. Bcnooi ai concoro. ana ?i9.?oo u ?mually (or the next two Jeer. tat pgr. ? ,"""t '"P'ovCTWOta, Including ? ?college tor dortnftocj mfpoeei and ? mw kitchen. ? ' Tiler* came from the committee ob propoeltlons and grievances the unfavorable report 0D the 'kill for the protection o( emptorea u mem ber* of tabor organisations. acted up on yeeterdar by'tbe committee, liv ing It njaeeth sentence la aplte of Its having pemsed the hole.. ' .. rj.y One -ol the bllla puod and ratified create* a special criminal court for . the town of Washington. I; The house cleared the calendar of I a (rent number of local bllla. k ? \ The committee on. rale* proponed ffc two additional atandlng committees, J one on congreadonni appoQIoeJoent, and one of the legislative apportlon Roberts of Buncombe Introduced a ' bill to amend the divorce laws so that where husband and wife live separ ate for ten yean and there are no J children, there can be divorce wheth er 'both bare resided Jn this state for the ten years or not. A bin to prorlde the Torrens land] LOOK OUT FOR No. 1| Never loae light of the fact that you have your %wn way to make In the world and that ao one feela dls poeed to help, a man who does not kelp himself. It Is very pleasant to be a "good / fellow" and spend money freely, b?t jou Will find ma^y more people wilt ing to accept your generosity than willing to help you when you n/Md -Don't forget your own lntereata. Own your h6me. I have four resi dences for sale at very reasonable " prices, which will yield a good rate of Interest on the Investment, also rapidly 'enhance in ralne. N. R. ROBINSON. 2422 14th St. Washington. D. C. the late trial, about 9100,900. title aystem for North Carolina was I offered by Connor o^ Wilson. The MU for a million-dollar bond luue for a fireproof admin latratjpn building wis put it* feeding*. but finally refert-ejJ to the committee on appropriations, having been paased jpfejfet; putrtlc trtifNRngs and grounds.. Including today 107 bills havi been ratified by the present' General Assembly as agalnat 58 for the uma number of days of the sepslon of bills of state-wide application are In cluded among those ratified during this session, the-great mass of them are local acts. Thts showing demon strates that the policy with which this general assembly started out to get rid of local legislation la being carried out so as to give the remain ing days of the session to the more Important state-wide legislation. The > much-talked <5f legislation for the application of the 'Torrent sys tem of land titles In North Carolina seems to be consldersbly "kinked" at this time and the outlook Is not reall? very favorable for the adoption of the Torrens system at this session of the Assembly. Two bills with identical provisions are pending In the "Senate, one by Senator Cotten, referred by% his' special request to the agricultural committee, and the oth SHOES SHOES We are offering: one lot of our Ladies^Shoes at 13 per Cent. discount. Look for Bargain Gounter. \mm S. The Order Came Direct frtMU Km.' Washington, Juiutry 18.? Dalerm Ined that tbe territory of the United States ?bell not be used u n base of revolutionary expedition* against Mux Ico, the Washington Gorernment to day took steps to. Increase material ly the American military and cus toms forces guarding the. frontier. The secretary of war today Issued orders more than trebling the bo1-% dlers guarding tike border line, and the secretary of the treasury author ised the collector of customs at WX Paso Texas, to appoint ten addition al deputy collectors of systems in order to establish a more eftactlve surrey of smugglers. It - Is* undef* stood- that theae orders were issued by direction of the president, upon representations from the . 'Hasten* embassy that the neutrality of the United States waa being violated The Atmy officers hkve been In structed 1 1> co-operate with the mar shals of the department of justice, and the customs officials of the treas ury department stationed along the border. Are Still Fighting. Psrrel, Mexv Fridays. January 27. ? ria El Paso. Te*., January 2 8.? Of ficial advices given out here by the Jefe Politico declare tint Federals under Bajor Dominuex met a rebel i band nt Nonoava, near Cerro Prieta. Chihuahua, and that fifteen rebels i and two Federals were, killed- Offl- i dais claim' that trwr Tebeir/aOO la , number, fled, while ^the federals aum- i berlng 12 5 p held the field. The samej< source reports a fight Thursday at t Paqulrlchic. with a rebel force, with1] a loss of three men killed and sever- j< al horses, while no loss is -mentioned i on the Federal aide. I Colonel Arseatnendi commanded I the Federals. er by Senator Graham . rof erred at 1 his request to the judiciary commit- ' tee. It Is considered practically certain that the Gotten Bill will come from 1 the agricultural committee with fav orable report and that the Graham bill will come from the Judjclary committee with unfavorable report. This will mean that If the .b|U passes the 8enate It will have to be in sr>lto of the opposition of tbe lawyers who are members of the body, and it is hardly likely that their opposition could be out-generaled by the advo cates of the bill. It la being charged against the Torrena system that while it is admirable for application to an old state in which tbe land ti tles are as they are In North Caro lina would be most expensive and | have really insurmountable difficul ties. I The Good Ronds Hill ?The Slkea bill to encourago road building In North Carolina now pending before the roads committee of the Senate is quite a notable meas ure in that "Is provides for thh state "to is^uo $200,000 of bonds every six a for a series of years and to loari the proceeds to the counties ap plying at 6 per cent .Interest, the ?>onrlR to bear 4 per cent interest for *1 years* Jr Tho plan is eo worked out' as to retire themselves automat'cally and at the same time the countiee bor rowing the money get a large saving over tho usual coat of county and United States, to credited with plant In! an AoeHeu Dm in the White House grounds during his presidency. A piece of one of Vhe branches of one of the branches of this elm has been furnished to the tfet&utlve Commit tee of the Southe%;Commerclal Con-i *r?*? *7 col. Spfpr Cpeby. V. 8. N-. In charge of pufollo' buildings and grounds. From this fragment of 'an blstrlc tree will be made the handle of the gnyet t pi be eeed by tke chair man of the Southern Commercial congress at its Meeting in Allan ts. Harch a. 9 an* 2t. The heed of the gavel will b* made op of 16 pleeea of #nod, each pieces nipui? laj the forest wealth of Of the serteen Southern states ^United In the work of the Southern. Commercial Congress These contributions of wood hare come in every esse from the Commis sioner of Agriculture of each state, and ore duly attested. North Caroli na sent the flrpt contribution, sending long lear pine af.her represntatlve wood. Georgia, Ttsas and South Car ollna have alos contributed long leaf pine. Kentucky and West Virginia bare sent oak; Inryland, chestnut; Alabama^ perslajpon ; Mississippi, magnolia, etc. The slab on wjtycb the gavel will rest Is to be of de*M$la marble, Bult ibly inscribed. *flj?foontr|bution of *oo? from tn? wnte House is s?g llflcant, for it will unite the South irn States, the nation's capital and | he memory of the great New England ? > resident in a gavel whose raps arc ixpected to lead to a new union of the] South along buainess lines for the' jurpose of building a greater nation | h rough a greater South. . , || :ownship road bonds, saving in tact J lomething like $35,000 of the $100,-! )00 of bonds involved. The bill was prepared and worked out. by* W. 8. Wilson, corporation clerk In the department of state. SKRMOXH KNJOVKI) Rev. Joseph Faiford Preaches at the Kpiscopal Church to the Delight ot the (Yingregatlon Rev. Joseph Fnlford, recjtor of the Episcopal church at Bunyan, N. C., preached ati St. Peter's Episcopal church Sunday morning. The topic of the sermon was "The Saving Pow er of Josus Christ." The sermon was much enjoyed by the large congregation. Rev. Mr. Fulford Is one of the coming preach ers of the Episcopal church in this section. Church> Conference. The flVst church conference of the year will be held at this First Metho dist church next Wednesdsy evening instead of the regular prayermeetlr.g pervice. All the member of the church are urged to be preaent. Admiral Barry Has Resigned Washington, Jan. 2&. ? By direction of president, Secretary of tbo Navy Meyer asked Admiral E. & Barry for his resignation. It has been re ceived and waa accepted today "for the good of th? service," according to an announcement made by Secretary gteNT. . i: \ ' jjji? ? '? Ir ? Opened at Columbus, Ohio Tnd?y ns Advertised ftHiBIIsiHtliCf Vie Xatfcmal Com JS 1 umbos Off Tod toy ? The Of? I ?? AlHadtinl Exhibit the WorM Has Brer Km+m* to My for the Inspection o? the public. Columbus, OA Jan 30. ? Thous ands of farmer^tnd educators In ev ery elate In the Union ere anxiously awaiting the opening of the great National Corn Exposition in Col am - bae today, In the several large build ings on the Ohio 8Ute BxpoetUon grounds. where the treaUet agricul tural expoeltton cowrflv^ble will be held, and an exposition wlilch will ?*use the entire n^lon to ponder. The ?plefcd1g//6xpoeltion la now read/ to be thrown o^en to the pub lic. The Judgee have completed their taak and t** UMunceaent of the world's prae winner* will be made In a day or t*o. thus enabling the people of the entire country to know which atatee the National Corn Ex. position Judges hare decided an the winner* mi producers of different kinds of grains and grasses. The prise winners are to be announced before the expoeition la formally op ened ? this to eare confusion. Bxhlblt8V are all in place, decora tlons and lighting effects have been completed, aa&~the greatest agricul tural exposition the world has ever known I* ready for the careful and critical Inspection of the public. Word has been received from every speaker on the program. In addition to President Taft, announcing that their arrangements to be on hand are , complete In every detail, giving as jMM"gi*ce of .one of the moot valuable 1 gatherings that the farmer and the public Iij general could wiah. 1 When jit is realised that more than * 25 states will have exhibits In com- I petition for the elaborate National.! trophies and 25 state experiment II Btatlons and agricultural colleges II have educational exhibits, the mag- II llitude of this great exposition is on- I ly part\y compdehended. Besides I these most attractive exhibits fea- J turea that will appeal to all classes I alike, will be the National Rural Life conferences, the greatest ever held, the annual meeting of the Ame rican Breeders' Association and num erous other National and state meet ings of vital Importance to the farm ?r The home-jpakinx department, com plete In every detail, is brimful of | most Interesting things for the wom en. Two great banquets ? National T)t?5 ry banquet, Thursday evening. Feb ruary 2, and Natlonsy Com bauquet, Friday evening. February 3 ? Two of the greatest banquets of the kind ev er held. wUl each be attended by 1, 500 guests mode up of thfe leading farmers of the nation. The winter two-ring circus, occupy ing one great building, seating 3.000 the bad concerts In the Expoeition nu dltorlum seating 4.000, moving pic tures provided by the government and others, are among the apeclal entertainment features. Is Moving. Mr. Christian George who has been conducting a confectionery atore on Market street Is moving to the build ing next to the Postal Telegraph Co., Cn Main street. A Nashville dispatch cays: Lnkol Lea, Tenenetee's new Senator Is rici. ' That confirms our suspicion. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS I Tftlf* ^nnnniiiftir IS OF IXTEREST: [.''tfttiwl BUI,- H. ?.,v Ju. is. ? A r*t* lnbrt.Ua* program hu bM? [ "??** for the *-or*ttr COMMtloa .to U k?M k luleijf. 6a February 1. The meeting will W fceld In ihe ot Comn"rc" 1 QBlKC ?! 10:20. the .f ternooa w9? at J Bad the al*ht M#S * ?:?. ? It ft expected that there wil| be an Illustrated lecture at the night session to which all Interested In Jorestry are oordlelly Invited. One of *he most Important addreesee will be by the Horn. A. OaskelJ. Forester of the state of New Jersey, who Has' had s great deal of experience in I forest Are protection and has prob-j ably Inaugurated one ' of the beet systems of state forest Are protee- ; tion now in force. He will discuss 1 this question very thoroughly aad take up the advantages that North Carolina will derive by protecting her forests from fires. Governor W. W- Kltchln will make the addreee of welcsae; Mr. jj. Lee. vice-president of the Southed j Power Co.. will discuss the subject "Forest Fire Prevention as a Regu-j 1st Stream Flow"; Mr. Thomas P. Ivy] of Fayettevtfle. will take up t&e ques tion of "Revenue for Forest Fire | Protection; Mr. J. B. Blades, one of the large lumbermen of eastern Car- 1 ollna wlir discuss the subject "The Lumbermen end Practical Forestry" : i Mr. J. 8. Holmes, Forester of the North^ Carolina Geological aad Econ omic Survey, wlll^speak on "Forest Fire Laws .In North Carolina and other States"; the queetlon of "Re- 1 foresting the Waste and Cut-over 1 lands oftfbe1 State" will be discussed by Joseph Hyde Pratt, stnfe geologist Hon. J. El wood Cox, of High Point, will speak on the subject "Depend ence of the* Furniture Industry on tW 4 .oral Supply of Timber." <. . . A number of the railroads have shown their intereet In the subject ly appointing certain of their repre A Cabarrus 'Coun Found Dead io AKVKRTISK IK TUB HKWH Concord. Ju. , . rJ Mod !1, # vat! known farmer or Rlmertop, this couatr. iron found ly ing la the public rood on* and * ?uar mil<* oaat of Concord ,t aboat 12:30 o'clock tonight with a bullet bole through hla heart The ery wu made by partlea drlrlng to Co&cord In a ? man waa spend the odd hour In the evening is at UP-TO-DATE MOV1G PICTURE SHOW Enjoy will find the best running at this THE . . the Western OVERLAND TO ma tuisetf on the storey : ? Forty?\iners. >, IP THE THAMES TO I KTER. (Sffiilc,) jTHE TOUCH OP A I ( DRAMATIC) . Je K. HO'YT ? WASHINGTON'S GREATEST - STORE OUR i r\ ? ? i f. 7 - ;r V" WHITE SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST * . Display ot Imported and Domestic Embroideries, Lace??, White Goods, Linens and Fancy Silk Suitings, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR ? ,-^Sw; 39c ? * * * :? a.v ? orn tone whit* cooas ? 10c Val Laces 5 cents | Atlj-inen Torchon 5 cents