NORTH CAROLINA at wm be admitted by Canada free of duty When from tMa countryy "Heretofore canned oyitm bare been taxed throe eenta per pachage whPn In Tflnttlns. and fl*e cent* per "pack afce when In quart tin*; and T.he*e rates hrre been Well rltfh prohibitive "North Carolina put up 9177,990 of canned -oysters In lt05. J A*"e to enter Canada from the "United State* at one-fourth or the present duties of Xmshslled or at tme . third of the present duties If Shelt Oxnada' Imported about ?95,000 of .. un Shelled -peanut? from the trotted States In the year ended March TL. 1910, and about 941,900 of ahene? peanuts. She collected approximate ly 940.000 -more In duties on thl* characteristic North Carolina prod act than If the pending reciprocity had been In force. ? ^ 4f two cegts per ponnd oa unshelled peanuts Canada wfll lery only one-half a cent per pound, ?ad In place Of threfe eenta per pound of ton prr Mnt tron lMr rormetSvi* w?lch fm one-fourth of th???ltie ttl? psrtarmancc ?wm befts i.rowstly at 8:30. Reserrwl seats to those aot holdlni Mm ttcxra Will be TSe; general 'admission 50c; children *5e. Tickets -will be am tnfto at Hor?7*s Dm* nope. .4-ft HaVwnod Robert Mattlove. as im personator, monotogtetwund reader is an artWL in the truest sense. TH? work Is particularly noticeable tkru the lines humor aad Trts mission is to make -you laugh. Ft?a and ?er-| sonal reports from avwrpwltore war rant as ki calling M xnthe "mirth Mr. lHa.loys is a renter of rare jftlent and ability, A a m character Impersonator and dialect delineator | he excels and will not NH to highly entertain" tfll who mar be so fortu-i Tobacco Farm Help WANTED I WANT TO KMPLOr A VUfBK or Himyiuous xm w n R WITHOUT FAMILY TO no OKI I ? 1.50 year lftxnd 15c W *to???fing town ordinance. TrlsA. "Rot gtfTTty. State Tg. And r*>w "Herring and *eia Tif. ij?rr?rr. TWea. oniw-r, "Herr*ng be <1 ten Led *tx> fcrar months In J*fL State vs. "Claud "t^lat-k -and Barm Mft. A. T?. w. Tttd. -Guilty Ft*te -vs. "Wm Thompson -and. Mary "Thompson. Tairceny. "NdrPros as te "Mary "Thompson. "Wip. "Thorn ipon triM. -wot twnty BUte vs. Thfts. TWe'-cer. "Jim Mer cer, T?ee. Brown aria "Hay* dark. A. D. W. 'Tried Odlfty Htm Mercer lined sod one-fourth costs, the Other delfcndanta flned $10.00 each and one-fourth costs. State tb. TJarfield Taff. Larceny and TecelVln*. Tried. Tkfllty or re c4tftajt -stolen Roods TtuoWhig them to have "been stolen. "State -p. Joe WasbhrKton. T^arceny Pleads yruflty. Sentenced -to four months on rotraty roads. State rs. "FTimlTTott. "Larceny. De fendant caTlefl -and failed. "Judgment nl "eel set fa. The grand Jmy reconrnietfded that tbe Sheriff's office be icmotad from the Jail and tl)at be T>e furnlibed with more eonrm odious -trnarterrs and that the offices Of clerk of fho court and register of Oeeds be enlarged. Bee. S. H. Broom to Preach tsf|th !?*? SniHlar Krwl* ' v V Pamlico chapter No._??. JMghta of Prthlai, will attend the FtrttMeth odlat church nut flicdk}' enmlne In a bo4r at wfclch time the pastor. Ties R. H. Broom will dwBier to -tMB ? ?pedal sermon. ThU will be lite ?Tth aaajrenair or the order. There -will he apectal muatc. V. _ .A* bill to entitled, "An A U to A the C barter of the City of MSl&XMn. N. C.7 Jflfre General Aium'.:; of Sifirth Carolina do enact: Section l . That sections Un, alcr en, Wire ?nd tUrMa (10. 11, It an4 .13) Chapter One Hundred ^^Kftenty (170) Private Laws of N*o*l^ Carolina, session of Oae Thou Nino Hundred and Three (lift?) be and the same are hereby TOBtaleJ. and the Collowfes la hereby ftu&ltuted in Ilea thereof aj^rtioa 3. Tb% "Rsrardera Court" created and eatabMahol by House Bill Bo 899, Scout* m No. ??. ra tios of 1>11 of the Oa&eral Autm bly ft Nortt CtnW>l. ?hall h?v? *n? BC"?* ell of iQue Jurisdiction, j poWar and anthorttj conferred upoa the Major of the dtr of Washington by sections tea, el*ren and thlrteea {1% Jl, 12, 13> t**bapter One H?b-' and 9aremy <1701 Private Lava ef eers of the cip^ol Washington, under' tl?e prvfMftms-tif House Bill Wo. 3?5 tend 3errate "BmTJo. 359 of aowflon of 1*11. i?f the "Oeneral Aasenrtrtf of TJTrth Card Una, -creatine said -record trf*a rourt. add 'those which would be j tttte unB^T" the-Coreaald Seettons ten, ^JevmWwolve and thirteen fit), ll, 11. TXVVf Chapter One Hrmdred and ^Seventy "Private "La wa of North Car <ffhra. wB^aion <5f 1903, and shall pay the aanae over*eo the Treasurer of The "Ctty ot Washington. SaWTrcav Tmer shuTL credlV-eame to the "general rlty Tan?, Bectton '5. "The Mayor of the City or WaahftiBtOB Shall, receive u-salary Of 8i*,"Hwndrad "Dollar (3 UK) 00) per -aim urn, to he paid la rmmtnly Ineta'Thnetft of 'fVO.OO on .the first day -of each and every month \y the treasurer, Section 6. The members rff tbe Bovrd of Aldermeti shall recChre for eatfh Rtrti every regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen that they at tend tbQeam of two dollars. ( $3.00) each, to "be paid by the treasurer out of the etty general fond. flection 1. All lav* and daneaa of j . .,s, ..... The well-known firm of the Ji t. Clark Company, to now en gaged la ?emod?lfrr.ihelr large store on W?t M?ln past week the time during pake thl? place ot business one the moot sttractlrk and modasjvli: Ihla seotion of North Carolina. > The mala sta<rw*y has been W nove^vfrom the center of the bond ing ana placed in the rear, leadiag to a well-arr*aged aad convenient balcony. On t)e balcony will be lo-| eated the buaiaees offices and the| cashier. From this balcony entrance te had to the mlHlnery department on the second floor which IflHH been rearranged. Tbe entire store | Is being <remodled and will work narked Improvement. ? ;? | Not only doee the new arrangement afford more room bat it expedites matters considerably In the way of handling the large amount of busl nesajj-ansacted dally. Tho Ji ' Clark Company baa always enjoyed a large and lucrative trade in Wash lngton and curroandlng country andj the Improvements now being lna tail ed will afford them better opportun ity to meet tbe demakda of their growing patronage. Tha store will be .a JSPftel. It must be saen by the Daily Nawa readers to be properly] appreciated. laws In conflict with this act are here by repealed. Section 8. This act shall be la fall force from aad after its ratification. BBHT PRISONERS GAIN FREEDOM Bight prisoners made their escape at large excepting one. who -after reaching tbe Norfolk Southern ftepOtVta&M to return and give hlm ?eiTaV He was under sentence for ?a term oT three years in the state prlaon"- for "housebreaking. The prisoners, according to state ment of tbe -returned prisoner made their escape between one and two tWIodk. This is the second Jail delivery 'within the TJasrt year, three prison ers having cut their way out through 'the wall. The exit was made last night Lttrrough. Cbe wyLr wail of the Jail af ter having 'succeeded In gaining their freedom from thelT respective cells. | *Rie prisoners again demonstrated fks Tact "that even steel bars is not a bar to their freedom. By the skilled use of a wire Inserted in the combi nation btox at tbe main entrance to tbe cells by Which the padlocks were lifted from their position in conse *wnce -off -which the door could bo opened tbey -were enabled to pick tbe wall susd gain freedom. Tbe hole taJthe wall wes made about 12 feet! from the <remi and was about a foot - - - > THE G?M THEATRE HOWE 18 WARM AND OOZY ?Once roe Unit the "OBM" rem II ??*? it ? *nctlv, to to there .rery time the pictures ere changed, rmceukta'tkui better piece toco the efclldraa m. Atalealoa ? end l*c uirw/nr | WASHINGTON'S ? rv. MO V I 1 GREATEST STORE OUR BUYERS leave for the Northern Markets, Monday, February 20th. Any Special Order* will receive Prompt and Careful Attention. ? MADAME LITTLER will be In charge of our Millinery Department. Any Special Orders will Have Her Personal Attention. MIL llliuiuiflliu OF THREE STATES [oaporunt Meetiog To Be - ? Held ia Raleigh ^ [HE MEDICAL SOCffTT Is OoayoMd ot the Idling Doctor* tn Vlrglala and the Two Carollnas. A Urge AUMduM- 4* Linked for. The Com Mm tm Anw?nMM Making i ExtsoHve Preparatlol*. J\ Raleigh, N. C-. Fem. t?.? Tha Trl SUte Medical Sadat y of VlrglaU and the Carolina*, although scarce Ijr mora than a decade In age. nan ben among Ita membership thd load ing physicians and 'surgeons of the state* represented. In addition to the pleasure and profit derived from all medical societies, thla one has the special purpose of co relating medical thought dad action ill these three leading Southern Btatea. The Park Hotel, Just oae block from the Union Station, will be need aa headquarters, and the Elk's Club, only one block from the hotel, has very kindly been tendered the aochs ty by the Elka for the reading and discussion of papers. Governor Kitchln will open the meeting with an addreaa of welcome Wednesday morning, February 32nd at 11 o'clock. After this will follow an extreme ly Intereatlng program, on which will be found the samee of many men of National reputation. The preaident of the 8odety Is Dr. Joseph A. White, a well known oculist, of Richmond, Virginia; the Secretary, Dr. J. Howell -Way of jW^ynesYiUe, North Carolina, under I -? - - - - . - . . ,'L,. [--.J ms^novneui 1 pi gram has been prepared, la well I known to the profession of these ' three states for his special ability aa an executive officer. A smoker has been arranged at the Capital Club, Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. Any one desiring hotel reservation may communicate With the chairman of the committee on arrangementa. Dr. H. A. *Royster, who will take pleasure in making desired reserva tion. . v? It ia earnestly desired that as large* a representation of the profession of thla state as possible show their in terest In this meeting by their attendance; they may be sure that I their* time will be well spent, as the* program promises to be an extreme- - ly instructive one. Jailor John Lucas waa sleeping in the Jail building but states that he heard no noise or disturbance during the night to indicate that something unusual waa going on. The first inti mation received by the sheriff and hla deputies that the prisoners had escaped was when one of the prison ers Samuel Robis?on returned. Sheriff Ricks offers a liberal re ward for the capture and return of ' the eacaped prisoners. , A man doe* not have to be knee> deep In dough to be well bred! YOU! ? You m.y tuni , d?( w (o Bo^. an. ' ,0U C*nnot dod?e ts *? b*,u,r off th*? tk" tlme l?t 7? T or Cllfl you 2*2 ?ff "T beln* * ?ar older with nothing to show for It. Of oourae, UTlng money require, " e'orelw of a certala amount ?f ?elf-denial. but It le merely . CM, of temporary RlUmn, 7?nr Idle dolUn. -HI become ear*. the well aetata I am oterinc in Waahlngton, n. c.. Tou win Bnd 2S TWI a rrekt "A It will ?T. 7(X, . M.,-rC^ ?kat |? . valuable UM |a ItMlr. I have four (|) j *J?. ranginf in price from ?75t.O* "P iMach one le an "^rtiomJir ?ood laveetment and ?*pw!m]ule^ ?Mat la ralue la aaaured. AttraotlT. *? b. Mnnoi ??*? Hth Bt. NW. Waablastoa, N.C.

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