OF ANY >N, MARCH IS # M Sfofcag^- HIH General Cifter Opens His ^?^NjHeadquart en on Field ! ' v '' ' ?.X \+i?f -f ? I , . - - i2r ? ON EDGE ?unread. ? and this feeling 1a Mug demon.tr.t ed In rough UMla. Muoh gossip la heard In tf a wn &w* the posslbllltle. W^WWl'iljWK . of the Midler., supported by a large Action of the navy, near the Mexi can border Army Ban are all turib' M upon one thing: That Mexico la in no potUIoo to reaest Interven tion should the United States deem / It noceaeaT to Invade the southern J republic, oncers boaat that, within 44 hours, every Mexican border town vrould be In the possession or Uncle Barn's men, poealbly without tho Br ing of a shot, should the -troops bo raahed across the Rio Grande. ' Despite the tact that no- order* had come relative to faa future Op eration. at the troop., beneral Car ter this morning ghre out another Interview In which be declared that. In hla opinion, the "war game" bad no further motlre tbap the taetlng of discipline and equipment It II] an en vera. Report, from the American aol diary dolag patrol duty on the fron tier, received here today, stated that the Mexicans had taken no steps 4o Increase tbe strength of their garrl sona along tha border since tht Unit ed Stale, started concentrating her troops. This, they assert. Indicates that the tilal. government fears to weaken Its garrisons In tbo larger cltlea -tor fear, that discontent which 1? how expressed only In murmur Inge will give Way to open outbreak, of vlotynca. To Move Troops.. Washington. March 14. ? Informa tion baa filtered out hare from the war department that tbe rallroada hara been notified to get cars iij readiness ior mojlng li.oifl addltloa al United States troops to the Mexi can border. ?; ; ? ' 'I night this ???? Ihe rirlnrlpal r*S j: DE mfcf -j-r Two new buggy whips ware worn out on the backs 'of the woman. Af ter that they Vere forced into a ?e hlele, sent to the nearest railroad station and put on a train for their heme In Breathitt county .trader or ders never to return. . The woman were aeeuaed of main taining in objectionable JUte In an Isolated section. They had fre quently been warned to lea re *>?>"> Moon* the railroad era MM(* yardmasters' and dispatch JHMlree. notwithstanding that the (?bet secrecy had hem Imposed on note employes who knew of the matter. ' Besides the preparation of orders for an addition al army for the Max lean frontier, as announced exclnalto ljr last Saturday by the .National News Assoc la ttefc^he war depart - ment Is ualng tta utmost efforts to L The most wonderful clairvoyant palmist that haa er.r rial ted Wash ington la attracting the undivided attention of the general public T"??N?Whly educated In the art of peU?ii*ry and the adense ?f hand reading; ahe Is dally demoaatratlag to hundred* of vial tore her ability ."> reed accurately all affairs at life. ?*>**? JBMuo -?a? M> m time, said all srho deal re to see this ^ICted palmist ahonld not tall to do fo at once. See her advertisement In .thk Issneof the Htn'ilsvl Accepts Poelllon. [ Mr. Frank M. Bhope, of Altoona, ?Pa.. arrived in the ' city yesterdey , ?and from now on will hare entire , charge of the mechanical and Job- . blng depart menu of the Dally | -Vewe. ( Mr. Bhope cornea to Washington , hearing with him the highest en dorsement aa a printer and~newspa per man. He haa had 11 years el- . perlence in mm of the largest offl- ] cea la the country. Hla former hpm? Altoona. enjoys a population or some, J ' '-jun'T ?' '? ? ???*? ? i The management ef the Dally Itewa la Indeed fortunate In securing such a competes! and efficient print er to manage their rapidly growing business. We bespeak for hinl a cor olla! welcome from ?onr cltlsens. Mr. i Shope haa already entered upon hla , & 'WWm ; b Quit* m Number of Gu Boats . There are now quite a number of . gas boats coming to this city dally from "different points on the river, laden with produce, etc. 4 V,^ 3 The Newa doubts If (herels a town In this eastern taction that enjoyg a larger patronage from this source. i 1 '? ? ' ' f ' >-'? , Atn KItTmR IN THR yKWH PARTMENT :: STORE iHPMMBMr Making Efforts to Sut Off The Investigation Ifetrict Attorney Whitman \5E Inform* tlon A boat the Oirw#f Trust Company's Affair*. New York, ^|arch 1 4 . ? Financier* who have been exerting all their pow Mr to head off District Attorney Wfctt man la the Investigation Into thai wrecking of the Carnegie Trust Com t>ahy, eyen managed, to get a repre lentative into" the Tomba prison and nave hlni offer Joseph O. Rdfeto $&<*> >00 cash If he would protect them. THls fact was made public today, ifter a consultation between Roeo^, Frho is awaiting sentence for wreck* kg the Northern Bank and his conn lei .Samuel J. .Goldsmith. Robin, ifter going over thereafter car?C?M>? ty decided to reveal the whole affair because his would-be bribers threat-! >ned his sister. Dr. Louise Rabtnp ritch. the threat was made la fc> effort to force Robin to take the Jribe and betray the district attor iey. All the fact* In the remarks*!* itory told to District Attorney W*tt^ nan snd he was arranged to glT+jpr, aablnovltch jU.JE??rota*tefc ?***? lary to save her from harm at the ?S ads of her brother's enemies. "My client. Mr. Robin." said Mr. Joldsmith, "was approached in hie ?ell by a man whose name Mr. Whit nan now has. He represented oth >rs and spoke as 'we' when he made ihe half million - dollar offer. He taid 'We will give you a half million Icllars if you Will close your month o the district attorney. We* will itand by you and you will get a short tentence and have your half million' tfy client asked this man why ball vas not furnished him by the lnter iats. The rep\^ was: 'We couldn't ?ome out In the open then." "Robin was told that 'we' would |x it up for him all right if he *ould ust keep his mouth shut tight. The irgument made by this person was hat If he squealed on the othera he rouid go to Sing Sing just the same lut that if he did not squeal he would ret a few yeara In prison and surely he half million dofiar bribe. "Robin told him that he had al ?eady assured Mr. Whitman that he rould tell him all he knew and that ie* would have to etlck by that. "Then the man with the half mil ion dollar bribe ' began' to ' make breata.".' ' \ ^ Not Accepted. ~ Although the street paviag has M yet the City Irn jrovement Committee have not ac cepted same. They will meet for *ia purpose as soon a# the weather s propitious. 0 Announcement of their decision will be given out to; this paper I*, tor. . ? - ? '? f i . & r . ? * There will be prayermeetlng ? In ill the different charches df the city blyvenlng at the ususl hour to ?b!A %ii are cordially invited. * $ YOUTHS HOU. Wi ROB HUM BKhwvmw ? Stat Pulled Off In Capitol Squar?, Richmond ? On* Aj-re?t Richmond. V*., Mtrch 14 ? WM1? passing through the Capitol Square, and almost under the shadow of the police headquarters, W. R. McGeorge In company with John Rahman, wu held up by three youths and robbed of his sold witch, a diamond scarf pin, ?. diamond atud and $26 ta cur rency. The hora accosted them under the guise of picking a quarrel and when 1 Hebmau ran for the police they I leaped upon McGeorge and after they I had taken everything valuable upon | him they released him and fled. Detectives were put o*iT the case and spotted their meA. Royall Mar tin was arrested yeaterday a i he ! strolled past the police head quart- I era and confessed to participation in the crime. ' / | The police say that all three havo | served time and that one'ls-a Jall" blrd. They are now searching for the other two and expect to brlag them ' into custody sometime tomorrow as I they are well known to them and | all exits from the city are being | watched. | HARDWARE STORE . I ON LAST SOW J ' f Sunday - afternoon the hardware | store of the J: H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Company was entered ^ulte a numbef of plstola and razors 1. U*,*. I parties secreted themselves In the I building Saturday r night and made I their exit through one of th^. rear windows, as the managers stato. it 'would have been almost impossible j I for any one to have gainod entrance i from the outside. Lester Everett in Greenville last ' Monday endeavored to dispose of 1 some raiora and was arrested by the chief of polled of that town. The j J name of' the J. H. Harris Plumbing and 8upply Company was tnotlced on -them and the firm here were no tified and asked to state whether or not they had missed any razors. On j receiving a reply in the affirmative the prisoner was held and Deputy 1 Sheriff John Lucas went to Green- 1 vllle and brought the negro to this city as well as the stolen property. The razors were ihanufactured for the Harris Supply Company in Ger many. Eleven razors and two "revol vers were secured. The negro claims that other par ties were Implicated with him In the theft. Everett is now In jail. Firm Name Changed. At a meeting of the stockholders of the J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Company held at their busl- ' neee office last night It was unani mously decided to change the name ' to the "Harris Hardware Company." 1 This waA decided on In order to short en the name. * ' The. W. C. T, P. ' The Womans* Christian Temper ance Union will meet tomorrow af ternoon at the Young Men's Chrlst laon League rooms at 3.30 o'clock. A full atendance is requested and all persons Interested In the work which is being done by this organi zation are most cordially invited 'to attend, any and all meetings. On last Thursday afternoon there was <^n!te a One attendance Sev eral visitor* met with the organiza tion and were most heartlfy wel comed. There was a fine address by Mrs. Harris of New Jersey, slstef Of the president, which #as highely *W Is hoped that ah^ win address the union again tomor row afternoon . ? SPECIAL lil?^ DM FIR TRIAL West aod Stetson Arraign ed in Wilton Yesterday V' , 1 Ml SEiECTINC THE JURT rhea?*Two Alone \yfll be Tried Fir?t For the Murder of Deputy Sheriff George Mumford ? Large Crowds Are in Attendance ? Tbr CM of the TrUl Will be Heavy. Wilson, N. C.. March 14.? The court house was again pa ?ketf' this morning when the morning session convened an# a. large crowd, as on peste&ay congregated on the court bouse square to watch the deputies carry the prisoners from the Jail to Che court house. Owing to the smalf auditorium of the court room, only % small part of .the people who de ilre to attend the trial can And room, so tfundr&d* gather on the square at the hour court convenes and ad lourns to get a peep .at the notorious prisoners. ? Long before court met today t?" ball wa scrowded and ^ near panl( was created when an an expIosioA o' the heating aparatus caused man; h the rear of the room to rush to th< loor, not knowing what had happen sd. and 'fearing that some prisoner sraS trying to escape and was flref1 ?n. The excitement soon subsided ant* damage Wj? -don i . - Yesterday afternoon the attorneys Tor the defendants consulted with their clients and they will doubtless ?e ready to proceed tomorrow morn ng. Only two -of the "West Rang" will !>r? tried at first ? Louis Weat and Stetson. True bills of murder have >een returned against these two with >thers for murder In the first degree md doubtless the attorneys for the prosecution consider these two the nost guilty of the gang. West and Stetson were arraigned n court thi*, morning and Judge Ad- i ims ordered the drawing from the >ox of a special venire of two hun- ( lred and fifty men to appear here , omorrow morning. The veniremen were drawn in j rourt from the box. Judge Afams '! kuthorized the appointment of suffl- j ! ?lent deputies to serve summons > on L hese citizens who are scattered all) >ver the county. It is likely that the jury will bo (elected by the noon reces3 -*amor ?ow, and the taking of the evidence n this important case will proba cy begin tomorrow afternoon. Grand Jury Completes Work The grand jury of this special term >f court this afternoon completed Its fork, passing on all matters brought jo their attention in addition to the shargea against the "West gang." ] This grand jury, as those for reg ilar terms of court, ^.afso examined 1 THH.KE M1NEKH KNTOMBKD AND ONE IH ICKSCTKD ?S3?E tii Minn., March 14. ? Cap tain Eenny, of tin Elba Mine at Gil bert, Minn., who . with tw0 miners was entombed La a abaft 150 feet below the surface yesterday on ac count of a care In, was reauced this morning and taken to bis home. Tbe two ostnerf, however, met what must harve been. instant death aa the bodi?? were brulaod and cruahed beyond recognition. That Captain Benny la still alive is con sidered marvelous ss he had receiv ed sovera! injuries and undenfone a terrible ordeal In tbe death trap for so tifisy hours. His condition !s reported aa critical. the court house offices, 'jail and county home, being instructed to do ?o by Judge.Adama,.ln big charge. Mr W. P. Anderson waa foreman .(of the grand Jury. Cost WU Be . Aslde"frotn the rewards 61 $1,2 SO offered f^r th ecapture of Lonis West the post of the trial and W? arrest will be iatftO. A large number of deputies are on dnty, special trains bare been chartered and considerable other expense Incurred outside of the cost o fthe special term. Added to this the feee of the prosecuting at torneys retained by the county and town will make the total amount of the expense several thousand dol lars. COTTON MARKKT Lint Cotton, $14.00. Cotton seed, per ton, $38.00. AUVBBT1HK IN THK NEWS E.K. WILLIS PHONE 76. We will make the following specj^l prices for Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of this week 3ranulated Sugar (2 or lb. bags) 5c, lb Sugar Cured Hams 17c lb Best Tub Butter 29c lb ?now Drift Lard 10c lb fancy Irish Potatoes 28c pk Trench Roll WafeVs 22c each ?Delmonte" Asparagus Tips 23c"ea. Presh Bread, . baked daily .. 4c loaf [t will pay you to put in a big sup ply at these prices Watch the News Sat urday f orMonday-W ed nesday Specials. 4 Gem Theatre Tonight For the Love of R^d Wing Tlil* Picture* Illustrate* What Sometime." Happened I*rece?llnR a Mussar X While by Indians. Ring of Love Cotnedy, Showing the many Strategic Manoeuvres to uain nmaioD of this Magic ltlag. The Counting House Mystery Another Clarer Detective Story Acted 'by Jfftfl 1'ieree, the Yankee <Hrt Detective. ' ? V- I FORBES OCHESTRA PLAYS FROM 730 TO 1030 P. M. J.K.HOVf WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE >ns in Every Desirable Patterns i ?. -f'. v?-' v^1 i ' .'VieJsI ' Exclusive. We bofet on being Wish

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