Ha toS..Il acquainted with : tbadltlon. in t*. South and I. batter sited to haadle ? turn of 'Sontmni Wo v. than aoVthern coach. He (radwted from Oasrgatawn Uni versity where be alio itudled 1*W until ha racelirsd his llceaga.^ .. 1 Rev. B. W. Splllman. Baptist Sun day school evangelist, delivered al dreaaee at tha Baptist church laat Bandar. He made a atroni plaa far Sunday school worker* to redouble their effort* to keep tha big boy lateraated In Sunday school. Mr. SplUman devotee hla entire time to S^^y^Kbool work among the col Ths Chapel Hill Y. M C. J. a delegation of ten men including Mr. E. p Hall, general secretary, to the Interstate convention of Young Men's Christian Associations which met In Ralelgb the laat throe days of the week Just closed. This w?* as large a delegation M v^i sent by soy college. In Nortu trarol?n and South Carolina. The Chapel Hill As sociation Is In a flourishing conditio.-* now. 4There are 325 men In the Bible study groups and the mission study groups which were organised last spring Included 815 and Mds^fair to reacfr a still larger figure this year. Manager E. F. McCulloch has an-* . nonnced the schedule for the base ball team. There are 23 games. 11 of which are to be played in Chapel Hill. Oak Ridge. -Wake Forest. Dav idson, Guilford. South Csrollna. V. P. I. and the University of Virginia, - nil have arranged games. The two Virginia games will be played In Greensboro and Charlotte, April g and 10, and tbe third game in Char lottesville. April 21. The outlook for material for the te^m to play this schedule Is very vodt. Only one member' of laat ^year's varsity is back, sure that he r will play his position. This is Cap tain Hackney of Alison.' I Lint Cotton, 1*15. jaoOonj|eed^pe^toD. >?Q 00. LOOK OUT FOR No.1 Navsr loaa sight oTtba fact that ? yon hava your own vriy to mske In tha world and that no oaa Mala 41s poaad to help a maa who daaa pot r - 'MKMIMii ' It fa vary pleasant to be a "goad fellow" and apaad money freely, hut yon will sad many mors people will ing I* accept your generoalty than a willing to help you when you need k Don't forget your "on Interests. ?Own your horns. I hava tour resi dence. for sale at vary reasonable prices, which will yield a good rate 0? Interest oW-the lavsstment. also rspMly enhanoe la value. "?* W. ft. BOniNMON, ? j MS* 14th K. Washington. D. Oil Thewftepresentative from RlCh land Township Is acting aa } think* he is the whole, show In the ' Legislature and that the people don't ?know anything ab6yffie editor of the N?we. the writer sejre: "Theee t blase will bring about a change in poHuea ; year* hence." London. r?bru?ry l.-Jji, Tto4 dw.r, th. Hmntli British Dr.ad UoiM M<| ih? fourth o t th. *a*r dMidnaught t,pe. wu .ucMMfiUlr launched ft&A tBTyard. ad Thame, iron. Work* Company, at Cannlng 1 town today. feted t? make a speed of - ?? - ^ MAN AWD SO* SHOT BY >'i'' - : . .j poses A mm a ch ask Bl Paso. Tex**, Fab. l.--fittrround b r a poiso after a St mile chase, Robert How# and hit son wei*- kill ed hi a pitched battde of several I bourn ^oration early today asar Sier ra Blenca, about 100 miles Sodkhwest of here. A second eon. Buy Howe. *7 year# eldj was wounded aad captured y? terday afternoon when tho \ took tke Hoy ' .> The elder' Howe bhot an^- killed Customs Guard Thomas ji O'Connor yesterday morning at FOrt Han rock, about 75 n>Ues east of berk when O'Conaer attempted to arrest ?lm tor tbe killing of l.-K. McClure a ap*>r! 11 STATE IHMIBt Bin to Iter Do ft*. /Mdctt of 1 Ofr P?ce and MmM ? pstu tmw oraW y ? the debate on Hoke Com iy/lL Continued Prow resterday In the a mate. Harm or* of Sorry: From the cH isena of Stoke* county against the ?ale of near-bper and to memorallxe congress to. prohibit the shipment of liquor Into the state. fifteen Mile Wqr# r*$*fr?d Id a message from the hou*e^4nd they were appropriately referred. K Two bills relating to the expea?t? and salaries by ed by. the committee An rerlsal with a request that *hey *>? referred to the committee on salaries and fte*. 80 ordered. v ' "/'* 1 v : ^ 'Aplydt c. W. Kipper and 'U. t>. Friday J Ostites of the peace tn Gaston county. 2 Martin of Buncombe: Joint resolu tion to the state or Nevada for refus ing as a gift the repudiated bonds of North Carolina. ; ? Li.-. . . p > The folio win 5 petition^ were pre sented and referred by the speaker to appropriate committees. Pethel; From 660 citizens of Spencer asking that rellof associa tlona be prohibited. Petitions against sale of near-beer and the sale of Intoxicating liquors In clubs were presented by represent atives from New Hanover, Vance, DurhanT^NAnaon. Caldwell, Wake, Yanvey, RntheTforS^SevelM'd^^coJ' land, Union, Richmond, Forsyth, Ber Me, Duplin, Randolph, Harnett, Pam lico, Pitt, and Henderson counties. Richardson: From citizens of Rutherford and Cleveland ccuntica to make the possession of more than .y quart of liquor by any citizen of those counties a misdemeanor. Committee Reports. Health: Fob relief of Dr. J. H. Reynolds: to protect the public from Infectious diseases at barber shops: to protoct\the public against contag ious dlseatta. Blllir-infa-^tewolutlons Introduced. Taylor of Brunswick: To appoint a Joint committee to report means of economy in public printing. Latham: Supplemental bill in re gnrd to special criminal court at Latham: Supplemental bill In re gard to special criminal court ht Washington. (The rulr? ?us nended and this bill parsed its sever al readings and was, sent to the sen ate.) Dlllard of Guilford: To regulate the hunting of quail in North Caro lina. - 1 Doughton: To create a commis sion to investigate the needs of the feeble-minded Jn North Carolina and report to the session of 1911. Gone to Raleigh. Miss Lillian Woolard, daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. W. D. Woolard, left yesterday afternoon for Raleigh In response to a telegram from Repre sentative John f. Latham. She has been appelated to a position as sten ographer. She has our .best wishes. Champ Clark thinks a speakership! In his hands Is worth a dozen Presi dencies In- the* hands of the people. If the w6rld eould learn the riches ' of frngallty tt would heljr mightily In reducing the high cost of living, j Notice to Odd Fellow*. There will be a regular meeting! of phalanx Lodge No. 10 I. O. O. F.. held In their hall ovaf the post office | this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Busi ness of Importance. Visiting breth ren cordially invited. The latch-! stlrng hangs -on the outside. Come. WASHINGTON'S GRATEST STORE mhhhhHB OtJLAJflDS - Fot larly Spring Weal r v; l~ z, >?. -.i / .1 ? a committee of the Cleveland ment Association Ik <***(? at the fund for the memorial to Ik* late president o rover Cleveland la mak ing stair effort to hav. the neces sary |10?.0?# subecrlbed by March 'IS. Clevelaad'a birthday. ' Lea stkan lis.oea now remains to ba collected, eubecrlptlone having bev- received for fTS.OO. " ' jftm manorial ta be erected wltt be In the ? ft a pa of a tower, to be, a part of tk* structure of tk* new *rad; uate college of Princeton Unlveralty. of which Mr. ciereland was a trustee. Raleigh, Feb. I. ? A bill Introduc ed, by Senator Graham of Orange to day would amend the stale constitu te so sa to Increase the compensa tion pf memkera of the (eaeral aa leMly ft? ISOO inaaad of 1140,-knd If an extra session la bald. My them ? 100 each for It. The presiding of ?cers *re to receive lie par day. Senator Graham' Opi th* high coat of llTlng makea It Impoaalble to eervc l? tke legislature without personal financial loss aid tkat the people ought aot to ixpect their lawmakers to make up the deled of neceeaary MIbs Alice Darljee of Newark. N. J., a missionary In China. Is announced In cable dispatches received here. She had suffered a nervous break down from overwork and was on her way ucme to "America on furlough when she committed suicide by leap ing overboard from the Paolflc Mall Stenmor Manchuria on Friday while the vessel was --steaming between Shanghai and Nagfoaltt -~l LJ. MSYORS COURT WAS VERV LIVELY I , tr> f The mayor's court was more than lively this morning at the city hall. Several cases of interest were dis posed of. The following docket wan disposed of: r ^ Messrs J. L. Poelo. street commis sioner and Fred Carrowon driver of the volunteer hose wagon, were in d!cted for disorderly conduct. Both were fined $2 each and the cost. William Dudley was charged with assaulting and beating one Julian Dudley. He was fined $15 and cost Frank Tott charged with larcony of a watch and chain, pocketbook and otc., the value of $20. He was bound over to the next, term of Beaufort Superior Court In the sum of $100. Andrew Herring and Oarfleld Taft charged with the larceny of a pair of shoes. Bound over to court in the sum of $100. Henry Clark for retailing. Bound over to court in the an mqf $100. Leaped From Sixth Story Window. New York. Feb. 1. ? Miss Nellie Rntkny. a handsome 26-year-old giri. committed suicide today by leaping from a window on the sixth floor of her home In the apartment house at 220 w?wt 140th street. Mlsa Rutkay had suffered from nervousness daring the past year, her condition l|4ng due to an attack of typhoid from which she never wholly recovered. She was instantly killed by her leap to the gronnd and her body was dis covered a few mlnatea later by a pe destraln. 1 ' 1 ') 1 ' 1 * * . N AretkMsfcofi Ryss Dyfa*. Philadelphia, Feb. 1. ? Archbish op Patrick J. Ryan, Who has been critically III. wa? reported '?ying to day. The physicUna at Ms bedside de clared that hfc Is rapidly sinking. ' ' * ? The mm F illip The new pareottaga qf the M B. church wlll.be completed within the} ext two weeks. It will be a credit to that denomination. | Vddress Our Citizen* Saturday Night Of B0WUN66ftE?N, Kf. U *he KcprmentatkNi o? tW AM ?? Medical A ayrtatto* to to 8y?k tn WuMhlngton Ob ftlflliihy After noon to the I doctors ??d at ViglM ~ to the Public at Unte Dr. D. T. Tayloe la In receipt Of a telegram tlatlng that Dr. J. K. Mc Cormick of Bowling Oreo* K y.. will address the doctors of Beaufort coun ty on Saturday afternoon and the public at Urge Saturday night i? the courthouse. Dr^McCormack to a aoted apeeker and^nls subject win be: "Thiags About Doctors That Doctor* and Oth er People Ought to Know." The address win be under the aus pices of the Beaufort County Medi cal Association. Wherever Dr. McOonmack has spoken the .newspaper* have given Expiring accounts of him and his great work. < . \ One paper clipping haa the follow ing to nay of his lecture in Mobile, Ala : "Dr. McCormack ' delivered his fe mous lecture on Friday night large and deeply appreciative audi ence. Reiyesentative classes from all phases of society were present. Phy sicians. lawyers, ministers, teachers and a large number of ladies cave the doctor close - attention for over an hour, and the Intense Interact throughout showed not only the lec turer's ability, but also that the sub ject presented is one close to every heart." v ' tee in charge of the arrangMUvlCI that the address will be on poputfet topics, which will be readily under stood by anyone, and that Dr. McCor mack will discuss quetsloi^s of the greatest importance to every com munity. In behalf of this distinguish ed visitor and of the Beaufort Coun ty Medical Association, we urge the general public to turn out and give Dr. McCormaota an audience worthy of the importance of his subject. ?? Junior Drug Clerk. Mr. tfalter L . Barnhlll of Green ville, N. C , has accepted the position as Junior drug clerk at the Hoyt Drug Company. Mr. Bamhlll suc ceeds Mr. George Guy, who returns to his home in Blackstono Va. Both young men have our best wishes. Taken Off. The wharfage charges on cotton has been tak*n off by both the Atlant ic Coast Line and the Norfolk South ern. Skating Galore. Pedestrians have no little difficulty In reaching their homes In the West End due to the small boys controll ing the entire sidewalk skating. To the Cltisens ot'llath Township: Tou are hereby requested to meet at Bath In the town hall, at 11 o'clock a. m. Saturday, Febjyary 4th for the purpose of determining the method of maintaining the public roads of said township. W. F. OAYLORD. Public Recital. There will be a public recital at Old Ford School building on Friday night February S. 1911 for the bene fit of the school. Everybody Is cor dially Invited to aid and help tb^ worthy cause. Mr. Hugh Canady of Belhaven Is In the city visiting his sister. Mrs. John Hill. Mr. J. C. Dnke of Pantego twaa here today on business. ? Mrs. George Ricks and family have returned from Pantego where, they have been the guests of relatives and friends