license tax as an architect doing .business in this .city. Mr. Stout claimed th^t he was not liable for the tax as he drew plans In bis offlc^ in Rooky Mount and If he came to this city if" was in the ca pacity only aa a supervising architect. The mayor after hearing -all the evidenpe in the case decided that if defendant pay the tax and coat of the case he would dismiss it but If he de cided to take an appeal to' court be would not only attach the cost but the fall. limit of the fine. The defend ant decided to pay the tax and cost. Al -O MAYOR'S COURT. . .. Later: Mr. Stout in a conversation; with the News reporter states that he was arrested in the Hotel lobby last night and without the officers having a warranL and that he will bring suit against *be town for dam ages. Hade Manager. ? Mr. Claude Carrow has been made ; manager of tbe Hasseli Supply Com pany's Repository on Ityarket street! succeeding Mr; W. C. Hasseli who has gpae to Norfolk to take a position with a wholesale house in that city, i ' " i r The Legislature Spends ? Short Time Law Making BOTH SESSIONS SHORT ' " 'vr* -MR t''-l la Now ftn OyMiw BmhiUow Offered RtMre to lawdgaiiow Suggested by the OorertaorV ??. ?age? fleverti Load ?!!? PmmnL j Kfelelgh. H. C.. ? lr it o'clock the un?t? ?u called to or drf'Ur Preeldent pro Ttm Pharf and Her. T.%# OKelley fettered praye*. ? Seaator Graham fore notice thai it the conclusion of the morning eefr ?4 OA ha mild uk to withdraw Mtxata bit! No. r relative to the 80 ut horn Railway pntttng on an additional tralij' MVns Ralelgl and OriiM herb and would hare aome remarwa to nulke on a publication by the cor poration co mm leal on HtJltuila Pkmh Comae tUee* ftn bills. fell of a local nature, wer# reported favorably by commit ? took their place* on the col* Pharr of Mecklenburg: Providing for docketing of owelty oh^yifee In reference cases. ? Green of Craven: Amend the law relntlve to judges' expenses. ? Brown of Columbus, offered a reso lution on Investigations suggested by the governor relatlre to the report of the Mard of Internal improvements. ?swsfcs"5s? ST&& a recorder's court for Robeeon coun ty. At the request of Senator Martin of Buncombe, thfe committee on coun ties, cities and towns was allowed a clerk, who will, also act as clerk to the committee on revisal. Mr. Her bert Williams of Buncombe, has been appointed for the place. A message was received from the house transmitting fifteen local bills and they were appropriately referr ed. Sixteen bills were reported by Sen ator Thorne of the committee on en rolled bills, as being ready for. rati fication, but they^were withdrawn on account of the absence todjky-e&th Committor Senator brown, of Columbus, In troduced a resolution for the appoint ment of a Special committee to Inves tigate as auggested by the governor the matter mentioned In the report Of state board of International Im provements. The resolution passed Its readings! and waa ordered seat to the house without engrossment. Set. itor Brown stated that the report showed, that the state has $244,000 Invested In various enterprises the value of whloh Is problematical; and that as the board reconfenehds an In vestigation the legislature can't do leas than make it. The resolution provides for the ap pointment of two senators and three representatives to make a thorough Investigation. The report of ? the board Is to be referred to the Special (committee when It Is named. San Francisco, Jan. I %. ? 8as Fran cIbco's aviation meet produced a new Americas endurance record today when Philip O- Parmalee, piloting a Wright biplane remained aloft for J hour*. S& minutes and 49 eeoonda. The beet prevtoua endurance In 'America was that of L. Welsh of St. Louis, who established a record of 3 hours ll minutes and 66 sec* ends. ? - At Los Angeles, AreVfioxey, who later was killed, was credited with an unolBclsl record of S hours snd 17 qatautes. , A crowd of tfi.090 persons cheer ed Partnalee as he circled above them aad when he finally descended several admirers, essong them Bogeae B. tfiy hoisted Parmalee on their shoulder* and carrald him in triumph to a stand in the middle el 8elfrldge field where General Tasker H. Bliss, other smy Officers snd a host of womes crowded about the aviator to extend congratu lations. "I could hare remained up longer said Parmalee, "but nj seat grew so hard aad my hands and feel so anmfc ed with the cold that I decided to come down after climbing the Amerif . can record. The long flight was un eventful. r Ely. who landed on the deck of thei cruiser Penneytvsnla la a biplane last' Thursday, was lionised by tho,srmy and aery today. With MaJ. J. P. O'-l Neili In command of tbe field encamp men* and Captain Pond of the Penn sylvania. Ely reviewed the troops of tbe second battalion of tbe thirtieth Infantry aad a detachment of blne-i of a gold medal by the army. After this ceremony Ely went up in his biplane to deliver,^ on behalf of t>e aviation committee? an Invita tion td Madame Louisa Tetrazzlno, an opera singer to attend the meeting. . Madame Tetruzzlni, according to a prearranged plan, was waiting in an automobile at the Ingleslde golf links, sbout five miles north of the aviation field. It was Ely's Intention to act as an aerial escort fo the diva for the rest of the Journey to ?8elf-> ridge field, but after reascending tbe aviator lost her automobile among the crush of other machines on the roi^^nd she had to find her oVn . way. ? To Italld Handsome R?rid?ipf Mr. Fenner T. Phillips Is making preparations looking towards the erection of a handsome residence on ? West Second street. The residence he now occupies will be moved to Third street and a handsome and at-j tractive new home erected thereon, j His purpose is tQ begin work some- 1 time in the early spring. > Head Ww hw WUwUy The Aurora Ooncert Band one of the best organizations of the kindi in this section of the state passed rhr^vgh the city yesterday on their way to Chocowlnlty where they ren dered music for a land sale. Cotton Market Seed cotton, 5.80. Lint Cotton, 14.25. . . Cotton seed per ton. $30.00. The Baals of Attorney Boyce fence to have the ted. Judge Jordan tbe jury had been ed them In the testimony rlion to entirely disregard mony made. The testimony of Jane to a conspiracy by was ordered stricken out. a big blow to the defenae. Prosecutor Handlan that the state rested. For a moment the ?tunned and after the the court's ruling had Attorney Boyce, a abort followed And J. J. P. that the defense also reated: A recess was then o'clock, when the made. Wheeling, deciaive fenae of Mrs. Schenc-k today trial the lng Mrs. Schenck or Mrs. that she Judge to tks Jury expected to row. The trial minor criminal the docket for Judge Jordan Schenck chatted She was In good . When the third opened motion to hare tinmony of ?piracy part, a a ahqwn that Albert T. M. Haskins were lAmt List your farma nntl sell farms al Carolina. ATLANTIC C0A8T The Electric Iron Lasts a Life Tipe and Kb ?? *v ? ** """ * " and can be used in the houae or on the porch ? Tuesday or any other, day or every day ? for any kind of household ironing or pm?lai work. Alwaya ready. Heat quickly and stay hot even on heavy wet ironing. The heat can ! he regulated to eolt the work ? from laces to table cloths. The at* Jacket heat insulation or the cover prevents the heating of the and the handle* ts always cool. 4 v The Rlectrie Iron saves time, fuel, energy ? the -moat economical iron to nee? the feeding labor-saving device ^or home workers. la perfectly clean ? "ftoata" over the work and gtvea^he smooth or gloasy finish that plaasee. And It laats a lifetime. We are offering this Iron on a free trial basis. Tell the manager of the Blectrlc Light plant today that yon wish to try the Electric Flat iron. (Hundreds of thousands have been booght this way) and recJeve our handsome, ntckel-plateed slx-pouad eWtrlc flat Iron with a "pull off "attaching plug, 8 feet of approved asbeste* cord and socket attaching plug. A^non-heaUag three- decfc seat free with each Iron. Washington Electric THE GEM THEA ixtoKmo SWV.qrjiKc.- fe speSTihe IX-TfMWMB MOVW t