RN NORTH C but la the trial of cum, we doubt * kltaa superior, mi eloquent and convincing speaker he has establish ed s, reputation not surpassed by th si of ahy other lawyer in North Caroli na. Mr. Brsgaw has a targe client age. and has for many yeare represent ?a nam of ?h? larceat and moil uV .laotlal IntfremtH la tka county. Hla reputation snd ability ss a public speaker bare caused him to ^e hi demand all ver the .state. As a public officer, in th# Renate, as may or, and 111 Other |M>attlons he hss ^vton and Beaufort County are proud, of him and the reputation he has made. . > y |lr. Edward L. Stewart, the. Junior member of the firm Is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and of the law department of that Institution. He Is a young man of unusual abil ity. well equipped ^s a lawyer, ur bane snd polite, and has a most promising future. He is active and energetic snd has made M ireat progress since he came to the bar as any man of his age In the state. Mr. Stewart, like the senior mem ber of the Irm. has that gift of elo \ runnce thst will make him one of the finest advocates of *hls profes sion In the state. We doubt of any raan of his age in the state has been ' more often railed upon , to make ad- J dreassA and wa know that there are none who are his superiors. It is a strong firm ? -both fine law yers. good business men. and elo quent advocates. ' The "Washington bar has ever been noted for Its men of ability. Both ?prior and after the war North Car olina has never kfown a *ar more intelligent, able, or competent to take.care of Its clients. Both members of the firm of Bra ^ Taw snd Stewart are well known, not only in this county but through out this eastern section. r > Both at the" zenith of usefulness and Influence no leg&l. Brm has ever begun the practice of their profes sion miliar more tnVitln* environ ?.tat & l*. been ,-ept known so lire. la an honor to the profeaalon and they ha-re the -hHchffiit pro, Beet* Tko Mir Mm ?HDAT s ? ? - Friday night February frd. the Gem Theatre will give a benefit for the. Volunteer Hon 1?*m No. r.j TUj haro a Terr attractive program arranged Special muate win be furn br rorbawOraWtra. together ?Mlolos. Thla is for a most worthy < and something that the people of! Washington should patronise as the fire boys are trying to raise some nec essary rands that arc needed Don't forget the date and be- on hand as the pictures for that night are special for the occasion and the prices remain the same. K01E0 SPEAKER 18 BE HEARD The Doctors and the Womans' Bet terment Aasolcatlon as wel aa the Womans' Chjrjstlan Temperance Un ion, are endeavoring to have Dr. J. N. MoCorm^ck, deliver an addreee In Washington on Saturday night. February ~4tb. v. Cj, 'r ? . ' ^JeT- ? f Washington would be fortunate to have so distinguished a lecturer and it is to be hoped that the efforts of these respective organisations t successful In their efforts. If Dr. McCbrmack is sjAred a rich treat awaits gl| who h^R hlin. > ?. Mr | Ben. Griffin. the efficient night pqHceman. la today receiving the con gratulations of his many friends. He appeared on. the streeta yesterday wearing a broad amJle. Thf cause of it all was the coming of two brtiht and InUreaUn* twin flrla. Mar ther ?rer be the aimblne and >%applnea? lof thla boma. "| ncr The dimax of clsco m the ?-tol baa been held In six thai} a year. The lines ware fir last session of con) nressure was broach tain a vote st that J howler, derided tl would b? clarified jjj to go^over, and wd session began the M ed with more inteOH __ a?n Franctreo'i ?ti solid western vote, tl port of GnfluMI New Orleans der the "solid South,' slpi valley states tend her Influenci Wisconsin and Mix her appeal on pi lines. L New Orleans su a majority of th< on industrial arti in the meantime &; ed this coramltte* man, Represent?ti< olutlon to the tore tee asking that r t ed .Investigating i to participate in i exposition. The committee . lutlon and the ba was fought out bel mlttee on rules lai Nfew Orleans wo? *ote? from he ML'sIs >ve to ex-j north as; 'She made! sectional ia gaining committee xposltions. Isco lgnor wr spokes* [sent a res in commit | be adopt gn nations am a- Pacific this reso irUdiction puse cem Iday when f? of 9 to He v. John i||)Cinston. VW I... Cnn Olj the Ral :h^rch. Mr. iffer enter Med ?-tth the SUM De ! m defense of the potMb the followl** enifer ni ?? by the reprjieouitlre ot group of American potash wio dared to buy po T :>rlc?i during a temporal >lut?on of the trust deaervea to &e benefits of sufeb a purchase, though It takes epe^ial ex post ? legislation lo deprive him of denial by.tbeJJ|ndicate that thai American contracts Were 'Impair ?#' by the lew ferine hopelessly wpak when it admits that without lb ' jiMi hA ifei'raiWI wpbld pa v $20 a freas under >y a law which doubles his purchase >rloe, m?t It would take many more >ages of argument than are contain ed in the syndicate's brief to con rlnce an American of the correctness >f the trust's position on thj* point. "Much stress ia laid on the threat >f the German minister of commerce est July after the oootrncts were nade that the German government would pass a law taxing the Ameri can contractu $20 a ton nolens the contract* were sut rendered. The'syn licate. however, -deliberately refrains rom any comment whatsoever upon ha statement of the representative >f the government potash mines on he night of June 10th, when deeper ite were beinf made to renew the lyndlcate prior tg Its expiration at aldnight of that^iir "This representative of the govern ment mines than served notice on the representatives of the other mrnea that if the syndicate was not recog inlsed before midnight, his mines would Immediately begin selling in dependently at the beat prices ob tainable. "It was only after the American contradBs had been secured by other than tjne government mines that the ministlk> began his threats. ?The syndicate attempts to be cloud the iaaue by reference to the ract that only 120,000 tone of potafth were embraced in the purchases of the Amerlcans.Vhile the total Amer ican consumption Is estimated at (00,000 tons, and pretends to believe that the buyers of remaining 80, 000 tons are particularly happy at the so-called low price of 034 a ton. which the syndicsts" U offering In Us effort to demoralise the business of the American fertilizers- manufactur ly tnacfurate y' *?>?- : ? ''The actual are that the' American consumption his never reached 130,000 tens of potash annu ally, and If the fyndlcate sells 80,000 tons this year It will do so by selling to the consumers of American manu Mjfatfttfrs at prices below the coat to W^ l4ia#rlcans who have to pay the )MV Posalbly the buyers of this 80. DQ? tons from the syndicate this year ao .happy over their fu OVATION jj^'Curdy Cheered ,b/?Cu ~biiis? May Try Again CROSS FLORIDA SMS 'He Kmiliugly Acknowledged the I ~ Mighty 'Ovation Given Wm by the Cubans on the Aviation Field ? BpeSka Encouragingly of his Effort ? Now Holda Record. Havana, Cuba. Januarftfi. ? A. : D. McCurdy, the plucky* Cfnadia \ aviator, who failed in his attempt to fly here from Key West Fla., after completing 100 ml lea of the *10 I mile trip, was the feature of the alitor tournament here today. - - The interest in the young birdm&n f intensified when the report be-i x6 current that MeCurdy might oiitke an attempt to fly back to *ihej United States, starting from Camp Columbia and landing at Key West.1 Negotiations were commenced today J Ito. try to persuade Mr. McCiirdy to (consent to the trip Although be did I not give a definite answer. J | "The^ accident yesterday was en- J U(rely unavoidable." declared the! aviator todsy. "And It only lncreaa- ] e* my derffe to effect a successful conquest of the Florldan Straights.) Flyinit over.,a wl^Je expanse of water, lis much more exhilarating than fly- 1 png over land. - It gives a glorious sensation of mighty distances and the vastness of space. At first I did not like It bift a desire for it has grown.! Indeed, I am afraid it may become a J habit. I do not know when I shall! be able to make auother attempt but I h?v? the fullest confidence in | both myself and my Curtlss biplane | ana im sure or success. "Flying over water is safer than flying over land. The surface be neath is. flat wh'ch causes an absence ft air pockets and In alighting there' dangerous pockets are ctviTS^d buildings | and other obstructions ?freaking the course of the wind and! causing cross currents. The atmos phere over the water 1k usually not so affected." When McCurdy appeared upon the aviation field today he was given a mighty ovation. Smilingly he ,rais ed his hand tb the. enthusiastic Cu bans who cheered him for fully ten minutes. McCurdy, who is a polished young man of 23 and a graduate of the University of Canada, 4)ore his hon ors well. ture prospects when they receive the new price schedule now being put out by the trust. This advances their prices about $4 a ton above the fig ures given in the brief. "Apparently the syndicate has no relief to suggest except that the Ame rican contractors break their con tracts with non-syndicate mines, for feit 'all claims to the special low prices which they secured through these contacts, and pay the syndi cate $14 a ton more than they would bare paid had ho law been passed destroying the benefits obtainable from their contracts." The syndicate does not even point out - how the Americans could escape damage suits from the Independent mines who art, the sellers under the contracts even if the Americans were disposed tame ly to surrender to the syndicate. "We believe that any impartial reader of the syndicate's brier rnbst conclude that the potato tax law con Stttutee 'undue discrimination.' that it was was enacted to destroy the val ue Of 'American contracts, and that this action was taken In the interest of a monopoly In which German gov ernment is financially Interested, and whose chief officer baa 'always been an appoint e? of the Prussian govern There will be prayermeeting^ ser vlces In all U?e different churches of the etty this evening at the usual hour to which all are Invited. ADVERTISE IX THK HEWS HTPftBSnilE [a SavduM 9i'| Introduced I In tlw 1eiwt? MOHliMEHT FOB WOMEN \ Naar Anti-Beer PMltioM are Pre. seuted ? Local Bill for Compul sory School Attendance ? To Pro i?ci on Railroad Tracks ? Hearing <a New County of Hoke. Hecate. I Boyden of Rowan: Protect human lifs by prohibiting trespassing on I railroads. Hicks of Granville: Prohibit ! dumping sawdust in tatreams of North ? Carolina. Cartwrlght-of Hyde: Establish the j North Carolina School for Feebltf ! rinded. , Senator Graham, of Orange intro duced out of order a bill to amend the constitution of North Carolina. The bill requiring that medical and surgical appliances be kept at facto ries wss reported by the judiciary v" mm It tee with request that It go to the committee on public health. The Hoke (bounty Special Order The bill to estsbllsh Hoke county out of portions of Cumberland and Robeson coming up as a special or der at 12 o'clock today, turned out to be Jast about the livelier propo sition that the senate has yet had to deal with. U will be recalled that the hearing before the senate com mittee on counties, cities and townB last Tueaday (the nouse committee being present by inrltation,) proved quite lively as the claims for and against the proposed county were be ing forcibly presented *by the sptfak ers..; And then, too, there were at the same time propositions to create North Robeson and Rowland coun ties out of Robeson, . but no one look1 e^upon this bill with any decree of Mttoeuneas, the Hoke county advo ments started simply Tor Lhl! of side tracking the main issue ? creating Hoke county. f 1 After spending the entire afternoon and until a late hour last Tuesday night hearing the arguments the com mittee voted the next d^y to report favorably on the bill. The vote ilood 10 to 5 and a minority report was also submitted. When the re ports were made to the senate' last Tuesday the matter was set for. spe cial order at noon today, but Sena tor Cobb ot Robeson who has been leading the flght, and who. by the way, introduced the bills to create North Robeson and Rowland again&t Hoke county, was not ready for the Benate to act and he made a motion yesterday to defer consideration un til Thursday at noon. This motion waa lost by a vote of 27 to 10 and the matter came up to day at 12 o'clock, the clerk reading the caption of the bill, which was reported favorably, the minority re port being signed by Senators Pharr, Gardner, Thome, Dassltt and Carpen ter. / Honw Agriculture: To amend the law regulating the test of meal. Insurance: To safeguard revenues of insurance companies and to pro tect the people of the state; to amend the law relative to investments of in surance companies. Judiciary: Resolution in relation to truata (unfavorable) James A. Cromsrti ted in Swinap by j ! Kqcklnglngham, Jan. 31. body of Jamas A. Cromartle found today by hunters la a aw amp throe miles from Iters, two hundred yards from the home of a reapeetA jble negro farmer. : \ It wai lying In the mud on ? ~ | back partly covered by w?ter. v The | Identification Ib complete, tba pock ets containing letters addressed to him and a pocket bdok containing _J There are no atWrhb of foal Way. |The body was ezamibad by t!\e coun ty phys clan and coronar. Mr. Cromartle was the rathar of Mn W. J Pippin Of this city. fe* disappeared mysterioualy aaaaral weeks ago and atace that time dili gent search haa been made for Us whereabouts. * Several have been to work 'oA the q To establish a Hat far licensed llteir stable keepers. 1 . V ^ To repeal the law making employ- J jeea of rallroadB vlolatlnb the hours , J of labor regulation guilty of mlade- ?* imeanor t unfavorable.) . Penal Institutions: . To amend ttys re visa I relative to escapes. ? Carr: To provide fot a monument' to the women of the Confederacy. . Battle; To regulate the venire in partition proceedings. I Ewart: Appropriating 146,000 to the Stonewall Jackson Training 1 8c hoo 1. . . y- > ? a Seed cotton, 5.9V. Lint Cotton, 14. H. Cotton seed per ton. $30.00. The Neat Number. The fifth number In the* Lyceum course will be the Metropolitan CoB-^* cert Company on the evening of ITOh ruary 10th. Instead of the Central Grand Concert Company on Febru ary 8. This attraction Is destined to- be one of the most attractive numbers yet presented in the present Lyoanm Course Every member Is an art ist. LOOK OUT FOR No.1 Never lose sight of the fact that you have- your own way to make la j the world and that no one fpela posed to help a man Who doss help himself. It iB very pleasant to be a "good fellow" and spend money freely, but you will find many more people will ing tq accept your generosity than willing to help you whan you aaad Don't forget your own lntaraaCa. Own your home. I have four rati-, dences for sale at very reasoaaMa prices, which wilt yield a good fata i of Interest on the investmaat. also [ rapidly enhance In valaa. N. R- ROBINSON, 2422 14th St. 4 Washington, D. t. !Sf o T O N ' s

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