CAROLI .It via proved that Holly purchaa ?d strychnine aereral tlmee before the boy* death There wu a rharge at areas a gloat Holly aa the hotel waa net Ire the night o I the merder. It waa -chained that Holly aat the hotel on lira to hide the murder of the boy whoee death occurred several hour* baton the ftre. The eTldeaoe of la' cendtartsm proved Holly hare been tried on araoa charca If verdict of A ret decree murder had <ot bean Holloa attorneya will aire notice of ' appeal to the antrame court for . IMfcf >, par tow. >?? ?< The ant oCJheee trip* will bo 01 February J7. Th? train will leare Munroe In the morning and will oth er the eicuralonlate ail along the line of the Seaboard to Norflok, where a be*t to thla c'.tr will b r.rcvlfe. T1 : tcond party will r?i- " Thle will bo OTtr t'_2 A - Co.1 i Une road and wllt have It* ?t?rt from wnmlufton. It ?lao will run to Norfolk and will pick up paaaaa fere along the way. it will come up the bay on the Merchant. and Mla The tUrd excuraloa will be Marck 13 .urtln* from Charlotte. It wW IX IS DISTURBED Bot^Jactions To. Force, Him to Take Sides III REKYQRR SEIMTORIAlFiCHTi There la Still No Evidence of a Bretk la the New York Situation, And! . Interest- In the Contest Seems to be| on the Wane? The Governor Much Up Orer Opposition to Albany, N. Y., Fob. t.? Qovernor DU to much disturbed orer the oppo sition to bit pot measures which has suddenly developed in the ranks of the Insurgents. One one hand?Char lea F. Murphy, the Tammany leader, had threatened to hold up the gov ernor'a legislative program and block the much-talked-of business admlnia tration of Governor Dtx ^pleea* the executive takes a band and forces the election of William F. Sheehan to the United States senate. On the other band the insurgents hare al ready demonstrated their abljily to deal adversely with the administra tion measures and ha* intimated that there will be a, psneral hold-up coming tf -the governor doea not stand by the iaauricente. , - W ? : Aa evidence of good faith on the part of tbe rogulare the biU recom mended by Oovdrnor Dlx abolishing the state Highway OemmiB8lon and ready ^been Introduced. These hate received the support of Tammany, possibly because they will throw in-| to- the hands of contractors friendly fo Tammany Interests contracts' worth nearly uco.tot.qM. I laaoodttelr followlnc Ik. Intro-] <1 action of the tew htile Aaaenri ? I MB John ' K. ltui. comsioniy the "muter mind" of In who la ch|lrmiB of the [committee on Internal a?aln. oat Vehreary It U Ih* date for (ho hear Under Governor. IM*"? plan, canal >4 highway contract, will ho let ta > future t>7 State Engineer Bengal, Oho future bT State 1 4 Tuuwoai torlal dead- 1 mi - ? | convened j 'Oder It wm conceded that there would bo Mi break In die deadlock. ng the Railroad Relief Associa te be prohibited. Cf ; li ? it tie: From fatfcory employees rdlng hours of later. i amend the fertiliser law at hi bit Ion laws of this state. Taylor of Brunswick: To amend the rerlsal. eo-as to give towns and cities power to operate aad maintain waterworks and other public facili ties. * * As to Panper Counties. Mr. Taylor of Brunswick; prising to a question of personal privilege, called attention to the list of slleged pauper conaties filed by the state treasurer. He said the list included many counties that would not be there If the figures were to ihow the amount of corporation tax psld direct by the county into the state terasury. Brunswick would not be ex cluded by this rule, but s great many counties would. .But Brunswick was paying Its proportionate part of taxes, compared' with other counties. It had no large lt^nstrlsl city, b^t has a largo county, with smsll pop ulstlon, having a great deal or waste and marah laad. It was near the scene of the* hostilities during the war, and had many old soldiers or their widows on the pension list. The climate was conducive to longevity and these widows and veterans Used to a>ipe old sge. as did other Bruas i wick people. ? It wm largely due to the (act that Brunewlok received more money from the state treasury la pensions ?lone, than It paid lato the stato [treasury; that It was class** at. a pauper county. Property was assess ed at as* fair a rattte as property In counties of the state- aad it taaan l? proportion to othsr; counties. There waa no reeponae to! Vr. Taylor. Graham of Orange: J From * ctl *eu of Ofaage county to preeeatf fre queht eh an ire of faahtoac and pro hibit cartoons In newspapers fltkes of Wska: Prom cltlsens or White Oak township, Oullford, ask* Ins for appropriation ^or hog 'chol era serum. - ?. ' It _ \' SUrbock of Porayth: Joint resolu tion Inviting non-residents from the north wsat to visit North Carolina durlag October of each rear./ ' j Amend chapter 400, public laws or lfdf. , , -Mr . d Prevent frsndulent additions to! deed* and other lnstrumepU, , f Equaliur assessments against prop srty ownors in path* ? Amend law ralatyng to hiring an other's servant; >( ^ whs driven ed by the instrument at *?? emiKnrW. Her hair t Angled In t*e roller. Qn<l eluding her ayebrowe ?u Th? doctor* took on <? hun aa. They bellevo the *1 ?o?V *34 PdMlWj ?ai0 h A Jnraatigat on looking stallatioa of aafoty derto n?4?. ' V ? . ? -.j -?? B> KFWMB KVXDAY ' v u n i. OMt ?? * acalp In IDDOJ OS. M itlteh ?*111 (*? Thdro wu a mmlu at the execu tive committee of the tbmmt Men'. Christian Lean* ?t their rpoma la the Blount building yest*?d*y. After a fail dtacuielon It *a? fcjlln to begin the regular San*** afternoon ?orclree the recond Suadajr In thli 'VB." 'V The city I. to he dMM Into ?e? erai dlatrlcu and a iwiui made [MU ae^urlag>?mrf ?t teadnnoa at each service. fcj '? tof IUuU^ out of Wake,/ loSnaon, Ftukftiigpa wilaoa caaatiee. Th*l?J; # N*?h: Extaat privilege at arrfcii^iUm tree traaapartation up on railroad* la thla itate Mother com mon e*rrla?, unending atetton Iio? of Rerlaal of i?#5. >- . ,.v; . Two BO. Reported ta/aeoreWy, Tha Mlla to validate the probate* and redatration o( deed* and other Inatrumanta and to empower the com mlsaloaera of Camden and. Cur-ttuck couatlaa to eetabllah boundary line, were reported unfavorably. Tfiren Hundred A^urf by Dynamite Explosion New York, Feb. 2. ? A cargo of dynamite in transit from a freight |car To the hold of a lighter moored at pier No. 7 Communlpaw. N. J., let go at Just one minute past noon to day, 60 yards south of the Jersey City terminal of the Central railroad of New Jersey and In the widespread ruin that followed seven men are known to have been killed, seven more are missing hundreds were wounded and varying reports leave from fifteen to twenty more unac connted for. Thirty seems to be a conservative estimate of the dead, and property damage s wilt hardly fall below [-9760,00#. The cause of the explosion Is Va riously attributed to the dropping of ft case of dynamite 'and to a boilerj Hon station on Kills Island; the shock | was felt at AnltyvHle. Long Ialand $S miles distant, end ia New Jer sey at Long Branch, 4 5 miles away. The damage is en widely scattered It ts Impossible to nsore than ronghly estimate It, but In Manhat tan alone It la placed at $100,000, on Bllla Island at from $10,000 to $t5,0J>0, and In el! "three quarters of a million appears to be a fair es timate In New York the terror was Inten sified by uncertainty. For half an hoyr nobody knew what had happen-] TO PRESERVE | ? THE FORESTS The North Carolina For estry Convention Mas Been Organized 0. H. Hill PHOT Swrtdon of Forestry Convention In Raleigh Itesult* in the Orguizs* of the North Carolina ftaaoetfttlon. The Meeting Wan Largely Attend ed. ^ : ' Raleigh, N. C.. Feb. J.? At the elow of the forestry convention vo nlght, the North Carolina Forestry I association Was organised with the election of Dr. D. H. Hill, president of the A. ft M. College, as president and State Foreater J. 8. Holmes as secretary treasurer. The prealdent was authorised to appoint an execu te oommttte* 9t Umtik?a& >** taoraiwr and a rice president to be appoint ed from each of the thirty-eight sen atorial districts, Fire wardens are to be appointed In every township or county request ing it, their compensation by counties to be for actual services only. 7h? executive committee is to appoint a sub- committee to draft a constitu tion and report at the neat meeting subject to the call of the president. The object of the association Is to protect and preserve forests of North Carolina and the Generat As sembly will be asked to enact legis lation that will have this effect. The association adopted resolutions urg ing the passage of a general . suite stock law and recommending that for eatry be taught in the A. 4k M. CoV ttjttfrjar-W pnkriffi* in -thi schools. lug In Trinity church a valuable stained glass window was strewed in the alalea. Strange to say, office buildings on the water front streets In New York were no more jarred than those on the further aide of Broadway, In Wall street, Nassau street, on the curb market row, or the 8tock Exchange Itself. / A plate glass window In the rear of?he Stock Exchange was smashed, and in the aquarium at ths southern most part of the Island 12 windows and 25 skylights were broke^. Nearly every structure from Ful ton street south suffered in some manner. BENEFIT TONIGHT Camacd Man at New OtImm to Tak?> On Ufe. ' New Orleans. Feb t. ? E. L. Cain. 35 years old, of McComb City. Miss, committed suicide by ?wallowing car bolic acid In a boarding house here tbis afternoon. Cain left a nolo la I which be said * pride and whiskey were the cause" H la ungrateful In Champ Clark to repudiate the mules | WASHINGTON'S (GREATEST STORE For the Kraeflt of tlie Volunteer Hoee Company. Tonight at the Gem Theatre there I will be a benefit given for the Vol unteer Hose Company No. 1 of this city. In addition to the attractive pictures a fine musical program will be rendered by local talent. The Forbes Orchestra will render the laetrameatal music. Among the featu-ea will be a cor net solo "Calvary" by Mr. Shelby Joaes. Vocal duet by Miss Ada #thode? and' Mr. William Harding. "Every Little Movement. ' "The Dollar Princess" by the or chestra: Other interesting features will be Introduced. The entire program will doubtless prove interesting and entertaining to all who attead. ? ; ' The benefft Is for a worthy rause aad should be generously patroiffed. The admission* win be the same as heretofore. gtan steamer T*u*9l?rflHMbidjeI]. bound from ProgjiJlMfcBlle and the Swedish steamer Uplands. Cap taL: Pearson, outward bound with a cargo of 1 amber for Beunos Ayres. collided in the Mobile ship channel, yesterday morn! us. ? Both vessels were severely damaged. j The Uplands after being turned In the lower oay. returned to port. The Iron stem of the Nor was smashed In the water line nearly to the deck ?nd a bis hole was jammed in tho port side of the Uplands naar the bow, -rme p la toe being cracked to tho water's edge. Tho damage will amount to sever al thousand dollars. The accident is said to have been due to a sudden sheer which the Nor took to port as the veaaels ap proached one another. Son of Mr. J W. Fen-ell McemMIr Operated oa by Dr. H. W. C?rter J. W. Ferrell. Jr., of till* city was operated bn at the Fow|? Memorial Hospital yesterday by Dr. H. W Car <er. aasist?d by' Dr. John C. Rodman -ftkb city ' ait . Dr. Charlfi, _ 0/ [*aughlnghouse of QreenttlVe. The operation was for Mastoiditis. The Dally Newi la gftad to lino<r that the operation waa auceeaafnl and the pat'ent la gnttlnc on nicely. ' : 1 >*?-- iMji;; , ,.jt, Hchoonct* Gold Mine. The fcchooner Gold Mine of Hyde county. Capt. Ltt-fcy Pedrtck In com mand, was here on yesterday loaded with corn. She left this morning loaded with merchandlae consigned to merchants In that county. HID INDIFFERENCE VEST COSTLT I Many of |hf Southern Democrat* ^ "Will Ignore Hie Gall and Disregard Him a* Minority Leader?Are An gry llpcauM" (Mark Kkidoraed the Taft Tariff liojerd 1U11. Washington, Feb. 2.? Champ Clark h&R aent out hurry calls to the dem ocratic representatives requesting them to bold state causcusea on the subject of Canadian reciprocity. Many of the Southern democrats, however. Intend to Ignore his call, and dlsregsrd him as minority lead er. The reason they assign Is the fact that Clark saw 'flt to Indorse. the Taft tariff board bill, without 'con sulting tbem about It. They are an gry with the Mlsourlsn because of this. There Is another reason for the disaffection of the southerners, par ticularly the Louisiana delegation. They claim Clark did not turn a fin ger" in favor of New Orleans for the 1915 Pensma exposition. While the administration was ac tively llnln* up San franclsoo, Clark refused to use his influence with the democrats In favor of the C-escent City. They tfeclsre his Indifference win cost hlu; support of BMiny south ern states for the presidential nomi nation la 1913. Uraftlai is Charged. Raleigh, N. C., Feb. I. ? In making a fight for the repeal of the^ 1909 law allowing sheriffs $90 eaeh for blockade stills broken np, as ft ap plies to Cherokee county. Represent ative Dtllard charged in t^e house yestorday that Dsputy sheriffs in. bis county have "grafted" his eovknty out of |1,800 for feei of this kind when In resltty there had not been more than two distilleries In whole county within two years. No sctlon was taken on tbe bill. ? ' " ? . M IPVTBtrraBlM THE WTOf . j THE GEM THEATRE that will delight the meet blaae of tb, Favorable to the Annex For the Old Soldiers/' Home at Raleigh Ralelgb. N. C.. Feb. I? Tb* bill of Representative A. D. McQlll of Cumberland, to provide for the open las of tbe Soldiers' Home to the wive# and widows wbo were married to Confederate soldiers between ISO i and 1868, tbe sum of $6.0*0 tor ere*, tlen of a dormitory end 98.000 an nually for the malntatiiace of the afternoon in tbe auditor's ofloe be fore tbe joint committee on Soldiers' j Home and Pensions for Otafedernte^ pollers ' . v;~"" 1 ** ^ ; After comiiderable discussion on bill, the committee decided to report ,Jt favorably, the committee voting tot the bill unanimously. Speeches Wefd made by Col. Ashley Horne, Oonorfti Jnllah 8. Carr. Dr. B. W. Slkes and 6ther members. Before' tbe committee appeared Mrs. Hunter Q. Smith of Fayette vllle and a com mittee from the North Carolina Di vision of the Daughters of the Con federacy. , in thin city on Saturday the courthouse. His "Things About Doctors and other people ought to The address will be delivered un der the auspices of the Beaufort County Medical Association. Not on ly is every male citizen of Washing ton urged to be present but every lady and especially those of the Wo mans' Betterment Association. Dr. McCormick comes to Washington bearing with him the highest endorse ment not only as a physician of note bat as a platform speaker. This distinguished speaker deserves a large audience and the Daily News hopes thst every one interested in this great theme will avail themselv of this rare opportunity. " LKC.AL PRIMARY. A Draft of * Bin to he Draws mad Pnbll*hc<l in the Newspapers At a meeting of the bar or this county held on yesterday to II* the calendar for the February Beaufort county superior committee was | of Messrs. Harry .Grimes and E. A. Dsnlels hill to be introduced la General Assembly for * i primary for Beaufort mob as this bill is ;lt will be published la pert of the couaty se as the citizens as to Smith of experience in anred in his 1 MMteoe. Tobacco Farm Help wanted \

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