MARCH 17, 1*11. R PUBLISHED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ? 3SG3 I JBry be Would Hcntl the Jurymen who are to da-j clde the fate of the NeopoliUs Cam I alayera and thun and an at m tack on a photographer by Alfano, leader, enlivened the trial today. Aa aoon aa court opened the fore man of the Jury presented a proteat 'rem Ha members against serving for ?mall pay la view of tha pilMgni.1 of a loa? trial. Tha Jurors are to let only ?? casta a day. Judas Blaachl promised to seod the protest to the offlee of tha minister of Jestioe and the ^rlal then proceeded The attack oa the photographer .came while the prisoners were on their way to eoait Alfano reoogntai ad aiaoag the corps af aewspeper are mm a representative of a Na f newspaper which bad. . attacked rleoaera. , The prlaonar triad to away -from hU gaards but waa] led after a abort struggle. Shriek lag ant cursing, tha Cuawfs lead er waa throat Into his saga after he had scat in Us face of tha photoa ? rapber. ' Tke actual work of the trial w#: _ .^.HBRpipBpp - The Indictment described la the murder of Cqeccojlo V th/e, ft the defendants, Oennaro, Oerrato pm* Sort In e>. Thirty-two wounds vipMr fl found /t>n his boc^r and ble head was "battered alsaaatto a pulp. . V Rising la Ma, cage and looking at hla Wife who aat among the aba tor*. Oenaaro cried. "I awsar /oa ?will atoaa top ? m**, i- v *r: Heber McOowan. eon of W- J-| C^-McGowan. residing In rtlabftaaa Tllle fa coatoaJ to his kocae 'scar ing from LaOrippe. Ha la reputed %alta alck " T la ta Port. n Tha achooner J. r. Morris of Bath ? Captain W R. White In command. '? '? Port loaded with chickens and ilElElilBM m Pamlico Chapter Daughters of the 1 Con fed racy are, requested to meet Baftvrday afternoon at ?:?# o'clock at ttie real denes of' Mlae tana Wlnd |g '.J. of importance CAae (and no your part. ' T a ? I Washington's ,- pep LADIES' SII .l tractor 1b rnlreralty or f Richard Nnrtea, In itnnllou at which to In I ho Turk Mi nro r Banghail. In northern Afri The crime the detalla of which re meaner, w ud Clearing Weather En Paiiar* to Gate Fanoert to Work Bain Admittance la V '{ ?? Wllaon, N. C.. lurch 1*.? At nlne hlrt# thla morning tlx trial ot I^nlaj Vaat and Stetaon, charged wtth.the aurdar of Deputy ShartH Oeorge (umford. araa proceeded with. Aa on rtgtardajr. tha court bona 'aa packad. bnt tha croah waa not a great aa than and conaaqueatly bara waa more quiet in court. meat curloelty of many to aaa tba ai? who ara on trial tor t are an trial for tfMlr irea baa b?a aaUafrad, and their e,l~W< buMa^UU. waek again I Tha nrat wltnea. rallc,-, thla mora-' if waa . Sheriff Sharp*. Ha teatlflad| bat ha ha* baa* sheriff twelve yean. I* knew George MumTord. Ha deputy (or ear en yean. Ha Man IBod telegram reoatred from Sheriff IcGaachy oo February 3rd. notify ?g Mm at Went crowd bala? head-] d thla way. Told Mimford that' hey ware bad fetlowa and to lat him now If ha cotfld locate them. Perry and other daputlea arreeted tetaon In Balma. ' Chief Olorer than took the aland. Jrad |n Wllaon on February ird. raa thief at polite alnce Jane ' I.I ?i?. Saw M umford (rat In morrf ?c about It: It oa Spring etreet. raa there with Warren looking for agraata. Saw uamford later la the torn Ins telling him of telegram from ?ayetterllla. Saw Waat and man bout alaa of Stetaon at Monde Blah p-a. near Mary Touag'a. Waat had| ? red aweatar and kIMk cap.' They tent towarda Mary Young's stopped hare a minute and tamed up ?oath treat towarda Greene street . Whan a aad Warren got to comer coulda't aa them. Saw waat age la la after irhen rrtenaara wera' located In tary Toung'a home. Weat to Mary'' re Wegroee naked her where Wegroee wera ?Id who had on red aTteater. aid the hadn't aeea aay of- thorn, 'old bar there waa no nea lying aa be ?w them come In. Opened door aad aw Ink McLean nnd Otheca. flaw [umford In back door. Ue aald look ut Olorer they are In thla room, feet alammed door. Pnrtlae Inalda afueed to open It. Threw gun on I Im aa ha alammed door. Mum ford ?eat OB came back, at ruck door and booting began. Hired at Waat he| ' i . i 1 z ARTMENT :: STORE 11 . y?y Cleveland, O . M?irh..l?. Sllw Spray. of Erie Pa.. Jured (n Cleveland and Uk. tottai. f>?5Fh ?rt?. PH.. March. H, ? in addition to the surer Sprar that w?? "<"*? me m ahouldar I changed handa and .hot a#alal Com to apW blood and went off and ?t dew. on porch of not hot*; C.ll^ ix.nn!. Ijron to haaUt kteia | interstate meeting of the farmers [.Unions of Virginia and North Caro Una met here today for a Wslon of two days. At a public meeting ^addressee wer? mad*-by D. M. Oanaway, presi dent of the Vlrgtala union: Dr. H. Q. Alexander, president of the Nftorthi Carolina union: May^r Harry Wood teg. of Danville and othere. At a secret meeting hel dhslt At a secret meeting held this af ternoon a committee was appointed to Investigate tobacco conditions In ^Virginia ind 'North CsrolinA. This Committee the names of whose mem bers are not divulged, will report at another secret meeting to he held to morrow. Yesterday atternoo^ at the Tonng Men's Christian League rooms there Was as usual a most enthusiasts meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. This tasad of women continue to meet every Thurs day afternoon 'and lnsplte of discour agement and unjust, hurtful crltlclam they labor faithfully, knowing their cause to be Just and right. There was an excellent address by the pres ident, among other good things said, she quoted from a Wilson letter in the News and Observer, on state prohibition in which the Hon. W. W. Kltchin. governor of North Caroline. Is called as ftrst witness and says: Prohibition has now been in force throughout the state for two years This is a short period with which to measure thq effects of a reform move ment. We have done little more than ssra as; zs&ses tlons. , And already the results fully Jus tify the adoption. Then has been a marked dlmlnatlon In crime, busi ness haa Increased prosperity, moral ity, Industry and frugality hays la cruaaad and politico and government have been to a great extent relieved of one of their moat corrupting Influ ences. Again ah* quotes from Hon. T. W. Blckett, attorney general, who ?ays In hta report to the leglalatniw: Tha la* requires every criminal case triad or In aa* war disposed of In the euperlor courts of the state to be reported to this office. The re port ending for tha yefr. July J, 1*0* shows a grand total of 11,141 esses for the year ending July 1, 1910; a grand total of ?.S0S cases a de crease of 1,644. Aa a third witness there cornea Chief Justice Walter Clark The testifies aa follows: Since th^ law went Into clfect two Team ago crime haa been reduced 50 -per eent: murder In the arst, degree haa destined 11 per eent: burglary It per cent; attacks with deadly weapon *0 per eent; larceny 4* per cent.; manslaughter I* per cent.; Murder la the aecond degree tt "per eent: minor crimes frbm It to 16 per of the aatl-ltanor laws of II per cent. Sorely these encouraging facts are worthy the considerate of all i thoughtful men and wfcisn and when the or J torn up prohibition does not prohibit, there la mere whls siways eotea from the whiskey side an^*crws the weakness of their po sltlon. --tf such were the owe every one of the liquor dealers would de sire 1 1 ?&/? lirs. H. W. Harris of Newark, N J? agsln delighted the anion by s meet beautiful tslk on charity and gave some ?sry timely suggestions With the Break -ot/ Day all Anxiety was Relieved Washington, March 16. ? Formal notice of th f action ot the Mexican congreaa afcopandlng constitutional gu.ranteea waa received and publish ed at the Mexican embaaap today. Tha embaasr thereby warn* Ameri can dtliona wha,n?; be temptehi> 1IIHW rti ilriB nf the Adams Bi I press Company was put in operation |*a 4ay, aho?t 10# #agoas being mann ed by crews of strike breakers wh" bare tdtcn the places of the regular drivers and helpers who have rbeen on strike for saveral days. There' 'was no little disorder. COTTON MARKJCT Lint cotton, ? 14.00 . Cotton seed, per ton, $28.00. E.K. WILLIS PHONE 76. We will make the following special prices for.Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of this week * - Granulated Sugar (25 lb. bags) Sc lb Sugar Cured Hams 17e Ih Best Tub Butter .9c lb 8noW Drift Lard i . . ioc lb Fancy Irish Potatoes 28c pk Frehch Roll Wafers 2SJc ca? "Delmonte ' Asparagus Tips 28c can Fresh Bread, h*ked dally . . 4r leaf It wiK pay you to put in a big sup ply at these prices Watch the News Sat urday f orMooday- W ed nesday Specials. Gem Theatre Tonight ALL NEW PICTURES AT GEM TONIGHT HOMES OCHESRA PLAYS FROM 1M 10 IM4 F. U