ike Line to Baltimore ? with rail Uses for all point* ? North and West t MUOD to ealoy a short ^ater trip. BU'araor?, dlninfc service, A la- carte and table d'hote. amera lMvo i Baltimore 7 ?i S 3 from foot of Jackson rtrpet and '?^IS?2npp spn For full particulars and I roservtt- j P. R. MoioilN. T. P. A. ?G Granby Street, Norfolk. ,Vjl U. ?! I !?'? t I , I TAX NOTICE! Notice Is hereby given that the lands hereinafter described and i whom belonging, will be sold at the courthouse 10-11, duo thereon, unless paid before date of aale: * I White. I tioB. C. Alllgood,. 1-4 lot Nicholson ville I 7.hn P. Harris, 1-2 lot, Brownvlllo -io H khn P. Harris, 1-4 lot, BrownviPe ' T. Hooten, Jr., 1 lot, NlcholsonvWe,. . . . *;> .-? ? ? rs. J. B Killings worth, 2-5 lot. No. 3C? P. T ..... . is. T. Roes, 1-8 lot, NO. 1 12. V. N. T. 1009-10......... >s. T. Ross, 1-8 lot, No. 117, V N T., 1918-11,, . .-W. Styron. 1-2 lot No. 44 B. O. P Miner B. Sntterthwalte. 3-4, No. 44, M. N. "T. i V;. f V. r. 8 T. Nicholson. 2-3 lot, No. 30, V. N. T. . .v. r. S. T. Nicholson. 1 lot. No. 26. V. N. T r. 8. T. "Nfcholson, t-4 lot 76, R. VfJ r. 8- T. Nicholson, S-4 lot 65 and 75, R. T. r. 8. T Nicholson, 1-4 lot No. 14 B. O. P r. B. Whitley. 1 lot. BrownYllle. BaL duo ltHO-lu - . B. Whitley, l lot BrownrlUe, l?14-ll.u . rr I4. II. Whltlojr, 1-2 lot. No. 21, 1*10-11 3S no. Artlo. 1-4 lot. Pate N. Brown. 1-2 lot, Pate ... . J. Brown. 1-J 10J, M. N. T 10 B. Brown. l-l lot. Pate , . . 10. Drown1 1-4 lot. Foote I ?. Branch. 1 lot. Yv N. T. .NQI.. JVHVHPmRJ A. Brldgaa; 1-4 lot No. 17. V. N. T.. 1-4 lot Sparrow IS 70 bram Blanso. 1-4 lot. Pate ... .... io.js -4-4-tot-Ko, Sfr, V If, T ????? , I ' - 1 17.73 8.55 3.80 DNS.* 3.80 7.70 . . ?>%- 8.80 eury Bryant's Estate, 1-8 lot No. 48, R. T. Dyt Clark 1-3 lot 36, P> T. .. .... . .. . . . . -3.I snny Clark's Potato 1-2 lot Cherry ..BHHII Ifred Conway, S-4 lot Wlawali .['. g ?.4S aatln BuU.kl-J lot No. 7, 0. T f 7.8? 1. Debron. 1 lot. Pate 13.?5;?i^, so. W. Edwards, pah lot No. ?#."W. . vJ 8.75 obt. Poy?? 1-4 lot, Bwn . ..-vii i 8.67 ?ha Gorh.-.m, 1-4 lot. PjT ?.?5 . Guilford, 3^ lot residency -. ? 11.24 ieline Grady, 1-2 lot, Rosetta +.40 las. 8. Howard, 1-4 115 V. N. T....* ...V. 5.30 , J. Heritage. 1-2 lot No. 53. R. T ' S.30 ; w. Jones. 1-4 lots o T 6.80 llsabeth Jones* Kstato 1-4 lot. Roaotta .V. ? 4. Latham, 1-2 aero, residence . arry Mackoy, i-3 lot Blount . . . .* i '. F. Mldyetto Pt. 72 V. J?. T-. Pt 67, V. N- T., 1-4 No. 70 V. N. T i > ?rncer More, 1-1 No. 68 B. N . V now McCoy. 1-4 lot 80 ?>*. Wllllama I>t, 71 0. T . . y.'. - -\r' 'K* . ^ ?. M0 10.10 5.00 12.56 3,80 8.60 12.75 4.40 9.45 11.01 8.20 5,00 5.70 8.30 6.00 8.00 5.60 13.40 W1NDLEY, C ty*- Clerk. Greenville, N. C. %N1> SUMMKR COtrt^KS *'n?J ? , M&rcli 14th to Ma'y Zbih j 27th ? aght v^ecka. I courso H better to e ON WA ter s^ree?, now open, up stairs night and day. Meats at all hpur - Nlchollfl & Buck 3-l3tfe " ? ' : ! ~~ MILK AND UREAM FOB HALE ? Mrs. George Hackney, 522 W. Sec ond street. 3-11 tfe v . HAVE YOU TiUEDHAYEVB STALL fed Beef? It's fine. Call phone 334 Once tried, always wanted. 2 9c FOB BALE ? Tnillan Runner Dwelt Eggs. MIm Emily F. Patrick, Chocovlnlty, 2-31 lWp HOARDERS WANTED ? Table ci table and lodging. Mrs. J. T. KllllngBWorth, No. Ill E. Second street, near Court House% 3-llc the IDEAL BARBER SHOP on Mar ket street, next to W right's Press ing Club, now open, ready for bus iness. You ar? next. A. J. Brown, manager. * grille WOMEN, seU gu?r*nte?*l hoee. 70 per cent, pro^t. Mako $10 dally. Full or part time. Beginners tn m vestigate. Strong Knit, BaX 4029. ~West Philadelphia, Pa 8-4-11-18 FOR HALE ? One horse. Apply to J. I E. Kennett, 821 East Main Street.! 2-21 tf c * | LEAtyX AUTOMOBILE IU" SI NESS? Take a thirty days Practical Course to our well equipped Ma chine Shop* and learn the Automo bile business and accept good po sitions. Charlotte Auto School, Oharlotte, C. ' i ' 2-*l-tlc BUGGY BLANKET IM&T ? Finder return to Ed. McFrilan and receive reward.- vVv&; .. 3-6p FURNISHED ROOMS WITH Ex cellent table board in splendid ~ location ror-geOTtwnun. jr-man and wife, 14.00 yer week. Apply to News office. J 1 >8^10 . HAVRN'ft STALL FED -BEEF at W C. Dudley's. Phone 3S4/ 2-9e DUCK EGGS FOR SALE? White Pe kln duck eggs, 75c por|N"dozen, Guaranteed absolutely clean stock.; DucUb weigh 7 3-4 poundl Ad-, dres P. O. Box 248, Washington,! N. C. 2-16 30dc FOR SALE? Ono S-honrse i>ower gasoline engine and one 4-l?orse power g^s engine. Apply Ball-* j - hfews office. vt fl LAND FOR RENT la ten acre Iota or more at four dollars an acre within one and a half miles of Washington. Apply at 825 West Main street. 'VV 3-11 tfc | FOR RENT ? CMd E. Peterson stAnfl. beet in tho city for retail grocery. See Dr. Hardy. r t *tfl? FOR SALE? House ami lot. No. 420 East Main street, nine large rooms electric lights, gas afid >ater with hath; also three stables and two- 1 Store carriage house. C. R. Bright. "Box 218. Washington, N. C.J-lIp fto forth under the open sky, n/a 1 ' 'N list -y- . J. To nnturolr teachings. ?> ?William jCullen Bryant ; ? ? ? ?; ? j V. j Life Saved at DeaAi'a Door. *j "I r.eror felt so near raj^a**." vrfles w. R. Patterson, of Wellington , as when a frightful cough and J lun?- trouble pulled me down to 10? ' ponrt&s, in spite of doctor's treat- 1 ' went for two years. My father d,ed of 'on*l' Captain Wesley Peebles of Ga y lorda was In tie city yesterday. ? ? ? Mr. J. S. Norflee.' cf Rtnrromvmo,! raa a Washington \ isltor today.' it! Captain Waif or Jo^vIj and *on, of] Lake Landing are on ott'r streets to iay. M . : Mr. Jesse Pflley of Gncenvllle. ipent yesterday In the oily with 'rlends. J5e returned to Gtocnville ast night. ^ . Mr. p, prjeans of the Bazaar ha* returned from northern market > Ahort^he pnrchaied Ills spring and manner stack -of goods. ?Colonel W. B. Rodman und daugh ter, Miss Hannah, left yesterday af ternoon Ifcr their homo I* Charlotte fcfter being the guests o^MIsp Lida r* Rodman on Woet Main- street. It's queer Jiow nearly all a mhn's rrlenda g& broke just when he wants to make a touch. riiero Will be Less Sleeplessness When Washington People Learn This. Cant rest at night with a bad back A lame, a weak or an aching one. Doan's Kidney Pills are for bad backs. They cur*- $vcry form or kidney Frtfm common backache to dia betes. ; They ar<3 endorsed by Washington Mrs. Lovenia Hall, 30 George 8t, STew Bern, N. essays: "Doan's J?id ity PIl]s hat* bcesi of groat value Ifi- restoring Jaf" beclth. I suffered from a weak back und pains acronb my kjdneyfl that made mi* restless ai alRbt. In the morning I felt tired md Slates. Remember the name ? Doan's ? md tak a no other. More \ people would feel all run town If tbey wore to overhear their lelghbors discussing them: y if-V ? ? i J Monotony is sq unattractive that Iwm tho gay eat Of ua make a try # leing good once ln_a great while? feat for a' change. - Tortured for Id Yenn ?' ,? *y Q curr-defylng stomiu:h troubls hat baffled ^ioctew, and Assisted all omodles he tried, Johst wNfloddors* f Moddersvtlle, Mich., seemed de jm ?d. He had to sell bis farm an?J rlvo ul> work. HI, u?l*hbor. KM. he can't lire much looser." "Wl.l rrr 1 ?U dl.trew.* inc." h. wrolo. ?mi. i ..i.J ? In so far as ?o many bachelor*, aside from supporting themselves, ke^p a mother, aid a sister and pro vide a quiet living for^a few men who hare married relative ?. we fall to see the need of a bachelor t\z. eron in North Carotin*. ? -Baltimore Evening Sun.. "^5*' ' M What Ib the will of the people against the won't of the Senate? ? Milwaukee News. y *.vl. If the gentleman from Illinois stand that Lorlmer fame, ajwbole lot of other persons can't. ? BufTalo Times. "* 'v: <* A Democratic House, with 3 re publican senate and president ought to strike a fair balance In tho tariff agitation that 1* bound to prevail i 3 the spec'al nesaion. ? Hartford Times Tho cnnual spring massacre of Jews I3 going on at Kei*. How long is civilization going to oecupy a box in the fcrand ltan<| and porrajt this port of thing? ? Chicago Record-Her ald. That New Jerccy wenann who* hnn! fasted twenty-six days has at least the right remedy for the high cost of living. \ A plumber has bee nelccted a mem ber of the House of Lords In Englond If one or two oould be elected to the United States Senate they might, be able to stop those ezecutlvo ses^ sion leaks. Good roada are yet the very best things either going or coming. ' ? ? j WASH THOSE PIMPLES OP Use p. D. D., that mild, soothing wash, that recognized remedy for Er sema and all skin troubles. First drops take away that awful burning Itch, cleanse the skin ? wash away svery pimple? every Impurity. Noth ing like D. D. D. for the complexion. Get a 25c trial bottle today,? worth ten thnes its cost to have .. fcottle iiif tho hous$. At' any rate, firop into car store to talk over tho merits- of this w&nfiorful prescrip tion. Hardy Drug- Company. AI>VKRTISK I.V THE XBWS CHOICE Carnations ana VJrlcts. ^ cdillng and funeral flower* arti?> Ically arranged at short notice. Mali eleghaph and telephone orders Promptly ftllcd by Kalel&h, N. C2 Phone lit, r NEW - Onion Sets X AND V .? Garden Steed test. Fu ? care, keep Cowans in the home. Gowans al ways conquers Croup and Pneumonia and your doctor assents. Go wgnt Preparation una uaed on my chiH n bttm it \~a* til vrft/j PjuuRjoa fa fiiuticiJlu iclj attar the satotul uiiphtutmu my pbyaicm*. c+H?l ithtl fiiitliug #o gnat *n improvenimt onJcird it* continuance. The child te+C -|W rapkfb O.J.HhCKL&UrU/txbtS y*4 Hunt 6t. A Ih-gi.vDV, Pu. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IK THE HOME All DroCilcl. 91. ao?. 93* >. COW AM MEDICAL CO.. OURHAW. It C. fc*artMtf.ir??Mt)r?fM