DON'T STOP TO THINK Call Up No. 97 -ASK FOR ANYTlllNO VOC WANT? DOKT ASK WHAT WE HAVE. OCR LINK OP FANCY GROCKRIEH. FBl'ITH ASK OOXFECTIONARIES ARE ALWAYS FRESH ANI> COMPLETE IF IXTlftlKSTKll IN TUB DQT.LAH CALL UP. / ' . E. L. ARCHBELL. ^?^Phone No. 97. BlgaL- .i - yt- i* ?v. J. Loon Wood ?1r MIIERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE Joith-i \V. Col. I LEON WOOD & CO ? BANKERS and BROKERS SI OCKS. BONDS, COl TON, GRAIN a,.d PROVISIONS. ;z ri.nur, .street, carpenter bu::.ding, Norfolk, va. I'rK jte Wire* to N. Y. S'ocli N. Y. Couon Exchange. Chicago - lk.urd oM ratlc and other financial Corners. respectfully ruliciiekl, Investment and MwrmiuI nrcnoihs sKen carcfol pKenaon. * ? County Court. J yl?? Killed hjr Mine E?plo.loa or Judf lioorsc W. WJOl Pittsburg, Kan.. March 'SO.? Five cour: In the town nf W11- men. out of then John Joplfhg. Ken . Martin county. Ijia week . ..ral auikrlatendent In the local coal . I department jot tile Mliouri, Kansai prln.-j.wl. and Tetao Ral't^U a:? .icao -af tk* rn ?cs>ool prlnrt- raanU of an .)iploa)on o! black damp . 8. Ml :., o! Slyvanli, Ovjln the company** nin? at.- Mineral, h a- "Ko?j*l#Mian(Kanaai tcday. Tic a were Ur? M ?,vri*?rn suVored pkuloni. the ftr* lost after Thoma re trom rl-ama- Cheek and John Duncan, allot firms trd-.'.Wo cr.:f went Jato the mine, noth -rfere *111 M1 remedies tall I'd Plftantly The oreond came hen I., t-li ^itlf-r.. Mtl William J*?r!ea. anotftcrr ahof river, this vunderful rem went Midernroa. to .. ? n? hla fel ? r worker* By lyths ?*? Jeffries ed himself, , ml 1 . member. Of the F,r?l Me-h ' t 7; 10 st of urn lb.nui.lyg lor in the Port,] ssiarssyiir.H Akerm.p. Dr. J.. ? Brown] Ht. L. M. Bord. Mr. Henry. l(? :?*(?+ ? Blount, B. B. C.n.d r. Mr. Jaae*. . 'Mao*, Mr. AUc r>. Ten port, Dr. Arthur French!*. Mr. L. B. Forr**t*r ? CorbrtLs Foyy, Mr. Frank P. f (Jaylord, Mr. Murray. . ifA*-": Orahatu. Mr. J M. GrtUm, Mr. J. U. t< * I Hodge.. 8. 0. ? ? 8?>' Himr. Mr, Charlie. ' i I Huho, John. -? Jonn, Mr. 8. P. [?? Jlnkten. K?r. KI?? Lachaun.llr. L. ,SF ' -T. Merer., Mr, Jlermao. /J P**??nt. Mr. a* ? ' Rmth. Mr. Wlllla*. . I Mr. W. T, jgi Boott. Mr. W.fc. V ?? stawart. Mr. C. 0. WUaoa. Mr A-4 ?? Woo ten. Mr. W. B. - Wllltus. Mr. WllUrt. Mr. Larftce. Walker, R, L. : 3 W Watklna, O. B. *?.tu>n, Mlaa .' Branch. Ha rata. , ' Clark, Mia* Laura. I Dowdy. Mrs. Ball CM Graham. Kit, Polltaann. Oraham, Mr*. Pollr- " ' "JT . fcoora. Hlaa jaula. Minor, Ml? ? - ffi *P?flan. Mr*, o. F. Quick., Myl*/> flu ton, Mia* Matt!*. Thlcpcn, Mb* Laura. ? WUIlama. m:? Badl?. iff . These letter* will ha ??nt to the] dead l*tt*r oBca April Jrd, 1911, IB not delivered before. In railing . '.IV'-V ?' " ' v ./??' jt MflWttt Ivnnroromenfs I Decidcd improvements In] the way oj paint has b?on mad# 't<> tike Qreelt r an* .... ?o tm 1 Co* of Yaateartlll I. In | Jshi ... Jr.^of Edeaton, !i| Week. la Malting In UST'- ??? Mr. A. a H.rper of Ooldahoro l? u,h*c",o"b."rr Mr. Jaaaa Speight of OraaaTltW. ?u here thla morning on knalne?i. . ffiSt * .1 ? *; Mr. W i. Boyd of Ayden I. " i K a popnlar knight of tM srlft ? 3 r: Mr. A. S. T.u.rton of plnatowp. na ? V. Mhington Tlaltor yeaterday. flpy< _ ? s '? Mr. J. R. Paul of Bath, ?>? on oar etreeta jmurtu c , Mr. DaMd PoU?r of Falrteld, H. C:. U * Waahlngtpn Tlaltor . Mr H. C. Mayo of Sooth Cw? waa here yeaterday aftarnoon. ' % % ? Mr. J. 0. Latham at tanrlOM ? Washington Tlaltor.. v I ^ ? ? ? c: 1 Mr. W. H. Whitley of Bonnartoif la III tha city \oday on bualneaa. * * * * Mr. L. H. Ada ma of Bow^anir ad lk th? dt>-tfela morning on tha Washington aad Yandemere train. ' Mr. A. A. Nichols 'JLU laat ev ening from a bualnaaa trig to Nor folk. fw! & Mr. 3. r. Brinklay of tha Centre Brick Waraboiua, Qraaarllla. waa la tha city yaetarday and May. ?~m ?-?? of aointy bom*, vaa on oar streets Mu " ' -1-'? ' Mr. D. W OaakUI and Mr. 8- M Oaaklil, vita aad aoa of Blouata Creak. ra la tha city toW. T ? "r* 9 >P >V" i Mrs Walter Wolfa of Rocky Motfnt la tha guest ?t har (randmothar. Mra Margaret Hoyt on Market atroet. ... Mr U H. Plakham of Portsmouth, Va? a former realdeat, arrived In tha eltr yaatardfy and la ahaklnc hands with his many frieade. j. \ ? . . ' -.1 Rv. Jamaa E. Ballon, pastor of tha Howarfl Memorial Praahyterlan church, Tarboro, N. C.. la la the city. Ha waa oDclatiag clergyman at Sea rlght-Bogart nuptlale thla moralng. Mr. Ballon la a schoolmate ot the grrom. I.OCAJ, Flit M irn.l, rovnSTE VALUATOR AGEVOV _ . nrm; Csmpwy of thl. etty hay* Just clgwsd a whereby they v ll.cootlnuo to he itnti for ZBHO ? the trail known- remedy for Ecun Dandruff, and all dltease* of lt;c ikin and tcalp. , , - -'U . . g ?nio extraordinary lup that thl. clean llqald external treatment for ? kin affection! ha? made Into public t???r In tha last faw rears provaa I properties and ' ; rtecelrml I?to ChtuTli ' ' '? rlwra have been slat persons re ceived in tho Firet Presuyterlan church, thl* dt7 recently, Jfcree by letter and three on prefewtan of. faith. Of this number two were re ceived at the looming aervlco last Sunday. The Flrat Presbyterian jofcurch la one of the atrongestTeligfoB* bodies, In thla community and among the strongest of that denomination in Baatern Carolina. ')% ? ~ A'."', <1;J . , Tl To <*ot upstairs nt 2 o'clocli in the, movtilng without mafrtng a noise. I To wear a collar moer than two' weeks In PUtaburg. Vv* Sir". . , ? ''?? ' ? i ? ?- - - . i r*'i Klne ^IcWree. , V."" ? n>a Qem Theatre ?a? crowded laat night with an -appreciative audience.! The picture* ware among the b?t yet ??roncnted by th!? popular play house. I Apply this office "*?' FOR SALE? Om 3-honrse power gasoline engine and one 4- horse power gas engine. Apply Dallyv News office. LAUD WOR RENT In twi acre lota or more at three dollars an acre within. one and a half rallea of Washington. Apply at 625 Wast: Main street. ) , ' Ml tfc FOR RENT? Old K. Peterson stand, Best In the city for retail grocery. See Dr. Hardy. eod tf 3-1 lc [>n SALE ? One horse. Apply to J. E. Kannett, 331 East Main Street. *?21 tf C % WiXr'r UNION GROCERY STAND ON WA ter fctraot, now open, up stairs night rind day. Meats at ail hoar* N'lcholls & Buck 3-lSttc .>?; flAVB rou TRIi;r> HAVEN'S SMU. . teH Btetr It's Ado. Call phono 384 Once tried, always wanted. 29c ? . ? ? ' ' ? WOMEN. sell nufiatHd hose. TO per -cent, profit. Malt* ?i0 dally. Poll or part tl*e Beginner* In vestigate. strong Knit, Box 40t?. West Philadelphia, Pa 3-4-11-18 !>" '"t MIMS THE HUB'S 1111.1. IN. KHY OPENING, Wednesday and Thursday, March n and 23. 3-Jo ??*.'$> ? - THOUSAND I1I,ANK UARJlS, I lying to he ailed out with the ? of some mother's bo rot you waltT Bak . .? Ml Jtpl I, EARN AUTO MO BILK IllSINKSS ? 1 Taka n thirty .days Practical , Course In oar n?ll equipped Ha- 1 < 111 no Shops and learn the Automo- ' bile butlnAs and accept good po sitions. Charlotte Auto 8cbool. Charlotte, N. C. J-21-tfe The Hoit doui. The next Omu (two bjr the HaV ejron Club win take place on the ei enln* of the #th or April. Quite m number*! visiters ere expected to be r?e and body ,&rn Poolhi, alatfhi, and all thlatToocb ln? beauty celture, ecteattfloCtt, ^a nlpultted. WJ11 caTI any "hour at rM dence t6 any lady. MRS. EDMOND BOWARIW ??? ?*?. W. PMHh St. RIGGS HOUSE WASHINGTON, 0. 0. : The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capkal. First-class hi ifl appoint iqents. Opposite the l^. S. Treas ury; one block from the White Hons*. An illustrator. Gui?Je to Washington will be mailed, . Iree of charge,. yj>on re ceipt ?vl tpoi2 tc* stamp's Xfe d STAPLES, ?? -it 'Proprietor. N i ... ? ? QOOO-OOIJ1 BOTTIdXO WORKS . - Fancy Line o? Cindy- and Crackers . Arrlrln^ vreekiy Manufacturer* and Bottlenrof Coco - NEW - Onion Sets