IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ted on live W the* blunt o I congreea, Cl.ude Kltch r eervinf OH the mr> and ee W Mr Pou oe Tetee Webb will ^pointed on tbe Ju i ad will prolablr b In ru^br nwi of prc / >? big committee u ? which North Caroline i e good chance ot landing are t MM commlt ? smalt go In (fcf laai Baaed. The ??>*"' ?It*" Mm ? <? . mart Important In the home and eboold North Carolhia ee cura repreaen tat ton on tour of the A <fl? t^h el* ' fcmlfcM mk Bapreeentattre Claude Kttehln who JP*!/ ? -member at wara aad taeam ooi* (7 mlltfw that la maklag committee a* Y algamenta t? looking attar the InUr elte ot the North Carolina delega tion and he win do amytMaa l? Wa ? power to have all the mem be re well * repreaented on tl? commltteea ,of the houae. There muit be many dljap - "po'.ntmcntl becauie, If the ambltlone Ot all congreeeipen ahould ba grati fied. the commltteea would have to be madt' tea time* their preeent ^ .*? a . i,. / -ui *? m Mr. M. F Wright. Jr., who l> on the bargp Rath la. How In Iran Ma*. He la & son of Mr. M. P. Wright of tlih dir. Before retaining to hie old hrme ho will go to Ptnnffrlvanla. Mr! >Vr!ght hM numerous friends In ** m [ , Continues to. Improve. . ? a The- iDity frlonds of Mr. A. f. Ash burn wfli note with pleasure hfii; continued Improvement from cent lllnetj. y-1' . ?; jj?,j 3$ i There will be pramrneetlng ler ylcea In all the different cburchos of ?be cttr this Gvenjng at utual Bour ' to which the general public la cor dial!]' Invited to ba preaent. Hen Fruit. Galore A large quantity of, up ara naw l to tbt* city daltrMtt St j WASHINGTON'S DE f~W%. TUC UfPllMQ HUC Int ittllllo HAD I w?mmm There WM * Ttrj Important meet In* of the Chamber or Ceil meres held at their room a last evening in which the extension or the Mattamuskeet Railroad to Washington was discuss ed. There . iNm a large attendance of the members present. After a full discussion of the* matter, the secretary, Mr. A. M. Dumay, was in structad to write a letter to the gov ernor. 'a digest ?f which follows: Tha convicts now smpipyed on the road, acordlng fo the stgtemeat of the president, Mr. t,X itafta, will , i cured at least two thirds o'l^he right ot between this city and Bel haven and- the entire right of way would- ha vb been secured bu^ for the fact the members of the chamber of commerce were awaiting what ac tion would be taken by the recent General Assembly. Inasmuch as no law Was passed by this body the dt isens ot Washington , headed (pr their dhamber of commerce are ready to begin work for the extension or this road to the city and haVe strong hop es of their untimate success. Mr. A. M. Dumay the secretary, ox the Chamber has written a strong letter to the governor of the state, urging that the convicts be worked on the rights of way, to be graded, between this city and Belhaven II this is granted* the work is to com mence at this end of the line. As two- thtrde of the right of way has been secured between k Washington and Belhaven snd no trouble to se cure the| remainder Uie Daily " News feels sure that tltj) chief executive of the state will r^dlly grant the) "i""* ? ?-i > ? LVJf, "T eg <r ? vl JMm Smmm. 'r'l The concert tour* of th? orphan) children each year ere ? signal a res a, as they deserve to be. Tbe ?n tertalnmenta are of a high order, bright .and humormin, tree from all Impurities. The pro tram always cod tains ? pleading variety of pleOM. The cau?e the children represents la Indeed a worthy one. *ho amount realised from the tours goeti to help In the support ot the Oxfotd orgiisa Asjlum yhj?h-is mrw attempting the care and training of >10 orphan chil dren. : from 8an Antonio about, the more-; nftmt of troopa to the border and the talk of Invading Mexico. Except for the enforcement of the % neutrality lawB, which It has developed are la-| mentabiy Inadequate, no troop* wilt be mofed to or nearer the border than Fort 8am Houston, if Informa tion given to Congressman Slayden at the war department is correct. The secretary expresses the opinion that these false and hurtful rumors are doing more to develop unfriend ly feelings In Mexleo towards the United States and doing more to de^ stroy business between the two coun tries than roving bands of revolu tionists and their lawless allies from the United States." Regarding the dlsposigch of the cavalry regiments It was learned that the eleventh is eliminated for anoth er week or two so far as border pa trol Is concerned. That, Regiment Is to a process of transformation on ac count of a number of recruits that that have been added recently. Four hundred and fifty raw men Have been Introduced and 400 unbroken mounts oneTparker all of two weeks to whip the regiment into shape. It Is possible the ninth cavalry, the negro regiment may be sent to the border soon. I? 1ft Port. Tke schooner J. p. Morrf?# Captain W. It white, to command, of Oaylord arrived fn port laat evening laden Attorneys foe Ulrica Says He His Important Witnesses ^ New York. March 21.? There were sensational developments today la the cmo at BOobor T. Washington, the negro educator, who la aehedulad to against Albert v A. Ulrlch. whom be c bargee wttb bavins beaten, blm. Though tbe beard of trustees of the Tuskegee InstMnto bare announced through their?president, Seth Low. that tbe chargee made by Ulrlch and bis wife, that Dr. Washington insult ed Mrs. Ulrleh are untrue, and that they will give their utmoet eld Co the president of the institute, re ports were current here this morn ing that the educator had decided not to prosecute. Policeman Benjamin Tleney, who arrested both Washington and Ulrlch on Sundays night, after the atruggle which began ar 11 1-2 West 23rd street, where Ulrlch lives today de clared that Dr. Washington's state ment that when arrested he said notb Ing about a message calling him tp tbe Weet tlrd street apartment build ing wan untrue. Dr Washington at the Hotel Man bhttga is Tii i|g fm iimT^y'l u ?j a telegram or letter from his seerO tary telling blm that auditor D. C. Smith would be in the apartment of a cousin at No 11 1-2 West C 3rd street. | "Who ever claims I said I did re ceive such a fetter or telegram mis quoted me," added the educator. ) Policeman Tierney, when told of this today, aald: "That Is very queer. 1 distinctly hearg Washington when he was talk ing to Lieutenant Flynn at the West 68th street station say something about a letter .or a telegram which he had received directing hlxn . to coome to some address. Everybody wj>s in a state of excitement then, and 1 did not pay .much attention to him. But I do know that he men tioned a letter or telegram." James L- Moore attorney for Ul rlch announced today that when the charge of assault which Washington had lodged against his clien: was called this afternoon he would have a new and Important witness. "This man is a chauffeur," said Mr. Moore, "it will be remembered that after Ulrlch's wife had told him Washington had addressed her, say- , lng 'Hello, sweetheart. Ulrlch went Gem Theatre -Tonight THK CIRI, A\l> THK IU IUil.AII, ? (Drama ) ? Showing How a Clever Society Olrl Outwit* a Society Crook. THK TALES ABB TURNED ? Comedy. WM Mllllll 1 81 THfaa MAUXTH. ? ( Educational ) . 1,.,', ,1 - the HOPHOMORK'H ROMANCE or"Thc UU1- Uod K Conquest"? (Com eri.v-l.'ruina) FORBES OCHESTRA PLAYS FROM 7.30 TO 10:30 P. M. NETS s p to 29c yatd/4 If You bid Not Attend Our r OPENING SALE esday, Be Sure And Dp So Thursday =:? J.- K. HOYT First _ BUN DOWN AND 8HQT ? ^ Wllmingtoa Negro CbaM O* Houjm> Gceei *ad Kill* Him Wilmington, March 20. ? Ned Gib son vu killed Uli morning at about 7 o'clock by Dick Gause, the facte In dicating teat it was a coldblooded murder. Both parties are negroes. Cause disappeared Immediately after the. shooting and has pot been cap tured Th? Gibson negro went to the honae where Clause lives last night and spent the night there: It le-not known Just whs 4&used the trouble, but Cause first fired upon Glbaon In the house. Gibson ran into the alley on which the bouse is located and was" followed by Cause for at least BO yards, who was firing as he ran. Sev eral shots took efTect and went entire Ty through Gibson's body. The wound ed man ran to ram home; a distance of about two blocks and fell upon his porch. A few minutes later he waa carried to the hospital, where he died in s short time. He maOe no statemetn. After the shutting* it was learned that Cause recently shot a negro wo man in this city. He is a South Car olina negro. outside, stood across the street and watched the negro go in the vesti bule of the apartment bouse. "Well, the chauffeur, who Is em ployed in a garage at 63rd street and Broadway, had noticed' a negro act ing susplclouBlrln front of No. li 1-2 and he stood watching hinv withort knowlng Uliich was also on guard. "The chauffeur will corroporate a large j>art of Ulrlch's testimony. ?When the trouble took place the chauffeur ran over and witnessed It. He is an important wltnees for any client." % i Mr. Moore also intimated he had a number of witnesses who wou.d vwear^at the negro In the vestibule the bWdlng wah playing the part of a "pe#ptn? Tom. The racial question Is being brought to the front as a result of Dr. Wash ington's case and the police are keep ing close watch to prevent any out break of violence. When Dr. Washington was asked as to the truth of the report that he ^ would not prosecute Ulrlch. he said: J "I Intend to go to court unless my doctor forbids It." COTTON MABKKT Lint cotton, $14.00 . Cotton seed, per ton, $28.00. Still Quite Skit. 0 The many friends of Mr. B. L. Jones, Jr., will regret to learn of his continued illness. He has been con fined to his home for the past two months. E.K.WILLIS THE PEOPLES GROCER PHONE 76. Bes! Sugar Cured Hams I7clb CANNED GOODS 15c Lima Besns 10c 15c Corn" 12c 10c Campbell Soup 8c 10c Tomatoes 8c Hawaiian Pineapple 22c Runtford Baking Pow der, lb can, 22c SNOW DRIFT, The Hogless Lard per lb 10c Fox River Butter, per pound, tub 28c per pound, prints, 30c WASEO FLOUR per barrel. $4.95 54 lb.- bag, 64c ' 121b. bag, 33c ? Thursday, Friday and Saturday . . V

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