ap- oor appreciation. lb. ort Utv All round ?oo<i cook want* poiltl with prlrate family or boardl hou.e No HI Water St. Phono ! ??? ? A Secoml HhrHock Holmn Comln*. Uneedlt. Uwantlt. Ufel WhatUlt? Why, the Great Detect Booklet to be glren free with I New Tork Sunday World. A compl, novel, all at once, and free! Ton ]i can't set It uolee? ydu order In i Tanca. Remember! a eecond 8h lock HoUaee Dedna Feb. i?. Do foraet the date. ? _i_ The many friends pf Mra. An Crawley in thfa city and county a regret to learn that she haa mo* to New Bern where ?he will naaka.t future home with her daughter, M J. 8. Co*. ^ ' Tobacco Farm Help % WANTED I WANT TORXPLOY A NtTMBI os" rniu suuoi* mv-n wti >K WITHOUT FAMIIiV TO DO OK BBAI. FARM WORK. TOBAOC u??. %?. ? . r.inj ui WW ahjp.be relieved ot poll for the year l?tl ud lttl. Ordered that Mr- Knoi of the town of Waahjngton be allowed (3 ?0 |??r month for three month.. Pursusnt to an act of tho general ssembly eetabllshing a. recorder! pourt for the town of Washington, Ix)ng Acre. Bath and Cboeowlnltj townships, ratified January jSth. 1911, it Is hereby ordered that Mr. W. D. Grimes be and it hereby ap .po'nted recorder. Mr. C. H. Harding \n bo and he I. berifby appointed substl l* lute recorder, and Mr. Clereland C, Cratch be And ho Is hereby appointed clerk of said recorder's court. Their term of office expires on the firfl Monday In Decembe- 1&13. \ j Mr. Clevelaifd C. Cratch presented his official bond aa clerk to recorder'! court which was accepted and ordered duly recorded. Ordered, that T. u! Taylor be re-] Mered of poll tax for the years ltlfl | and mi. (Phyilcal disability). Ordered that Mrs. Samuel Sullivan be allowed a pair Of shoes to coat not more than $1.50. \ Ordered that Mr. B. H. -Thompson, same warden for Beaufort countj, be allowed unUI the March session 5 warden for Fut?o townahlp. be no tified to mfcke bin report to tin March Minn at the board Ordered that 8. T. Jackaon be al lowed tn dollar, to cat a ditch auf ent to conver the water from hi. [farm which was caused by Rupert it tendent of PnMIe Road, turning the wator la bla dltcli. The matter at settlement left with Oommlaalonar rraemaa. Ordered that J. H. Warren bo re lieved of poll tax is Royal achool die t^ct, he being a realdent of-tli- town . .hlpt at large. Amount of relMfe.M in? *? Ordered that Will Tnten be reUe^-l ed of poll tax in Edwar4 school die trlct he being a realdent of the ton .hip at laree Amount of relief 90 iStife'" jEt. ' V >. I Ordered that O. T. MaTo be rere ad of the adywl tax on <0 acre, of land In South Creek school dlatrlct. ral<?4 at $100, It being In township at large. Amount of relief tO cents. for sntl.fno&r, reaaona the board allows Rowland Morrle of '?dwnrd Fchool dlatrlct to ll?t U acre* of land valued at and personal proper ty 111*. Tota>?T4B. Amount of tax (LSI* It appearing to the board that Samuel Harrla. col., of Paatego town. hip la charged with tax en 44 of land valued at I1S0 add It >r appearing that ho haa aold and' before thr Brat of Jfane It erwA.t^Kt he be roller ad of the [.aarne, amrmnt of relief ?l.r,o. It la a*MHfe*A thatJia be allowed to n^.?fie4Sat fit. Amount of tax frMu. . ' ;? -?1 it Ippoarfne to the satisfaction o( <*? *oard* that C. P. Fulcher. aurnt, peraonal property ralued at |ttl la llrt*4 In Edward, achool dlMfet, and It farther appearing that It ITW the township at large it la ordered that he be relieved of the achool tax. Ut. n't rffl shtpSit large It la ordered that ht be refteved of the echool tax. Amoao) Ordered that L. D. Bonner, ganfu lan, Be relieved of $1.00 school tal In Rc?al district, that property belnfi in thd township at Iarse. -r\1 Resolved: That-%e instruct th? county'atfcorney to fcave paasod a law proTidlnR n road law for Washlngtor Long Acre and Choeewinity town ship* providing a tax of *2.00 or polls outside of the town of Wash lngton aad lOe on $100 worth ol property In the satire dlatrlct and to hart three road commissioners the terms of the three Urat commis sioner! to be respectively 2, 4 and I years. Whereafter 6 years, to be pointof V the qounty commissioners Resolved further: That the reso lution passetf at the Jinuary meeting recommending a ten cent tax on on< hundred dollars forth of property in the entire county be rescinded. North Carolina ? Beaufort Count To the Honorable Board of Commis ?loners: Tbe petition of the undenlrnec oidfVfis of Chocowlnlty township re speetfully showeth to your Honora ble l*oard that a public road la aak | township beginning; at the new road between Arthur xMoore'a and Jin i Feeds, running .to Jesse N. . Hill's fence, thence with the division llnJ between said Hill and John Jone:; to another old cart road, thence with said cart road to the colored church on Blount's Greek road, would be ?' fc. at usefulness and convenience ^tc f v petitioners, we therefore ask thaV you have the same laid out and dcrlared a public road according tc la- Respectfully submitted. J. H las I Mta fee ttbat In the Dally N.w. of P.b ruary lad. an article 1. published Sa ner Klenrlng head linen which h both " iulal?.adln* In Km. o^lu Itatemeata. and In other, onfall* to t . at ham and tnraelf RPvh^S^0,e r*t*rr*d to 13 and I shall therefore is lstune K*ls the creation of mh or?n. [-fealop* reporter, who desires news regardless of tu correctness.' The repoHer starts In by saying j^hat the representative from Rich {Und township thinks h* la the who!*, show, and that the people don't know what they want. That be h.\s forced upon Richland township a read law and a recorders cocrt without giving the/n any knowledge or information, and In spulte of the fact that the ree l-orders court was to tad down two years ago, Now allow me to say (that all of the above paragraph Is aV solutely false and without founda tion. The facta are^lhat by refer ence to Public |?vs of ltO?. page 851, the reporter eeuld have InfoVm ed himself that such a court waa treated for Richland townahlp ana duly ratified, but being unwilling to organise tbe oourt untl' the people had spoken, an eloctjf* . was called and the majority rote 0t aald elec tion was against the' oourt. and It waa therefore never established A portion of aald township voted In fa vor of the coprt, and following their expreealon amj, at tbe dJh^ct request of these people who voted I felt It my duty ns the^r representative 16 give It to them, which I have done excluding all aectlons of said town ship who opposed the same, and for my action I have no apology .to make aa I bate obeyed tge majority. The citlsens of all partlM of fcich township ^s?e?bled In AttffiXA |Jari^ \fi*e*mflSth cttNdveftber, an? In mass meeting requested mo to pass a road law for that township, said mptelns fixing method of work ing and rate of tax. and the law parsed for aald townahlp la an exact copy of the resolution adopted by the maaa meeting. The above la a cor rect statement which can be eetab llahed by more than one hundred of our beat qltlsena. and yet the Dally Newa says that ' I have forced upon tbeee people a road law without giv ing them any knowledge of Ita effect, bat this Is another evidence that the reporter desires news rather than truth and tacts; It 4 a a well known, faet that the Oonnty Convention adopted M res olution instructing the representa tives of Beaufort county to pass a bill, the effect of which would be to put tbe officers of Beaufort f.ounty on salaries, and to create a system of audit for aald county. ^Obeying the solemn instruction of the peo ple, Mr: Lathsm snd the writer have labored as best we could to carry out tbe Wtll of tbe people and at the / time be *air to every We have adopted a tenia off salaries, and we are dally receiving letters about one half of which request that the acale be raleed, and tbe othe^half demand ing that the scale be lowered. My of Beaufort county, I aak [-what would yon do If you yere here (placed ^n the aame position as we We have followed as near as we knew the resolution above referred to, and can any honest, fair minded plan justly criticise ns for onr ac tion? We' did not want to create a Ire the tax pay era to pay him a living aalary fo. auditing the county affairs only, and In order to cut tbe expenae of this office. Mr. Latham and myeeir In corporated in the bill, n provision the auditor to perform other duties for which the county Is now paying extra about and this being true of tbe oounty's books t the tax park* thai of $8.21 per month.1 quoting, the writer as * damned U on salary, hf$jm correct, for what it , would net vlo SO. of Puts ? ? ?????? who wfi m our clty^Vast weok ' 5 Mr. Jossnli Is not only a hustler but a gentleman Of broad commercial Ideas, ga'ned by years of actual con tinued contrast and observation In the study 'of conditions of all Ideali ties atld fits consented to giro us some time-tried and proven pdsas for the development of our great ?late, which we preeent, feeling they ,wlll meet the hearty approval of ev ery cltixen and especially the work era ? the wjn who do things. ? Mr. Joseph says: The merchant who buys . a b'g stock of 11 rut -class merchandise and never makes the fact known. Is the man who fills; Just so with onr present plan of de velopment, for, whllo we know of the wonderful natural reeonrcos we seeker ? Is Ignorant, hence our mer chandise is unknown beyond the con fines of four square walls. in watching the development of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, *Plorlda Joseph says,' I lind the secret of their success lies In the publicity. \ given to the great mass of that cl^s ^ who are fleeing from the cold wln-*^ ters, high priced lands and coa'gest- ; ? ed agricultural districts of the mid dle west: that class which Is the back.' bone of our country ? the farmer. However, mach credit is due the press along theae^llnee. yet the fact Remains, that we do not come In con tact with the "live wire" hence no results. We must reach the interest ed part'es and they are not In or of the South. M Let me say that your Norfolk Southern R. R. adopted * plan sf publicity had they not been hamper ed In Its execution would have actu ally produced. They Invaded the very confines,, of thj migrant, but I would present a much more forceful plan at a very meagre expense ? the one that made the northwest as well as southern Cadadfc, which locality alone drew on the middle west for 286,000 families. Briefly tt is this: Organise a "commercial club" or "booster club." to which everybody who has an Interest In his city and country is elllgable. Elect as officers men of (Continued on Fourth Fags.) fWd fotton, 5.40. Mat Cotton. 14.15. Cotton seed ptr ton. $30.00. Hither yon are better off than you J were Jtlils time last ywfr or else you are worse off by being a year older with nothing to show for It. * Of course, savin*; money requires that exercise of a certain amount of'., self-denial, but it Is merely a case of temporary self-denial, because your Idle dollars will become earn ing dollars, by Investing in-tbe well located real estate I am offering In Washington. S. ,Tou will Old that people will efem you a grdht dsal more If you otm your hume, and It will give fN a se'f-respeet that Is a valuable' aoset In Itself. I have four (4) house and lots for sale, ranging In prion from

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