R.IDAY AFTERNOON . JANUARY 27. mi. ? ? ? 1 ' - ?R PUBLISHED IN EASTERN it <UnfaV*ral of Inter To provide for the preservation of tcertahf records. v. To amend the rerlfal with refer ence to what constitute* marriage. (Unfavorable report) Liquor Traffic: to prohibit the sale of near-beer, beeiine and other like drinks. (Minority report filed b^ Kellum of New Hanover.) Bill made a pedal order for Thursday night. February I. at 8 o'clock. ( 500 copies ordered printed.) Bills Introduced I Orler: To satabllsh a state high way commission. Face: To\jpcnd the revlsal so as to allow railroads to give tra aspor tation "to widows and minora- of de ceased employee and to employes who are out of work. Dillard of Cherokee: To 4mend the taws of 1909 relative to the seU MYe and destruction of distilleries. Battle: . To establish Hen* fot IK vonsed Urery stable keeper^ Battle: To amend tfce laW -nelat Inr to statistics of lsaf tobacco. Pitt: To amend the rerisal relat ing to public holidays. , Teague: For reJUf of efsherlff of Alexander county. Roberts : To provide for better en forcement of liability of stockhold er? In state banks. feltchell : To allow commissioner ot agriculture to contract for print ing requited for Ita own operation. Markham: To enlarge thd powers of board of county commissioners. LOOK OUT FOR No. I Narar loae alsht ot the (act that voa hare your own way to make la the wort* and that no one (tela dla a un who doea not to be a "?o*d fraaly. hut yon will had aaany mora people wlft. willing to help ron whan to^ dm* Dmi'i forget roar own intereata. OW, your borne I hare four ratl danree tar aala at ?ary reaaon^ble ?rice?. which will yMd a rood rata of Intermit on the Inraatment. alaar rapidly enhance In raloe !?. B. BOMjtSON. *-, tm nth st. Watongton, n c. BOY'J, favorable to u? and our projects. It moit 'naturally .follow? that we, a band of women, and most of us moth-* ers, fighting fpr the good of our's and others children should feel very grateful to these men and a bit hard to those who have expressed only condemnation of us and all our move meats. * However, we will let that pass for what It 1b worth and tell you of a new project, which we have on foot, at the present time. And wo won Id* add that this U no new thing either as other assocUtloqs have talked of It and hoped for It but always for one cause or another It has fallen through This 1b the securing and fitting up ol a room for the use of the town worn en assuredly, but also for the 'use of the wproen who come ^Into town, either aa strangers waiting between trains and the women who come In from the country with their husbands ThU Is a work of women for women and every public spirited woman eith er a member of our union or not must feel the, impulse and the Joyful de sire to help In this good movement. We not only expect to make this room useful as a rest room but we Intend to have in it good books and all the current magaslnes do any woman or girl who so desires may drop In this room at any time and read. We rejoice that Washington has hi It so many good, public spirited men, without their aid we are prac tically crippled ? being only women, | and moat of us without income. How ever, these man, the Men with a tar seeing, clear vision ; these men who hope forjfftf believe la tbeaoeo* pllshsaent or greater aad better and mrtrter things have aided us mater ially and we thank them a thonsand times over for tkelr kindness and helpful support. # ft hfs bean impossible for ua to see all the business men as yet but we hops to be abls toipubllsh a com plete Hat of the subscribers to oor reet room in s *sw days. * V . sJS| / . ,1 ,i , Oottsa Market Seed cotton, i.60^ Unt Qotton, 14.15. Cotton ssed psr ton, |J0.00. SUITS ?v ri elect him MfCMfcor to Chauneey ML Depew U United 8UtM senator. In fact -Mr. Sheehan bu taken the bar deijqf his Ubtfoff the shoulder*- of Charles F. Murjfcj \pt . T?nimav against him Is being waged Qn relig ious grounds. In this connection the statement Issued by the Right Rev. P. A. Ludden. bishop of the Catho lic diocese by Syracuse, caused a sensation today. Bishop Ludden declared that- big otry and the~old apirit of "know noth Inglsm" are in control at Albany. The publication of the bishop's statement was the most startling de velopment of the senatorial contest. The efforts in hla own behalf that Sheehan Is making were revealed by Assemblyman Kennedy, of Qaeens. who told of a conference to which he had been summoned by Sheehan. A New Opera House Rumor is current on our streets I today that an up-to-date and com mo-' dfous opera house is to be erected In Washington at an- early day. This Is an enterprise that has been Ion? needed and the Dally News hopes that the? report Is not lacking In foundation. Give us a decent and respectable opera house and then Washington will have shows that are creditable and praiseworthy. He was Smart. Casing at a collection 'of serpents! -*t~$he soo> tU0-rui*l~Ylaltor observed "My gracious! Those snakee must lultiply rapidly!" With a twinkle In his eye the keep er replied, "Some kinds do; but these particular ones are adders."? Judge. j ? . < . J lVMhtec th? Matter jM Near-sighted*" old lady? Tommy.] 'these new. glasses, of mine magnify I atraagety That new doc of J0tir*j looks to me more than * yard long. Tommy ? Tkera'a nothing th? mat* j tor with your ilMnTirniiM. Thli | '!, a'dachehund.-^-CMcago Tribune. ? ' ? ' '?> '? CHBISTf AM CHVHCH. (j. c. 11 o'clock *. m Janaarr >?. 1?J> Prof. A. E *oll?rf.r. orgaa(et| and mu?lo director It Organ prelude. . I Quartette? "O Be Joyfnl". BaW tord? Mlaaee Battle omTBowen: mm I Battle and Gorganta . of Atlaa?le| Christian College. No. H?? "Awake My| Tribute jMu" Judge Me O Ood Dud-j r. Haracfr Battle. 24 Convict* lUptlicd Raleigh, Jan. 26. ? News comes from the state (arm in Halifax coun ty that as a result of the efTorts of fedgar N. Le Blanc, who has been chaplain there slnee last August, that 24 convicts have Just been baptised. Mr. Le Blanc has organised a broth erhood among the convicts and they aj^e working for the aalvAlen of the unconverted. Mr. Le Blanc who Is an. Epleropal lan. Is doing effective work. DBA BLOCK AT ALBANY coNTisnw uhbrorh as unyielding as ever today In their attltwde. Hased upon the principle of organisation rale, while the Insur gent* Insist that they never wllf yield ground that would make the election of M*". Sheehan possible. ?' J. K. H O Y 1 UP SAYS raCOSFIHHKB REPORT WlrvlpsK Htations Krcelvp No New* of Alleged Explosion on the Wheel ing, Enroutr Fjom New York to Gaantanarao. New York, January 26. ? Na con firmation of reports during the early hours that an explosion had occurred on hoard the United States gunboat Wheeling, ehroute from New York to Quantanamo, Cuba, could be hffcd from any source this morning. In quiry -at all the wireless stations in this neighborhood showed that no messages containing even a hint of an accident of any sort to the Wheeling had been picked up and reports from stations up and down the coast were equally lacking In confirmatory tid ings. .. The Brooklyn Navy Yard had no J Intimation of any trouble the gun-i boat had experienced and a wireless message from the revenue cutter Sen eca lying down the harbor said that th0 Seneca's wlreles operator had received no messages relative to the Wheeling. t STILL IS 001 ? ... Whaling W. VV. Ju M._ Th. l?rf la the caea ot lira. Uin let' [?nek bu mot aa yet returned m ver dict. It Iw aaked for Information [regarding evidence given during t k< A* the court atenographer vn II] today, K waa neceeeary to aeeure an bther atenographer, who Immediate ly began going through the note* el ihe trial la Hatch of the ^ >deaoe Apparently Wbeellog bellevei thai when a Jury baa ketn out more thai ?four h^aee U ta a "han?" Jury, anf aaatfmxnt la much Ih thU direction la the Scheack cm. If the jar? la auk to a?ree It Mil be dUahargeo aad.eaae tried again. likely la tha Qlrenlt Court of Ohio moot. : ? K Y till . -it. Wheeling. W. Va.. Jan. ??.? At 5:#4 p. ?>. the Sctenck Jary eatered the" caart ram^sU reported It waa .'.naWf lo agree o. a verdict. It vraa tkea ?Hnhaaw? by tha court. *>-n Jodaa -Mrtaa -Whea ha heard tbe 1 iiinnii?i ^o1 ot the foreman. mod wkile Kn Mnaak ekowei no ear tlaa. It waa atated (bat the laat bal lot Via. eleven to one f#r ao?ult(al. fltat having been eight to four fw g?qtllt(al Ufa. dekoack *aa taken back to jail. t<*f UM won likely b? fixed hbaarfiiw^ ? - v s . ? ??-.'k BROOM FACTORV mn miniiiMfunn ? nm mrawiroiun ?i * Madam Rumor has It that a broom factory will be started In this city shortly. Tho factory will be focated on Water street noar the Moss Plan ing Mill. - ? _ ? - ' Some of Washington's leading bus iness men are behind the venture which In advance assures its success BILL TO CREATE HOKE GETS FAVORABLE REPORT, Raleigh, Jan. 25.? The bill creat i lng Hoke county out of Cumberland and Robeson get* a favorable report by the senate committee on counties, cities and towns, the vote being ten to six. The joint finance committee met tonight at the request of tht hankers of the state, who desire to be heard on proposed legislation af fecting banqlng interests. An .Excellent Showing The Washington Public schooh is now enjoying the greatest and mosi prosperous session in its history. The enrollment Is the largest since the school was started. Professor New bold, the superintendent and his as sistants are to be congratulated. The mid-winter examinations ^ have Just toeen completed and show advance ments along all lines. Passenger Train Itoralleri Meredith, N. H., Jan. 26.? Passen ger train No. 51. on the White Moun tain Nil vision of the Boston & Maine Ratlito&A, was wrecked by a broken rail near here today and fifty men and women paaaenger* were injured, although none fatally. The train waa derail*} at a point a mile from here and bumped on the ties for 100 feet before it wan stopp Mae Oyster*. Some of the finest oyatera of the ??aaoii were in the market on yeatv day Quite a number of our cttliens trailed them Reives of the opportua The Next Attraction . The Bast number in the Lyceum Courae will fake paice In the echoc* indltorlum next Month. There are Washiogtoalb Greatest Store For the Support of Canal Sale is the Rumor , $176,000 is mm "Waahloftota, January ? B?ll another attempt to buy tko influence of the Now York Journal of Com cecod.' In addition to the four propo ItM yaaiterday, wu dia **\Wm Maaager Alfred Warntt Bali Worth, of tkat papor. ' AU UM Itowpo ?iOM were declined. Tho dladoood attempt was aa of fer of 9t?,*6?<40 Wpon editorially Ue plan for ibo lata of the Do Laa aeps Panama Canal pil|lit| to the United Btato* Tkta made a total of 917C.+W offered ike .pkpor, aoelrd lng to Dbdawortfc, In Mnlto amounts iMBount from tilt Spanah comment u4 a check wklch John flonch la al lege* to kave told the older t>Oda worth that he ?ou)d All out wttk any fl<ur? h? chose, Incidentally the ttttaittee ia In dignant at the fallqre of Alfred and John. W. Dodaworth to disclose these facts a( previous firings, and when John \f. Dodaworth rOUppeara before the committee a lively colloquy la ex pected. fti Ymnrn mt ihr- flan PoTIr News, told the committee -tp day If any man had come to him and offered him $100,000 for hla editorial auport of ship subsidy he would have '?"kicked him out of the office", and would not have stopped* to call In a brcthcr as a witness to the proposi tion. He would Nnot have humilated himself, hOweVer; by afterwards re-| fen ing to any such person who might dare to make him such an offer. Mr. Williams identified a number of edl torlala In hla paper concerning ship subsidy and said he knew there was a very active propaganda for merch ant marine legislation, but he knew nothing definitely as to any* corrupt ing Influence. , O. Waldo Smith, a member of the New York Chamber of Commerce | and produce Exchange, said that he had known of very strong rumors as to Influence for foreign shipping in commercial bodies, but he had no de-] finite information as to lobbying. The committee resumed its sessions this afternoon. ? A (Jrfnt Magazine The New York Sunday y World la' now giving with its Sunday -laaue a great literary magazine. It ia une qualled In America. Alao every week the words and muaic of a now song. Next Sunday'a song ia "My Pretty Black Eyed Susan," by "Honey Boy" Ttyans. of minatrei fame. Mu8lc by arrangement with Shapiro, the pub llsher. TO The enftr* city ?u _ Mcltement late rwtirdir when the nm became e the elgbt-yaar-old kb c Hannaford had bw shot It by Howard W. Be'wea. cident happened wear t bw Company on But Immediately after tke aerldeat the unfortunate uttla fellow waa can to the Waafelwtaa Hoepltal by Harrell. the Banafter of tbe Lumber Company medical aid WW count of the low of w*k conditio* of the ?urfwii rtiaflBj not to Yesterd my i who u lz.yoara old. ??**?* 1 On tali way ho Wn? M km t naford boy and Kood They the* to JV _ lit#*, feUIX n?4ir WfTt young ?M i? tearai eowtklas ? happen to ma. On their \ to town Hanaaford racseate. . .. to kin him a ? par row aad |p Bfwty attempts) to Vllt MiU h Matt Way the load entered the ftoot and tower limb of young Han naford. The teg wan ?o badly injured that noth ing could be done omTy to ampdtate. Both tbe ilttie boys have many friends In Washington and the terri ble accident fe to tff lAVUNif ib'f r tlfe * fetfre community gops out to the grief, stricken pa rents. ' '"k 'i - file Wlsronwin Insnrxwt Kenator Af ter Hl? election. Makes Speech awl IWIares for f*rof?rvNsf?e " Mo#<p? -$j ment. Madison. Wis.. Jan. 26. ? The *e- '.)? election of United States Senator R. ^ M. La Follette today waa ratified \n (olnt assembly of the Wisconsin Jegw^ tjJ lalature after the announcement of , the vote taken in the sepaYate branch . 1 &s yesterday had been made. Thin showed that he received 24 votea In ' JM the Senate and 59 In the A8aemf>ly sut of a grand total of 129 votea. Senator La Follette was cheered ;.?j when he was escorted to the Aseem- J bly chamber, which was crowded with [ipectafbra. . , ??<?. . $ The senator In an address declar- ?j ed strongly in favor of the progreo- ^ nive movement and one of hla strong- *| est declarations was that the nation, ^ had profited by the movement aa o*-,^ emplifled In Wisconsin. Plan Congressional Reapportionment ? j Washington, D. C., Jan. 25.? caucus of the republicans of tho house to determine upon what nctyqBgim| to take on the proposed legislation V for a congressional reapportionment in the ltght of the new censu? statis tics was called for Thursday nighty ? February 2nd. LA f<)I.l.trTTK RR.KI.ECTED The Electric Iron Lasts a Life Time Washington Electric Plant.

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