* ' 'V ? ?' We jell for cwh of L.SUSMA Because of a mliconceptlon u to tba action ot lime therews much tam? u?B of lime by a goodly number of turner*. Is nan; cam where mirk ad results hats followed the dse of this materia] the conclusion has bees draws that K la the only one that needs be added to th? soil In order to sec-are larse yields annually there after. Such a conclusion la not lust Uad *y the facta In the ?aae. and If b?**?r* the .son If It la depended up on solely tor average soils, n should be remembered that, altbonsh lime is as essential for plant growth aa phosphoric acid, nitrogen and" potash. It Is able to replace any on* ot -these nstrlents In the promotion of plant development WOBKO^ IN PRES 3 * ? ? ; Ixptrtm.nl. J? ? Bmdir. ? ~ DnrliiK tb* port Itw ofBc* at |>tiUI! rartment of arrtet rumn ib and Sun^Proof. || S. <-amt gigagfesg Dralnnpre may be **14 to be the moil Deeded condition fbr permanent good roude, not almply drainage of tb? road eorfnee. whieb Is my Important, tmt a proper and- complete drainage of the entire roadbed and foundation, tills In ancb a manner that there would not beueflta to. lie arrived from ti75ppor tonlty to have an oatlet for a tile *rato C|fe "^teWtronlrt bo- ?ii' great If net Sreater than tbo*? resulting f ran Un proved highway*. CALIFORNIA ROAD. CilN GtNtch Gotweon Et Mont a snd Pomona. Without doubt as flue a stretch of country rond as can bo found In the United State* In that now uenrfng com pletion between El Monte and I'omona jjnder one of tbe eoutrnrts of the good road* project. In fact. imatmbly cx celH any rural road !u any other part of the country, a* It la built by a proc-. ess that has only recently been per fected and tried to Cernmuy. Affer the rondwuy I* graded and all depressions filled the enrth Is packet! bard with a steam roller, and then a layer of crushed rock Is laid on it. the pieces nveraglujr several Inches square. On this Is spread a layer of consider ably finer rcjpk. and then comes a third and last layer of very fine rock. These are pressed firmly together with a heavy steam roller and then thoroughly saturated with erode petro leum. Lastly, the roadbed Is covered with a layer of rock dusf as fine as powder and then smoothed at* packed many times again with the steam roll er. The result Is s road as smooth and firm as any asphalt paved city street and one that with a little * . 1 ': * Form East Carolina Fair is Object of WiluriagtonClab ' # DlilWIIlHET HELD MUEH I Realties the Ariel Flight* There Will be Exhibit* of ? Poultry, Dfoplay of Farm Proteeu aad Agricultural Implement*, ?c, ? The "Mid-Way" Will C tome In fan* its Share of] Pralfe. * Wilmington, Feb. 20.? For the purpose Of ultimately forming what will be known M the Eastern Card^ no* Fa'r Association, whicb will give annual events in this county, the Wilmington D firing Aaaoclatlon, pro moted by acme of the leading and moat public spirited cltisens of this city and section, was recently organ-, Ised, and a large tract of land, sit uate about four miles from Wilming ton on both the suburban car line and teh Wrlghtsville turnpike, was purchased and has been enclosed by a fence and grandstands and other buildings erected, and also a. half mile race track has been provided , and tnrmally Inaugurating this movement, which promises much In the development of Eastern Carolina, will be an aviation meet on March1 tth. ltth, and 11th, when flights will -be made by representatives of ^^^^j^^ftfto^Ooapany us Rumor haa it that in the near fu ture some more handsome and up to dat* brick buildings will be erected street. * temoon of the three days between 31 and ? o'clock, and the street car company has granted a rate of b cents to the grounds fo>* these exhi bitions. The meet will be the most extensive ever held in this state, jfor it will extend over a longer per ; lod of time and besides there may j be many other attractions, so thct [ the visitor will have something to | attract his attention and enlist his | interest every moment he ts on the | grounds. In addition to the flights, a great attraction within itself, Mr. Frank , Herbst, the energetic local manager,) who is giving his time for the sole purpose cf establishing here a fa'r association, haB undertaken to have a poultry exhibit, display of farm pro ducts and agricultural implements, etc. Moreover, there will be a mid way composed of hlgb-clasR attrac-l tlons, and there will also be soft1 drink stands, etc., and other features which will make the event take on the appearance of a long established ? the airships. Mr Herbst h%^al<:0 engaged a large band to furnish mu sic at the grounds. The occasion is expected to rival the festivities dur ing the Taft day celebration, a little over a year ago when thousands of visitors were in the city. Mr. Herbst has secured reduced rates on the railroads from points within a radius of 126 miles of Wil mington and he has received reports which indicate that there will be thousands of people here for the event, hundreds coming from point? beyond the territory within the cheap rate district. It will truly be a big occasion and Wilmington cltisens gen erally are preparing to accommodate great crowds and will do all in their power to make their stay In the city a pleasant one. I i^" I ?v* ASH'INGTON'S ?J. rv- nUY I \ GREATEST STORE EXTRA SPECIAL, Messaline and Taffeta Drop Skirts at $4.98 An Excellent Value in Good Quality , Taffeta at ? ? $2.98 Other Values in Satteen and Percaline 81. 48 & 98c district rarrraa. Of tbe KBlftbU of rythlas Here N?ct . Thintej Nifht The district meeting of tbe K might* of Pythias order will ccnvene 1a tiki* city on Thursday evening. At least one hundred visitors are expected and the local chapter la making elab orate preparations for their enter tainment. The business session will be held in tbe hall of the local lodge and the banquet to the visitors apd invited guests will be given in the armory. Dr. J. C. Rodman will do the hon ora as toastmaster. 18 COMPLKTRI) The New Mctbodlat Parsonage About Ready for Occspaary. The hi&dsome nbw Methodist par sonage on West Second street, which has been in fh* course of erection for \be past three months is now practi cally completed. Unless something unforeseen hap pens Rev. Mr Broom aad family will move oa Friday of this week. The residence Is now being furnished. Rev. Mr. Broom has gone to Elisa beth City, for the purpose of bring ing his family. THE MAN WHO IS AHRAD YOU Constantly Read a Lot of Stuff Afcoat Men Who Are Always Be There s the man behind the counter And the man behind tbe gun, T^e man behind the buxs-saw And the man benind the sun. Tbe man behind fche times, v aa behind the bars,; The man behind bis whiskers . And 'be man behind the cars. ? . BUT They've skipped another fellow Of whom nothing has been safd, Tbe fellow who Is even Or a little way ahead. He pays for what he gets, His checks are always signed, He's a .blamed sight more important Than the man who is behind. Tothem Editor^Snd Merchants And the whole Commercial Clan, Are all Indebted for existence To this honest fellow-man. He keeps us all^n business, And his tocn Is never dead, 80 we take off our hats To the man who is ahead. . Small Fire. | Ther^was a small fire on Third Btreet yesterday morning. It proved to be the kitchin of a colored wo man by the name of Peed. Very little damage was done. YOU! You may turn a deaf ear to good advice, but you cannot dodge the is sue. Either you are better off than you were this time laat year or else you are worse ofr by b?lng a year older with nothing to show for it. ' Of course, saving money reouires that exercise of a certain amount of self-denial, but it is merely a case of temporary self-denial, because your idle dollars will become earn ing dollars, by Investing in the well located real estate It am offering in Washington, N. C. You will find that people will esteem you a grfeat deal more if you own your buMie.. . and it will give you a se'f-res!*ect that is a valuable asset in itself. I have four (4) houses and lota for sale, ranging In price Irom $750.00 up. Each one Is an exceptionally good Investment and rapid enhance ment in v^lueis assured. Attractive terms can be Cirri?n~-*d. N. R. ROBlKftON 2422 14th St. nw. Washington, D. C. Tobacco Farm Help WANTED I WAHT TO BMrixrt A NI MKKR op ixDcenuoos men with OR WITHOUT FAM1I.Y TO no UBTf KRAI. FARM WORK. TiHlAOOO, THK PRINCIPAL CROP. BUT I? viors HirwaiNOB in worrikg TBI* CROP* HOT HRCS88AKV. A? mumh V o. l. *mr*n, " I c.