MARCH M, HED IN EA: ROLINA *ltfe alighting from as an > ?m dragged about fifteen (eat fewer of the car but when ad by a phyaiclan war. thought not to be sertoasly hurt. Tbo dis entitles state that Mr. Small In alighting from the automobile Which Vrought him from the railroad ata tlon to the Chamber o( Commerce bunding, got out or the Wrong aid* and did not notice the approaching trolley ear. 8lnce the accident the nameroue friend* ol our distinguished towna man will rejolee to know that hla la Juries did not amount to much on ly a fa# brtttaae. lie left Tronton for Waahlagton Pity, the same night aftor (ha mlahap and (ton there want to Atlanta. On- to attend the Southern Commercial Congreja. tt waa a narrow escape and the Bally Newa congratalntea Mr. Small * aa wall aa hla constituency. Ha la too valuable a man to loae. The Charlotte Obeerrer wall nays: think thlt Trenton N. J., at met car waa greatly lacking la Judgment. Were there no Juat-aa-w?U-dead loafers on the banks of the Dela ware that It kid flb rum- oyer on* of a'a moat uanfn) public the peraon ot Congreaaman ?$.'? T.vH* any mom. Bo waa a calculating clerk. Who thought ha know J eat bow much work a man ahould do to ear* hla my? he drew about two bonee a Any. Ha waa Insistent on hla rlghta; ho doabtleaa aat np late at nlgh'ta, ths constitution to PCTlae, and o'er hla grorloua wrongs to nua. Ho ,< knew Is dutlea to a hair, ha would not oren dust a chair, or atoka the atom or cloee the door ? he wgea't paid to do that chore. Hla nature had frown bank an daour through fair that he might work an hour (or which ho would not draw his pay; > he brooded o'er hla rights la bad. |intll rlghta went to his band. Than Qnlmper exercised hla right and trad young Jamee one balmy night. Ho aald: "I garo you ovary chance to flourish, prosper and advance, Slit all your brains hare tarndd to whey, and all your heart tea turned to hay. A thonaand man will gaily Jerk their Jncfceta OB and do your work and bteaa me that they hash the chance ? no plenao skedaddles Mr. Banoa" I p:ty him who anoru and lights and ripe around a boot hla rlghta. ? Walt ; Mason, In Charlotte Newa. North-Carolina hu aot maids a "Bill | day and not a word aboqt Jo- 1 ??pi! 0. Caution who la alio a rerjj funny man.? ledger qjapetch. Champ Clark M paaelng out letter. | vo( recommendation to rmnnna aa If t^ey wire aom? new patent med icine .?:< ' f - -Nobody will aVan take the trouble thla time to And out when tha (round hog cornea back. ? : 1 ; An ?tr? aeaalon would take aomej r ? of the ginger out of 'the State , I ? Itecelred HI* AfpotMnrat Aixl Con Armed by the Senate ta KncallTe Heiwloo. Xfarelk 8, 1*11, for a Term of Povr Yimii There Were Bar era) AppJlnMH* for the Poaltloa. The expected baa happeasd and Mr. Hugh Paul ha* been named to succeed Mmealf a* Poitma*ter tor the city of wuUiiton from March >. Mil, for a term of 4 year*. The iMalt in BWt I tlti ' flmlt)n promptly aoaflrmed Mr. Paul and on yeatar day ha waa orderad to arrange hi* bond tad r?ra!t to U* ^atofflce de partment. Thu* aad* aN political fight amoni the republicans waged Mr many montha. There ware ??' ami applicant* amcn^ the O. O. Pa. tor Mr. P?l'a poaltlan tat he ha* won, due no doubt to the wiae way iBf thosi pflcM where there are pub l!c building, Is there an office more complete or one better fitted Tor the dispatch and receiving of mail*. Mr. Paul has made a moat capable and efficient officer. Affable, urbane, and ever ready to meet the wishes and deelres of the citlxeni his reappoint ment Is surely -a reward of duty well performed During his term of office the city free delivery has been established, as wall aa additional county R. F. D. routee. '> y .1 The management of the office aa a whole has been remarkably improv ed, ?d much so. that the Washington poetoffice. without fear of contradic tion. stands today without a peer In North Carolina so far as manage ment fttad courtesy Is. concerned ..We congratulate Mr. Paul on bis reap pointment and hope his Incoming administration will be as successful and satisfactory as his preceding * The postmaster feels more than grateful ?or his reappointment and appreciates the endorsement of 1 p4trons. / ;;j . Recorder's Co art. 81 nee the" Inaughratlon of the re corder's court dally there has been her of cases disposed of. Re Is making a most far bJtts for t fee purchase of the fifteefa thousand dollar bond inue recently authorised by an art of the General Aaaembly. After all the bids had been open ed and examined it was found thai the Union Savingm Bank and Truii Company of Cincinnati, OWo. was th'tj highest bidder. The> offered fifteen thousand tw? hundred and fifty doV lars and accrued interest and also o? il gated to furnish bond blanks free of charge. The successful bidders enclosed with their bid a certified check for f 310 to evidence their good faith. Their bid was accepted by the board. These bonds were offered for sale pn March 8, 1011 to bear date of Jan-j uary 1, lfli and to mature January t, 1M1, the principal and senrtin nual interest to bo payable at some bank in New York City, to be named < later. The said bonds are to be in denominations of f 500.00 each. i^s" ? ? ?* " 1 * : ? V WATER FROM CAROLINA The Norfolk Water Commission baa asked the legislature of North Carolina to pass an enabling set which would permit thla city to ob tain its drinking wster from the Cbowan rivar. ' > V;"- . Without haefa* any Information regarding the cost of the dlflculties. it would, be impossible to give bsofa 9b from the "Old North State" is certainly pleasing.' Norfolk owes ^pme of its richeat blood to North Carolina, why not the other fluid so necessary to life. Few cities in the Tsr Heel Commonwealth have so many native "Down Homers': as has Norfolk; and for few, If any, of the North Carolina cities have Car olinians- done so much as they have for this town on the Elisabeth. Not merely in th* numerical sense are the Carollntans an important part part of this city's popnlstion. In In fluence. aggressiveness and real abil ity they make a fraction even larger than their, numbers warrant. If it can be shown that the .Chowan rirer is the logical and best source of wa ter supply,' Norfolk will secure her water Jhere for the "Down Homers" lining here will see to that. ? Ledger Dispatch. a J? ' '? The Senate Democrat! oHpoae the tariff board while the House Demo crata that followed Champ Clark' wen for it _ Hie Oue of the Bant Bam. One of the moat perplexing myate riea m the annalj of crime In Eng century put waa the "Cfce of the Burnt Barn," which the Great London Detecttre waa call ed upon to noire. Thla ease haa been turned Into atory form, ?nd. with all of lu thrilling detail, daring adven ture and hairbreadth eecapea. will &? ?i*en tree with next Sunday'a Ifa? rork World. ? ? -it . Ton mar turn a deaf ear -to ci*>d ndrlce, but you cannot dodge the la ?ue. . V . ? ? " Either you are better off than reo were thla Una text year or elae you ?re won* o* by balm a yew older with nothing to ahctw for It. * Of ceorae. aarlng money requlree that exarclae* of ? certain amonnt of ?elf-dental, bat It la merely a Mm of temporary aalf-denlal, becauae your Idle dollara win become earn Ing dollara, by Inventing In tbe well Away at Her Home la Yeatee ?tUe Feb. 1ft, Mil. Mr*. Sarah J. Shavende*. wife Of Mr. William & Surrender fell on ?Imp at her home in Yeatesville, this | county, February J5. She was bom Ion August 26, 1848. She *fcs the I mother of nine children, aleo had two [brothers and one sitter. Wae the i aunt of Mr. J. 8. Campbell of thla ! city. , ? '4. 7''"'. ?/: A The funeral took place on February 16 *nd was conducted by Rot. W. O.J W Infield, pastor of the Ghrlqfjan church of Bath, N C. The last aad ) rites were witnessed by a Urge num I'ber of sorrowing friends. \3 lira. 8haww?der met with the mis fortune a few weeks before here Tdeath to fglFln the fire and was no-! rlously burned. In consequence of I this Injury she was not herself, again. All Uiat loving' hearts and the skill of her physician conld do was per formed without avail. So on tho morning of February 15 sh^ entered _tho chariot other. Lord and went to (join that liyyunergble company of tho I redeemed- ir. the home not n*ade with) ^ Jh? was a woman of fine Ideals fftpd always stood for the right In er-j ?ry trying hour. Behold her wit nesses are In heaven and her record Is on high. 8he ever did whst she could for those near and dear. Although affirmed m her evening she 'never murmured or complained; erer raalgned to lie. will of bar lord. Peace ?o *1 aa la. Her memory will ever ? k?pt rm bj those she loved 3*mt and who by her death lure loat Met. Heaven l> richer by her pres K r* t 55S of Mr. Ben]. | r eteraon who la now confined at the Ptrwlo Memorial H capital, will r? I 1? learn hla condition la no bet ter. 'Mr. Peterson waa aeAoualr burned by falling In the tire at a board rng houae at Whlehafda, N. C., last- week While th?re Is some hope for hit recovery, hla condition la ?m Still a good many candidates put a two-cent stamp upon an "open let ter" The next Investigation should be Into the reasons why Bailey pulled Lorlmer though. A Tribute. We, the mem bora of Volunteer Hose Team No. p-ot Washington, N. C., present this tribute to our late comrade, Richard Bragaw, whose death Is not only a grief but a Bad loss to our company, In which lie manifested and unfailing Interest, so long as he made Washington his home. Whereas, while humbly bowing to the decree of him who doeth all things well, we desire to express our high esteem and appreciation of his unceasing labors towards making our joompany stronger and more efficient. Now therefore, be It further re* solved, t"hat in the death of Rlcjmtfd Bragaw, our company has lost one who was always enthusiastic and eager to do something for the good of the organisation, who nerer let an opportunity pass: When help of any kind was needed he always re sponded. " That we tender )fo , his family our deepest sympathy la their bereavement, j trusting that thelr aorrow may be tempered by the "be lief that be has been called to a high And better life. > - Be it resolved farther that these '^solutions be spread upon the min utes, of the company, published in the Washington Dally News and that a copy be saat to his family. R. T. GALLAGHER, i E. K. WILLIS. ;*Z\r CHAS. L> MORTON. . j Committee. MONTHLY SES SION OF BOARD County Commissioners Met at the Court House on LastMoa day and Tuesday. USUI BUSINESS TRANSACTED Mr. W. H. Hooker la -Named mm Re corder for AuTore nd Richland Township? Will Hold Offlcf I'ntil lAorcmbor 1912 ? Several Are Re lieved 6t Poll Tax. The Board of County Commlaslon era met at the courthouse on 34 on day and Tuesday, March 6 and 7 in reg ular monthly aeaslon. The following business waa trans acted for the torrent month: Ordered that Joa. P, Latham he and he is hereby appointed to survey the line between W. B. Campbell and A. Miller In Pantego township. The question of elation of roa4 commissioners for the district of Waahington, Chocowlnlty and Long Acre townships coming on it la on motion ordered that the election be continued 'till the April meeting , of thla board. Ordered that Andrew Herring a 11 year-old boy be hired to J. J. Hodges for hla unexpired tern^ at the rate of K) cent* -per- month, said JtoU M.ta said time. Ordered that the connty Superin tendent be directed to make an ex amination of the physical condition of ?amuel Alexander now a member of the county convict force, without expense to the county, and if upon said examination he ahall find and so report to the clelrk of this board that the physical condition of ea'.d Alex ander is such that he should not be subjected to the exposure of contin ued work In aaid convict, force, then It is ordered that said Alexander be taken off the roads and hired out to some suitable person under such bond and other provisions with respect to the payment of coata, etc., as may be approved by the chairman of this board. Por satisfactory reasons the board relieyea R. S. Neal of the tax on $10, 000.00 solvent credit. Amount of relief 980. Pursuant to an act of the General Assembly ratified February 11. 1911 establishing a recorder's court for the town of Aurora and a portion of (Continued op 4th page) TtWI POET mm*? ?< There's many a poet "Nun to blusta unseen." There 1*. reputed to be one somewhere In ftha public schools of this county if rumor U correct. A few days ago a young lady tesch er intercepted a note a youngster was trying to slip to V saucy little miss upon whom he had been lavishing sweet smiles. Of course the sentiment of the verse was not intended for the lit tle miss. He wanted to show her meroly thst he could write poetry, or he wanted lo arouse her Jealousy. Here Is the poetry which luckily the teacher snatched from obscurity: . m i "I kissed my girl last night, I kissed her while she was sleeping. ( Mased her on the*nose. And the doggea thing was leaking." That boy has in him the stufT of which the poets are made. The teach er Instead of giving him a reprimand shoiUd have encouraged him In every ^ay to cultivate his talent. For the sake of rhythm he bluntly states a fact that knocks sentiment sky high. Make* Initial Trip. The steamer Vanceboro undergo ing repairs, on the msrine railways for some weeks has been finished and made her first trip, from Wash ington to Swan Quarter Wednesday. Her regular schedule wfll be an nounced. The patting on of this hat was* hwn r tbe'captttT of Hyde will work a decided conven ience to our peopel. The boat ahould be well patronised. / / In Port Yesterday. The schooner Gold Mine of Lake Comfort N. C.. Captain Willis Ped rlck in command, waa in port yester day loaded with country produce, etc. Many Marriage* ' Madam Rumor has It that there will be several nuptial consumma tion* in Washington within the next few months. Dear Madame: Photographs properly done are very suitable for Birthday and Holi day gifts. They really give you the greatest^value for the least money, and your friends the greatest pleas ure. ' * We shall be very clad to have you call end arrange for a sitting. 1-lOc BAKER'S 8TUDIO. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Thomas 5 & 10c Store, Washington, N. C 1 nomas Norma sold ovKne^ THp MODEL REDEMPTION ? (Drama.) MAID O MAN? "Imb." Liye Rose Bushes, Grape Vines and Flowering Shrubs Over 50 varieties - - 10c Each OH HAMC Tlhs WKKK AT THOMAS' FIVE AND TKN CENTS STORK. THE HAMK Ql'AUTI GOODS ARE HOLD BT AGENTS AT 78c Hd.ll being shown at the GEM THEATRE, a. treat for they are wonderfully la. you'll take pelasure la having jour wife and children see. Just drop In today W tomorrow a ?d see theae pictures? they're worth your while. THE TAXICAB MYSTERY ? "Imp." Hare you seen the pictures that are If you haven't yna're unreiy miming teres ting and of the clean sort that New Millinery Store New Goods Popular Prices Latest Styles fel J?"1 !?*" f ,u,d "'?> ?? of th. prMtlotdtn. tlMtw in Ml. ud , ?T?r displayed In this town. After 6 years exDeHence. t nr. <- ? j _? . . . HATTIE HEMBY.

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