Sunday'nljht J. B^oittton. "tfSS* Iff from ltorklnghkm ... I. tka hoax with thV pair Uatll late at night He wt (bw In. a food humor. Nat SSBSSLTSStf ??3T-*'"**"" "" " The aleter of the dead woman, BV In ntnth IIt? out door,, and today Jfy Inquired of ? paaaln* friend a. to whMber he had aeen the mlaalnn girl and upon recelrlng hla Wfattre reply they look bar huaband, George Mac<*,ft porter ok tbe'columbla lo cal trafci, and entered the empty bona*. * ""v'- " ' They began an anamination and aoon dUcorered that oae ot the two \ trunka In th? alngle room bouaa con tained both tray*. , When tha other tWi ? V Tbe iow frightened negreu ten the bone and eat lad the poUea. OWa* tfrlght and OKeara P*. T A. Blea awl B. Brown roajxraded Tb? ?ook *? broken, and, under aevera? JOlllowa, tba oflleera fooild tbe body! ' '? * ?<?*? of partt?r decompoai t Ion The jpnaband baa dlaappearad and tonight Coroner A. M. Smith, haa or darad tha detaktlon of J. ?. Johnaoh. He I* ta the city Jail. Chlaf C. B.1 Wrl?bt .axpacta' to kara tbe mtaatnc huaband bwtor* aorali* ? ~ rT_V"'TJTT'7T- ' ? J The Singing claaa eonoert la worth mora than tha prtea <* ??tt?glnn. You al^> help a moat worthy Inatltu tlon by patronising the enUrtalo ! 15 A BRA WI, ?OLDOU ABB HAWACREO " ? - i Waaklngton. March II.? A brawl between'" drunken aoldlara at Tego algalpa Seat Sunday reanltod In til* daatba of Oenarala gar* and Palms and tbe kilting or wounding of II. othara acocrdlng . to a ta!egm*i ro oalyad by tha Mite department to* ?day from American Minister McCrao ry at TMualgalp*. "AT J Xtj McCreery alao reported that tlx disbanding of the troopa Is a& cordance with the psace agreement ?"w\ . I Skattks on tbe *4e Talks tat ?k? Wast End by Young America Mil la In vogue and Pedeatrfln. la tkat part of tfte elty bare to reaort to tha atraata wban a akatar passes. . > ? * J I1 T * ' , I V." ,1 * ' " WASHINGTON'S :: DE ? ; : ? . > '."lei' . . #,< I .-??'0 wr ? Si. . . w?,k. Mm* k C*V?t cxwed Bute morning. Ira Hatcher, son o< Char ley Hatcher had Started no Selma to ,m*eC>l?>rother Jo*, of Dttmi. when hl? p>ule becamw frightened u4?m ?wtjr. j Mr. Hatcher *u thrown frbm his baggy, striking a tree art his back was broken, causing hir death Id a few minutes. ?>.?*? ^ rV Dr. Person was called to attend the rpesp )n?|jed s(q punoj mq '?ev> . . .?)w V v "' iJ1 BATTERING THp OLD ^ , BATTI.KHHir TEXAS On boercP the United, States torpe do boat Stringham, Chesapeake Bay, March 22 ? Nary wreckers labored throughout the night rehabilitating the battleship San Marcos, which was yesterday riddled like a sieve and to day by batlfsblp **ew HamphUe, continued the experimental work, of testing the destructive force of qpw armor. piercing shells. >,? Luftfr Temporary repairs were\ affected 1 to main the old battleship such ** r^t f . 11 "f "yM ? ? r? f? ; the Tesaa, gained lame fer her nam* I and glory tor her crew In the battle ' of Santiago,, able to furnish a fitting mark ?or the gunners of the New Hampfthif e. ? t The San Marcos still resU upon thfe bottom, but Is down only feet as she was anchored on the shoal over whclh there was - only twenty seven feet of water. 1 If the plans of 'Admiral Schroeder, commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet carry, the experlenment [ at flt* will be concluded this after booi. p '?**'' yjSfai-'} ?? 1 The fleet will Immediately ateam Into Hampton Roads and make ready for the general target practice which begins on April l off the Virginia " _ i SAMO RUSSIAN HYMN {' OH WAV TO OAIXOWS. The p?r t nil ir of the Atlantic Cout Line WMi ln th. cltr lut ?rflning for the purpoee of settling with the mi ployee ?t UU "Htjffj. 'i, APARTMENT :: STORE An tonlb, Texas. Mai*ch 22.-7 A hat tie \n which -two Mexicans store killed 4j?d?iore than koo sbota wfre fired. has been fought upon American soli' bet ween Insurroctos and armed AmeriWa at CWlo?,^rtn?a. Br*w ater county. Texas. Aa a result of the battle a large number of the United 8Utea regulars encamped la Texas may be moved U* pn the border. Five troope of cav alry rushed toward Chlsos Springs today. ? f According to rfporte received e^ly this morning )>y General Duncanl commanding the department of Tex aa, from Mayor D. Jackson, of Alpine, ninety mllea from Chteoe Springs a detachment of armed Mexi can* croaaed the Bio Grande, attack ing the town and deatroylng proper ty. At the. first ruah the Americana! were driven off the streets. The Mox loans broke into stores looting thertj and amaahlng the windows of private r? wiCTii? / . ^ y ;r ; v ' They corraled nil the lj it ul*| they could And aid made reedy to aaarch back aeross the border when a few Americana who had armed,, The hattl* lip^imU. Twefrbf , Ike M erica n* beat a retreat, firing aa they MUI. ' M ?However, they were able to take! n large amount of live stock with them. V There are a number .of quick-ell ver mines at TprttaQua, near Chlsoe Springs and it la feared that theee will be attacked. The itinera have been armed end guards are patroll ing the property with lnetructlona to lire upon marauding Mexicans upon sight. News of the Invasion of American soil' haa cauaed much excitement ih the manoeuver camps and officers and men express their eagerness to go to the front. Heavy rain fell through the early morning hours Tad before the sun rfee guns were fired, It was doubtful' whether the long hlkee ot the firs* brigade under Brigadier General Smith to Leon Springs would be un dertaken. Order* bad been given for 113 of ficers, 2,238 enlisted men. three wag on trains Of twenty wagona each, It ambulances and a machine gun pla toon with two guns from each regi ment to he in line at S o'clock thla morning. The overnight orders, sub ject to oouat4r*and were that the atart towards I>eon Bprlnga would he made from the manoeuvre- camp. Each man In the line la a veteran regular. Rations were roled out, 10 rounde of ball cartridges to each man and shelter tent*. Extra blankets were also protrfddd In the order to the commtoaanr department. At dlvlsIonSheidquarters Colonel Ladd declared that other brigades would be dispatched to Leon Springs as rapidly as the grounds there were vacated. Preparation* have been made for the entertainment of tW soldiers In camp to keep them away from 4a n Antonio. Thirteen chaplain* have tuiWs, amateur vaudeville and m otton that Japan premier Itt the uukma Canal la waa formerly call tor the Inveatiga Inwrlcan relatione, ?reaau re ciuMd ft Motive title. a ?aoclatlon will be |ie?ur? .abowa w: ' It la noted thi for hike* the bo tual Ferric* id U W today pxpre at thT disclaim camp. The home of Mr; and lira. C. C. Coppedge of WMt Second street. was the scene of a vary pleasing ceremony laat night. The occasion was the first anniversary of their marriage. The parlor was beanUfnlly decorated in a color scheme qt white and violet. I The diniifK roomVwai decorated. In white >joftea, wfetf a oolor scheme of white and green. The honed war, thronged with the many Intimate friends of the hafcpy couple The guAta were reeftlved at the door by Mlsi^Zhdah Watson. wVo Wife U very pleasing gown of blue ?ilk trimmed In lace. She was asslat ? Flower Son#,** and "Traumarle" "were rendered with Jilaa Bertha Van Rook at the piano, and Mlas Gladys Alll good with the violin. Mlsa Van Hook waa tastefully clothed to heliotrope silk '"with pearl trimmings. Mlaa- Al 11 good was gracefully costumed in he liotrope pongee. At nine o'clock, to the strains of **The Bridal Chorus," Mr. and Mrs. Ca#pedge entered the parlor, preced ed by' Rev. R. E. Hoffman, who offi ciated at their marriage. The minla ter In a vevy pleasing speech recount ed the^duties of the marriage relation and in cholca^and eloquent words held before the young couple the proB pecta of the future. He asked of them. If after twelve months, either had cau ae to regret their life choice, and received from each an emphatic negative answer. He then received 'from each ft reaffirmation of" their hymeneal vowa, and then called the blessing i of heaven to attend the!r future pathway. Altogether, the cer emony waa moat Impressive as well aa unique. ) At ita conclusion. "Mendelsohn" waa .rendered, aa a recessional. Mrs. Coppedge looked the bride of a year ago in a-tfeautlful costume of 1 tan nnn'a velffng trimmed In blue sat in. Mr. Coppedge wore r suit of con ventional black. After the ceremony musical selec tions were charmingly rendered b y Mlaa Edna Willis, Mlsa Kathleen Jack son* Mlaa Van Hook, and Mlaa AUI fOOde The dining room waa presided ov er by Mra. R. Q. Skinner and Mra. M. E. Watson, where delicious re freshment*^ were served. s The young couple received many tokena of frelndahlp, and good wiahea At a late hour, the guest departed, r wishing for Mr. and Mrs. Coppedtaj many happy returns of so auaplcloua an occaaion. T| 'S\' V V*>tl Florida Tonatoea have. made their mwfcnce on the market. C* .-.i: vl GENERAL CUNIOi ENSUES ST TRIll Soldiers Have to be Galled in to Qoell Disptder in Court Room THE SUfT OF THE TRBOBLE n' - ' 4r for Cammortots Taunt and Lawyers for thr Prosecution And ? General Clamor Kmuw The Court Room to CWrW A*d Judge Dfllrm Rlpriinami. . ? Vlterbo, March J 1.? Rioting caus ed by opposlhg lawyers during ihe Catomorrlsts trial today caused ' a hasty adjournment of the case and soldier* vere called In to clear the court room. The carrablneer guard found themsalves unable to cope'wlth' the situation and a company of regu lar Infantry was "compelled to batter ttbe contestants tnto submission. The prl^mers attempted to escape from their steel cage but were finally whip ped. 1 The riot was precipitated when Cavaliece Santos, the Crowh's advo cate, made a motion to place the gold ring, mentioned In Satvi's testimony tn evidence. No sooner had the mo t'on been made-than counsel for the | prisoners arose and commenced hurl- J ing taunts and insults at the lawyers reurerenting Oenero Abatemagglo. thf*h~traver of the Cammorr*. 'Writ have told your nobe and you I are unworthy to -emaln herfe'.' cried the Irfurlated barristers. The prosecuting attorney threaten ed to Imprison the lawyers while the Gkmmorrists ?n their cagt* joined' tn the cofomotlOh,' screaming threat s ties., the prosecutor and Abstemav gio. '*? t *. * Abrve them all could be heard Al fano rcreamlng: . . "^Ton are nald bv the Carabineer* with secret funds and we are be'ng led to our murder through, treach ery." The court in vain triedsto restore order. The spectators Joined In the tumult and mad^a rush for the door. The Cammorrlsts battered th?? door of tlae cage, attempting to force the lock, when a number of carabineer* who had been attempting to bring or der from the confusion, detected them and, by beating at their4 hands ? with swords, forced them back, eurs I Ing and snarling to the rear of the The concert by the orphans (s In deed attractive. The program Is got | tan up with much care. The chil dren do their part splendidly. It Is, . a bright, wholesome entertainment. ! Attractive Show Window*. The show windows of the merch ants in the city just at present are more than attractive with displays of spring and summer millinery. Blip, pers, clothing, etc. Crowds can be seen nightly admiring the different displays. Is Improving. The many friends of Mr. B. F. Pe terson will be pleased to learn thst his condition is some better. He has been confined la the Fowle Memorial Hospital for the past two weeks as * '??nit of being burned seriously at Whichards. N. C. For Northern Market*. The Barges 8hindel. Captain L. Bx James; Emma and Bessie. John E. Kllchner, In command, are now load ed at the Eureka Lumber Company with lumber for northern marketa. They .expect to leave as soon as the tug arrives. There wi"Jjfcg"n waion meeting held this eight o'clock it the Y. M. Main at reel between the Tem perance Union andnBHj^ttM^n'a Christian I>eague. SeveraJ^^HB^ ?nd pacers will be reed. hIH will be one of the features. Th^gfn eral. public la cordially Invited to be present. ? The program will not only be en tertaining but interesting as well. COTTON MARKET Lint cotton. 114.00 . Cotton soed, per ton. $28.00. M?NA<7KR FOR ATLANTIC ROTICL. HORKHJ?AI> CWX, K. C. .ilM ifc/'fttarrr ?* Norfolk. V*., March 16. ? The A^aaiiu Hotel at Mofthead City will be under new management for the -v season 1*11. Mr. T. Ale* Baxter a ; native 'of RIdgeway. N. C.. and foe several yelr* past associated with some of the ?oet prominent resort hotel* In the? Bast,- will Manage this famous refbrt hotel. 'It is^stat'ed of ficially, that a la>*ge convention hall will . be provided, and a number O* other improvements and conveniences added. Mr. Baxter will report for duty ttie Atlantic Hotel in March. As booh afe he resches Morehesd City he will proceed Immediately to make the changes and improvements which will Insure the greatest comfort possible to the sue its visiting the Atlantic Hotel next summer. ' A number of North Carolina con ventions will be held at the Atlantic Hot6l next summer, the North Car olina Dental Association will .hold Its Mid-Summer meeting, June 28th, ,anfl the North Carolina Pharmaceutic cal Association, will hold lts^smnual convention at the Atlantic Ho** dur ing the month 'of July. Ah especial effort is be'ng made this year 44 have conventions meet at Morehead, and attractive preparations have been made for their entertainment. those who say but lit E.K.WILLIS THE PEOPLES' GROCER , PHONE 76. Best Sugar Cured Hams 17c lb V CANNED GOODS t5c Lima Be vis 10c 15c Corn - 12c 10c Campbell Soup 8c ISc Tomatoes 't 8c No. 3 Hawaiian Pineapple 22c Rumford Baking Pow der, lb can, 22c SNOW DRIFT, The Hogless Lard per lb 10c Fox River Batter, per pound, tub 28c per pound, prints, 30c . ( ? ? ? WASEO FLOUR % per barrel. $4.95 64c 33c Gem Theatre Tonight F W? ,KA* HOT WW ? A Vrr? dm Met 1 *AX 18 ALMOST MARRIKD. _ AM rKWAX?A Wwlcm Mo tj at Merit. FORBES ORCHESTRA PLAYS FROM 7 JO TO 10-3? P. M.

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