?'l : ss jeopardise It* mm and , w*jK$ri? ? Smith. Com > mlMiOMr of Corporation*. hu made w ul'iaattrr ?ta?y of ths subject Ul l> ? sued net statement at the <|U?Uon sat? It as his opinion that terminal* ?**l I u Important at chaa nela; that locsllttlea should aa a ml* "bo required to Uolah and maintain adequate terminals. " ?*! "Equally aa mwi 1 on thla subject are the ilews of President Tart, who In bla sddr*ee before the laat convention of the National ttl? !? era and Ha r barf Confrvi. maintain ed that the Improessoant of our peat wateroourscs depends In the Baal an . alyila on What the people do toward securing froe Vnd untrammelled tsr mlnab. & & '??.{$? " ? mr*?r fawuf'tMluiirffrwi nnnr exhaustive address made In Cincin nati last September. NO lees Emphat ic on thltt subject bar* been tfte ut teraneee of Colonel Alexander, chair man of tbo River* and Harbor* Com mittee of the Bona* and Senator Burton for. many yea re chairman of the same committee and now a mem ber of the Commerce Committee of, the upper branch of congress. "The agitation which has been go ing on for free terminate for a de fade or more I am pleased to say Is bearing fruit, and I look for greater benefits along these lines in the fu ture. y "New Orleans -practically owns its entire water front. St. Ix>nia baa seven miles of public wharves. "Louisville has ample public whar fage for ail demands that may arise, LOOK OUT FOR No.l Never lose sight of the fact that you have your, own way to make in the world and that no one feels- dis posed to help a man who does not help himself, 'r It la Terr pleasant to be a "fotjd Yellow" and spend money freely, but "you wilt And ma ?y mors people win ing to accept your generosity than -Willing to. help yon when you need Don't forest your owfc intsrseta. -own1 your home. I hate (our real dencea for aals at Terr reasonable prices. Which will yield a good rat* ?<>t Interest on ths Investment, also rabidly enhance In rains. N. R. ROBmaoX. Ail- 14th at. WtaMngton. D. C. NOVEL Hand Bags, Bs Jewelry, and Belt /r ? ? ' ? Th. eruption* coatlnued to day Tie ?kr cloudieia aad there wsj *0 wind, but'the muddy rain (el! stead ily. ' The natiTSS have abandoned their village homes In the rldnllj of Lake Taal and ?ought refuge In the aur roundlng kills. Mount T^aJ rises In th* renter Of Lake Taal, a body or water not more than Sfteen mllcis In irettes, Armenian Buckles. sional districts. V Senator Brown of Ceiumbua intro duced on Important bill to regulate the time or opening and closing the polls and a bill of general interest waa introduced by Senator Ix>ndon of Chatham to codify the law regard ing mental anguish suits against tel egraph companies. New Bills In trod need. Brown of Colnmbus: Regulate the time of opening and cloalng polla. . . Martin ^of Buncombe : Estabtiah ^achers' training scUofcl in vreatern North Carol lna;*?{fUso fig time for holding courts in tbo 15th district. . , fcnuri on /,( f*#ia ; . ^TodM* . is w retarding mental anguish suits. THK IIOLHE. Cornwall: Prom Craven county, for near-beer prohibition and to prevent tele of^cluh liquor. Hofler: From eHizena of Hertford county for prohibiting sj^e of cigar ettes. . V; ' Rills and Resolution*. 8pflnbour: Resolution with ref $nce to state employes: (Provides for a committee bf Ave to ascertain number of employee of states and to recommend such reduction of sala ries as mar be deemed advisable. (Referred to committee on salaries and fees.) Wall: To prohibit sale of merchan dise in any state buildings and grounds on Sunday. AUred: To'Vmend tbe revisal of 1 905 relative to aampling commer cial food. Norman: To amend the laws of 1.907 relative to divorce. ? . Carr: To protect tbe forests of tbe state from fire. Ramsey: To amend the revise! re lative to hoisting engines used in mining. , ; . "The decision is a magnificent vic tory for the business men of Cincin nati who foueht the proposed viaduct across landing and oecognizea and confirms their argument that to put the viaduct across the landing would defeat the benefits to J>e gained from the nlnc^foot stage of water in the Obto river. "Opinions of this character wblcb are along the lines of public policy will go fay toward bringing about what Is so greatly desired, municipal ownership or control qp terminals which shall be open to the rlA and ?b>f pror,.the powerful corporation or jt? weaker competitor." ? : ? J New Cirorear Store her Rodman * Madman'* law of os Ma* hat atrtat. formerly otiu by Mr Christian George. . . Mr. K. Joha la awlns hla dry KOOda store from Market atreet to the McCluer building on Waat Main street where hla bnalnea? will he con friot u hour at MiM point, and 1* inches an hour at other*. the ?tnt?s bordering the rive* betiTeen mtt? burg and Cairo Ilk.. today are threatened with t .lruuuns flood entailing a loss that may so Into mil The Monongahella River U out of 4e the cham pion sailer of these pans. On last Saturday he left here in his gas boat at 4 o'clock. He returned safe and sound Monday afternoon at 2; SO "o'clock. The Captain spent twenty-two houra at Beaufort and six hours in1 New Bern. This is Indeed a record breaker. He Is receiving mt^y con sratulatlonfe from hlB friends on his successful run. News reaches this city that the 3tock house belonging to Mr. William Springer at South Creek was destroy ed by fire about 6:30 o'clock yes ? terday afternoon. Besides the build ing all his' hay, corn, two buggies and one mule were burned, besides all his farming implements. Mr. Springer eatiipates his loss ,to be abont one thousand dollars. He cay led no insurance. This is quite a loss to him and the Dally News joins his friends in ex tending sympathy. The following are the guests of Mrs. B. F. Fortiscos on Second street to attend the King-Fortlecue wedding thla evening: Mrs. .W- A. Lewis of Florence. S. C., Mrs. O. L. Morgan of Florence. 8 . C . . Mrs. George Bennett of Rocky ?Mount. N* C . Mies Lottie Bosktns of Florence. C.. Misses Mabel and Vi vian "Norman of Portsmouth. Va.. end Messrs. a. H. Williams and Claud King of Oxford. K. C. V ' i M'Curdy is Foieed to End Flight Near H?tQM lacks mam on SUHad Ik Uaht Hue Early In th? of Cmrd?Attmpb i M , ... South,? Railroad callwl for to *n i, ??r'i bond -laaue Uw 4 | maximum of ?ll,?##.OO0 to f #??, ? pottpon^ for ?: It )? not th, Mm to [at once to th* authorise ?J5. 000.000 If thi. propo.lt. He, but .Implr to mak* It the Norfolk-Southern can < trow by exteoaton of Ita or th, ac?uidU?n of othw Hum. The capital atock of lU.m.HI Wlli remain luat a. at pmray Of the present authorised bond issue Of twelve million dollars there are outstanding $5,780,000 pins ft,* 220,000 to take care of underlying securities. With 0*t)> sn authorised I issuance of $11,000,000 this give the N ortol k -So u th era bat ff, 000,000 upon which to work. This was deemed Inadequate an